w 3 .w ..r- PACTS R. thk bend bcllettXj bkmi, ore Wednesday. jci.y .as. iis. !H : i .fit ""i-V & ft STATE WARDEN HERE Carl I. SlioeraaLer 3Ul.es Inspection Trip Tliroush TIil Section. On a trip of inspection and to set acquainted with the wardens and game conditions on the east aide of j the Cascade Carl D. Shoemiker. re-, cently appointed state game warden, arrived in I tend late Thursday sight.? Mr. Shoemaker motored here from) Lakevlew Friday he speat here In company with Dtttriet Deputy' "Warden McKay. Tisltlac the ftsh, hatchery and Uw pond now Is . oa the Tuto. Kri:s for Barns oa( Saturday atorsmr. j Mr. ShoetBsrer's boe Is la Row, bare where fc U the paMtsher of the Dally tf While here he col lected aiatertal for aa article oa this, tectten to Vj pn'tshe in Ms paper. Mr. Shoewilers appotatsaeat as warden br Governor Wltiytb Is conceded to I a strong one aad Is String universal saUsfacttos. ItAILUOAD MEN HHRK. J. P. O'Hrfea. Tlce president andi general manager of the O-W. R- & N with Mrs O Brien aad Sperin-i tendent Palmer, arrived la Bead onj the erenlac Irsln oa Saturday to In spect the work on the spar and bridge to the Saevlln-Hlxon rail! rite. "Conditions at Bead." Mr. O' Brien said, are better than at any, other point, oa oar llae " The private; car in which the party traveled was, taken to Redmond Sunday morning from which point they weal to the Metollus (or the day LOTS LOTS LOTS SPECIAL! We are SELLING LOTS at less than HALF the price asked in other Additions of equal .dis tance from the business center. Let 40X105.. $G0 for Inside, $75 for Coram Lots 50X120 575 ad $100 for bait Uto 50X125 $100 ud $125 for Corners 5.00 Cash and $5.00 Monthly, 6 per cent interest. Mr. Householder, cheaper to buy and huild than to pay rent. Young Man or Young Woman, it pays to put your money in Real Estate when you buy right, YOU CAX BUY RIGHT from me. J. A. EASTES drill for nse on sandy soils, especial ly the dry land, always insist npon a press drill br a drill with the press attachment. "Another Itera of interest and val ne the handlfae of the summer fallow. Many farmers are harrow ins the summer fallow, as suggested in the past or as they have' learned through experiment, but there is an Improvement to be made even over the harrow on most lands. Where the land is harrowed thoroughly to kill the weeds and bold the mois- ! tare, most of oar lands will become too fine and will dry out too deeply and Mow t-adly. The use of a light er tool than the harrow will gener ally prove much better. A weeder or even a hay-rake is a better tool for this work ia many instances. I have during the past week visited a farm where two acres "ere cuIUvat ed with a hay-rake Instead of a har row. This tool leaves the surface In a cloddy, crumbly mnlch Instead of flae and dusty, and the moisture stood at least two inches nearer ht surface in this land than la that Immediately adjoining It. which had,, been prepared In the same manner but had not been culUvated with a harrow In my opinion, the bay-rake will not prove as good a tool as will a good weeder. but it will prove In many Instances better than the har row for cultivating the summer fallow." DEATH Ol .MILS. ROBINSON. Mrs. Jane Kobinsoa. who has been confined to her bed for some raosths past, died yesterday afternoon at the ace of Si. She was the wife of Andy Robinson, to whom she was married "on February S. 19S. Arrangement for the funeral are being maae tocay, NOTICE. Pursuant to a resolution of the City Council, bids are called for. for the construction of a cement walk cemplyinc with city standards, at let 7. Moe 14. Bend, oa Minnesota .. tini itrj Purthr Informa tion mar to, bad from the aity en-J glneer. mas man e suoraiueu w the city engineer before 19 a. m. Aug. S. 1915. UOHKKT B. GPULD. 21c City Engineer, For slsn paiatlng see Edwards. Adv. .1. O. O. 1'. INSTALL OFFICERS. The new officers recently installed by the Odd Feltows are as follows; N. O.. J II. Conaarn; V. G.. L. C. Fleming; recording secretary. George P. Gove; treasurer. A. 1 Gove; war den. Julius Janett. H. S. N. G., J. E. Engebrelsoa. Conductor. N- P Welder: 11 8., V O. E. Anderson; Inside gusrdlan. Claude Kelly. For sign painting see Edwards. Adv. COMING. 