The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 15, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    nUnurffAWtw, ,m
special dais at which certain local!-! Business men of Rend, Redmond
Timmlo, I'i-IiumIIIp, SMcn nml Ilifl
moml to Celebrate County In
hibition It l!l i:unt-on tli CaU
cndiir Interest In I-'alri Keen
c;i:.vnt.i. oitKno.v kairh
West Side Agricultural Fair,
- Tumnlo. October 1.
Crook County Fair, Prlnevllle
October C-7-s-.
Sisters Fair, Sisters, October
Redmond Potato Show, lied-
mond, October 21-22J3.
Mr. Central Oregon Farmer Is fnt
tenlw? his prize steer, selecting his
tallest Hnd bust filled Brain nnd
cleanest alfalfa, and chooslnB his
best squash and pumpkins Mth.
Oregon Farmer Is perfecting tho
teclinlftio of bri-nd and enke making
and Is coaching her dauxhtor In tho
arts of domf'sri'- science. Mr. Hnd .Mrs.
Central Orexon farmer are not ne
KlcctlnK thoir children In Interesting
them In prepurlnjr stock for competi
tion nt the w.rlous fairs In tho Cen
tral Oregon circuit this year.
From all reports the farmers nnd
business men of Central Oregon nro
not derelict In their duty to ndvr.nco
everything that will promote the sue.
cesH of the fairs that will bo held In
Crook county during tho month of
October I'nusual Intoroot, It Is
said. Is being expressed In nil lines,
particularly those concerned with tho
display or agricultural nml stock
products Special emphasis bna boon
laid upon this point In almost all tho
premium lists that havo been Issued.
"Lnrgor and bolter than over," Is
tho nlognn which scorns to chnrnctor
Izo tho Crook County Fair to bo held
October fi, 7. 8. l, nt l'rlnovlllo,
"Nothing" says tho fnlr management,
"has been spared to make this year'a
event tho largest and beat ovor hold
In Central Oregon " Indicative of
tho demanil made by Central Oregon
stock men, It Is snlil thnt nil tho live
stock barns, have been reserved nnd
thnt next week It will bo necossnry to
build additional sheds to nccomodato
tho ovnrllow
Npitlnl llii) h Arranged.
Tho fnlr management linn set nsldo art and llowora
ties may display their colors, and at
which distinguished Individuals In
the state may bo honored. Wednes
day, October C, has been set aildo
as Jefft'rson county day; Thursday,
October 7. Redmond. Sisters and Ter
rebonne day. Friday, October 8,
Powell Hutte and school day. On
Friday all school children will bo
admitted free o rharge Saturday
will be Governor WUhycombe, IJend,
La Pine and Tumelo day. On these
oocMlons the towns will problobly
have largo delegations present.
The beli'f In patronising what ex
ists at home if It Is equally as good
a that which may be obtained
abroad has been emphasized In the
recent action of the Crook County
Fair Asooelatln In closing a contract
with ABhlej Forrest of Hend to fur
nish the music nt the fair. It is the
Intention of .Mr. Forrest to select tho
boat musicians In Central Oregon to
furnish the music Assembling these
musicians will begin at an early date
to asMiire their preparedness when
the occasion arrives.
Attmrtiniw to Ito Numerous.
Special attractions which hereto
fore hate not been seen by people of
Central Oregon, Including sensatlon
al balloon ascensions daily and
nightly, fireworks and street attrac
tions, many of which como airecuy
from the State Fair. Negotiations
were completed recently with tho
Warm Spring Indians to entertain
tho crowds with their characteristic
parades and war dances. A featuro
which Is attracting considerable at
tention Is the $100 prize fat steer
which will 'ie glvon to tho fnlr pat
ron guosHlng elosost to Its weight.
Frco camp grounds will be provided
for those choosing that method of
nttondlnV the fair. There will bo
two bate Nail games, Saturday morn
ing nnd hiinday afternoon, October 9
and 10, between n Portland toam and
Prlncnllle PInns will bo mado to
schedule a football game between tho
high schools of Hend nnd Prlnevllle.
During tho week, weathor permitting,
tho Crook county tennis tournament
.wll bo held.
The prize list Issued shows the of
ferings to tio or such a character ns
will probably foster keen competi
tion nmong stock men, nnd farmers
of both Irrigated and dry land farms.
