The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 15, 1915, Image 1

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    . ,2wt. ,- m AKwiml
The bend bulletin
J- U:
El rrrr-
VOI. .!"'
iiknd, ori:gon, avednesuay aftkrnoox, skptkmuer i.-s, jimb.
mill I II I n nin
hval hai bib ::
l -
AWII IJcIh on Ten n( Once Is llullrt.
Inir Rcsldenco for Superintendent
MrCnnn of HnVtlhi Plant II.
K. Ilrooks l'lans Costly Homo
Tho biggest jcnl cstato transaction
closed slnco tho coming of tho now
saw mills to Hend has Just been an
notincoil by Hunter & Stouts In the
snle of 10 ncros of tholr property In
the southeastern section of tho city.
Tho buyer Is Frank Plval, who 1b
connected with tho construction of
the Shovlln-Hlxon plant.
According toMr. Plval ho will bo
Kin at onco on tho Improvement of
his property, orectlng altogether
somo 50 housos. Ton or moro will
be finished this fall. Tho houses
will all bo of tho bungalow typo,
about 2Gx32 In slzo and containing
from six toolght rooms. They will
be modern In every way with stono
foundations and plastcreft Interiors,
Cellars will bo dug under Borne. Tho
lot will bo 00x114 In alio.
Stonn for foundations Is to bo haul
ed to tho building Rite at onco from
tho alto of tho T. A. McCnnn resi
lience which Mr. Plval Is to build.
Mr McCnnn will bo tho general sup
er'ntcndnnt of tho Shovlln-Hlxon
plant. Lots on Congress ntrcot In
tho rear of tho Dion rcsldonco for
merly owned by It. M. Smith, have
been solectod for Mr. McCann's
house and oxcnvatlon for tho founda
tion bogan this morning. It Is un
deretood that n hotiso costing up
wards nf $7,000 will bo built.
Another Costly Homo Planned.
Another coatlv residence Is under
cnntemplatjon for II. K. Hrooks, of
tno iiroiiKs-Hcanion uomnnnv, who
rrrlved on Friday with Mrs. Hrooka
from Vnncouvor, n. C. Tho location
selected bv Mr. Urooks Is across tho
rlvee. In Houlovnrd addition adjoin
ing Plnolyn Park. Thcso lots arc on
thn rlvor with strpot frontngo on two
fldos and command a flno view of
river and mountains.
Tho E. M. house, a short dla
ln",,p t'pwn rlvor from t'n Ilrooks lo
raMnn, hns boon begun, the contract
railing for completion by November
1 Other now houses on tho wet
side of tho rlvor nro one for H. II.
Pord which Is nenrly completed, tho
O'Donnell residence tho foundation
nf which Is finished and tho Domont
end AVIlson houses, which nre pine
tlrMlv done.
On the oadt sldo of the river tho,
I'rlnnle bnuso on Oreenwood avonuoj Clovordale Saturday night, Soptom
Is finished nnd tho RuhsoII hmie la, her IS.
going abend fast. In Park addition
r P. Rrostorhnits has bogtin on n
new liouso for W. C.'McCulston the
foundation bolng finished ty W. P.
Onrdnor today, whllo M. A. Palmer
Is 'ulldlng an addition to ths ad
joining houso recontly Itouaht by
Georgo Govo from J. E. Engobiotson.
ArrnngomontB hnvn been mado
whereby the Hend nand will furnish
music for tho Tiimnlo fnlr to bo hold
October 1st. Tho band will give n
dnnco In tho wost sldo hall this Sat
urday ovonlng and also ono on tho
night of tho fair.
The Child with htr renojr Savtuui Dnfc
Tho Small Bo with his Small Chango
The Lady with her Pin Money Savings
The Small Man with his Small Roll
The Big Man with his Big Roll
The Bank of
f Personal
4H if
.-T7" '
-. $
.i Al' who nre Interested In tho
right development of tho boys -
of the city nro urged to attend
the meeting In tho Commercial
Club room Thursday night In Interests of tho Hoy Scouts. -
The Scouts will glvo n demon- -
stratlon of thoir work.
if. E, Allen Has Journey Interrupted
When Trjlng t Oct Homo.
