THFH1I3M), nUMJETIX, HBXD, ORE., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 101.1, l'AOF! (I. l K WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR. School Books To be sure of a full line of School Supplies CALL ON US. PATTERSON DRUG CO. i tie . KQttjaJUL .fyt The Most of tho Uest for the Leust .OUTAINSAVATER AT OiKI FEET. ' 1Ti j.i. ooa r 1 wwicii ui a uupiii ui uttu iwi was A. B. Gortson is vIbIUur In towu f rn tn 3 1 1 111 tn a i T .n 1 n Mrs. McKay will entertain tho,",nc,'t.hl8 ok n Uio wolla of Urldgo Club on Friday. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Hoover Is out of town on o C. J. Mock Is up from Tumnlo to day. 0. W. business A party of Sisters pooplo was In town yesterday. Frank Redmond was up from Red mond yesterday. Dr. U. C. Coo went to Portland on business last week. A. M. Lara went to Portland on business luBt week. S. G. Sargont, stnto bank commis sioner, spent Sundny hero. Fred N. Wnllaco and W. D. Barnes wero up from Tumalo on Friday. Chas. W. Ersklno returned from court at Prinoylllo Saturday night. E. G. Rourk, a merchant of Crcs cont, was In Dond Monday on busl- Mrs. H. W. Skuso returned Sunday morning from a visit of several weeks In Portland. II. II. Do Arinoml spent Sunday at home, returning to Prlnovlllo for his court work Monday. Dr. U. C, Coo left last Thursday for Portland on n vacation and Is expected to return today. , V. O. Harrlmnn, forest ranger nt Fort Hock, and Mrs. Ilnrrlman wero visitors In Hend Saturday. Horn on Thursday, to Mr. and Mrs. Horaco Warrington nt tho brick yard, an eight and n half pound son. Mrs. Q. W. Studobaker of Mystic, Iowa, arrived In llend Friday even ing for a. Bhort vUIt with relatives hero., M. V. Holes arrived from Min neapolis on Sunday to tako chargo of the olllco work at tho Shovlln-Mlxon plant. About GO members of tho Illblo class of tho Methodist church, wero entertained last night at a banquet """ entertained last night at a banquet Mrs. II. J. Ovorturf and her two at tho homo of n. M. Smith. Many ennuron went to rornanu on Hunuay now arrivals In Uend, who have Join night. I ed tho club wero present. i WINTER'S COMING And it is about time you begun to lay in your supply of Quilts and Blankets. Cotton Blankets 75e to $2.25 pair Wool Blankets... Sl.SO to $11.00 pair Quilts ..' $1.25 to $5.00 each Steamer Rugslr'$'i.f0, $5 and $0 each (l tjj We also have a new line of Indian Blankets with attractive colors and patterns. - R. M. SMITH CLOTHING . COMPANY For the Working Man TO ACCOMODATE OCR Cl'BTOMEHS o liuvo rccoltod n new lino of inimM fuinUhlngs especially for uurkliiff men. Tho lino Include: hlilrtu, troiiM-rs, nmcklimwN, stjR shirt, underwear, icka ami oternlU. Wo Imvo put tho price down uml Jo " ,K"cr ",,h us. SHUEY'S The Cash Grocer Iltich O'Kiinn relumed from Port land this morning accompanied by A. L. Snuvlr. Mrs, O'Kano remains In Portland. W. O. Fordham and W. F. Arnold, of La Pino, wero here on Monday on their return from a business trip to 'Prlnevlllo. ' C. iL. niiriiH. who recently loft Dond with his "family on account of bis health, is now located at House, New; Mexico. The SVoman'u Missionary Society of tho Uaptlsl church will meot on Thursday aftornoon, 2:30, nt tho homo of Mrs. Foley. J. M. Lawrence spent several days hero last week arranging tho renting of the Lawrence building on Wall street to Edward F. Logan. Qcorgo S. Young loft on Saturday for Suttles lako whero ho will attend to engineering matters In connection with the Suttles lake project. Dorn on September 1C, to Mr. and Mrs. Harney Lowell, In Center addi tion, an eight nnd n half poud boy. Dr. Vandovort was In attendance Mrs. S. Mcintosh leaves tonight for Portland whero she will place an order for mid-season hats. On her way bIio will stop at Culver on busi ness. Mrs. C. 12. Nichols nnd her daugh ter, Ileatrlco Wlngnte, returned to Hend Sundny morning after spending tho summer In Portland and New berg. Dr. W. W. Faulkner returned Sat urday from Portland whero ho at tended tho sessions of the Oregon Stnto Dental Society held there last weok. Karl H. Houston loft on Saturday for Portland to bo with Mrs. Hous ton who wob operated on Monday at a Portland hospital. W. J. Sproat