The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 01, 1915, Image 1

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    iii':SJ"Jtil nflDffl
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-1 Fl'K-SKINlKffCJlLLE :IIPtk -. f
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Lumber yard swept
Jmilo Work of Tolnnteere Saves
Saw Mill-Heat, Smoko and Cluing.
Jng Wind Hampers Firemen
Building Will Not Iks Checked
Approximately flvo million feet ot
limber, tho dry kilns, shorts, (ram-
lays and sevoral adjacent houses
lero reduced to nones Wednesday nf-
rnoon ny tno nro which swept the
limber yard of The Bend Company.
fhe loss is estimated to he nhout
170,000, $35,000 of which la c'ovor-
id by insurant
Only the most stronuouB work on
io part of the mill crow and volun-
or flro fighters, .jd tho use of largo
nnntlflcs of dynamite In blowing up
imbor pllos and tremways, kept tho
.imcs rrom tho mill and planing
led Horolo efforts wero also mado
ssvo tho yard when tho flro was
Imflncd to tho-nllo of lumber In No
I alloy whoro it was first discovered.
ut tho jna available nro bono was
(sufficient and tho unusually strong
Ind which Mow during tho nftcr-
inn scattorod tho sparks In all dlr
During tho courso of tho flro bun-
leds of pcoplo gnthcrcd In tho
chin hood to vntrh thn flamra
lilto tho road load ne to tliA vard
,is lfllod with, automobiles nnd wng-
hs bringing palls, dynamite, blnn-
Us, hoso and other flro fighting np-
krntus. Although tho yard was
I opt almost clean of lumber within
few hours nftor tho flro started
lies of sawdust havo continued to
nouldor and tho wind still raises
liuds of smoke.
Starts From Waste Fire.
iThe flro started In a pile ot Inch
lards near the herd ot No. 3 nlloy
nm an ember blown from tho wasto
le by the strong wind. The flames
tro first noticed by one of theyard
aw about 3:30 p. m. The saw mm
ilstln lmmndlatfilr buys tho alarm
id soon streams' ef men nnd auto-
nbllw wero rushing tetthtf yard.
nbng"the most actlm" eVtfce velun-a
Drs was
J. P. Dion and. hls'crew
Dm the
Dunviin-iiixon mill cuu
nctlon. '
I First efforts were confined to the
e plle in alley No. 3, and for a
he It wss thought that tho blaze held. With a small Emount
equipment and Inadequate water
Ipply the flames, aided by a high
t wind soon beam to lean to ail-
cent piles. -When It was seen that
water supply was Insufficient to
rht the fire, hose from town was
lought nnd buckets and blanket
bre obtained to wet down the ium
lr piles nearby. The draught cre
ed by the hMt,aaa,wlnd coon start'
small blMMn ally N.''J. aniS(
streams of-Wa4r played on th4
II wi were IneffaeMva while as oon
the flames got under hendwaytk
iioKe ana- neat drove tna men a
eater distance. After tho flro an
Inotrated Into alley No. 3 aboftt
0 feet the wind swung from tM
st to the north driving the flames
vard .the southern part of tn
jrd. Avery effort' to hold them
Th Child wllh hr rmoy Stus Jwok
The Saall Boy with his Small Change
The Lady with her Pin Money Savings
The Small Man with his Small Roll
The Big Man with his Big;Roll
- D-YlNrv :ri
f 1J.j3.nk of
w!l'L lho ra,nBo ot tl unnnlshod
lumbar vaa Aatnt.t . . .
';- mwii;u una resort 10
"i? ,?Jth) plle8 mro romote,
o-t ""CKing n names, made
K n.t!;mprar3r Impression on tho
wnll of fire as It reducod pllo after
pile to ashesi
WhQn thn flnmna pnnl.i..l 11...
Southern nor nn nr ii. . .t .
wind again changed it ,iiroHnn
from tho north and Mew with equal
velocity from tho south, Wliilo tho
flro WflK rflBrlnp In h.a; ......
Hon of tho yard a large crow of men
Continued on pago 4.)
Odd Follows Stage Huccc-Mftil Out
ing nt Dutch John's.
