--'sujn'v tii- PAGK n. Tin; p'ii m'LLKTIN. IIKXI), ORE., WEDNESDAY. Al'OLST I, 1P15. ed may bo erased, If '!.! "" is added to tho post card will bo de stroyed. I am fjulto well. I hae been admitted Into hospital Sick nnd am going on wo.l. Wounded nnd hope to ho dlccharg- ed soon. , , 1 am being sent down to tho lirso. I hac received your letter dated, telegram dated: parcel dated. Letter follows nt flist opportunity. I havo received no lotter (mm Intelv. for a lone tlmr. ua' i people for weoko though my having has received, Is one supplied the Kngllsh soldiers to send messages-to frlonds and relatives without tiny pos sibility of Information being given to his sltuntlon, the. remaining lino or lines being tho mossago given. Tho. post card Is ns follows: J23 cuangeu my nauauon may no tne trouble. I hoio now that prosperity has hit the 'States' llentl la boom ing, if I got through nil right il may pay you n Islt no 1 think I'll como bark by way of the Pacific. "I will drop you n lino onco In n whllo unless bo mo "Htm" gets mo and puts mo out of business," Tim Tost Citiil. ' The pest curd, which Mr. Prlngle Slgnaturo only: Sorgt. Pinf.,. ., a Coinuanv. 2nd Tmttnti,... 83i lans, Franco. ' Lail5 Date. JUll' 11. whlcluwlll lmvo any bearing on the qlturitloa of the wur Itself. Only the address Is pgrmltte1, to bj.yrltten on the front sldo and the signature on tho back, thet rest of'tho back side of the postal being taken up with I FIELD SERVICE POST CARD The address only to be written on this sldo. If anMhing else Is added, I the post card will be destrocd. L rf Hack. ' Nothing is to bo written on this sldo exceiit- the date and signature (Poatngo jnust bo prepaid tn . letter or. post card addrnsa, .1 . V sender of this card.) "i Cnn Tt1tnnff1a fun rn.l 1. printed sentences which are to be .. hUUU nouses, crossed out by the sender according , of the sender. Sontence3 not requir FILINGS ARE MADE BY BORAX COMPANY mSM lIciirliiR Hcl for August i!it to Deter- jiiino Cluiruitei' of iMUf Result Mtiy lo toltoki' It fiiim Jinlsillr ' tlou of Sliito f Oregon. MINING CLAIMS ON ALKALI LAKE B R i X 1 ' i I I I T Vo, P' S l, f It ;. (Oregon Journal.) SAT.ttlf, .July 28.- That ths Ore gon hoinx Company has Med mining cjInllliH (in tliu bed of Alkali lake nnd has inadp nppllcntinn to the lnnd of fice at WnHliliigU'ji to have thai iBinn urveysd and Included as part of the ptiiille doniuln, ibveloned today nt Httto MnRlneer Lewis' offloos, whore JlollcH wiik received from Surveyor Ounerel ISdwmd Worth that a hear ing would be held August 27. to do tannine tliu character of the lake, whlrh Is Ineulod In the northern part of Lake county. If the union naked by tliu Oregon JUimx company, a I'allfornlii concern, Id taken, the 1 iko will bo removed from the Juiladlrtloii of the Kit to nnd placed under the control of the fod oral government A annoy of the towiiBiiln In which Alkali lulto Is lo cated was nii'ibi hi 1X8,'!. nt which tlmo Alkali 1 til: vmh maundered, thus indlentlng that It wan u nuvlgnblo lako, the bed of which bolongod to tliu state, AllldavltH submitted by A. I,. Well, attorney for the Orogon Ilornx Com liauy, contend that the lulto should not have been men mimed and that tliu survey was In error In this pnr tluiilnr. It Is ulmi asserted that tho lake freucuU) drlim up, It has do povlts of ciiihoimlo of soda. Accordlni; to the coiiiinlsstonor of tho general lnnd olllco, the lands wero soeured fi dim Klniuntli liullntm by tronty In lSi'.l, proclaimed In 1870, or autmeiueiit to the swamp hud net 111 1801, tilt (I would not thuioforo, bo tmlijcut to Ihu awninti land act. Alkali laliu belongs to the same group iih Abuil and Summer, the Inst liamud two bellig under lease to .In- eon .Moore. Pool and billiards at tho Metro politan, .lust the thing ,or it little relaxation in mo evening. .uv. u. 111(1 HOLIDAY I'Oll ItKM). Tils advance billing bi Ignite of tho Parke ami Hanks Ilallroad Shown lopiHMl off ut Itetul lon enough to blaiou the li.i ins and fences heio and th iirinuudlnK OJiintry notifying the pupiiluue of the eoinliiK of that great ninuaemeiit enterprise wlilcli Is eagerly loolieil forward to by nil qotnmutiltlra, ae t )u vaat tented Bltlea tlvu t lie whole family pure, un alloyed and wltolwmme pleaaiire.