The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 04, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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PACTS .0.,'
Tho cnuipnlKn is nlmost otcr nnil Mlicn the next Nine of The Ilullctln cornea
off the iirt'KS It -will liuvo hecoino history. The otc will lime becit tl;cii mid tlitl
result iv 1 1 1 lime hcen.iiKcerlnliicd.
Ja this lust I.smio before election mo witli to call to your attention Home of
the point which lime been definitely settled In tho public mind, nnd sonic of tho
aiKiniieiitH which Iiau been put forth In our behalf.
You know Hint ulnco tho present owners of tho Henri Water Light & 1'owcr
Co. took I'hai'KO In JOlli cxtoiislo Improvements have ln-en made, IkHi hi construe
thin of ii new plant and in extensions of sen Ice. During thin period nono of tlio
prolltH fioin the operation of the plant hao lieeii taken out ofllcml, but together
with coiislilerahlo lulilltlonal niiiiin aihanred by the stockholders, hao been cxiendel
In additional IniproteiucntH.. A largo percentngu of these Improvements the Com
mission has icttiilreri iih to place hi suspense account because wo built for tho future
and Ihu present demand does not itspili-o them. A considerable portion of tho cost
of these liiipioeiui'iitM In represented by sums paid to local labor so Hint tho com.
liiuully Iiiin ulicnriy benefitted thereby although wo are not permitted to rcallo on
tht Investment until there Is n greatly Increased demand for current.
The records show that wo were Instrumental In Inning filed with tho Com
mission tho complaint which brought about tho recent Investigation, hearing1 and
resulting order making u reduction In rates. Our Mr. K. It. Miller iiniucmUmI tliU
City Council to file a complaint If there was dissatisfaction with either rales oO
sen Ice. .Several months elapsed and It was not until after n letter was received
from our olllco urgently requesting that the complaint be fllcri that It was done. Wo
courted the Investigation, aided tho Commission In every way wo could, arc nhlriLng'
by tho result, and put tile new rates Into cITcct Immediately.
Our opponent hnvo devoted their nttcntlun entirely to electricity although
they hnvo n water franchise. Wc Inno challenged them through the pros to publish
their schedule of wntcr rntes. The,y have not done It. Why? Hecntiso It would nod
look well as compared witlitiur rntes found by tho Commission to bo fair. They nro
charging tho.peoplo of WIestorlu, lUvcrslrio nnd Lytlo $2.00 per month for n service
which wo furnish for 91.00. '
Competition in public utilities Is a failure. Kxpo'rlcnco hns riomonstrntori
tills economic law nnil you hnvo rend tho statements on this subject nintlo by Wood
row Wilson, President of tho United Juntos, Walter Ii. Fisher, CY-Secrctary ' Ho
Interior, H. II. Meyer of tho Interstate Commerce Commission.
You have rend also tho opinion of Finnic J. Miller, chairman of tho Oregon
Public Utilities Commission, nnd tho statement of our opponents that they "do now'
nnd always have lselloveri In tho competency of tho commission."
Hnvo otir opponents quoted n slnglo authority advocating competition'.' Is
not their failure to do so In Itself nn admission of tho weakness of their cause. Hnvo
they shown you by uny evidence whntovcr thnt competition linnrutcs Hervlce or
reduces rntes.
Wo nsk you to consider this mnttcr very seriously nnd licforo you rust jour
vote on election riny answer to yourself this question: Which Is liest for Henri, one)
plant, well equipped, with adequate resources to supply all possible demands for
extensions and additions, and incomo reasonably sufllclent to warrant theso lin
provements as they nro needed, OH two plants with n combined Income barely suf
ficient for one, both losing money nnd neither willing to make extensions, knowing1
that tho business will bo tlivlricri nnil Unit further investment will bo at a loss.
Clearing Fields of Weed Pests
IJy M. I). SCUDDHR, Agronomist nt 0. A. C.
(Continued from lnut week.)
Practical Method of Weed Control.
Hiiccowtful nnd econoinloal meth
ods of control of tlieru weeds, on
wheat hinds nro iih follows:
Preventive mi the Individual I'arm.
Ill nil waste places nnd nlotig fence
rows the weedH should be clipped
nnd burned, preferably beforu thoy
go to seed. In drnvv'H or the leu of
hills, where they nccnnuilate In tho
full, thoy should bo burned off.
Often theso weodH will blow In
Inrgo numbers on to a farmer's hind
tip .n certain draw or along n hill
crest from tho direction Vif the pre
vailing wind. Ill Bitch cumin, It In
worth while to "nail clentB on the
fence potitH and stretch a couple of
light win along tho cle.Hn ho nti
to extend the height of tho fence nt
those polntH where tho weeds most
commonly drift over. When tlm
weeds pile tip nlong this fence they
mny bo burned off.