1 1 IrIicM . IMilNtlon In the World PARKS A HANKS RAILROAD SHOW Bond. Tuo-lr. Aug. 10. Twice Bally. U mi H p. in. Sharp Presenting feats, features and wonders frvtn everv known land A herd of performing elephants. Many beautiful Shetland ponies In drills und marches, dogs and monkeys Trained animals that do everything fett talk, bands of biwIc. a host of funny clown The world's greatest Udy and gentlemen performer Pos itively the greateat feature acts ever en beneath canvas. adr. EXPERIMENT IS PROVINQ VALUE . (Continued from page 1.) JIS gralns, excepting possibly Earner, 'well prepared seed bed will grow do not par on the dry land, especial-, crops most years. Fall grains will lv whre such fevere frosts visit the. be nlanted is demonstration ntots In country. Field Peas. Sweet Clover this section this fall, but only oa and Dry Land Alfalfa will at least summer fallow land as we know that grow. Time will tell how well they other lands will not pay from ei will pay A preis drill Is necessary ! perlenee In less exposed sections. ' for best success In planting grains Note of Value to lry Farmer. on a saady soil. To Insure success "The man who Is farming on dry where there are many rabbits. It Is land In this rect'on should be an necessary to fence against the pest. , xlous to obtain all the Information Where sage rats appear, even In possible regarding best practice and small numters. they should be pols- then to put this information Into ened or la some other way destroy-. practice on h'.s farm. Any increas ed when they first appear Jn the ed yields may be figured oa profit. spring. jThe following Items when conslder- "There are hundreds of home-'ed may prove of value to the dry steaders in the high desert country, farmer; and all who are trying to farm have "On sandy soils the disc drill or been experimenting along the same' any other form of drill, excepting the lines as oa these demonstration ' press drill, will leave the soil too farms. By taking note of the work loose about the grain seed to Insure and results oa these farms, they will a good germination and perfect find at once that spring grains dot stand, beside allowing the soli to dry not pay Because of success of other! out too deop for most successful crops, they can plainly see that a growth of crop. In purchasing a SHERIFFS SAM-! ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSUHi:. ! In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Crook. Charles S. Beaton. Plaintiff vs. S. X. j Steele and Abble "M. Steele, De i fendants. Whereas, an execution rnd order ;of sale was issued in the above en i Utled cause on the SUh day of July, 1915, upon a Judgment therein ren dered In favor of the Plaintiff and against the Defendant. S. X. Steele for the sura of Two Thousand Dol lars with Interest thereon from June Sth. 1S13, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, for Twenty e4?ht Dollars with penalty thereon at the rate of one per cent por moath for Qve months, for the sura of Two and 94 180 Dollars, together with Interest on thirty-two and J4-100 Dollars from September 1st. 1914, at the rate of II per cent per annum; for the sum of Two Hundred Dollars Attor ney's fees, and for the further sum of Twenty-seven aad 50-100 Dollars. costs, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's office of said Court in said County oa the I9th day of June. 1913; and where as, it was fuVther ordered and de creed by the Court la said Suit that the following described real estate, to-wif the west half of the south east quarter and the southeast quar- NORTH BEACH "PRIDE DF THE PACIFIC" j is the place to forget summer's beat and fliut, nlso The Cores and j Worries of The Day to ENJOY LIFE nt IU UEST, dotvn by the ' sen Hliere tlio ocean breezes blow.'' IN at Mllllsaa', Oa demonstration plots -t .... f.n..i & nl.tla ft innH nf Mil lAllfl. ,., ... w..-.