fni Alp. --iU.V-WK. ?.WVKB . zmrzjz?-- - 1 TIIK HUiND HUiiTiKTIX, ilKND, ORE., "WUDNESnAV, AUGt'ST 't, '1015. PAGE B. ximy T SAY DO YOU KNOW Gilbert & Son HJVE ADOIil) A NHW STOCK 01' Groceries TO THEIR LINE OF MEATS? Uedrock Prices anil Courteous Treatment Is Our Watchword. Give Us a Trial. H. S. Wootoy. of San Frnnclsco, I Mrs. O. C Honklo and eon, Virgil, who has boen prospecting In this cec-i loft Tuesday morning for Walla Wnl tlon for mlnorals, was In Ro'id Sun- la, whore Mrs. llonkle was called on day. account of tho serious Illness of her LOCAL NEWS ITEMS II, II. Do Arinond has bought a Ford car. W. P. Vandovort hns been In town this wook. E, L. Clark of I.a Pine, was In town on Saturday. , , J. C. 8llvor -was up from Ills Tum alo ranch on Friday. , P. C. Garrison hns left today for n trip up tho Oclioco. J. M. Lawrence arrived yostorday morning for n short stay. W.' II. Daggett, an attorney of Red mond, spent r nuny in iicnu. i Donnls Cnrmody went to Scattlo for a short vacation Monday night. u. j. stnunor, or ataunor, was a V business visitor In ltend Saturday. J. II. Wonandy went to Crescent with n crow on Sunday to put up his hay. Mrs. C. J. Mock and Miss Margaret Mock woro up from Tumalo on Mon day. Miss Allco D. Spauldlng returned to Pond Friday (night from Orants I'ass, Tho band concert this week will bo , held In tho band stand on Bond L street. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McKay return ed yestorday from a 10 day's camp ing trip. L. It. Jones canio In last week from Chlco, CoUfornla, to obsorvo local conditions, J, Malcolm of MIddlcchurch, Win nepeg, Canada, was a visitor in Hond on Friday. C, S. Hudson nnd .R. E. Strahorn returned Inst night from a trip to Crator Lake. George F. Hoover went out to his Fort Hock homestead Saturdny, re turning Monday. L. A. Hunting of Hampton; Idaho, Is here on a visit to his brother In Hampton, Oregon. Mrs. Elmer Morrill nnd daughtor left Saturday for Eugcno whero they win visit relatives. Carl Anderson, formerly of Hond. now residing In Salem, Is a visitor In town this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. S, Hudson went to Portlnnd Thursday jilglit, return ing Sunday morning. State Forester F. A. Elliott waB hero on Monday Intorvlowlng local lire protection omcials. Loman nnd Mllford Todd, who liavo been vlBltlng their grandparents at Tualatin hnvo returned. H. A. Miller was out yoBterdny af ter being confined to tho houxo with tonsllltls for several days. II. W. Skuso. D. M. Davis, Clark Rhodes and Jack Stanloy went out on a sago hen hunt Sundny. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Enstcs, C. E. Short and Miss Mary Coleman spent Sunday flBhlng at Fall River. R. J. McCann arrived Sunday from Minneapolis to visit his sister, Mrs. Ralph Spencer nnd Mr. Spencer. Marc Hubbort, of Portland, district manager for tho National Surety Co.' was In Demi Tuosdnv on huslnrpH. I Repairs bavo been mado to tho water tower of tho Hond Water Light fi Power Co. near Ohio streot recently. H. II. ,De Armond wont to Tho Dalles and Hood River on business Friday night, returning on Sunday morning. , Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cox left Sun day morning for Miles Conter, Mon tana, whero they will mako their fu ture home. , On account of tho hot weather ser vices at the Catholic church will bo hold until further notice nt S:30 a. m. Instoad or 10:30. R. N, Iluchwaltor, publls'her of tho Chowaucan Press, of Palsloy, passed through Pond Friday on his return from n trip to Portland, Chnrllo Whitfield has gono on a camping trip. During his nhsouco Ed die Urostorhous Is delivering mes sages for tho Western Union. Mrs. Pearl Lynes is expected in from Crescent tomorrow to join her husband, who has chnrgo of tho fish ponds on tho Tumalo west of town. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCulston re turned to Rend Tuesdny morning from Portlnnd, Mrs. McCulston hnB been visiting relatives in Mcdford. W. J. Sproat canio In on Sunday for supplies for his land classification crow which Is working on the edgo of tho forest In tho Mllllcnn country. brother. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McRae. who Uso Deschutes Spray Flour. Whit er and better than over. For salo by Tho Now Uend Flour' Mill Co. Adv. Just opened. A now meat mnrkot. Glvo us a trial. Gllbort & Son. Adv 4)ffMof. Luncheon will be served in honor of the Commercial Club The COZY Restaurant Saturdny Just opened. Olvo us n trial. A new meat market. Gilbert & Son. Adv G; C Horstman CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR Plans nnd Specifications furnished free. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Uend Oregon i SteidI & Tweet -SCHEDULE Following is the proposed schedule of our rates to the consurjiers in Bend: First 20 k. w. h. in any one month at 9c Next 20 k. w. h. in any one month at 7c Next 160 k. w. h. in any one month at 5c All over 200 k. w. h. in any one month at 4Jc Discount for prompt payment 1c per k. w. h. on first 40 k. w. h. if paid within 1 0 days, and l-2c per k. w. h. on balance if paid wjthin 10 days. We are able to make and maintain trie above rate schedule because our investment is small as compared with that of the B. W. L. & P. Co., being about one third, therefore we will 'not be compelled to charge as high a rate. VOTE YES on the franchise and get the benefit of these low rates. steiduTtweet have been visiting tho R. .1. Toddi and Miss Lcla McRae, loft this morn ing on their return to thoir homo nt Tunjatln. .1 hin or Mecks, who attended school In Uend n few years ago, Is visiting Cnlvln Smith and will accompany thu Roy Scouts on' their camping trip next week. The W C. T. U. will meot In the rending room of tho Dnptlst church Frlda aitM-noon nt 2-30. Every body interested in the work Is Invlt cd, to attend. T. C. Shnnkllng, of Portlnnd, gen eral insurnnco ndjustor, spent Mon day in Hond adjusting the loss on t'tio Passed residence . destroyed by lire last Thursday night. DV. R D. Kotchum nnd family nr rlvcd late Monday night from Hums and nro visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whltsott. Dr. Ketchum will locate permanently In Uend. Mrs. S, C. Caldwell gave a fare well party to Mrs. A. S. Ulr.ck on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Illnclt will lenvo soon for Eugeno to meet n sis tor who Is coming from tho east. II. M. Parks, director of tho Ore gon Durcnu of Mines and Geology, spent Saturdny In Rend. At present Mr. Parks Is loading n party on a gonornl rccounalsanco of tho Cascade range. Nearly 150 attended tho Sunday school picnic which was held on Thursday on tho Deschutes near Tumalo, Although tho wenther was somewhat unpleasant nil -had an en joyable time. Mrs. J. T. Ratllffe, of Hobart, Oklnhomn, Is visiting with lfor stotcr Mro. L. 0. McRoynolds, nnd will de part for Portland Thursday morning, later to attend tho