unw w PAQB 4. TIIK 1JKNI), nULLKTIN, IIKXD, OHK., WEIWKSDAV, SEPTKMnKIt 22, 1015. OREGON TO BE I 1 I LOCAL' ANIMALS ARE WANTED Hovcrnl Tlioiitniiil llend Avnlliilile Jlalf Million IoIliirt Mil)' (' to Stockmen- Sheepmen IrfMk for UniiNiiiitly l'rnicriUH YtNir.' Tlint Contrnl Oregon will lio ono of tho lilegcBt sources of supply for horsoa going to tho armies of bel ligerent Kurope, If the struggle con tinues through another year, Is tho opinion of A, J, Hvnns, n prominent horso huyer of St. Joseph, Missouri, who tins been In this part of tho state for sovernl months buying hors es for tho Kronen government. This fact, says Mr, Kvnns, Is not duo to any scarcity of horses in the United .States, because only three per coat of tho horses nvallablo for mil Itnry purposes have been bought up, but In iluo to the high grndo of stock j that has been purchased so far and sent to Knropc. Mr. ICvans and several hcrso men I loft Mondny nlghtf or 81 .IdmcpIi with 100 head of horse, The e, he be-J Iloves, nro probablv ns hlph grade I animals as have gone to the front nlnco buying began In the northwest. Ho Is partlculaily Interested In tho Central Oregon animals owing to their soundness and freedom from many of the blenitshoH found In ani mals which buiorH hove been com pelled to accept In some partB of tho country. Supply In Adequate. Any fears that thn supply of horses In this part of Oregon would lie exhausted or oven threatened with cxhnustlon woro dispelled by .Mr. Kvans whon he stated that tbero woro more available animals In this part of tho statn than any other wJioro he has travelled. Tho fact of thn matter, ha says, Is that many of th n stockmen of tho Silver Lnkn, I'alsloy and Lakovlow districts havu no Idea how many horses they have. Up to this time more than 2,200 bend of homos have loft Central Oregon through 'Horn! for war uses. Thoro will he, ho believes, equally that many more available next year. Ac cording to Mr. Kvans' statement more thnn n half million dollars In cash will bo loft with Central Oregon stockmen before tho close of tho Kuropeun war, and even whon horseH are brought to this amount thoro will be no dearth In the state. There are more horsou available now than thoro wero oarllor In tho year. Many of tho rnnchors who have completed their harvest work nro offering for snln the stork they have been UBlng. Indications are that bidding for Oregon horse flesh will bo more ac tive In the coming six months than It has at any tlino this yenr. Sheep men also nro having n touch of prosperity with conditions point ing to -.it most prosperous senium. There Is now a demand on tho coast markets for more than 12,000 head of 'Central Oregon mutton. Promi nent sheephuyors representing roast firms left llend Tuesday morning for tho country south of llend to buy up soveral thousand head for Immediate delivery. It Is estimated that moro thnn 20,000 hend of sheep have al ready been sold out of Central Ore gon. Within tho next two lunutlis, according to stockmen nriiinlnted with tho situation, morn than no, 000 bond of sheep will pnsa through Horn!. I VVVVVVVVVVVVV VW VWV V WWWVkV nv Is I He's a Well Dressed Man MICAl'SK he has purchased the apparel of furnishers who know tho business of selecting tho most appropriate models, which will bear recognition In any society. This yenr wo have token particular pains to keep abreast with tho latest fall and winter styles In men's haberdashery, and the goods wo nro now receiving will hear your early ccnslderntlon. THIS WLL'K wo are plnclng In our windows for first showing full and winter suits selected with great care. Out hat shipment contnlns tho latest shapes and colors. Wo know wo can fit your particular fancy. Let Us Help You be One of These Well Dressed Men A. L. French MEN'S FURNISHINGS vwatv-'...'