H. E. Allen wns "pinched" for hav
ing ueen a member or tho city coun
cil of Hend, when attempting to pass
lirough Redmond Tuesday morning.
Ho was taken to Prlncvlllo at once
whoro the circuit court wns In ses
sion. Friends In Hend who heard
from him soon nftor tho affair had
taken place were told thnt ho hoped
to bo detained, only a short time.
Mr. Allen went to Portland on
business Sunday night nnd was on
his way back to Bond on tho morning
train yesterday. At Uedmond" his
Journey wbb interrupted, and ho was
taken to Prlncvlllo to testify In tho
case of Ingorsoll-Rnnd Co., against
tho City of Hend, a Btilt rising out of
tho construction of tho Banltary sow
er during tho tlmo when Mr. Allen
was a member of tho city council.
Council A'otcs to Improve Horn!
Street a Approach to Mills.
Tho city council has voted to Im
prove Hond street as nn npproach
to the now saw mills, a motion that
.tills action bo tnken being, In tbo
words of ouo of tho councllmen,
"rnllroaded through," at a meeting
on Friday. Othor routes advocatod
woro by Cascndo and Front street
nnd by Riverside Drlvo, Tho oxam
Inntlon of tho different routes by tho
council on Wednesday afternoon wns
followed by a very stormy meeting In
tho evening at which no doflnlto ac
tion wns taken.
Tho routes aoloctod follows platted
streets to tho south wost cornor of
tho city, at which point, according to
statements made by J, N. Hunter and
W. II, Staats at tho Wednesday after
noon examination. It wilt connect
with n street to bo opened by tho
Shovlln-Hlxon Compnny 1 o n d 1 n g
across unplatted proporty down tho
hill nnd up to tho end of tho dam.
Dr. Hector Mncphcrson, represen
tative of tho ofllco of markets, U. S.
Department of Agriculture will ar
rive In Crook county today nnd wil
conduct n scries of meetings con
cerning farm, problems. Mr Mnc
phorson comes to Crook county In
responso to a rcquost of County Ag
riculturist A. E. Lovott. Tho dates
and tho places of meetings nro as
.follows: Lower Rrldgo Wednesday
night, Septomhur 1T; Powell Ilutto,
Thursday . night, September 10;
Grango' Hall (Friday afternoon and
tTumnlo, Frldny night, Soptembor 17;
Redmond Saturday afternoon nnd
"Casey" Hrowster, who held tho
Job of vratormaater for this district
for several years past, has been re
placed by Watermostor Konnnrd, who
has bad chsjrgo of tho oast sldo of
the county this year. Tho manner of
Mr. Hrewstor's separation from tho
county payroll Is not fully known,
one roport having It thnt ho was fir
ed by Water Superintendent Cochran
and nnother that ho "boat Mr. Coch
ran to H." by sending In his resig
nation. It Is understood that ho will
contlntio In tho employ of tho lllack
Ilutto company.
Hogeis L'tidcutond to lliuo Hond Un.
tier Contemplsitlcm In Case or
Construction Would Ilciiulro
Heavy Contributions As Aid.
(Special to Tho Hullotln.)
PORTLAND, SepU 14. It Is learn
ed hero from sources which havo nl
ways proved rcllnblo, that tho Pro
ject of a railroad connecting tho main
Deschutes lines with Prlnovlllo vory
probably will bo takoa up again. No
tmmcdlato action Is oxpected, accord
ing to tho Information available, but
3lmply thnt negotiations probably
will bo resumed with Prlncvlllo
proporty owners shortly.
