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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1915)
Tin; mixn nuLM-rrix, iikxd, onri., vkixbsjay, septrmhIJk ft loiri. I'AOK 5. V Ms. k i t fc WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR. School Books To be sure of a full line of School Supplies CALL ON US. PATTERSON DRUG CO. The Moat of the boat for the Least J LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 0. W. Tansoy hjts bought a, Pord car. A. T. Framo Is In from his Hamp ton liomcatond. Mrs. Iloacoo Il3wnrd Is up from Deschutes today. . jMontcllo Coo went to Portland last night on business. Fred D. Wilson, of Tumalo, was up on business on Saturday. J. P. Koycs was In Portland on business ono dny Inst week. Robort Z. Davis of Gist, was In town on business yesterday. for Mrs. Del Parker loft Tuesday iier nomesieau near il.a Pino. A. 11. Ucrtson of Summer Lako was a business visitor In llcnd Friday. .Mrs. Fred Fish loft Tuesday morn ing for lior hoinestcnd near La Pino. C. T. Clialfan and 0. W. Whltakcr of 01st wero trading hero on Tuesday. Dr. O. K. lleers ol Chicago Is spending her vacation In llond nnd vicinity. 11. A. Stover left Sunday morning on a business trip to Silver I.ulto and Paisley. Horn this morning, to Mr. nnd Mrs. S. U. Stoats, nu eight and n half pound boy. New Fall Fashions in Ladies' and Children's Coat s Fairly Sparkle with Individuality. As fast as we receive our ship ments of new models we are put-, ting them on display. The lirst arrivals are now ready for you nnd we will he pleased to. assist you in making your selection.. ". R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY 1M,ANNI.C1 A MOIIKIj HATH HOOM Is not what many plumburs do, they usually do what work theru Is to bo dono, without any thought of tho best arraiiRcmont. In this wo are an exception. If desired wo will plan tho bath-room throughout, and submit samo for your approval boforo beginning work. Wo do plumbing work of all kinds, and should bo glad in havo you call on us when you need any such work dono. j, a. i:.voKimirrsoN l'lAJMIUNO AM) 1IKATIN0 117 Minnesota St. Ilcnd, Or. j2? Fair Dealing j? It ktiiiuli to reason we could not huio been Hucccssful l tho pnot llvo years sen lug tho public unit mo luul treated our customers fulrly ntl fulllllcil etery promUo to them. Wo realize Unit o cannot secure jour ' order unless )on havo coiilldenco uo$ only in our goods but In our Integ rity mill resiton-slblllty to Mwe )u. And remember, wo make a Hflalty of notliliiK but Oroccrlen, and mo make the prke too. W. C. McCUISTON IlF.NIl'S HEST GIIOCEIIV. GET THAT STAY-AT-HOME FEELING Well uppolntetl fiinilture nnd prop er Interior decoration, to Milt tho stjlo of jour nrrliltctturo ull.l eon. , diico to bring you this feeling. . .list. Thompson help )ou fnnih.Ii thut neiy home and do It right. ' 'If mo Imseu't It, wo will set It. CItKlUT IF VOL' PICKl'HU. E. M. THOMPSON, The Furniture Man , Ylf & II. 11. Do Armond nnd Vornon A. Forbes went to 1'rlnovlllo on bustness . this morning. Mr. nnd Mrs, W. D. Clark wero In from their ranch near tho -Tumnlo dam on Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. l-Vpd N. Wilar6 and Mrs. C. J. Moe't ero Tumalo visitors hero on Monday. A. 0. Hqdstrom, head mill wrlght on tho Drooks-Scnnlon construction, is expect oil soon. D. U McKay arrived from Portland Saturday morning for a week's visit here oh business. W. A. Duswell has returned to Bend ntter spending tho summer In the middle west. Robert lluleson of Hums spent Thursday and Friday of last weok In llcnd on business. , A. M. I'ringlo was a business visi tor In Portland Friday and Saturday, returning Monday. Dennis Carmody was in Silver Lake Saturday and Sunday, return ing Monday evening. A pnrty of Shevlln omcinls Is ex pected hero noxt week to Inspect tho work on tho locnl plant. Tho Chrlstlnn Sclenco services will bo hold nt 11 a. m. Sundays In tho futuro Instead of 8 p. m. W. S. rinrdner has recently com pleted tho plnstorlng In tho Cornolla Wilson houso In Kenwood. Monday was a legal holiday, Labor Day, obsorved locally by tho closing of the banks. nnd post olllco. J. J. Rynn hns tho contract for tho hot wator heating system to bo In stalled In tho O'Donnell houso. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. h. Shnw were In Hend Tuesday. Mr 8hiw was doing publicity work for tho Sisters Fair. Miss Cora Sather loft Friday morn ing for Columbus, Ohio, to bo gono about two months visiting wlUi a sister. Mrs. S. J. Davis of Eugcno, nrrlv6d In Ilend Tuesday morning to spend two wooks with hor sister, Mrs. J. A. Hastes. Tho Parent-Tenchor Association , will hold a meeting Thursday after noon at 4 o'clock In tho Commercial Club room. Mrs. I. Mlchol nnd Mrs. Hyde, who havo boon visiting Mrs. J. II. Hnnor, returned on Sunday to their homes In Prlnovllto. The offices In tho Miller Lumber Company building hnvo been romod oled to accomodate J. J. Hyan & Co., ruid C. W. Ersklno. Miss Sarah Perry mid John Mooro of Portlnnd woro weok end visitors In llond. Thnv wuro gnosis of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Hastes. Mrand Mrs. C. A. Warnor spent Sunday at tho Mountain Crest Vlow ranch as guests of Miss Benson of the Deschutes Stnto Dank. Dr. Kenneth P. Long loft Tuesday morning for Portlnnd after nu ex tended professional visit In llond nnd n vacation In tho vicinity. Miss Hazel Hershey, who has boon visiting- with hor mint, Mrs. S. "Mc intosh fqr 80vernt weoks, loft Sunday for Portland to enter school. N. A. Southwlck nnd family havo moved from tho May apartments fo tho houso formerly belonging to A. M. Prluglo In Park addition. Miss aiadys Thorpo, who arrived horo last weok fro pi Portland, has taken a position as stenographer In tho oinco of II. II. Do Armond. Mrs. V. A. Forbes nnd Mrs. E. M. Ward returned Saturday from Tho Dalles where thoy'hnvo boon visiting friends for tho past two, weeks. J II. Eaton, of Union,. n mombcr of tho Stato Tax Commission pusscd through town.ycsterdny on his return from n visit to n rclntlvo at La Pino. . Llstor Wado of Condon and F. R. Edwnrds of Fossil, horso buyers, passed through Bend Monday enrouto to the' Silver Lako and Palsldy dis tricts. Miss Cortrudo Dcshnw, who hi; been visiting with her sister, Mrs. II. P. Manlon for tho last two months, left Tuesday night for hor homo In Seattle Miss Floronco Young left Saturday morning for Wnsco whoro sha will toko up hor position In tho Wasco public schools for tho ensuing school term. C.-S. Hudson went to Portlnnd on business on Friday, returning Mon day morning with Mrs. Hudson who Joined him there nftor her trip to tho San Francisco fair. Insurance Adjusters T. C. Shnnk land, F. J. Alox Mayer and A. II. Averts, arrived In Ilend this morning to adjust tho Insurance on Tho llond Company and O'Korie fires. The Saturday luncheon of tho i(Commorclal Club will bo held at tho Wright Hotel. Tho luncheons will Hereaftor be held alternately at tho Wright and the Pilot Ilutto. ' William Hodsou, George Coulter, Harry Eagle, Edward Hoyt and Dick Piper all of Fort Klamath, arrived In Ilend Tuesday with the view of locating here. Mr. Hodson expects to open an auto delivery In Ilend. Dr. II. Fcrrell left Mondny for Portland to attend the Tri-Stnte Med ical Convention to be held In Port land September 9, 10 and 11. Dr. Ferrell was the delegate of tho Cen tral Oregon Medical Society. Tho convention delegates Include physi cians of Idaho, Oregon and Washing ton. Ilend people spending Sunday nt Ilidslngs Included Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Eastes, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. II. Do Ar jjond, II. W. Skuso, Mr. and Mrs. .V A. Southwlck, Miss Hlghtower, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. A. M Cringle, and D. M. Davis. Mr. and UJIrs. George Stapleton and Miss Sara Perry of Portland were also there wfih friends, - To the housowlfe: You take no chance using a sack of Deschutes Spray Flour. You can lose nothing and gafn rojuch because every tacjc 'is ( guaranteed to bqj pure, clean, wholesome and whiter' than ever be fore. Adr. A. V. H A. M. MKETIXG. Tho regular meeting of tho Hend LodgtNo. 