and his land classi fication party, according to tho Cho waucon Press, nro now camped on tho Chowaucan river about one mile rfom Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Staploton loft last Thursday for their homo In San Francisco after spending sovernl weeks visiting at tho 'homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Enstcs. O. II. Tracy, stato bank oxamlnor, passed through town Sunday on his return from La Pino wnoro no nau been to rnnko tho rcgulnr Inspection of tho La Pino stnto "bank. A. N. Jonos, warehouseman nt tho ddnot. returned Snturdny from a wook's vacation spoilt In Portland. Whllo ho was nway his duties woro attended to by P. W. Drown. C. W. Wernicke, mnnagor of tho Portlnnd branch of tho Westlnghouse Electrical Manufacturing Co.. was hero last Friday on business for his company. Mr. Worolcko nnd K. M. Lnr.a woro class mates at Cornell. A. Q. Hcdstrom, a mill wrlght con nected with tho construction of tho Hrooks-Scanlon mill, arrived Inst week from Weed, California. Mrs. Hcdstrom accompanied lilm nnd they havo taken rooms at tho May apart monts. Tho still of II. A Gosnoy against Gcorgo McAllister Is bolng tried this nfternoon heforo n sheriff's Jury. Tho Iscuo Is as to tho ownership of cer tain stock levied on by Qosnoy to catisfy- a Judgment obtained ngulnst McAllister. W. D, Johnson, district forest to pographer of Portland, tins been in Dond for several days checking up trlangtilattqn. work dona recently In the DoBchutcs National Forest. Ho left Tuesday for Crescent on business connocted with this work. Arthur Holmgren and II. Jnmes, who own n ranch near Dry Lako on tho BOiith of Homstnd valley. This wall Is tho deepest In that vicinity. Lew Fields, who appears In "Old" Dutch" tonight and Thursday night, nt'tho Hend Theatre, Is a natural Dutch comedian, having played In thnt character rolo for years under tho name of Wobor & Fields, two of the. best known of Hroadway's com edians. Adv. .Truo Ditto Flour has been n larger seller than any month before. Tho whiteness, purity, excellence and tho acmo of good milling makes It a lorgo repeater. Adv. For your nice homo buy a lot In Houlovnrd Addition. Adv. CliASSIFIKD ADVKUTISIXO. FOR HUNT. RENT, sell, trado or borrow monoy, Small amount cash. For particulars address box C, Tumnlo, Ore 293Cp FOR RENT Small house, neatly furnished, near' depot. Itiiiulro S. It. Hdgln. 20c. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Flvo head fresh Jor soy; mllcli cows. Sco J. 15. Wllllnms, ranch a miles northwest of fDos chutes. 20-30 "FOR SALE On0 bny horco weight 1500 pounds, coming G yenrs old nnd now net of harness. W. N. Hay, Tumnlo, Oregon. 20tf FOR SALE Hy tho Ladles Aid Society, good weight and woll cover ed comforters. Inquire Mrs. O. A. Thorson. - 28tfo FOR SALE Seven room house with barns for cows nnd chlckons near high school. Hurgaln. ITnsy linns. Inquire A. C, Httllotln. 2831c FOR SALE or TRADE Span of marcs, wolght 2000, nnd harness. Nixon. 28tf i FOR SALE C ncres with wator right mile from city limits. In quire A.Z Hullotln. 2Dtfc FOR SALE Span of mnro mules, tli r oo years old, weight 2100 pounds Well broke. Fred U. Wilson, Tum nlo, Oregon. 27-280 WANTED. VOCAL I.ESBONS. Mrs. Harold HopkltiH, grndiinlo of Albany Conservatory of MiinIc, stu dent at Aiiicilcjin Conservatory of Music, CliicAgri, will tiiko pupils In voice. Work with Mm. HopkliiN will bo uccrcdIttM ut tho lilgli school. Soo Edwards for good house paint ing. Adv. Just opened. Glvo us a trial. A now meat market. Gilbert & Son, Adv WANTED At tho Altamont, n cook. . 20tf WANTED Limb wood. Two cords of 10 Inch, must bo good and dry. Inqulro nt Hullotln olllco. WANTED Closo In rosldenco lot between rnllroad and rlvor. Price roasonablo. Hox 323. 