It Is distinctly stntcd, with whnt
sooms good authority, thnt tho rntl
roads uow operating Into Central
Oregon havo no connection whntovor
with tho oftcn-dlscuBsod lino to tho
Crook county seat. And It Is said
ntilto posttlvoly that under practic
ally no conditions would cither of
them becomo Interested In such n
project. Tho present rumor, which
scomingly hns good backing, is to
tho effect that tho A. It. Rogers In
terests contcmplnto.tho construction
of their own road, possibly from Mo
tollus to Prlncvlllo. Rogers owns
somo 2G.00O ncres of plno bnck of
Tho supposition Is that shortly tho
matter will bo broached In Prlnovlllo,
If thnt has not nlroady been done
quietly. Presumably tho Rogors In
terests will demand heavy contribu
tions from Prlnovlllo peoplo In tbo
way of property donations and cash
contributions to defray construction
cost. It Is also stated that tho road
bulldors will Insist upon largo land
donations for tcrmlnnl sites, with ad
Jncont property for lots, etc. Prlno'
vlllo. It sooms, will fnco tho altor
nnttvo of "coming through" most
liberally, or of having tho mill plac
ed romo 20 miles easterly, In tho
In short, as rumored horo, Prlno
vlllp may bo, glvon nnothor chance nt
a railroad. And If hor cltlzons do hot
show a disposition to dig vory, vory
deep Into tholr pockotbooks, thoy
will c'ther havo no mill, or no rail
road at all.
Fire KtartN In Kitchen 'Lute Snturdiiy
Nlglil Imm Is lll'iivy.
Tho Iiouho In Kenwood belonging
to Dr. J. It. Connarn was dtwtroyud
by tiro at midnight Saturday. Vory
little property wns oavud from tho
Humes. It Is undRrstood tho loss
amounted to sovorul thousand dol
lars with no Insurance carrlod.
Tho flro started In tho kitchen fol
lowing the preparation of a meal on
tho arrival of tho Connarn family
from their homestoud Into In tho
ovonlng. When discovered tho kit
chen was fllbul with Humes and It
was lmposslblo to do nnvthlng
nenlnRt tlmm Tlin linimn wnn lnillt t
by J, II. Minor about thrco yoars ago
and was ono of thu most attractlvo
In Kenwood.
j. Bend Hard-ware Co.
sijJ The Company thnt pvit the "Wvar" in lUrdwuro
"W X.
. t I
Optimistic Viewpoint Is Hold by Local
Denlci.s AVIm Experience ltmlvnl
or Trade Many Strangers In
Touu Houslut Is Perplexing
''How's business?"
Thnt was tho bannl question asked
this week of moro than n score of
Hend morchnnts. It wns asked in a
cursory manner so thnt theoo mer
chants would not suspect thnt It was
To this Interrogation cniuo no hes
Itntlng replies. All grades up from
"good," "looking up," "rushing" to
"never bettor." All wero straight
from tho shoulder, nnd thoro wore no
reticent, uncertain, qulbbllngs when
From taciturn C S, Hudson, cash
lor of tho First National Hank enmo
this prompt responso to tho query:
"HuslncBs Is vory good nnd prospects
are promising." Mr. Hudson ro
forrcd to tho lino of depositors nwnlt
Itlg to stow nway their shekels.
"Portland morchnnts say wo'ro
lucky," snld K, M Smith yostcrdny
after his return from tho Itoso City.
"Thoy say that Hend looks like ono
of tho busy places In tho state. I
boltovo It myself. Yes, business Is
I'lelulit Mow.
Nearly nil day Tuesday trucks and
frolght toiims woro backed up In
front of tho loading platform of tbo
United Wnrohouso. "Getting sup
plies out," snld A. M. Prlnglo, mnn-
ngor of tho wnrohouso company. Ho
too, acquiesced with his contempor
aries thnt business was "looking up."
"Travel Is a little hoavler," snld
J. H. Corbott, In truo railroad fnBh
ion, In response to n quory regarding
tho pulse of local train business.
''Tourists nnd now arrivals con
tlnuo to come In," said J. F. Tuggnrt,
proprlatnr of tho Pilot Hutto Hotel,
when nsked whether ho wnB crowded.
"Wo sco a lot of strangers ovory day
and they scorn to keep n-comlng."
. TSVjnd and looking hotter," Bald
I). E. Hunter, mnnnger of eth land
depnrtpiont or Tho Hend Compnny,
regarding tho ronl ostato business,
"Desplto n Blight sot bark n tow
weeks ngo wo nro going right nlmail.
