) W,W -rf-, V Tt.r jWSi .jjstmmw. 'l. t-,- - THK BEXIJ BULLETIN, 1W3OT), OltE., WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1013. J PAQB 0. If U-; n i KV t ' ' Ii nAO DIL.CIN i nc riio i ui i or utilities everywhere, and especially in small towns, that combination of competing plants invariably results later. And there is another phase; when a small town allows competing companies to share its electrical business, the possibility of later reducing rates is practically removed. For instance, with one company, as the business grows with the growth of the town, there is likelihood of rate reduction. But with two in vestments, and the double capital involved, posL sibility of such future reduction is practically eliminated. But I am free to say that the Commission is united in being absolutely opposed to compe tition in electric service in SMALL TOWNS, WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC GOOD AS THE FIRST CONSIDERATION. Frank J. Miller Chairman Oregon Public Utilities Commission. i V , 4t ' r v, "We do now and al ways have believed in the competency of the Commission." Statement of our opponents in The Bulletin, July 21,1915 ' BEND WATER. LIGHT &. POWER. CO. ow 1 PLANS A1ADE FOR BIG DISPLAY Kmomhln WYiiIIum lli'lpa Niliiiuliito IlltOH'M HM'rt 100 Cllll ll'N Mint Tliim liiiht Yeiii Niiiiion of L'mii(tl(tUN Wmitttl I vii 1 1 j-. Pimm for tlio Fifth Aniiiuil Flower Show, to bo hold August -1 under tho nusplcoH of (ho Ladles Library Cliili mo nonrlug completion, under tho dlroetlnns of Mm. II. II. Do Ar nioiul, Mrn. C. S. HuiUoii ami Mm. IC. M. TllOlllIHOM, Already ronslilornhlo Interest In being hIiowii In tlio coming nIiow, mul promises iiro Hint tlio ontrv lint will lio larger Hum for nny of tlio pro vIoiih mIiowh This lntoroat Ih shown in tlio growing of it nrmitor vnrleiv of Unworn (IiIh year than In formrr years mul tlio favorable weather which has provnllod during the hiiiii nior iiioiiIIih Iihh aided. That n Hiiltnlilo illunluy of tlio Unw orn limy lit provided tlio ioiniiiltttH tu iliara of t Iih aliow time nil poraona who Ititeuil to mako ontrlea tu ihmii- NUttlm Willi It KB MHlll IOWll)l o that authVlaut niToiiimoil.it loii mav h made. Cotuuetltora for tht UtHthin Chili rii ar urged m miu1 thatr nama to Mm. K. M. Thomiwon, avcratary or the l.adlaa Library Club, wi that raaervatloiu may tie made for Mtrlea lit thla rlaaa. Tha commute In elm r go of thla year a ahow believe there mill !,- loo outrlaa more than laat ear. Accord ing to Mrs. Thntunaou, Hand Hower eulturlata Imva ahnwn mora Interval than In any pravloua yar In growing tttiw vartetlw of Howar aud haw uit with iucxict4l aurceaa. The coiutulltao which hna lieeu aoUetlluft irtwa for th ahow hua uot Nat rWilehed tla work. Contributions to (lata an at follows: Hrat .National Hank. $10; Oeorae S. Young. $1: II. C. Ullta. 1. M. U MarrUt. $1: Bawd Oaraga Jl: J. A. Urluklay. $1: 8bavlla-Hlun Com pany. J1Q: u. il. Davia, 51: Mend l'urk Comtmuy. J: A. C. Kn. it: J. A. lflata. Jl; 11. A. Millar. $1; MatropolUau. $1; i. llyaa. $1: C. W. Hraklua. Jl: I. W. Ilrown. &0 ctuiU: A. Attuo. Hi Ueml lla4ilvr. I'eroolntor: 'H. M. ThoiA(ou, haiut iMjInUnl aiib'Hr ami oroamar; Cloargo 8. Itoliortu. 1: 11. GlnKm. Jl: Owli riiuwiincy, IS In marchnmllio; V. A.J FIRE FIGHTERS I 1G DAMAGE TO TIMBER IS PREVENTED IHtfKOHt lllno Hun liven In .lock l'lno Countiy South of lax lJnt Now I'mlrr Omtrol Mimy lon iiro i:niilo)oil In l'luhtliiK I'Iiun. 1'lrcH ImrnliiK In tlio tlnihor nt viirloun polntH tioiith of lloinl hnvo viikiikoiI tho nttontlon of tlio lornl Korotitry Olllco nml tho Com nil Oro Koii 1'lro I'utrol Aocliitlon for tho pnbt wook. According to Intest ro ports thuy iiro now nil urnler control. Whoii nt their IioIkIU 7S or tnoro nion wuro oinployoil In llglitlnR tlioin Tho largoat llro mul tho ono nt which tho KrontoBt liuiiilior of men hnvo hoon oinployoil Htiutcil ovor n wook n m In tho country himiiIi of l,u l'lno mul cunt of tho Fort Itock roiul. In Kcctlon 11 of township '!! mnith, rmiRo 10 oust. For u tlmo tho tiro I'urlit'u, $1; (luortio HiimoII. il: It. 11. l.ovon. 60 cuiiLh: Wllllmn I'. Downing, 1: I). V. Carmoilv, Jl; l'rwil ltm. f0 conta: A 1. Mtln tofh, li II. II. Do Armonil. Jl; Sanitary Hakery mul C'.roccrx. jl; Nettle Stovanaon, 50 rentx. Churlo Hovil. 