-anil given the little i uea a chance to le new their acquaintance with all the thing that aenui eo uiytterloua to them. The Parka mid Hanks enow, whldli iave created a Kenaalton on two eon- tlnenta, 1e Mute brought to your very , doors, and la offuiluii the public .the i ereaiii or the European talent ooui-l blned with the nmat daring strrs and ' performer of America, hi coujiiue-; lion with tlie moet duixlliia ami sen aational wild animal acta ever pre-1 eented or cournhed heretofore, ami with a atimll army of funny clowns and kite of inualr. will naturally (MUae you to bty aside your work one ilav ami uuliiy youteelf to the utmost. This will truly be u liolldHy for Mil, Comu. wu'ly ami brine the ubll (Iren and sod It all. Uraud free e lilbtlon diilly at the show grounds. Don't forget (ho date, Tuemluy, Aug till 10, at lleuil adv llli.'l rOMPA.W IIIYS KTOl'lt. AnnounconiBiit has been mode of the aale bv the Miller Lumber Com pany to The llt-ud Company of Im ontlre elooli iif lumlwr and building material. lleiuafter ilu latter com pany will carry a line of cement, plaster and lliuu. hitherto carried by the Milter Compauv H. A. Miller, president and oiier of the Miller couipHB) , baa nut, ." et decided what new line of UhsI.iiiss he will eugaite In mtow.v wimixu 'iMinuitow. Pharlea A. llrowa of Chicago, ptee ident of the leud Water Uaht A Power Cu. hi eiteeted to arrive to morrow. During hie stay eeveral Im portant tuwaunoeuienia In connection with coming development work are looked for. un beiua la ooaneetiot with tho city water system. Sm Vdwtirde for paper haaglHR.- LBTTBR TI5LLS 01s TRB'CM UII'13 (OoatlHued from page 1.) Whls llauaa" particularly the let tar, iue i rapidly that you dnn't get 11111011 time to duck There are eae'i lte uurlug right aloug of oui but'lBft waate of amuiuultlou 1 -i mi pl tfjJjJQUQu. Wheu one le aiwiaeere Qjl llie battle Nun extends for hunilroilrt i)t mile It give a per aon a uemluotio trying to think of Vhe roet both la luou and Biougi Italy's couiIub in Is going to tkorien the war it tjouil dtl wrtlr by Uie uhl of lier army ami mivy. hut olilof lv owlug to tlvp (ftgl hut tj9 i"4lu anlv of tleruiage U ?- ff "I Uavn't heard from nny of you ' Get all the smoke-pleasure you pay for. Find the right cigarettea SENSIBLE one that fits your own likes and dislikes. x ' Vi ' it - . """'.'fV ' ,f V,M I ' Tastes (lifTer in fushions, foods nnd pretty girls. Also in cigarettes. A cigarette that' startpd out to-please every man's taste would end up by pleasing none. x Most of us lilce our cigarette smoke dcliciously cool aqd rqfrahing. The Mexican likes his hot and dry, with a nice little peppery sling in it. Some men like a cigarette wholesomely, fragrantly mild. Others of us hunt for a cigarette almost as heavy as a black cigar. Most of us want an "easy" cigarette a SENSIBLE one, so that no matter how steadily or how manv we smoke, we'll feci' as fit as a fiddle. Other men. though, don't care about that. They smoke only a few so they want a kick like n mule's in each pufK All of no want our smoke "full-bodied" -it must satisfy that sinoke-hungcr. Hut th? cigarette that just fills the bill for you, may not do at all for your ndxt-door neighbor. rt it o Somewhere among- nil the brands on the market is the one'jmt-righl cigarette for YOU I Maybe it's the wry one you have now in your pocket iy arc you SUMS? Maybe it's some entirely "dilt'ercnt" cigarette it may or may not be Fatima. Nut "find it 1" Until