"Orders aro hoavy end business ia
very good," was K. A. Bather's an
Thoro nro moro thnn n dozen moro
inerohnntn who might bo roforred to
who speak In tbe'samn optimistic'
t" x, not basliiK tholr stntoments tip'
on what the fntur mav bring, hut
entirely what elsta nt tho proton t
ny curaorv ohaertor probably
could notH the rhantco In the busliioaa
atmosphere. There am today morn
HtraiiKnrs In Hend than thoro havo
been for months. Inquiries nro com
lug In from mnnv sections of tho
northwoHt concerning tho present na
tivities In this part of Central Ore-
go.i. According to sevoral Hond
liiirflnoss men, who havo been In
Portland and other const points re
cently, no Insignificant nmount of In
tere'st Is being manifested In thu ad
vances being mado horo.
Ono of Heiid's biggest problems,
nnd one In which a majority of thu
real cstnto mon ngroe, Is that pertain
ing to bouses. Every day thin situ
ation Is becoming moro ncuto, thoy
say, in view oi tho arrival" of fnmilles
to send their children to tho Hend
public schools.
Heavy Enrollment dinar Congestion
And Many Xiv Hen In Installed to
Alfoid luri cased Accomodation.
To relievo tho congested c 'mil
lions In the Rend public schools, nnd
to handlo tho largo classes which
havo been enrolled, It became neces
sary Inst week for tbo school board
to tako action to Increase tho teach
ing corps with tbo addition of two
teachers, ono for tbo high school nnd
ono for tho prlmnry grades.
.Miss Inez Penn, a graduate of tho
Indiana State University, nnd last
year of tho Puyallup high school was
selected to toach English In tho high
school. Miss draco Kano of Ontnn
ogan, Michigan, was chosen to teach
In tho primary grades. Hor nosltlon
will not bo definitely decldod until
nor arrival,
Owing to tho unoxpectcd Increase
In tho enrollment It has been neces
sary to onlnrgo tho seating cnpnclty
In many or tho rooms by tho addition
of moro than GO seats.
llonfl Hand Tender to Select Organi
zation of 'M Plccci,
A contract, by tbo tonus of which
Ashley Forrest, director or tho Hond
Concert Hand will havo supervision
or tho music at tho Crook County
Fnlr was closed last wools with tho
Crook County Fair Association. Tho
band will consist or 20 plecos and
will bo composed or tho boat musi
cians In Hend, Prlnovlllo and Red
mond. Rehearsals will liegln at an early
dato so that tho band tuny bo fully
prepared by tho tlmo tho fair opens
October 6.
Mr. Forrest says that thoro woro
several Oregon nnd Washington
bands bidding for tho contract to
rurnlsh music rnr tho rnlr, among
which wero Pondloton, Wnlln Walla,
The Dalles and sovornl promlnont
Portland bauds.
IiKllc'tinont.H Found Agnliitt llAitf
JletldcntH City Iccm Oim.0.
Tho grand Jury sitting In connec
tion with tho present session or tho
Circuit Court Is undorBtood to hnvo
finished Its work Into last night. In
dictments were brought against throe
men nnd one women, woll known lu
Hend, charged with hnvlng tended to
contribute to tho delinquency 'or ft
minor. .lames Weaver was Indlclod
tfnr the assault mado on Mlkn Drag-
leu. J. . iiniiiliaou. negro porter
at tbo Metropolitan was discharged
by the Jury.
On tho civil aide tho earn of Krout
st Interest locally was that or In-Xersol-Rnnd
Company vs. Hend whloh
was triad yealurduy. The Jury Is re
ported to hnvo round n verdict or
$r00 for tho plaintiff.
DR. I'i:itlti:iI HONORED.
Dr II. Forrell of Hend. tho delo
gate of tho Central Oregon Modlcul
So lety to the Oregon Medical So
rletv'H convention held In Poillnnd
lrnt woek wan honoied by that body
with tne elootlon iih second vlco pros
(dent for the coming year.
Ssm? z2jt shlr Vfljy ,ytl15'' syrMf t v sjm"s sywpsytP sixsyi?y XVQ?