- AUXILIARY PLANT BURNS It. V. Ii Ai l Co. Iorch by Flro Creamery Inconvenienced. The auxiliary pumping plnnt of tho Ilond Water Light & Power Co. was dostroyed by flro lato Krlday after noon, cnuslng n loss of about $1200 and temporarily Inconveniencing tho creamery which was using tho plnnt for tho production of steam r.nd hot wnter. Tho plnnt wns Insured. Tho flro wns discovered by ono of tho employees at tho creamery, ap parently having startod from a spnrk from under the holler. Ily tho aid of tho hose from tho electric pump ing plnnt It was cnullned to tho building In which It started. The chief use of tho plnnt wns In tho winter when anchor Ico clogged tho wntor wheels In tho electrical plnnt, and at times when extra pres sure was heeded In tho water innliiB. According to Manager T. II. Foley It will bo rebuilt For creamery uses n small holler litis been sot up near tho Ico plant temporarily. CLASS MI.KCTS OWlCKItS. The senior class of tho high school haB elected officers ns follows; presi dent, Margarot Shrador, vlco presi dent, Buslo Kolley, trensuror, Mario Fox, secrutnry, Myrtle Pugsley. ' , Just opened. Olvo us a trial. A now meat market. Gilbert & Bon. Adv For a good clean shavo, a good hair cut, facial mnssago or n chlno, visit tho Metropolitan, on Oregon street. Adv. tf Pianos DAY'S pianos MUSIC STORE Carries a big line of the highest grade pianos made at prices that will foil the best laid plans of competition. We are absolutely experts in this line, having had years of solid experience. We also carry a full line of popular instrumental and vocal music, and all kinds of musical instruments, including violins, Victrolas, band instruments, etc. We personally invite your inspection if you contemplate buying anything in our line because we are in a position, not only to save you the freight but to give you quality of unsurpassed value. We are ready to substantiate every state ment made by us. Come in and hear free demonstrations of not only the pianos themselves but also the latest music. J. W. DAY MUSIC COMPANY PiaftOS JOHNSON BU.LD.NQ pg Wall Street - - small i'iiu:s iti:i'oiiTi:i. Two small fires In tho National Kprest south of Ilond woro reported to the local forest office Saturday. Supervisor Merrltt and a small crow wont to them nnd tho Arcs woro put out without dllllculty. Tho causes of the fires nro not known. Pool and billiards nt tho Metro politan. Just tho thing for n little relaxation In tho evening. Adv. ,tf. For sign, painting boo Edwards.-Adv. jMaAro your children backward In 05Ksi'hool7 If so. It may bo duo to oyo trouble of somo kind. An education obtained nt tho expense of eye sight Is of slight value. It Is better to obtnln both by seeing that tho children's eyes are tight. Chil dren cannot toll whothor tholr oyea nro right or wrong. Ilrlng them to Drs. l.owo & Turner, tho well known eye specialists, nnd lot them glvo their eyes a most thorough, search ing and selenllllo examination, nnd thoy will tell you whether they nro right or wrong. Is not such Informa tion utmost beyond price If thev do not need glasses, l)rs l.owo & Turner will positively not recommend them. Ono chnrge covers entire cost of examination, frames and lenses. Cnnsult them Friday nnd Saturday, October 1st and 2nd at Thorson'H Jewelry store. Adv Why You Can Save Many Dollars by Buying Your Groceries From Usi Our business Is Increasing ovory day which enables us to buy In Inr , ger quantities nnd by buying In such . quantities wo nro nhlo to save our customors from 6 ,to 10 on tholr purchases. When In need of gro ceries Just lot us have your list and wo will show you n big saving on ovory purchase. W. C. McCUISTON WIND'S HKST (JUOCKItV, 'l IJXTKIITALNHHS TOMOKltOW. Tho DoMosb family of lyric bards will nppenr In IJcnd tomorrow night nt 8 o'clock In tho Presbyterian church under tho auspices of the Presbyterian Ladles