kMr i -nrn nuMR-nx. mtsn, onn., wkdxrsdav, septembrk is, ipjb. rnr. n. 5 t THE WISHING RING WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY j 3$ vav. :zvc 5s: 5A$ as: 5a: saSL zj&.Z'jSL JWas Si ; ?A ? f'end Theatre "EVERY SHOW WORTH WHILE" 11 MM lMWTH " WISHING RING Is a hnppy story of the Peg O' My Heart type, de pleting the adventure of a Mischievous boy and a hap py country Jaw, featuring Vivian Martin It sparkles with human In terest the story of "true love runr Its own course It depicts tho most whol -some ntmosphero of a New Kngla id country village. FIVC HEELS. GENTLEMAN FROM MISSISSIPPI Sunday, Monday, Tuesday A fllm of Washington pol itical Ufa built about a spe cial privilege Senator from Mississippi, nhowlng the In tricacies of Washington politics nod tho Intrigues 111 Capitol society. It is Hrh In comedy with hnppj TOM WISE AS THE GENTLE MAN. Ilooscvelt said "ITS 11ULLY." PARAMOUNT TRAVEL PICTURE WEEKLY NEWS FILM EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY COMING The Gentleman from Mississippi LOCAL NEWS ITEA1S T. H. I'olny return -il 011 Sunday night from I'nrtlnnil whore ho attend ed tho convention or the Nortnwcflt JilUht &. Power Association last week. . Joo Itlngii of ('rescunt was In Ilend Tuesday and will visit hero for n Tew days. Mrs. Klngo has been In llend for several dnya and will re turn to her home In Croscont tomor row. P. H. KcriKihan, a banhor of Nnm pn, Idaho, was a business visitor In llond Saturday. Mr. Kornohan and futnlly aro louring tho norlhwest nnd hava 1 11 at tho exposition at San Krnnclsco. , .Irn. It J MeOatin nnd children of Minneapolis arrived In Mend Tues day morning to Join Mr. McCnnn who Ikih been visiting at tho llnlph Spen cer homo. Tint McCnnn family will lociitn permanently In llond. William OottHtelu, Soattlo rent es tate denier, who Ims the salo of Wlc torla properly, was a liiiilmmfl visitor In llond this week. Mr. (lottstoln (jonteinplateH oienlug a local olllco some time In the near future. Mrs. K. A Knolls, who haa con ducted a private hospital here this summer, has given up the work nnd rnturnud to her ranch six iiiIIoh from town, She has rented her house to fioliodl .Superlnleiideut Hopkins. I". J. Hchnnlfir and family left this mornliig fur liidlauapolls, Indiana, wlioro they l 1 1 relI herenftor. Mr. Sehoolor has benu In tho employ of t)io l'lonew Auto Stago &. Truck Co., In co coming to Head tltreo yonru ago, sum; halts mux. Pnssenger and freight trains duo to arrive 111 Uend Sunday ovor tho Oregon Trunk were held up several hours Saturday night and Sunday on I account of a rock slldo on the main ! lino below Fall Urldgo. Tho Sunday morning mnll duo at 8:10 o'clock did not arrive until lato Sunday afternoon. NOODLES Genuine Chinese Noodles Served in Oriental Style at the CLUB CAFE Open All Night I1' -? i" THE ST3 LUMBER CO. Has taken over -the lumber '. J department of THE BEND COMPANY and will con- ' -; tinue the retail business in- .saw Lumber, Building Supplies, ! ,' Cement, Lime, Plaster, etc. .-. $$ ; 'I K w THE .BROOKS CANLON LUMBER CO. d, in flPIB s c-1 KXTKIlTAIXKItH CO.MK SKIT. Bil. Tho Do Moss family of lyric bards will appear In Uend on tho evening of September 23 at 8 o'clock In tho Presbyterian church under tho aus pices of tho Presbyterian Ladles Guild. The program will Include classics, original and folk songs. Tho admission chnrges will bo 25 and GO cents for adults, nnd 15 cents for children under 12 years. Washington, D. C. political and soclnl Ufa Is given nn airing In "The Gentleman from Mississippi" n genu ine comedy of tho snappiest typo. Tom Wlso Is tho gentleman, end a comcdlnn of brilliant ability. llond Theatre, Sunday, Monday nnd Tues day. Adv. rivo cent matinee Saturday after noon for nil Ileud grado school chil dren, llond Theatre Adv. llread, mado from Deschutes Spray Flour Ib thq staplo food In every home, tho chief article of diet on overy table. If once used you will seldom sit down to n mcnl without It. Sco If you wont sny It Is the whitest, and finest bread you over ate. Adv. For n goad steak call at tho Depot Hotel. Adv. p Sco Kdwards for paper hanging.-Adv. Clean up and paint up. See Ed wards. Adv. Announcement The following prices f. o. b. Detroit are now Ford Runabout $390 Ford Touring Car.. $440 No speedometer included in this year's equip ment. We guarantee that there will be no reduction in these prices prior to August 1, 101(5. The uncertainty ot'eonditions generally makes it advisable to defer any announcement of future profit sharing plans until a later date. We are unable to reduce costs for several months and therefore can offer no profit shar ing for cars delivered during August, Septem ber and October, 11)15. , GEORGE F. HOOVER, Agent. THE BEND COMPANY REAL ESTATE E23HZZ55? This Addition is now on the market and considering the SIZE, LOCATION AND QUALITY OF THE LOTS There is Nothing in Bend Real Estate to Equal it in Value. The New Bridge is now completed and opens directly into this property, bringing 200 lots within a half mile circle of the main business district. You will never have another opportunity to buy as close in real estate at the price and on the easy terms we are selling this property. An investment in these lots, means real money. Let us show you why. T"" j ' 4'- D. E. HUNTER- Manager Real Estate Department N""1 . tr m tl if-