Special offorts this yoar are being
made to run off tho races on schodulo
without delay. Prnmlnont horse men
hnvo signified their Intention to en
tor fast stock for theso events.
Hliters to Cclobnite.
With handsome cash nnd donation
prizos offered, the second annual Sis-
'torB Fair will vlo with other ovonts
of llkn character In Central Oregon.
Tho program recently Issued shows
elaborate, prizos offored for racing
ovonts which Includo various phnses,
hurnoss, saddlo horso, Indians, auto
nnd motorcycle. Provision has boon
mado for nil classes of stock, agri
cultural products, vegetables, horti
cultural products, a ladles depart
ment, l-nliv show, cooking nnd pastry,
and Sisters have been liberal contrib
utors In both cash and merchandise
prizos to this fair.
In order to give residents of ad
jacent towns an opportunity to cele
brate, October 14 has been Bet aside
as Citizens day, October lo, Redmond
day, October 16, Bend day.
Tumnlo Fnlr l)l-tlncthe.
One of the distinctive fairs of Cen
tral Oregon la that to be he.d at
Tumalo October 1, under tbe ins
pires of the West Side Agricultural
Fair Association While there is an
absence of many of the feature- per
tinent to a locality fair, this an-ence
Is more than supplemented b. de
partments of educational value. Ac
tivities for children, Including agri
cultural and domestic science eon
tests have been provided for which
cash prizes are offered. Other de
partments Included are: ladles do
mestic science work, ladles n -edle
work, flowers, pantry shelf depart
ment, potato department, vegetables,
field crops and fruit.
Tho West Side Ladles will hold a
big dinner the day of the fair and
according to Mrs. Fred N. Wallace,
who Is taking an active part In pre
paring for the event, It will surpass
nny dinner evor held before In Tum
nlo. One of the features of the .fair will
he the appearance for sale of the
new cook book prepared under the
direction of th West Side Ladles
Society. The book will be replete
with aids to housewives and helps In
the cullncry department of every
Score of Bend readers rre learn-j
lng tne auty or. tne Kiuneys. io ni
ter the blood is the kidneys' duty.
When they fall to do this the kidneys
nro weak. Backache and othei kid
ney ills may follow. Help the kld
1 neys do their work. Use Doan's Kld
i nev Pills the tested kidney remedy.
Proof of their worth In the following.
Joseph McDermott, Washington
street, Oregon City, Oregon, says: "i
was almost flat on my back with l:ld,
ney and bladder trouble. I wfcs so
lame and stiff thnt I could hardly
hobble around. It was all 1 could do
r to get up In tho morning. My kld
' ncys were Irregular In action and tho ,
kidney secretions were scanty. I us
ed several boxes of Dofln'a Kidney!
Pills and I soon got well." Pi lee, CO
cents, at all dealers. Don't simply
rek for a kidney remedy get Donn's
Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Mc
Dermott hnd. Foster-Mllbun Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv.
Bend Methodist church, having been
appointed by the Columbia Illver
Conference of Methodist ministers
last week. He has taken the School
er residence.
Did tho Old Man flood.
Geo. W. Clough, of Prentiss, Miss.,
Is seventy-seven years old nnd had
trouble with his kidneys for many
years. He writes that Foley Kldn
Pills did him much good. He usm
meny remedies, but this Is the om
one that ever helped him. N0 a 'f
young or old, can afford to neglect
symptoms of kidney trouble, patto,
son Drug Co. Adv. "'
Use True BluoVlour.
Wbttn. ...
hoftnr Minn nvpr. Vnr nilr, i ..
' New Benrd Flour Mill Co. Adv.