The First National Bank
i . j
U. f. COK, Prosldont K. A. HATHKIt, Vloo- Iroldent
C. . HUDSON, Cnshler
Capital fully paid 43A,000
Huipliis m,ooo
Regular bank loans:
Wo nre preparod at noarly all tlmoa lo make advances
to reliable parties for their rofjuiremants,
Wool andshoep loans:
Wo nro NOW prepared to loan money to slioop mon
for tho purchase of ihoop.
Wo aro now prepared to advance you 10c par pound
on all wool you alore lu the Warehouse at Hand, at 8
per cent fur either '40 days or six months.
Sheep men do not have to sell nt preeent prleee urileee
they wish. The money la ready for you.
We are N)W prepared to make loans on cattle fur
nix month, for feeding purpose, hut not on runge or
abe atuff.
We aro NOW prepared to make loaaa ou uood farm
lauds, with good water rlghta, no matter where located
In Central Oregon, the hljtgor the loan the better, pro
tiding tbe proposition It a good one and w,l stand cloa
oat Invoatlgatlou as to value uml title.
Write us for Information. Hank by mall and securo
our services.
D mw d
Takes All Output of (,'ilnin .11111-1.
Contract for Ties I.ct Units Pur
chased Holler Foundations lu-
At Shevlln Plant Mill Hoofed ''
Asldo from tho general ndvanco
In construction and preparation for
building tho most Important mill
now a of tho past weok was tho an
nouncement by tho Hrooks-Scnnlon.
company of tho purchnso of a lnrgo
part of tho output or tho Orlflln milt,
and tho erection or a pinning mill
near the root or Hond street ror tho
Immedlnto manurncturo or luiubor
for local uso.
Tho mill will bo ror temporary uso
until tho construction ot tho pinner
In connection with tho new plant.
Tho mnchlnory from tho pinning de
partment of tho old mill fnrmorly run
by Tho Hond Compnny will bo moved
to It nt onco. A now 7C horso powor
motor wll furnish powor. All tho
cut or tho nrldlu mill, with tho ex
ception or tho lumber nlroady con
tracted to tho Shovllu compnny, hns
been purchased, and as needed will
bo brought In to tho pinner.
Tho nrlllln'mlll will nlso rurnlsh
from 5.000 to 10.000 Uoh ror tho
Ilrooks lngglnc rnnd nnd in, 000 will
bo hewed out In tho woods, n rontrnct
tor this work hnvlng recontly beqn
let to Cnniontcr Hrothors & Cham
borlnln. A portion of tho rails ror
tho rond wero purchased by (lonornl
Mnnngor Kevos, whonjn Portlnnd fa
eentlv, Im hnvlng bought 500 tons of
50 pound mils, or enough ror flvo
miles or rond. Grading on tho road
Is done about down to tho mill. H
At tho mill slto tho work of rr-.
moving tho rim rock continues, thorn
bolng concldornblo yot to do. Work
on the mnchlno shop will stnrt soon.
In nil departments 85 mon nro uow
At I bo Shoilln Plant.
At tho Shovllu plant tho trusses
ror tho roor.of tho saw mill woro
orectnd on Monday ,nid today tlJUi
roor Is boliur put up on tho flliiigT"
room nbovo thn mill. The bollor nnd
onglun room foundations are lu nnd
tho work or putting In tho brick
foot I ucs rnr tho hollers bus begun,
(hero being flvo brick Invors at work
todnv. Morn will be added soon.
Tho pinner mill Is to bo begun this
weok and timbers tar tho box nnd
tho Hiirh factnrlaH nrn nn tbo, rnnd.
Thn pinner mill will be 0,1x112 rout
In size nnd will bo placed, according
to present nlans, on the norllliWHt
enrnnr of the yard liistuad or tho
northwest aa rormerlv stated. Tho
two fneli rtes will run west from It.
At prnt them aro about ISO
men emploved on the work.
A rneepllnn to the parenta of all
Hend school children will lie livid on
Frldav afternoon from 3:!0 to f!
o'clock In the Commerrlar Club room
under the auspices of tho Parent
Tenrhnr Association. A lnrgo attend
nnrn was prrwient at tbo first full
meeting of tho Association hold last
Thin adny afternoon, nt which plana
for the reception wero Hindu.