Good cats, a clear warm day and
plenty of muslo contributed much to
make the Odd Fellows picnic held
last Sunday at Dutch John's bridge a
success beyond that expected. Afore
than 100 Ilend poople were present,
mnny arriving early In the morning,
Tho Bond Concert band was out In
''ill number and played selections at
li.ervals throughout tho entlro day.
No formal program was arrnngod,
Tho picnickers choso their own forms
of amusements and appearances wero
that they enjoyed tho affair. Ice
cream cones In nbundanco woro serv
ed to thoso attending.
Hamilton Ilound (her to Grand Jury
Charged With Assault,
Charged with assault Ith a dead
ly weapon, J. W. Hamilton, negro
porter In the employ of Tho Metro
politan, was bound over In $2G0
bonds this morning by Justlco of tho
Peaco James Hastes to appear before
tho grand Jury which meets next
week at Prlnovlllo,
Hamilton was arrested early Tues
day morning by night pollcommt L.
A. W. Nixon. Kvldonco Introduced
at tho preliminary hearing showed
that Hamilton nnd Troy Denver had
soma words at the tltno of tho Ilond
hotol Are and Hamilton drew a largo
O. W, Ursklno appoarod for Hamil
ton. Hamilton Is attempting to raise
his bonds today.
Ten Small Illazes nro Ilcportcd la
Two Days.
No lees thanten Are wero report
ed to the loeat supervision's office of
the Deschutes National Forest be-
ivMn fiutiirriftv mnrnlnr and flundav
night. Supervisor!!. Hj. Merrltt is
In the field -this week with several ot
his assistants attempting to organise
his forces and to distribute thera at
various points where trouble has
ba' reported.
Tho Are having the greatest mag
nitude Is located In tho vicinity of
Fprt Rock and tlto last report given
tM that it had burned over more
i,iun 200 aevfes. Numerous smaller
biases, thought to have originated
from lightning In the electrical storm
of lsBt Monday and Tuesday, havo
been burning at different points near
(he crest otlbe Cascades on the east
ti- Hafctlng the Are in the vicinity
Mipre KMHi vv met! aro huw vunaii-
r Fcrt Roek. attest reports receir-
,4 this morning are that tho nre has
burned over an area Ave miles square
Hd. that the foresters nro having
dUHeulty In cheeking It owing to me
rocky soil which makes use of plows
Impossible. Twenty men lett ror lbs
re scene last night and others are
bUg mustered, la event the Are Is
not checked.
. p WWV. ? I
Buildings Rise Fast at Shevlin Plant Cars Now
Deliver Machinery on Ground Crew on Brooks
Operations to be Enlarged Bend Co. Lum
ber Department Has Eeen Taken Over
. . . ..
- , The Drooks-Scr.nlou Company
-- plans the erection nt Bend ot a -
sow mill of 60 million foot on-
nual capacity. There will bo a
box factory In connection, and
-- about BOO men win beemDlovad
In Various departments ot the
enterprise. Tho company owns
- 32,000 acres of timber south -
and cast of Ilend. Mill plans nro
now ueng prcparod.
Wlth tho preliminary work for tho
Drooks-Soanlon mill well under way
It Is oxpoctod that by tho first ot next
week a good sized crow will bo put
on to rush tho preparation ot tho mill
sit for'hulldlng.
W. Hoffman, of Spokane, who will
build tho mill, arrived in Ilend on
Saturday. Mr. Hoffman has had a
wide cxporlonco lr. mill building and
was formerly omployod by tho Brooks
Interojta In the construction of tholr
pla'Bt nt1 Bcanlon, Minnesota, Asso
ciated" with him Is W Woldllch. a
draughtsman of Spokano, who was
nlsq employed on tho Scnnlon work
At present Uio clearing for tho
lumber ijinl contlnuos and o small
crow'lefit work burning out stumps
on thcymlU site. Noxt week a larger
forco,,wll begin blasting awny tho
rim Vock id gtvo added spaco for tho
Up rlvor from tho mill tho unload
tjr loc.k for logs Is completed nnd
the grading crow under Auno Broth
ars Is nt work on tho All near tho
Slsomore plnco for tho logging road.
