JV- 3 Tltn BIJAD lWIiVRTMi DKNIJ, OltE., WEDNESDAY, SEPXEMDEIt'lOt 101B. THE BEND BULLETIN (Published Every Wednesday) 0IS01l,Qi: PALMUIt PUTNAM day nlKht at tho Ilend Theatre, To- 10 cents a dance; 3 dances, 25c adv nlKht. "Serenade" by Franz Drdla and Sunday night "Lloboufroud," by Just opened. A now meat market. Qlvo us a trial. Gilbert & Son. Adv Fritz KroUler. Adv. Publisher 1 ' nODEHT W. SAWYEIt Managing Editor An Independent nowBpnpor stand ing for tlio Hiitiaio ttoal, clonri uuul ness, clean polltlrH and tlio beat In lerostR of Jlelid and Control Oregon. Uno year J1.50 Blx montlifl 80 Tbrco montliH CO WUDNi:8DAY, SEPT. 1C, 10in. TO MEItCIIAMtf OK WIND. I)o not give credit to onyono ask ing for It in my nnnio. Cash nlwaja nccompnnjH ni order. SAM IlHOllACIlEIt, Qon'l Merchandlfo, Mllllcan, Oregon Millinery Display For a good clean shave, a good hair cut, facial massage or a chine, visit tho Metropolitan, on Oregon street, Adv. tf Pool and billiards at the Metro politan. Just tho thing for a little relaxation In tho ovcnlng. Adv. tf DANCE IIV IIEXI) HAXM. Don't forget tho dimes to lio given by tho Ilend band at Tumnlo Satur day nli(ht. Iho band will furnish music all ccnlng. Admission free, AT Tor sign painting see Edwards Adv. UEND AND THE FAIIt. i 'N'what do you know about that big mill going In at Ilend?" This waH n nucstlon asked recently of tho at tendant nt tho Information booth In tho Oregon building at tho Snn Fran cisco fair, nc.ordlng to tho ytvaa bul letin Just recclvid Tho question was ono of nearly 100 listed to ohow tho variety of itiNulrles made at the booth. If tho Commercial Club cares to havo anyone know about "that mill," which by tho wny, should bo rovlscd to read "those mills," It ought to get busy and make It possible for tho at tendant to point to a pile of circulars find say, "You can read all about llond and tho suu mills In thoso leaf lets. Tnku ono." War purchases pro taking tho best of Central Oregon's horses, and at attractlvo prices Ah already pointed out, there Is excellent profit for flinnn wlifi u 111 nilftn Hhpnn iniciri n small Kcnlo, 1 1 1 1 limited acres, as won ns ror tho nigger siioopmnn. Ann thoso who have handled hoga with good Judgment lmo round them profitable. In theso three Industries then raising of horses, sheep and ho'gs, Central Oregon certainly has most excellaut opportunity to pros per, and every encoiirngoment should bo given thu man who devotes him self to such four footed crops. Our best line of farm development lies in this direction, with dairying added. Tho Interest rate on our Qormnu notes Is high compounded In tho losses of tho I.usitanla, (lullllght, dishing, Hesperian, Arabic and tho others. When will thoy fall due7 idWto hir PLANNING A MODEh HATH HOOM Is not what many plumbers do, they usually do what work there Is to bo done, without any thought of tho best arrnngoment. In this wo aro an exception. It desired wo will plan tho bath-room throughout, and submit snmo for your npproval before beginning work. Wo do plumbing work of nil kinds, nnd Bhould bo glad to havo you call on us whon you need nny such work dono. J. A. ENOEHUETSON. PliUMHING AND HEATING J 17 Minnesota St. Ilend, Or. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS District Forester Ccorgo II. Cecil ofPortland was a visitor In llond on Wednesday nnd wub taken over pnrts of tho Deschutes Forest by Super ior M. h. Merrltt. F. T. Parker loft last night for Portlnnd nnd Astoria where ho will spend his wicutlon. Mrs. Pnrkor wont to Portland with him mid will return later this week, (ieorgo S. Young wont to Buttles l.nKo Huturdaj, returning Monday. Ho brought back w'lth him u Dolly Varden might In llliio lake, weigh ing four and a half poundH. Mrt nnd Mrs George It Stapleton, who havo boon visiting with Mr. nnd MrH. J. A. Eastos for tlio past two "weeks, XvllI leave tomorrow morning for their homo In San Francisco. Ituv. E C Nowliuin, pastor of tho Prlnevillo Mothodlst church nnd for mer!) of Ilend, and Mrs Nowhnm, were vIhIIoih In Ilend Sunday. Itev. Now hum occupied tho pulpit of tho local Methodist church Sunday even ing. Mrs II O Ellis loft on Thursday n enlng on n lslt In tho east during which Hho will attend her parents golden wedding anniversary