- -- 8wet Clover because of the loose niM of the seed bed A few seeds' of lhs crop, bowevw. planted oa har! ground -t liawptiw have gron and the plant prove that this crop tll pay in- thl setloa. The' Dry 1-aad alfalfa is yet very young, but a good staad has b oMalnod and the crop Is pruMlssng. "A very noUcvabht aad valuat ! )tat for all dry laad farmers s dMsiaftsltat! ob 'rM l la"'i Uist hm the Erl Hart Wh-at praMlealtr H Ul " a'-1 the wU ol the drill paektd t wd. avd (n lb rows the crop : srreaii. tall aad lMsalthy CodcUohs that soar af-l irawst at this Man are that Sir r.g KENWOOD Lots 60x114, Sidewalks, City Water and Electric Lights $100 to $225 TERMS: $10 Cash and 510 Monthly. Special inducements to parties who will build homes J. RYAN & CO. I I M TOMORROW You're on the right trackl If fou can find use for a little wore fun you ought to &dyout Mayhc "yours" onl hcfalbna mayhc it TDilL 9 I I hitttxA fjQitViXUlii Sjt.&.r Rerched only via tbo OREGON-WASHINGTON S RAILROADS NAVIGATION; COMPANY Tickets on sale dally r.t low (I faras for the round trip Ask J. If. COItBETT, Agent Dead, Oregon ter of the southwest quarter of Sec tion one (1) and the northeast quar ter of the northwest Quarter of Rr. tlon Twelve (12). all in Township Jfl (10), East, W. M., In Crook county, Oregon, be sold according to law to satisfy said Judgment, including At torney's fees, cost and accruing costs aad the balance, if any to be applied aa by law directed. Xow Therefore. Xotice is Hereby Given that I hare duly levied upon the real estate above described and that I will on Saturday, the 2Sth day of August, 1915, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon thereof, at d the north front door of the Court V house in the City of Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, sell, accord ing to law to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and Interest of the above named Defendants, on the 27th day of May. 1911, In and to the above described tract of real estate, to satisfy said Judgment and accruing costs. Dated this 2Sth day of July, 1915. 2 1-2 4c, E. B. KXOX. Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon i.me aciknts "WAXTHM UK! MO.VKV MAKlMl PUOI'OMTIUN THE ICELESS QUEEN Refrigerator WrlgfU without m sr sssssninaU l-' prtofrl. Mil en sijght. HTjrrtrisdi omwU ae. JUS the thing (or the f&rjer. summer hotels, country Uw. etc. ole. Write for Uookttt and agent's proporittcn. A fcwA territories still pa" COAST COI.VISUT JS Fl,UMK COMPAXV Poitlaad (Kenton Sta- Uon) Oregon fcWILLAMETTlT hard wear and is a tent that will stand weather. That won't come apart through cheap material or workmanship. That will be as gotxl next year and the year after, as it is the first season. you can get such a Tent by asking for the "Will amette" and making sure our traae-mark is on it. EveryTTcnt is guaranteed to give absolute satisfacton. "WUlamtHt" Ttntt ar mad in all s6m and . Tktjf cost inert than Ttnt iritkout natru er guarantee. For Sale by All Reliable Dealers IIIHSII.WEIS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Makers rrmmii WUUaMU TuU m4 Jmfai Ok PORTLAND, CECa THE BEND COMPANY REAL ESTATE To make it easy for every- family in Bend to own their own home we submit to them a way to do it by any one of the following plans: PLAN No. 1 WE W1U, SKI-b ANY ONE OF OCH I-OTS IN THE 11EST HESIDEN. CIAIi PARTS OF THE TOWN AT THE PRICE OF A YEAR AGO. "WITH COSH PAYMENT OF 3 PER CENT AND EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF 3 PUR CENT OF PURCHASE PRICE. PLAN No. 2 WE WILL SELL A LOT AS PER PLAN NO. 1 FURNISH ALL THE I.UMHKlt REQCHU:i) TO IU'ILD A HOME ON IT AND ACCEPT PAY- 1 MENTS IN MONTHLY INSTALUIIVTS. PLAN No. 3 V- L4 8EICT ONE OF OCR LOTS PfRNISH US A'PLAX OF THE HOME YOlf DESIRE TO HA YE. VK WILL RUI.D IT AND TURN IT OVER TO YOJJ CO.MPLCTE IX)R A SJIALL C.VSH PAYMENT AND THE BALANCE IN JIONTHLY INSTALUIENTS. UKE PAYING RENT. YOU G.VN BUY A LOT AND BUILD A HOME ON IT TOR 25 PER CUNT LESS XOW THAN IN A YEAR HENCE FOR OUR LOTS ARE CEIU TAIN TO ADVANCE TILT MUCH AND LUMBER AND LIBOR WILL ADVANCE AS .CONDITIONS IMPROVE. THIS IS YOUR OPI'ORTUNITY TO INVEST YOUR MONEY IN A HOME INSTE.VD OF WASTING IT BY PAYING RENT. A DOLL.VR SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADE. '4-' D. E. HUNTER .1 . it i Mmst Real Estate DepartJMMt " . 0 I :l &Sqtm$t x ir i , .? - "SJsajC4& , " TdjpBHHBT2 JMMMfriMlsMHIMBMWiWttMMW!lWiiiiisrfMMMSMi mnissisM