5fl rauta; lloiol Wrlslit. J2.50; T It. JIcCHncy, Inrge can of rorfeo: Mroii Synuiim. pendant .nul olinln. It. li. IjAintwraon, Jl: T. 1. NUwon nor. Jl; Hart Shuey. 5U ronu: V. 0. MrCulmon. M reuta; Dtm hnfea State Hank til It. M. Smith. J a In merch niulUo; N. 1'. Smith. Jl. O'Donnoll Krolhora. Jl: Dr. 11. Forroll. Jl. C W. Thornthwalta, Jl In morrhniulUa: D D. (Iraanwalil, J10 ludliM ring; Manuheliuer llrothura. J i In mar. rbandlae: Wiirner'i Jl: Tho lltMid Compauy. Jl: l. K. Iluntor. S: Itend Wat or Light & I'ower Company, Wlrlo Iron: llend Hiillotln. one yaar'a ulMtrrlpttQii to The Hullotlo, l)r. J. C. Vamlavert. Jl: J. N Hun ter, J I 50: W. II Stnata. II' n A. Thoraou. $3; Shrluar & Hu.'v. 2 In moroUautl'Htt: StoUU & Tweet. Jl' J. K Tafgart. JI:Heul Flour Mill Co,. &0 iiounila Dmwhuto Spray Flour: Can Ira I Orawon Fariuara' Croomwr, I ihiumiU kultar; Houil lroaa, ono mr' aulworlptlon to ,Tho Hand Prow: II. J. Ovorturf. Jl. Tho Hat of tho prltos mul tho ontrloa for whloh they will he offoroJ will ho comnleted within a week. wnH worked on hy tho Central Oro Kon Firo I'ntrol Association mid tho Forest Sorvlco with about 30 inon and on Tueiidny nlslit wag roported undor control, hut Inter In tho wtfok It hecamo nctlvo at;iiln and on Satur day 1 1 men woro hurried off from hero to help In tho light. C. Loiib, of tho Forest Olllco. did some rapid work In getting tho flro llgliterH off Satunlny night. In two and a halt hours after getting tho call ho linil tho in on rendy with tools, food and cooking utensils and nutos to tnko thorn to tho flro. This flro was reportod from nil four of tho Forest Sorvlco principal look-out stations, tho reports all ac curately locating tho hlazo. On Friday Forest Supervisor M. U. Morrltt went down to direct tho work, releasing J. II. Manor, of tho patrol association, for othor fires nearer I) end. According to reports the flro hurncd n Hlrlp nliont half a mllo wldo mid soven miles long, al most entirely In tho Jack plno. Tho latest Information Is that tho boun daries of tho national forest hnvo not liven crossed, and that tho flro Is now under control. Most of tho men who wore working on It hnvo returned to town. Further south near tho border of tho forest an cxtonslvo sago brush lira was roported on Monday. Tho front of this flro was said to ho soven miles long. On Tuesday Mr. Morrltt wont to Fort Hock to help In fighting It. Nearer town tho Central Oregon Flro Patrol Association has had n crow working on a flro apparently started from tho clearing operations qn tho Sliovlln-lllxon logging road. Smoko from this flro poured up on Sunday mid tho glow of tho flames against tho sky was vlslhlo aftor dark. It Is understood that no dam age has been dono, tho flro merely burning a Httlo brush and some fal len trees, Aro You FeclltiK I'll? Do you envy tho mnn or woman of untiring energy, strong body and hap py disposition AH theso depend up on good health and good health Is Imposslblo when tho kldnoys r.ro dis eased. Foloy Kldnoy Tills help tho kldnoys cast out poisons that cause hackacho, rheumatism, and othor symptoms .of dangerous kldnoy and blnddor troubles. Patterson -Drugr Co. Adv. yyuxAz Whether it's ours or some other kind doesn't matter to you. The important thing is It will either he falima or some other good one. M Ak iK tMtvttM"itvta 5 i f-fpTEL LTAMONT Pl.UASA.NTLY SirUATlD TWO .MIMirUS WALK FROM POSTOFFICU (1001) ROOMS, (1001) .MUALS (1001) SHRVICB IN I2V0RY WAY NOnilNO. UU1TUR IN UBND. COMU AND SfiB. i .ysssyyyss The United Warehouse Company fsftJljx il)) - Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR., SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD The United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon & tf