139 A. Jl. & A. F. will bo hcJd"Thursdny evening, September 0 at 8:30 p. in. Work in tho U. A., degree. By order of tho W. M , J. D. Davidson, secretary. Adv. 27c VOCAL LKSSOXS. Mrs. llnioUl Hopkins, gtnduiito of Albany Oonsorwitory of Music, Mu llen t at Amcilciin Consort ufory of Music, Chicago, Mill tnko pupils In voice. Work with Mi.s, Hopkins will bo accredited at the high school, Adv. CAltl) OF THANKS. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hugh O'Knno wish to thank the friends who so liber ally assisted them In their recent tiro loss nnd to those who cared for Mrs. O'Knno In hor Illness. dv. Truo Blue Flour has been n lnrgor sollor than any month before. Tho whiteness, purity, excellence and the acmo of good milling makes It a largo repeater. Adv. C J. Cation, graduate pianist nnd pupil of l'nill Kiitut nnd von .)i-s.-ou, will accept u limited number of pu pils In pluno nnd theoretical studies. High school pupils Mill bo glten cred it for continuous nnd ncccptnblo ttork. Adv. For your nlco homo buy a lot In Uoulovard Addition. Adv. For sign painting seo Edwards. Adv. t Jjist oponcd. Qlvo us a trlaj. A new meat mnrkct. Gilbert & Son. Adv Just opened. Qlvo us a trial. A now meat market. Gllbort & Son. Adv For a good clenn shave, a good hair cut, facial mnssago or n chlno, visit tho Metropolitan, on Oregon street. Adv. tf Pool nnd billiards at tho Metro politan. Just tho thing for n little relaxation In tho ovcnlng. Adv. tf. For sign pnlntlng seo Edwards. Adv. Policies That Protect Tho Mahnffoy flro occurred on August 15th, Paid August 2Gth, by tho HAUTFOim Our other companies nro NQuALLY prompt 1IIWI INSUICANCn COMI'AJJV First Natloiinl Itunlc Building Hiving Contracted (or All tlie WOOD on the Brooli-Scanlon milliitr, I can furrmh any amount piomptly, at the Very Lownl Pricci, (l-Ft. Juniper I'oMs, Jl!jiC 7-Ft. Juniper Posts, Iflc FRANK A. STEVENS " Olbce wuh R. P. Miatcr With overy cord vt wood frco tlpknt In TTlrnntil Thnnlri.. llllV night but Wednesday, X X FOR SALE at Big Bargain Good lot In Wiritona will be told at a remarkable bargain. Foi price and full particulail tee C S. BENSON. Bend, O.rgon. x- K JUST AS CHEAP MADE TO ORDER Firit Showing Fall and Winter Sample Dick TEe Tailor Cleaning and. Pr cuing a'Sprcially r4 The Cozy RESTAURANT solicits your piitrounge it 1 BUY Y0UU Groceries AT THO NRW MDAT MAKKIiT. Gilbert (3b Son UALITY FIRST, our aim in selecting mer chandise for this store. We are showing NEW things every day, direct from Eastern markets. Of exceptional interest to every woman, an extensive line of Aprons just received every style conceiv able priced from 39c to 75 c. Now is the time to select your Fall Dress Materials. Our stock is complete. New Trimmings of the latest designs are here. A visit to this Store will vince you that it is Bend's style center. Complete line of Coats, Suits, and Skirts. Up to the minute in style. Stop and Shop at con- rea 1 w Tho building restrictions Uso BelMtnlsIng Deschutes Pan on Uoulovard Addition will innko It, enko Hour. It Is alwnyu fresh and n. tho dcslrablo placo to own n lot. Adv. ( homo product. Adv, To You From the Orchard We receive daily shipments of choice h Elbetta Peaches and Italian Prunes in Apple Boxes CANNING TIME IS ON IN FULL BLAST m Order now and get the Serson's Best SHUEY'S The Cash Grocer NEXT Saturday Afternoon at 3 o'clock be on hand with all your tickets. The LUCKY NUMBER draws the Com plete 1 OO-Piece Sterling China Dinner Set valued at $30.00. Don't forget the day, the hour and all your tickets. E. A. SATHER General FRUIT IARS Our Prices f Are Right SKUSE HARDWARE CO. ii r L (