21tf A largo financial institution desires to contract with n man capnblo of representing It In Crook county, nnd who Is or can develop Into n high clnss salcsmnn. Communlcntlono hold strictly confidential. Address Miut- ngon-501 Northwestern Hank build lngj Portlnnd, Oro. 29-30 p Remarkable Values in New Arrivals A now Middy blouso with embroidered eyelets. taced front and side. Sold every whero nt $1.25. Wo'vo priced "cm nt $ 1 ,00 A new lino of gloves for men, women nnd children. You'll want to try oiu of our work gloves nt 50c They nro equal to any $1.00 glovo you'll find elsewhere. A now Block of silk waists In crepo dtt chen nnd georgette cp nl $2.75 and $4.00 An entire new line of Lingerie Waists in Voile and Organdy. They nro woll tailored nnd you'll find thorn wonderful vines t $1.25 and $1.50 A new stock of Muslin Under wear, Combinations, Petticoats, and Corset Covers priced at 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c, 85c, $1 & $1.50 You'll want to see our new line of Art Embroidery Pieces. Tlmo to get Iiub)' on them now, Pillow tups, laundry lings, pillow enscs, towels, linen and turklsh, bugs, baby suts, luncheon sots. For the Best Service, Lowest Prices, nnd Up r ' to-the-Minute Merchandise STOP AND SHOP AT w TO TRADE OR EXCHANGE WILL TRADE For cows, 1 tenm of mules, when fat will weight 2400. Ono team horses, wolght 1150 oach, cheap. J. M. Patton, iLaldlaw, Oro gon. 29-30p. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND On Hear Creek road, La dles coat. Owner muy obtain same by proving property nnd paying for this advertisement. Inqulro Ilullo t.n. 29tf LOST Uctwcen tho Altnmont Ho tel nnd M. L. Merrltt's residence, h blue sorgo cont. Finder will please return to Tho Hullotln ofllce and re colvo roward. 28c X Use Self-Ralslng Deschutes Pan- cako flour. It is nlwnys fresh and n home product. Adv. Tho moderate building restrictions on Houlevard Addition will mako It tho desirable placo to own a lot. Adv, Call at Thorson's Jowolry storo and let Drs. I .owe & Turner show you tho new Kryptok doublo vision glass without lines to catch dirt, strain tho eyes or como npart. Ono light solid piece of glass which looks like n slnglo pair, yot answers tho purpose of two, enabling you to do close worK and seo distant objects perfectly. Re member the date, October 1st and 2nd, Friday and Saturday. Adv. FOR SALE at Big Bargain Good lot in Wieiloria will be told at remarlable bargain. For piicci and full pirhculaii kc C S. BENSON, Bend, Oregon. ROIHXSON Sl'CCHKDH MILLER. It. H. Miller hns recently resigned ns trnfllc monngor of tho O.-W R. & N being succeeded by F. W. Rob inson, his nsslstnnt. Mr. Miller Is woll known in Hond, having made frequent trips horo on IiusIiicbh for his compnny. Mr. Robinson visited Hond a year ago In company with Hen L. Wlncholl, trnfllc director of tho Union Pacllla systom, nnd other otllclnls. In certain quarters tho chnngo Ik looked upon an ono of tho first stops toward tho comploto ab sorption of tho O.-W. II. & N. by tho Union Pnclllc. "Old Dutch" nt tho Hond Thoatro tonight nnd Thursday night Is it rol licking, clean cut comedy mid will Jolly you to tho heart, Luw Ftbldtt 1h ono of tho country's best known rhnractor comedians nnd appears In tho tltlo rolo. Adv. GET THAT STAY-AT-HOME FEELING ,-S Win fodmert ft.rnltur.w.1 prop er interior decoration to tut tha i stylotof your architecture vvMiCon. duce to bring jou thU feellnR. - iieVThoiniM Mi y furnUh ' that Jiotv homo and do ll right. , " If wo haven't It, e will get R. CREDIT IF YOU PRRFKH, DO YOU Want MORE FRUIT wi: iiao: IT. ONi: CAR AIUUVKI) 8ATURDAV. .Italian Prunes ...... J1.30 bu. Peache $1.30 bu. Green Tomatoes . . . . $1,30 bu. Apples $1.25 per box Pears $1.40 per box McClincy TbeUCQpMODATlXa flroccr JUST AS CHLAP MADE TO ORDER Fint Showing Ftll nd Winltr Stmplci Dick TEe Tailor Qctning and Veiling Spcilly 4444444''444i44444444444 (StfOSSHOJ r The Cozy RESTAURANT solicits your patronage UUV YOUR Groceries AT THE NCW MOAT mAKKET. Assured Correctness The little nicetici, the hm-line drtxli, the mulcily drtpingi, llie chick poinboji lliinji which only I lie arliiti; cltiijnrn I now about the lil that they raanuladure fiom the raw wool to the finiihml gaiuxnl ihrw and many other deugmnj KCtrti are rciponiilile (or the corrcctnm ol Pure Wool CluthcH pl.5U 10 IpZU.UU Tlie only houw in America that manufacture! fiom ihe raw wool to the nitlifd garment. T).e dupl.y ol NKW FALL GOODS ll iljle how wtthn itxll. Come la and get acquainted with thU line. E. A. SATHER General Store FRUIT IARS Our Prices r Are Right l ( E. M. THOMPSON, The Furniture Man SKUSE HARDWARE CO. Gilbert Sb Son tMB 0 .IJtJUwMfc mmmXmm i