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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1915)
Mn m ;;&- THR nEND BUIiLKTlN, DENT), ORE., "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER IB, 10HJ. PAOE 3. n. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Karkof Wheat is Recommended; Plow Early for All Spring Crops JHhCINtl OAIS1.S MANY FAIMHKS. EXPOSITIONS KOIIKIIT II. GOL'1,1) II. C. KIjMS Attorncynt-I,av Vnttcil States ComiiiUvloiier First National tlnnk Dulldlng 1JKND, ORROON NOW AT THEIR BEST Civil Ilnglnecr Pond Oregon w lly Cminty Ari tciiltiuKt A. II. Low-it NgiitrtH-ii ijirfli m u u Experiments with fall whoat on tho experiment stations In Eastern Ore gon lmvo shown that tho Khnrkof wheat Is tho host fall wheat for this section. Profensor H. D. Scudder, j,c-vtl of tho Agronomy Department of tho agricultural collcgo nt Corvullls, recommends tho Khnrkof or Tmkoy Hod wheat for this section of tho date, and lias placed tho Khnrkof ahead of the Turkey Hod, It also be ing a Turkey wheat. Tho Hend Flour Mill Company, of Hend, Oregon, has co-operntod with mo In securing this seed for Crook county nnd adjacent counties. Not hrvlng fundB on hnnd for tho pur chaso of soods or nny kind, tho only method posslblo for mo to uro In so curing best seeds for tho fr.rmcrn of this section Is tjo obtain tho co operation of some business houso In our territory who will purchaso nnd sell tho seed to tho fnrmors nt a low margin of profit. This Is tho nr rangomont mado with tho Hend Flour Mill Company, and Judging from not only tho results obtained on tho ex periment Btctlons, but also results obtnlnod In Crook county tho past reason, I feel 'that I can recommend this vnrloty of wheat for fall plant ing to our farmers most highly, Fall whont should bo planted on well propnred miminor fallow on tho drny lands, and on a well packed seed bed on Irrigated lands. Fnll seeding Is not of ns much Importanco on Irri tated lands ns It Is on dry lands. The success of spring wheats, tho Early Ilaait and Marquis vnrlotloa, obtain ed for tho farmers In tho samo man ner last spring, lmvo given excellent results gonornlly throughout this section. In my opinion, tho Khnrkof rs a fnll whoat, will glvo equally sat isfactory results. I lmvo sovoral times mentioned tho necessity for early plowing in Con trnl Orogou, most especially In Crook county. Llko many of tho other methods advised by good farmers and by collego men, very fow fnrmcis put ! these things Into practice In talk ing with farmers In ovury section of the country, t nnd that they do not disagree or disapprove of thoco bot- . .new ous, uut Tor souio reason fall to put them Into practice. I wish It wero possible for every farmer In this county to go with mo to Lirms mid fields which will prove conclus ively tho ahn of fall plowing, or at cast of plowing tho land nt least three months before tho crop Is to be planted. Outsldo the misuse of irrigation water, h'to plowing has cr.used more failures In Crook coun ty this season than nny other farm practice. This stntomont Is not meant to apply to destruction of crops by pests of various kinds. Throo of tho most no?essary requlromonts for tho preparation of a good seed bed In Crook county soils nro tho discing of tho land as soon as crop Is harvested, plowing of tho land In tho fall If possible, and following tho plow with a good packer. If tho land can not bo plowed In tho fnll, ns Is sometimes found under dry land conditions, It should bo plowed as early In the spring Jis possible nnd again the plow followed by the or. In many cases, but not by any means In overy caso, simply discing tho land In the fall or early In the spring would bo much bolter thnn the plowing of tho land within a fow weeks beforo planting tho crop. Even summer fallow land will provo of greater benefit If It can bo disced and plowed In the fall. There aro but fow soils where discing before plow ing will not pay, nnd practically no soils whero packing In not necessary Immediately following tho plow. I would urgo every farmer to provo to his own satisfaction this year tho vrtluo of tho suggestions hero mado upon his own land by trying thorn out on a strip through tho field upon which crops nro to bo planted next spring, or upon summer fallow of next season. RAIN HEM'S ROADS. Reports