The performances of tho steam
ships Great Northern and Northern
Pacific In maintaining railroad time
throughout varying conditions of
ocean tides and weather between
Portland nnd San Francisco have at
tracted considerable comment recent
ly. Tho largo volume of tourist
travellers that was routed through
the Pacific Northwest and down tho
Columbln by the North Bank, system
mid thence to tho Golden Gate tins
fulfilled tho anticipations of tho
Great Northern Pacific Steamship
Company nnd goes to show that high
class service Is necessary lo Induco
tho traveller lo vary his routing Six
teen thousand people wore carried
i'ctween tho two ports during ug
ust. On six round trips between
FInvol, In tho Columbia rlvor, nnd
San Francisco, the Great Northern
averaged 20 hours and SC minutes,
southbound. The tlmo of combined
train and steamer schodulo between
Portlnnd and San Francisco was as
low ns 30 hours nnd 21 minutes. On
ono trip of one of tho ships 3871
barrels of fuel oil aro burned. On n
single sailing thero have been 73G
pnrisongcrs. In the culinary depart
ment a crow of 125 porsons Is em
ployed to cook, feed nnd care for tho
passenger. Upwards of 20,000 meals
are furnished weekly. Tho ships glvo
trl-weekly service
Schools Mny Ilnr Children.
Common colds are contagious and
boards of health In many cities are
considering barring children with
colds from school. Foley'a Honey and
Tar Is an old nnd reliable family
medicine and frees children from
coughs, colds, croup nnd whooping
cough. Parents may save trouble by
giving before school opens. Patterson
Drug Co. Adv.
Issued by Crook County Abstract Co.
Oregon Trunk Development Co. to
Howard Cox, Its. 9, 10, blk. 1, Water
way add., Redmond; It. 10, blk. 1,
Grandvlew add, IJend $600.
Pearl M. Strong to J. E. Arm
strong It. G, blk. 14, Imperial.
Mablo R. Mustard to G. L. Dickey
Its. 1, 2, 3, blk. -3, Deschutes add,
U. S. to Mary L. Hoovor s4 sw,
nw sw 12-18-12.
Sheriff to Frnnces D. Kennedy It.
4, re sub blk. 24, Bend, $1244.09.
S. L. Staats to, Sam' I A. Blakley
Its. 11, 12, blk. 7, Deschutes.
C. V. Sllvls to Sam'l A. Iilnkley Its.
11, 12, blk. 7, Deschutes.
Elizabeth Wnllaco to Teresa Nich
olas nV4 blk. 13, n ',4 blk. 28, WIes-torla.
Newspaper Man Recommends It.
It. R. Wentworth, of tho St. James
(.Mo.) News, writes: "A sovero cold
settled In my lungs. I fenred pneu
monia. Foley's Honey and Tnr
straightened mo up Immediately.
I recommend this genuine cough and
lung medicine." Right now thous
ands of hay fever nnd asthma suffer
ers nro thankful for this wonderful1
healing nnd soothing remedy. Pat
terson Drug Co. Adv.
The United
Storage and Forwarding
General Commission
All cigarettes ore pure,
purity nlono doesn't mnke a
cigarette SENSIBLE.
t Wo don't know of a nlnglo
ono of our competitors who
doesn't mnko his cigarettes of
puro tobacco.
1 But a puro cigarette that
didn't tast e just right wouldn't
do for you, would it?
B And to bo really sensible a
r B cigare,tto must give you more
pkmfRZ kunuii&n purity and a Good taste.
f( ANY ClTAr
It must bo cool and friendly
to your throat and tongue.
And it mu3t leave you feeling
fine after smoking ull day.
Fatimas are not tho only
cigarette that mcasuro up to
nil theso requirements. Thero
arc other sensible ones.
But Fatimas seem to havo
a big margin in their favor on
their good teste. Otherwiso
they could not outsell all other
cigarettes costing over 5c.
You can't tell whether they
will just suit your taste until
you try them. '
At tho same time, you can
easily prove how ae nsibla
they aro by theso two tests.
Most men who trv Fatimas
Bay"GoodI?ye"to all other
cigarettes right away. That's
why Fatimas sell so fast.
Why don't you try Fatimas
today ?
FA 77V wf tki Ox dtantlt
AwrJtJ Ikt tlmnJ Viu al lit Uif
daw tuxu mtnnMifnJl A.rjjri.w,
rkv. w. r. ki:aov arrivks.
Rov. W. F. Keagy and fnmlly, for
merly of tho Methodist Episcopal
church of Sunnysldo, Washington,
nrrlvod In Bond Inst Friday. Mr.
Kongy will occupy tho pulpit of tho
Tho United Warehouse Co.
A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon
I C SDhHhctivah 'individual 1 C(
IRON. No fire needed,"
no change of irons, no
delays. Get a Rite-Heat
Iron at only
Guaranteed forever, costs
but 6c an hour to use it.