you do, you're cheating your self out of a whole lot of smoke-pleasure. Also you're waiting some money. How to Find "yours" To avoid blindly trying too many different cigarettes, ask yoursolf, first of all, this question: 1 'Just xvhat do I like in a cigarette ? " If you smoke only a few every day, you may prefer a, cigarette which is rather rich or heavy 'and "oily." Or you may like one which has a rather strong "oriental" taste with v pungency almost like perfume. Or you may want a cigarette with that noticeably "sweetish" Egyptian but this will help you find it flavor. But if you smoke quite often if you would like to smoke whenever you feci like it and without any effect on the tongue or throat or any fear of a heavy or "heady" feeling afterwards then you should choose some cigarette such as Fatima, a cigarette composed of all-pure tobaccos of considerable aroma, mellowed by being aged and care fulljfc blended to produce a fragrant and wholesomely mild, yet "full-bodied" smoke. And the smoke niust be notice ably COOL. For otherwise your tongue or your throat will soon signal you, to stop smoking so often. If you will ask any Fatima smoker, he will tell you that Fatinias never make him "feel mean" no matter how many he smokes. That is why Fatinias arc considered the most sensible cigarette by such a large majority of smokers. And that is probably the main, reason tvhy hardly any Fatima smokers ever switch! They like a sensible cigarette and one with a good, pure taste to it. ' O But the Taste is up to You '" All cigarettes are pure, but when it comes to the taste, nobody can help you choose. You simply have to decide for yourself. Of course, Fatima's taste may not appeal to" you. Hut most men who try Fatinias like the taste so well that they seek no further otherwise Fctimas could never have won and held their enormous and growing leadership amounting to over one and a half HiLLION cigarettes a year. . m The one purpose of this advertisement is to ask you m a fair and square way to give Fatinias (SO for 15c) a good trial. If they don't happen to suit your taste,, you II quit smoking them of course. But if you like iMitimns as well as MOST men do, you'll be mighty glad you read this advertisement and ACTED ON IT I Below are two simple tests which you can easily make and which may help you find your sensible cigarette. It may or may not be Fatima. But be fair to yourself and find yours. ' 'v io TWO UrgwtdgBrettomiinufacturcrlntbbU.S. M tljown by Intcruul Hovcnuo report. ftuTcrC0"ddcn i atri."u"' . i i..tenr r- tx v - -- -ur ivt . E i -r:TS 'SZ- ! Vi ,S'; s.ffi ISS:KS:' :;... o -to' itrff ."":... I nti'ie . ...i,umr'v"',io.. do lu" " 1..11UHK "-: . . are "". ..iarii" i i...t &""-- ...r.i"" ,. i to "- iut u.- iiiii vr...nro'v: .,iuwf .- ... mV " :..ww -. "AB:f ct. ;?;: ? i i""vz: j.ttutii - .., aiu'n - rtui".'-. t mi"'-. ..awici',"-:...iiii "uv-.... .iurt ?. :,nowe. !.' : ce rl7r.',rt " Y'T """i ttfc''.l""i ; dlt'uy J lull' ll. iilien i"" lf",,7uir'u,' tull,,V Vt alv ' -, use-" i tlie " : ll.uttl J ". l.ilUU t'" . .. .il IK -" ilHl"" i -a IO Mi"" .....,lea inMtrt..., i wret?n5Sin7i -k cf vsbe! .::; ;u v. r t ie.sr:i.u.w.o v ,, , mt ' iu '"'";,;. oa . ":. . iiv: v;. ; sm&sgm for roe - . , fi " "WcI?lu 1 e-u, uv - of to l ?r-lioVlwAiiu4W r., itl0din'W" - ln;rt.VAW.e.r:,VbeK v:-.r..fl:s- jfflw; H: lw:t . . i ' rafucieol l' " (UW iOWnnawrt l"' .., -tlhottt :KM l.iu'v- ,,,11101 " - k tui "',.. iiusuj .,..... i'r'p .. . :.. ..mri"" i .miiih HI" ' . ,,WUII " n 'l. N? " V Oepyrtet,iu,u;letUUVtr3ToieteoC3, B hVjsaBOEBajtJcaaGaaESra. a itcVmg .ssssi.5: s's. SJfttVSi'BBBi'&SKK-S .HW ' .... I11UH l". b I ltll'liva -' r HIP II'B- ...I 111 ' . . 'V.- .ivtall " .' . in 1U !:".-. ate " i. Hie e'".; .. ii """",. ,-r'vw..-rw. . . ..,11 r k t.iri.v. A y Hi On!, Ctea,,iU WnY tkt GranJ fnu ' ' l '. t '- " , mmmM -gjWWUJi US,a