To make surveys for tho elding
from tho spur la to tho pinning mill
A. M. Lupfor. chief onglncor for tho
Orpgon Trunk, was hero wlrh a crow
on Monday and It la expected that tho
line will bo under construction short
ly. TflkM Orcr Immltor Department.
In connection with their milling
operations the Brooks-Scanlon com
pany has taken ovor thn lumber de
rmrtmeot ot Tho Bend Company,, ac
cording to an announcement-made by
Oeneral Manager Koyes this morning.
All lurnbor and building supplies.
heretofore carried by the latter com
pany, wtll'now be on sale through the
Ilrooks-Seaaloa.compaDy, The pres
ent offloe tyeefit Thn Jlend Company
win go uvw io iHn urooKS company.
The real estate department of Tho
Bend Company ylll ho mansard ns
hefetoforo by D. E. Hunter.
For the time being tho two com
panies will contlnuo to occupy the
same offlcos at tho corner of Wall
and Ohio streets, tho Brooks-Scantou
company ato maintaining a con
struction office at the mill slto.
Weakened by the strain of n 110-
mlle auto trip from Summer Lhke to
Bend, EMoa W Fartla, the 14 year
old son of Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Partln.
of Summer lake, who had been suf
fering from complications resulting
from an Internal Injury recelvod last
summer, died In his mother's arms
at midnight Sunday on the north
bound train between Bend nnd Tho
Tho boy's remains were brought
from The, Dalles to Bend Monday and
were returnod to Summer lako for
, BencLHardwe Co.
w if ' " """ "i ,' i -TU
CMpssrihtl put tb ";WBr" In lUrlr
Tho Bhovlln-Hlxon Company
now nns under construction a --
saw mill at Bend of 80 million
feel annual capacity. A box -
- factory and a sash nnd door
plant to bo run In connoctlnn
- will manufacture about three
fourths of tho annual output.
-- Ail uepartmonts will employ -
- about 700 mon, This nnd ftllled
companies own nearly 200,000
V acres of tlmbor south of Bend
Although delayed somewhat by
tho flro nt Tho Bend Company yard,
necessitating spoking now supplies of
lumber for building purposos, work
nt tho Bhovlln-Hlxon mill slto has
progrosBed rapidly during tho past
woik nnd several other buildings
now- begin to mnko n showing, bo
fMoi the machine shop nnd black
smith shop, completed somo tlmo
At tho mill Itsolf tho frame -work
fit thi flrst story Is up nnd carpen
ters nre today putting on the siding.
In front of tho mill tho timber work
of tho. -log slip Is being put In plnco,
and In n fow days everything will bo
rcafiy for thn machinery.
Back of tho mill tho framo worlc ot
tho sorting shed Is now going up on
tho' foundations which woro complet
ed Inst week.
For tho foundation of tho burner,
comreto Is bolng poured today. This
will ,,bo ono of tho largest pieces of
building work on tho plnnt, the bur
nof'belng 40 foot square at tho baso
and rising to a height of 125 f?t.
Tho ofneo, a short dlstanco down
river from tho dam and separated
from tho other bulldlnga by tbo line
ot mo iqsgmg road, is nearly nnisncd
so far iM outside work Is concerned,
the roof being put on todiy.
Ralls on tho logging road are laid
down- Iq thn machine shop while the
grading Is Anlshod to the end of the
line at tho log slip. On the track by
the mill a car of machinery la stand
ing today for unloading dlrastlv into
the mill. Another ear ot maehtaery
for the machine shop has also ar
rived. Other equipmentreceived Ucludes
a heePwater tower of 60,000 ,glt
lonsrcapaetty to be ererted at the
back ol-ttba yard near the. planfag
hnjt,rr fa protection, and a skid,
der'rer the-woods department whlh
Is being' set up by an brector from
In tho various departments of the
worX about 125 men aro now employ
ed,, somo 40 of whom, according to J.
V Dion, am bomestcadors nnd ran
chers from this vicinity.