Caro should bo taken to bow only
clean gruln nnd other seeds. In oth.
nr words, don't how any weed sreds
when seeding tho land to crop. Duo
a fanning mill. j
Following tho harvesting of tho
grain, but not until nftor tho first
rains hnvo come, tho ground should
bo dUkori with such n machine ns tho
double action cut nwny disc or tho
double notion disk (sometimes call
ed tho W'nlln W'nlln wecdor), or even
the common disc. The first mnchlno
Is tho bettor, however, ns It does
thorough work In chopping down tho
stuhblo and In forming a first' rlnss
seed bed In which nil tho weed seeds,
together with shattered grain seeds
will germinate. Then, when theso
weeds hnvo started, n second disking
should be given before winter cornea,
destroying tho entire crop. In tho
Hiirlng. If the ground Is particularly
foul, another crop of weeds will como
on nnd theso should be thoroughly
destroyed with tho disc. This disk
ing In tho BiirliiK U! nUo help to
bring on tho germination of any fur
ther seeds thnt may romam, wntci
will In turn bo destroyed with tho
plowing of tho ground In April nnd
May for sinnmor fallowing. This
treatment, It carried out us Indicat
ed, will not ouly get rid of weeds
hut Is of tho greatest benoflt In aid
ing In tho conservation of moisture,
ns tho full rains nro quickly absorb
ed nnd the winter snows held. In
addition, tho stubble Is broken down
nml Inoornornted "with tho soil so
that decomposition sets In, humus Is
formed, nnd this becomes avnllnblo
for tho uso of tho succeeding crops.
On tho other hand, tho dtskuig early
In the spring Is of distinct benefit In
that It reopens the surface soil which
hns run together over winter, enabl
ing It to absorb tho spring rains nnd
hold them. Further, It puts tho
ginund In splendid shnpo for plow
lug, so thnt plowing Is. not only eas
ier but tho furrow slice when turned
makes n good union with tho soil
underneath, aiding greatly In tho
conservation nnd uso of moisture.
In other words, aside from getting
lid of tho enormous tax on the land
of these voracious weeds, the tront-l
incut Is more than paid for by tho
good efTcctH In moisture conservation
nnd preparation for succeeding crops, i
Another method of very groat val
ue on tho dry fanning lands for prac
tically any class of weeds Is to seed
u part of tho farm In slnglo drill
rows three feet apart. This alfalfa
may be cultivated as much as desir
ed, nnd nt the end of tho llrst year
the Held will bo clean of all woods.
This nlfnlfn, of course, may bo har
ested for either hay or seed or used
us pasture for Bhcep and hogs. For
either purpose It will glvo a more
profitable crop than wheat, provided
the highly prized strains of nlfnlfn
nro grown. Wo especially recom
mend this crop for tho dry farmer as
a forngo pasture crop, howevor. It
may be plowed up at tho etid of four
jears and then seeded on another
(told until It Is gradually moved over
tho entire farm. It will leave tho
land free of weeds and with a tre
mendously IncrcnBcd fertility for tho
production of grain crops. Tho flolds
of alfalfa grown this way lu differ
ent parts uf castorn Oregon hnvo
proved successful nnd superior to tho
wheat crops.
Another offoctlvo treatment of
this weed which may bo used In con
junction with tho mothods already
named, especially whero tho weeds
nro very bad, Is spraying thorn with
Iron sulphnto solution. The especial
arivnntngo of this spray Is that it may
be applied to destroy tho mustnrd ns
It grows right In tho grain crop, Tho
Bprny will not Injure tho grain hut
will destroy all species of mustnrd.
To use this spray effectively on grain
Holds, however, requires n wood
spraying machine and a rather dim
cult operation and Is not especially
recommended. Tho other methods
already named nro ho most dcslrablo
as they all aim at cleaning tho
ground of th seeds which nro tho
source, of tho weed crop.
Harrowing tho young grain early
In tho spring Is n prnctlco quite wide
ly followed nt tho present tlmo in
eastern Oregon. In Homo cares tho
harrow Is used shortly aftor the
grain Is sown In tho full, whero tho
fall rains Imvo causo n vigorous ger
mination of tho weed seed. Harrow
ing after tho grain is tfown, whethor
done in tho fall or In tho spring aftor
tho grain Is woll advanced, Is quite
effective; In destroying young woods,
provided It is done with Judgment.
It Is qulto easily posslblo to Injuro
tho young wheat with harrowing and
thus do moro harm than good, but
whero tho young weeds nro thick nnd
not too fnr advanced In growth,
whero tho boII crust Is Bufllclcntly
mollow to work woll with tho harrow
nnd w!(cro tho grain has been plant
ed slightly moro heavily to allow for
harrowing, this practlco is bellevod
by most farmers to bo a good ono. .
(Continued next week.)
Sluggish Liver Causes Trouble.
Tho discomfort and dangors of
hot weathor nro doubled If tho liver
Is sluggish nnd tho bowels Inactive.
Foley Cathartic Tablets aro prohipt,
wholesomo and offectlvo In action
without griping or pain. If you foel
lazy and languid, bloated or overfull,
a Foloy Cathartic Tablet will help
you. Stout persons welcome tho
light nnd freo fcollng they bring.
Patterson Drug Co. Adv.
laWsWi n
0001) ROOMS, 0001) MEALS i
NortiiNO uetter in uend. come and see. $
Half tho fun is taking
your own tent and living
out in tho open. Buy a
Tent thnt you know is
W. will un jrour llatn. but you must
ol wait much tun ctltlac our rMou.
band t work
Bend Steam Laundry.
Put Your Duds
In Our Suds"
g we'
aro tho product of 81 years exnorioneo in
tont-iuakinc, Any Tout must 6tartd hard
8orvico in all kinds of weather. "Why not get
QUALITY Tent ono that will bo ready for
use next year and tho year aftor.
air,,. I, ., .i . -- w
oay --miiBKieiie ( jroHrsiorc sate sTi?v
to sc our trade mark on the Tent. It U ?
; uur (uuuare ws nwt khwh a, jjlMV9 vgL
iitracn-weig n:
Foratrlr WUUmet
The United
Storage and Forwarding
General Commission
we; handle oil, gasoline, sugar,
flour., salt, hides
TT United Warehouse Co.
A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon ; -,