from travellers who havo been In Hend slnco tho recent rains say that tho roads havo boon much Improved, nnd ospeclnlly Is this truo of tho Bond-La Pino road which has been In an nlmost lmpnssable condi tion for tho last two months. Tho nuto-stago trucks which havo found dlfllculty In operating on account of bad roads havo again been put In operation botweeu Hend nnd Sliver Lake. CALIFORNIA TOURS $4110 w? PfllV From Bend Oregon Trunk Hallway, Tho North llank Road and the palatial G-deck steamships "Northern Pacific" nnd "Great Northern" between Portland end San Francisco overy Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fares Include meals nnd berth on ships. Itnll rates samo without mealB and berth. ROUND TRIP RATES EAST Direct or circuit routes to any point In Unit ed States or Cannda dally until September 30 Ito turn limit October 31st. Chicago, direct, $72,G0. Minneapolis. St. Paul, Duluth or Winnipeg, $G0. St. Louis, $71.20. Now York, $110.70. Go one way via California at slightly higher rates. Stop overs on through one-way or round trip tickets to oeo the expositions. SALEM STATE FAIR HEPTKMIiEK 27 TO OCTOIIEH SJ Plan Now to J Dully Hound Trip I'liit-n Prom Cent nil O logon Point l Oregon Trunk Hy., In Effect September li:i to Oc tober 'J. .1. II. COIUIETT, Agent, Hend, Oregon rw izi. ltf ;Tlr?, I 5?? HIIll'lllllHly TEACHERS HOLD PICNIC. Dosplto the chilly evening, tho teachers of tho Bond public schools enjoyed an evening picnic dinner last Friday evening on tho banks of tho river. A lingo bon lira was built around which the party gathorod for lunch. Those present woro: Super intendent and Mrs. II. L. Hopkins, Mr. nnd Mrs. V. A. Forbes, Misses, Mabol Lorcnce, Holen Manny, Mnr garet Davis, Lucllo McKay, Lillian Cooper, Mao Rltchto, Pearl Hlghtow or, Nelllo Pattlson, Gertrude Hanks, Mrs. J. D. Duvldsun nnd G. It. Whlto. TO KI CHIT RAHIHTS. Action to co-operato with farmers In tho vicinity of Ilond In exterminat ing tho Jack rabbit post was takon nt iMlrtwTv .ta. wlcBWBBIBteiti ."MMf aa. fmjKm laBt Saturday's session of tho Com mercial Club hold at tho Hotel Wright. President Koycs appointed a committee consisting of County Commissioner II. J. Ovorturf, F. Dement nnd C. W. Erskluo to com munlcnto with tho County Court to ascertain whether funds nro available to carry out tho campaign agnlnst tho rabbits. The next luncheon will bo at the Pilot Uutto. , Tho Now nend Flour Mill Co., Is now manufacturing Deschutes Sclf Italslng Pancake flour. Ask your gro cor for It. Adv. PHINHLH HUYS CJARAOE. A. M. Prlnglo, manager of the United Warehouse, this week an nounced that ho had purchased tho Interests of Louis Doonnr In tho Hend Garage, and that plnns will soon lio mado for Improvements In thu establishment. CHURCH NOTICES. Church of tlio Brethren. Services each Sunday near high school building. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 n. m. A cor dial Invitation is oxtended to nn. Ira II. Fox, minister. Methodist. Preaching service at tho Methodist Episcopal church 11 it. m. and 7:30 p. m. Tho public Ih cordially Invited to nil services. Frnnkllu W. Kcngy, pastor. A mighty good doctor says to me once: "When it comes to curin ' folks, Nature is the real M. D. I'm only her assistant. ' ' That's the way I feel about curln ' tobacco for VELVET. (00 IT'S hard to show Nature any- thing about curing tobacco. So we have adopted Nature's own way to make VELVET the smoothest smoking tobacco slow, patient ageing. Men may "process," but they can't put into tobacco any finer pipe qualities than those -Kentucky's limestone soil so richly gives to the Burley de Luxe. But these qualities can he improved. They are brought out in their fullness in the aged-in-the-wood mellowness of cool, slow-burning VELVET. For two years the finest Burley leaf remains in sealed wooden casks, and then only is it ready to be made into VELVET. Get your tin now jolm the growing ranks of the army who have found VELVET tobacco a delight without a single drawback. Send a 2c stamp for "Pipe Philosophy" a book of Velvet Joe'a philosophy and verse. 