, Congressman "Nick" 'Slnnott, ot
The Dalles, has been In town again
today, arriving this morning and
leaving, far Fert Klamath at once. He
la on his way to comuteto his tour
ef his district, which was Interrupted
last week when he was forced to re
turn to Betid, loavlag his mnchtae
here, and going around to Vale by
train. On this portion of his tour
Mr. Blnnott will tako In Fort Klam
ath, Klamath Agency, Lnkevlew and
other towns In the country to the
north and east.
t " 'W
- - r iv t -- 1 - - -
i .
e t
Further discussion ot the plan to
entertain tho Maiftmaa here lu Oc
tober occupied a largo part of the
tlmo nt tho Commercial ctklt, hVncn,-
con on saiuruay, J, a. isastes alto
reported on a now plan to keep thb
alloys -of the city clean, and. County
Commissioner" Ovorturf, by request,
explained tno situntion in respect to
the road south. In tho absenco of
Prosldent Kojos, Vlco I'resldont
Hoyd Domcnt presided at the moot
UrookS'Scnnlon Company AVeko-mcd
to Bend by Commercial Club.
Tho following resolutions havo
been prepared by a committee ot tho
Commercial Club appointed for tho
purpose and copies malted to tho
officers ot tho Brooks-Scanlon Lum
ber Co.
"Whereas tho citizens ot Bond
havo heard with satisfaction of tho
Intention of tho Brooks-Scanlon Lum
ber Co. to begin nt onco on tho con
struction ot a niodorn lumber plant
nt Bond, and
"Whereas the building ot this plant
means much in tho devolopmant ot
Band and Central Oregon and will
result In nigroat Impetus In tho com.
moiclal Ufa of this section .
"Now Thcioforo Bo It Itesolvcd by
the Bend Commercial Club that It
hoartily welcomes tho Brooks-Scanlon
Lumber Company to the City of
Bend and extends Its ocngrntulatlons
on tho decision to proceed with the
construction ot the now enterprise
nt tho present tlmo.
By II. 11. Do Armond, Manager"
Bond, Orogon, Augunt 25th, 1015.
Anglers May Obtnln Fish IVnm Focd
iiift l'imd".
The eager anglora of Crook county
may now obtain castorn brook trout
to stock tho streams of Cqutrnl Ore
gon. Tho trout that wero planted In
tho fcodlngs panda near Tumalo
nbout n month ago by tho Stato Fish
and Uamo Commission are btg
enough to bo transplanted In tho
streams, and sportsmon detlrous of
obtaining a supply may do so by com
munlcatUng with Clyde McKay, dep
uty state gnmo warden.
All that Is necessary to obtain a
supply Is to provide suitable convoy.
ancn for tho Ash that, they may bo
transported in a neaitny condition.
mere are on haud about 70,000
castorn brook trout, and later In the
season there will be available about
JS.0B9. steel hwrts, About 10,0
woiorii iiruox iruui yure pianieu int
week by Redmond siwrtsmen Boar
Cline Falls.
Mr. McKay will make an effort this
fall to obtain one million e$W tor for
Nolls Andorsofr.iind Miss Lillian
Daniels wero mnrrlsd by Key. II. O.
Hartranft at his homo on Thursday
morning.. Mr. Andenon Is a young
d!rymnn ot this section, and, was for
mer!, owployod at The Bond Com
pany plant, Miss Daniels tics' bapn
aa operator In the Bend tolp!ione
In order to put tbo tele4ksa In
Bend tri connection with cwrtral a
crow of meet has been work-toe at tap
speed over slbco the Are of Tuesday
morning. As 'yot a larfro number ot
telephones lu the business taction
of town, ore dead, but It Is expoctad
thct (hoy will bo In operation some
tlmo tomorrow.
The First National Bank
i- ' "- , i j
U. O. COK, I'retldcnt K. A. 8ATnKR,4'lce. I'reldenl
C. 8. IIDDHON, Cashier
Capital fully paid - - - $25,000
Surplus ...-. . . t-3,000
Regular bank loans:
We are prepared at nearly all times o make advances
to reliable parties for their requirements,
Wool and sheep loans;
Wo are NOW prepared to loan money to sheep men
for the purchase of sboep,
We ore now prepared to advanco yoq 10c per pound
on all wool you store In the Warehouse at Bend, nt 8
per cent for cither 90 days or six months.