Guild. Tho pro gram wilt includo classics, original nnd folk songs. Tho admission char ges will bo 25 and CO cents for adults and 1G cents for children under 12 yearn. IIKXIWIT FOK 1IOV SCOUTS. The local troop of Hoy ScoutB will hold forth next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday ovcnlngs nt tho llend Theatro nt a bonoflt production to bo hold for them by tho theatro man agement. A special rcol entitled "Tho Adventures of a Uoy Scout" hns boon engaged for theso ovonlngB. Tho local troop Is now soiling tlckots for tho benefit under tho direction of Scout Master Hnrtrnnft nnd Dob In ncs, assistant scout master. Special features havo been arrang ed for noxt Saturday's mattneo, with r. trained nnlnial act for tho children. Admission C conts. Bend Theatre. Adv. EVERY BAKING JUST THE SAME ALWAYS UNIFORM Wo have tho secrot of bread making nnd you can sharo It In every lonf that leaves our ovon. Only tho best goes to you wrapped In SAXITAKY pnraflno waxed wrappers. It nssurcs you clennllncsB nnd preserves tho freshness of our bread. Sanitary Bakery and Grocery Underwear Union Suits for Boys and Girls Good Fall Weight Fleeced Lined Per Suit 25 cents You buy for less at Warner's i W'lf7iM X ffr CIIAIIM ASH CLKANLINKSS are both personified in the com plete bath rooia flttlngs which we cult Miow you. Thoy not alone mnke for greater cleanliness and health hut for retlnoment ns well. Though they look luxurious, and nro so the coBt Is not ns great ns you may Imagine. Lot us tell you for how little we can remodel your bnth room, j. a. KNOKimirrsox. IM.l'MltlXU AXI) HKATIXO 117 MluiiCMotu St. lleuil, Or. lltHUWIt IS IIK1IH. TIiono who look to Ireland ns the homo of thn shamrock will llnd It In tho DMuhuteM river at tho foot of Ohio street. Mont O'Donnell has Just hullt a boat house there for his Hvlnrudii liuineli "Shamrock,' and thuiu oii nro. OOMKK TO 11KX1, .(The Oregonlnn. Sept Id ) Mjr. tioorgo K. Hardy and young daughter loft tho city eatordn for llend, Oregon, where thoy will pass thn winter with Mrs. llardy'H son, Xornutnil, who Is In that section for thallium of his health Mrs. Har dy fs the wife of tho mannger of tho rortinna Chamber of Commerco. viii:x auk vor lost? Tho old ifuuttton of whothor n man Is lost when ho cannot find his way homo, or whether, since ho knows nil tho time where ho Is, It Is not really tils homo which U lost. Is up nguln, this tlmo because of n experience which Frtil Frlshlo had last week Airounta of tho ivttalr differ, somo having It that Mr. Frlsblo was out tu thn woods forMJiroe days with nntb Ing to drink hut the blood of u deer ho shot, nnd othvru, that ho waa pono only ono day. Ho admits that he was miming, mm J no, car no wont out Jul got 'lost so heconld pot, find It.lnnlH ii laiappareni mat ue is oiick. ivr liUPlJho wns lost ud perhaps It was Just Opened COMPLETE AND FRESH LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries House Hardware H. E. BAKER Wall Street. Nar Ohio If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or fin ished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. .. A. it If K ' i Anderson Brothers SawMiU ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER AND MOULDINGS DRY STOCK '" KEASONABLE 1RIQES. a ;.v. i :: "H Fall Painting Means Winter Comfort Fall is the time to touch up shabby surfaces in the home, because winter is the time your home is used most. A little money spent now For paints and finishes will make the home brighter, cleaner more attractive, more whole some, all winter long. ACME QVMITY' PAINTS AND FINISHES KU 5 Allies North went of llend Phono Anderson Bros. Ranch. refinish shabby surfaces at trifling cost. Expert advice at our store, by phone or mail. Let us tell you Five Strong Reasons. for Fall House Painting. '. ,." The Bend Hardware Company: 1 A y $ y.;wwiT wnao wwiwiri