expositions nt San Francisco and San Diego. Claudo Vandovort arrived on Mon day to visit his pnrcnts nt Tho Old Homestead up river. Mr. Vandovort Is employed by tho Northwcstorn Electric Co. In Portlnnd nnd this Is his first visit hnro for some time. M. Greonwald dopartcd Wednesday morning for Auburn, Indlnnn, to visit rolatlyes. Ho will tnko tho trip via California attending tho exposition at San Francisco. Mr, Orconwald oxpoclB to bo gone thrco weeks. E. T3. Rrodle, publisher of tho Oro gon City Entcrprlso nnd president of tho Oregon Stnto Editorial Acsocla-. Hon, Is expected to arrlvo In town today with Mrs. Rrodlo and a party of friends. They nro making n tour by Crater Lake. Grain specimens from various parts of tho county aro being brought to Hond, nnd nro on display In tho First Nntlonnl Rank. Tho sninplcs now on display of this yoars crop Include Red Russian wheat, timothy, oats, barley, nlfalfa nnd rod clover. Middy Blouses and Smocks Just received u new shipment- Plum with Sailor Collar and with Jaeings i'ronL and side at $1.15 CRETONNE TRIMMED MID DIES and SMOCKS at $1.25, $1.50 KHAKI MIDDIES, extra quality $1.75 KHAKI SUITS, Norfolk Blouse and Riding Skirl, selling now at. $4.50 NEW CHIFFON VEILS, size 2x(), at (!0e NEW ORGANDY WAISTS nt each SI 'ii. Sl.flQ All the above nre marked at special price. First Showing Fall Dress Goods- Suitings, Coatings New Colors, New Weaves, priced at 30c to $ 1 .75 per yard Stop and Shop at Mannheimer 's Uetter Vnluc8---Uetter Mcrchnndlsc---l!ctter Service Donald Rogers, son of A. R, Rog ers, who has been visiting friends In Rend, was tnken seriously 111 Satur day and loft Sunday morning for Minneapolis. Mr, Rogors was ac companied by Mrs. P, C, Garrison ns far as Portland whero ho will bo mot by his fnther who will accom pany him to Mlnenpollu. For sign pnlntlng soo Edwards. Adv, iu:i:u season openh on irvni. Tho Statu FIbIi and (Inmo Commis sion Is calling attention to tho fact that tho 'dear hunting Hensou doen ' not open until August 1 D, Instead ot on August 1, ns hns been customary for mnny yours. Tho season closes, on October 31. For sign palming sco Kdwards,-Adv. Anyone can make rates for political effect but the rates to he charged depend onthe action the Public Utilities Com mission. Read the law: SEC. CI. CHAPTER 279, SESSION LAWS OF 1911-DEFINING DUTIES OF COMMISSION. "WHENEVER, UPON AN INVESTIGATION MADE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT, THE COMMISSION SIIALLFINII ANY HX IBTJNG RATE OR RATES. OR ANY SCHEDULE OF RATES, TOLLS. CHARGES. JOINT RATE OR JOINT RATES TO HE UNJUST, UNRMA8 ONAHLrJ. IXSUI'I'iriKXT OR UNJUSTLY DISCRIMINATORY OR TO HE PREFERENTIAL OR OTHERWISE IN VIOLATION OF ANY OP THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT, THE COMMISSION SHALL DETER. MINE AND UY ORDER FIX REASONAIILE RATE OR RATES, 8CIIKI). ULE OF RATES, TOLLS, CHARGES OR JOINT RATES TO JIE IMl'Og. BD. ORSKRVED AND FOLLOWED IN THE FUTURE IN LINU 01 THOSE FOUND TO HE VNJUBT, UNREAHONARLU, IXMI'FFH.'IHXT QH UNJUST-LY DISCRIMINATORY OR PREFERENTIAL OR OTllltftVVliU INVIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT." I AS PROOF THAT OUR OPPONENTS. PROPOSED. ELWOTRIO RATES ARE FOR POLITICAL EFFECT PLEASE NOTE THAT IK WIHSTORIA, RIVERSIDE AND LYTLE FOR THE HABT TWO YHAilR THEY HAVE HEEN CHARGING J2.00 FOR THE SAME WA'KIl SHR. VICE WE CHARGE $1.00 I OR. The BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. J i I I i.Q iL.