Sheep men do not Imvo to sell at present prices unless
they wish. The money Is ready for you,
Wo ars NOW prepared to make loons on cattle for
six months, for fesdlag purposes, but not on range or
she stuff.
We aro NOW prepared ta make loans on good farm
lands, with good water r!t, no matter where Ipeated
In Peatrsl Oregon, the bls tha loan the b((er, pro
vldlg ttiti,BrQpa4tlo Is a ipod ono and will stand clos
est lavastlfstloa as to vlus ad tW, "
WrHe us for lafofmatleti Haak by mall and secsro
our' iwrrlcws.
VZrtssr ;
IlhiTO StnrU In Itoor Ajih destroy
edFirst National Bank. Building
Hiued Atacmco of Wind Aids
Firemen Loss Is 1)110,000.
Without any warning until the en
tire ronr of tho building was In Annies '
n Are thought to hr.vo started In tho
rnftors -nbovo tho kitchen, nt mld
night Monday, completely destroyed
tho Bond Hotol, ono ot tho best
known hostolrlcs In Central Orogon.
Tho adjacent bulldlilg, used as an
annex to tho hotol and partly occu
pied by tho roal ostato ofneo of J.
Hynn & Co., and tho law ofllco of;
Chns. W. ErsUInc, was also destroy
ed. Hugh O'Knno, owner ot botli
burnod buildings, Is the pilnclpal
loser by the Aro, valuing his proper
ty, Including furnishings, nt nbout
$16,000, on which ho had $8,250 In
surance. Tho nlarm was sounddd it 12:30
Monday night by J. 8. Parmlntor,
who was Bleeping In tho hotol nonr
tho plnco whoro tho flro Aist atn
through tho walls. Ho gnvo tho wnrn
ing through tho halls to tho 20 guests'
In tho houro, nil of whom rushed,
from the building In safety, with on
ly such belongings ns thoy coiild'''
snatch up In tholr flight, -
Absenco of wind nnd tho prompt
ness nnd vigilance of tho mnny mon
who volunteered tholr sorvlccs snvod
tho First National Bank building
across Orogon street from tho hotol, .
from dostructton or serious damages
In tho still night air tho flames T
from tho burning hotel shot sti night
up nnd live sparks fell only In small- i
numbers on adjoining buildings. -'f
. Reolng that the MKel could not he
Mved, every avatlaMe flra fighting ns
st was dlterted tothe walls of tho
lnk building and frame struetares
Ki Hoad street1 nearby1. From thn
jeef to tha side walk ef the bank
Iwlldlng men worked under thn
wmImL dlffleiiHlM In Com of " tar.
Jfa hst' to jsp ths'wtedfiwrem,
Tha mRln Uank-rosiHi-1-
, - ; , . . " .. 5-
were savpu irnm serious water oam-i
age largely on account of the small j
pnnes ot glass In tha windows, whleh
although bsdly cracked did not brwnk' ,
or admit tho water and heat to tha "
Interior. 81lgit water daniBRO was
done to tho, south room on tho so
ond floor whoro tho hoso from tho
Interior wns utllliod, but tbli m not
norloiiN. Tho total loss to the bank
building -wll npt exceftd I1R0.
Kverv precaution was InkeM bjr ' '
tha volunteer Aremen, who fought
like veterans, When the flames wn
rt their height, fears wero expressed
that tho flames might lean, or sharks -
might start tiros on the hulliMng oc
cupied bv Qllbert & Son nnd thq feed
xtora of I. A, Shnw. EmpkHWw of
tho Bond ((.Ivory ft Transfer Company
iok no chances In losing that stork "
but as ooon as the Am was ttttragtit
to be encroaching on ilsngorana tr
rltory they removed thn horsW nnd
equipment td a snfo distance and
(Continued on pago j)
v jci?
svs i
iii. r
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t - -Mt-C?3