In Hook er, Oklahoma, on October 0. She will also Ult friends and relatives In Denver and Chicago boforo her re turn. Mr. and MrH. J. A. Enstes enter tained at dinner Inst Prldnj evening cumplliueutar) to Mr S. J. DiiIh of Portland and Mr. and MrH. George It. Stapleton of San FriiuoUro. Those Invited were Mr. nnd Mis Itobeit Gould and Mr and MrH. II. II. Do Ariuoiid. John Cunulnghnm lmH rented tho Tniiso) frauio house In Kenwood nnd with Mrs. CunuliiKhnm hnu moved up from Tuinalo In order to bo nearer his woik Hh him iionrl) Mulshed tho Prliiglo houmt on Greenwood avenue and ih Just liAgliinltig on tho Earn house In PlnelMi. GiMiruo McKlrov, ono of Portland's talented vIoIIiiIhIh, h vIsIHiik with ChiMiter C'ltlou this week, nnd has been ldnMiiK at the llond Theatre Mr MrKlro)N father Is director of tho well known McElroy'H Park Jlnml In Portland. Teat holism) havo been put up on tho bank of ,'ie river above the Hov . Stout odg li r Net rtu U lliudv tbo sou or George I. Hardy, manager of I... p.. i H. in. I Plinmliiir nf r'litiimuri'O Mm Hardy W oxpeoled to nrrlvo soon , to vihii nor son woo m uero mr im lumlth. Conatruetlon was bogun this week at tho Drtvls haku ranger station In tho forest reserve on tho govorn iaent'8 111 mllo telophono lino to tho Wlcklui) ranger stutlon. Whon this lino Is completed tho local fortwt i ntllco will bo In touch with every station on the reserve and can com municate with thorn ovor ItB own linos. , Thoso liking a wholesome drama reploto with human Interest concern Ing tho lives of two joung Now Eng land j'ouths. will have thin dooiro satlstled In witnessing "Tho WlshUig nine" t the llond Theatre tonight and Thumdny night. Adv. , Mr. O W. Shrlner. who lino hoenf Horlously 111 for tl ' woo. Wt Sunday for San Francisco, bolug nc, rompanUnl n far an Portland by her husband' Mru Shrlner was danger ously 111 Ut V;4f J'. nMd " ? expected for a Hmd thrit alio would tint rocovor Sho recovered sufficient y, however, to make -tho trip ta, California whero alio will romaln in til tier heHh la roaUuod. . t CloorKe McKlroy of Portland will jivo ok yXoi9l9,WJU,iLSflA.8.un. New Books Just Arrived' Our new stock ofliigh school and grade school books have arrived and your or der may now he filled. We also have the pleasure of saying that our line of school supplies has no equal in Bend, and that your wants may be satisfied with the stock we have. 1 I Owl Pharmacy WRIGHT HOTEL SAMPLE ROOM Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 21, 22,23 v .ftr fj Just Opened COMPLETE AND FRESH LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries House Hardware H. E. BAKER Wall Street. Near Ohio New Fall Millinery r JITE Witt display a line of New Fall Millinery in YV Bend on the above mentioned dates that cannot be surpassed in style, quality and individuality at anything like our prices, which will appeal Co all. Each hat is a snappy, up-to-date number, with its own individuality, and for our customers' protection We only sell one of each style. Mhi Butler, our sales lady, will consider It a favor to have you call and give her an opportunity to shot) the line. fynch fe Roberts rVkn THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES AND LOWER PRICES t-' i -vw Redmond, Oregon I Anderson Brothers Saw Mill ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER AND MOULDINGS DRY STOCK KKA60NAI1LK PRICES. 5 Allies Northvveat of Uond. ' Plinne Anderson llron. Ranch. RPNDUP ar m WW- m7 m WMMM PENDLETON. QRHGON SEPT. 23-24-25. 1915 EXCURSION FARES i Jill WMBe I p Hit I Going to Paint? "Wild ni Wonderful POKY CXPKSS RACt9 BMMCHO BUSTWa tNCHANS, COWBOYS OUTtAWHOftM Get Ftrw ilbj Particular Furious and Exciting tWw CMittUnte far Ottcy 0M Caanlaiu, au aM U. hoU ywi xmKmukI FnAt0-W.R.&R If it's the house, barn, fence, kitchen floor, walls or anything else, we will gladly tell you what kind to use, quantity required, the cost, and how it should be applied. We have ACME QUALITY Paints, Enamels, Stains and Varnishes for refimshirjg any shabby surface indoors or outdoors. Glad to show colors and offer advice whether you decide to paint or not. The Bend Hardware Company " i ii lu. , .w.iirJ.i.iWi,iiiii T "' . i I 1 A 1 M r j "r-"srrsssijKwoaSJB(si!r3aea siaBaKBecr"arr-itnriww.