10c Tin. -gtaSWXe K Ml.lined Bar St. Louw. Mo. One Pound Glass Humidors Copyngi 1915 L I'lesbjlcrlnn. Services nt tho Proshytorlnn church next Sundny aro ns follows: Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Preach ing nt 11 n. m. Tho tlienut for this service will bo "An Imprognahlu Po sition." Preaching nt 7:30 p. in., at which tlmo tho pastor will Hpcnk from tho thomo: "A Sunlit Church." A cordial welcomo aw nits tho stran ger whom wo nro nlwios glad to greet. II. C. Hnrtranft, pastor. Many Complaint Hrnrd. This siiimuor mar? persons com plaining or headaches, lamo hacks, rhoumatlsm, bllllouBiiess and of be ing "always tired." Aches, pali.s and ills causod by kidneys not doing their work ylold quickly to Foloy Kldnoy Pills. Thoy help elimination, glvo sound sloop nnd make you feel bet tor. Pattorson Drug Co. Adv. Pro Deschutes Spray Flour. Whit er and better than ovor For snlo by Tho Now Hend Flour Mill Co. Adv. "MONEY" Tho mint makes It and under tho torms of tho CONTINENTAL MOHT CAH1J COMPANY you ran securo It jt C per cent for any legal purpose on approved real cstnto. firms easy, tell us your wonts and wi .will co operate with you. PETTY Ji COMPANY r,lt Pentium Ilulhllng Denver, Colo. f oThe rescue wiirairarTTn ir"-" "-"-' WHO fhl LAUNDRW A ear. .... W. will gar your llntn. but you rauil oot wuu rnucb tlm. ftttloz our rcu. band t work LOWPRICGS, IJETTGRSnRVICn Bend Steam Laundry" AND DRY CMJAMNd V. W. PAULKNEIt, D. M. D. I) K N T I S T Olllco Ovor Postoillco Ilcnd, ... Oregon Dlt. 10. HKA XOltltlH Phjslcliiu and .Surgeon Olllco Snthor Dulldlng Microscopic and X-rny work Tol. lllnck 271 Hours: 10-12 a. m.; 2-4 p. m. 7-9 p. m. WILLAItD H. W1UTZ Ij a v y k h Prlnovlllo, Oregon. O. S. BENSON Attorney At Law Douson Dulldlng, Wall Street Hend, Oregon, VEnNON A. FORU1SS t a w y i: n First National llank Dulldlng Ilond, :-: :-: Oregon OilOROU 8. YOUNO Chll nnd Irrigation Engineer. U. S. Mliicriil Hunoyor. Room 5 First National Hank Dulldlng J. H. Doll A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Succossors to Tho J. II. Ilnner Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstrncta InRurnnco 11. II. Do A It M O N D liAWVIlR Oregon Street, Pond, Orogon DR. J. 11. CONNARN I V. S' T I S T Offlco In Snthor Dulldlng. Houri, 9 to 12, 1 to G. Sundays nnd ovonlngs by Appointment. C. P. NI8WONQI3R, Ilond, Oro. UNDKRTAKKR Mccnseil Kmlmlnicr, Funernl Director. Phono. Lady Assistant. DR. R. D. STOWHUi Niiprnpnthlc I'IijnIcIiiii. Olllco ovor Miller l.uuil or Co. Wall Strcot Horns 9 to ii Phono Ied 01 Hygienic, Dlototlc nnd Natural Therapeutics Chronic disorders n Specialty Dlt It. D. KCTCIIUM Olllco hours: 9-12; 1-5 or by Appointment Dcnn bldg. J. E. Engebreison Plumbing nnd Heating Uentl, Oregon 117 MINNKSOTA KTRI2KT 1.STIMATKS CHKKRFUIAA' FURNIHHKU .lOHIllNO PROMPTliY WONIJ DIHCSSMAKINO Mrs. A. P. With Mrs. S. Mcintosh HK.VD PIA'.MItlNCJ AND HHATINO COMPANY Snnltary Plumbing Stonm nnd Hot Water Heating WAI.I- 8TRKi:T PLAIN AND OUNAMKNTAIi PLASTKIIHR AND CONTRAC TOR ' work auARANTi:i:n II. P. KMITII Dlt. J. C. VANPRVKHT Ph)hli'liin mid Kurgrou Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 n. in.; 1-G p. 7-9 p. m. Hntlicr Building in. I tHIi, J'APLR nCPIUSENfCD FOR FullL.v,. AIWt.RTI5lltC0Y7HE GENERAL OFFICrO NEW YORK AND CHICAGO CPAfr "3 IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIC3 DRAYING Rend Hauling Co. It. N. PAIiMHRTON Wood for Sale Olllco with It. P. MlntiT Olllco l-liiuie Black (til .Jtcnldonco Blmk fM Fraternal Socielics I. O. O. V. Bend Lodgo No. i!IH. Rogulnr mooting ovory Mou day night at 8 o'clock In Hath-, or's Hnll. Visiting brothou cordially wulcoino. Ii. II. OLI0S3, N, O. aiCO. P. aOVR, Secretary. tWMSW r w 5T5T? k JIUI'" nimi! thm . w m-Zl K. . A EBWagfts.-tt" PORnAHUCXiXCN i VACLVTIOV In I'lirlliillil. Willi hide tllps outside, Mill ulto )ou an 'iiJn)iililo ncni. hliui. .Miko tlio Miilliioiimli )our lieiiihiiiiirlrrN. Hrrtlro iH'tlcr. J til I I'M oiiftlfttvully lower. rati:h to you no Rooiiin 91 )( 100 Rooiiih ulth bntli, .$1.30 100 Rooiiin will) Imtli. .tjttl.OO UOO I.nrgo oiiIhIiIo romiiH, Bnlti IH2.00 I.'(ra iii'tMiii In room, V 1.00 iiililltlonul J Koonnir of nil klniln. KopnlrinK promptly ilono, J. A. MacCLOSKEV TINNINO AND Furnace Contractor , (lUttorlnjr, SpoutinKi Cornicoa nnd .SkyllKhU, H. O.DIMICK Carpenter and Builder ESTIMATES FURNISHED P. O. BOX 265 TELEPHONE 522 O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET i acO "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" J3I JEZ3, , iCZJEZ icnnnnz icnt