SmSCS-"-- yrwafMaxtJH. u ; i'isr v -'ri" aiWUK , . v, ,!5jiMniVjjj 4u TAntt'n; fe mr -" Tfnffi -' "IT 'i ( "wj tr st ' ' i IB I It's high time for you to, ' .I findyourf I You 7 enor "yours" whether WiCi I s fatlma or some other good one. s tnr jk &A FOLLOW MRS. KING'S PRESERVING RULES AND GET YOUR FRUIT FOR CAN- NINQ AT SHUEY'S The Cash Grocer LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mrs. E. A. Sathcr was ill on Sun day. J oo Wornstaff returned to town on Friday. t E. Hnrper, ot Paisley, spent Tuesday In Ilend. William It. Thorp of Tumalo was In Bond Thursday. A. D. Norton, of Mllllcan, has been In on buslnoBs this week. M. Eugonla Stoory of Sliver I.ako was a visitor In Iioiul Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elklns of Cres. cont woro Sunday visitors In Ucnd. Nf S. Benson of Hampton wno n liuslness visitor In Rend last Satur day. Claudo Mnnnholmor left Sunday for Chicago whore ho will purchnso a stock of fall goods. Dr. E. H. Vnrtor nnd famllv. of Modford, paseod through Ilond Mon day enrouto to Tlio Dalles. Just opened. Olvo us n trial. A now meat market. Qllhort & Son. Adv D. Tl. French, who graduated from Itocd College, Portland, In Juno is visiting his cousin, A. L. French. Georgo A, Jones returned Saturday morning from a brief business trip which took him to Seattle and Salom. Fred Sangfoldor, formerly n rcsl dont of Hend, has rccontly becomo a clerk at tho Honson hotel In Port land. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clydo McKay left Monday morning for an outing at Spnrk's lake. They will bo gono n week. J. Edward Larson Is distributing handBomo thormomotors bearing nd vcrtUomonts of tho Ilend Btunm Laundry. Mr. and Mrs. Itoss Farnhnm nro recolvlng congratulations upon the birth TuoHday morning of an olglit pound boy. Tho Rullotln hns rocolved a enpy of tho Orogon Illuo Hook for 101G- 191G. Issued by lion W, Olcott, sec retary of stnto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Larson I rcturnod on Friday from Portlnnd, ' whero Mr. Larson attended tho Lnun- drymen's Convention. G. P. Putnani went to tho San Francisco Exposition Monday, ac companying tho Oregon Naval Mil itia on Its annual cruise Tho latest Issue of the Oregon vot er contains an nrtlcle entitled, "Gov ernment Aid Is Fnimor's IIopo," by Hoscoo Howard, ot Deschutes. Harry Manlon left Sunday after noon for his homestead south of La Pine to help flght tho lire which threatened tho buldlngd on tho claim. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. P. Schneldtr, of Illco Lake, Wisconsin, Bpent n fow days In Ilend last wcok. Mr. and Mrs. Schneider hnvo been touring tho WCBt. Two now sanitary drinking foun tains have been ordered for tho depot and nro expected to arrlvo this week They will bo installed in tho waiting rooms. A flro wob started In tho brush near tho walk leading down to tho Kenwood bridge Mondny nrtcrnoon necessitating getting out tho hoso to extinguish it. Dithcnn' and Gordon McKay aro staying. lth the Mlssos llonson at tho Mountain Crest Vlow ranch dur ing tno absence or tnoir parenis on their camping trip. Qus Schroedor, of Silver Lnko, spont Saturday In llond, returning Sunday aftor tnklng In tlio Dan gamo nt Prlnevlllo. Mr. Schrocdcr still shows the effects of his rccont unto accident. E. M. Peck, of Hampton, who hns spont tho past two mouths In" Port land, roturncd on Friday. Mrs. Peck camo from the homestead to meot him and they loft for Hampton on Saturday. H. P. Pugsloy and family, former ly of Evorott, arrived In Ilend Sun day evening and will mnko tholr homo In Kenwood. Mr. Pugsloy Is a representative of n const tea nnd coffco llOUBO. James T. Chlnnock, of Salom, sup erintendent of Water Division No. 1, nnd membor ot tho Stnto Water Hoard, arrived from Hums on Mon dny, leaving yesterday morning for Klamath Falls. Tho regular buslnoss mooting ot tho Methodist. Ladles Aid will bo held nt tho homo of Mrs. Ralph Spencer next Wednosdny afternoon. All mombors are requested to bo prosont ns ofllcors for tho year will bo olect- cC. ' Tho Sunday Oregonlan contained an nrtlclo on Ooorgo E. Hardy, now ly elected manager of tho Portland Chamber of Commerce with pictures of his family, including his son, Nor- rls L. Hardy, who is now in nenu for his health. Just opened. A now mcut tnnrkot. Glvo us n trial. Gilbert & Son. Adv EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS ncglnnlng August 1, 191G. Near ltlgh School Conducted by ELI). LEVI A. I'UTEHHAUOH of Argos, Ind. No.w working un- dor tho direction of tho Mission Board ot Oregon, ot tho Church of tho llrothren. Everybody Cordially Invltod. Staple Groceries are the things that are used all the year round -that is, pood groceries. Try ours and you will he getting the first quality kind. Vegetables, fruits and delicacies are always in season and our store can supply all your needs in this line at right prices Stoves, .Ranges Tinware Oranltevrnre S. C. CALDWELL Tin: store of quality- Free Delivery Anywhere In City. HARDWARE Implement Wagon. ItuggliM Carriages if I J I The COZY I l Restaurant ; G C Horstman CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR Plans and Specifications furnished free, estimates cheerfully furnished. Bend Oregon Word has been received of tho funeral In Los Angeles of Marshall C. Hayes, Jr., who was killed In an accident nt Grays Itlvor, Washington, a Bhort tlmo ago. Mr. Hayes was known in Ilend, hnvlng been In tho K. P. Cecil cruising party In tho Paulina forest In 1012. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. Noble, Mr. onil Mrs. F. J. Storm, Miss Mny Noblo nnd G. C Noble, of Amarillo, Texas, spont Sundnv In Ilend enrouto to tho Yellowstone Park, Tlioy nio limiting tho trip by automobile, nnd upon their nrrlval In Ilond, Saturday night tlioy had traveled more than 2.S00 miles. Tho party will return to Tex as via Salt Lako and Denver. Jack Johnson has returned from Wnlln Walla. Fletclior Edwards has been In town this week. M. W. Knickerbocker of Gist was In town yesterday. II. J. Overturf was In Prlnovlllo on business yesterday. "Undo" Frnnk Nichols was up from Tumnlo on Friday. Mrs. McLaurln returned Wednes day night fpom Portlnnd. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. M. Patterson ro turncd to town last week. John Cunningham of Tumnlo, was In town on business Friday. J. n. Miner and a party of friends went over to tho Motollus on Sunday. Hoscoo Howard and C. M. Ucdflcld woro up from Deschutes yesterday. D. L. McKay camo In from Port lnnd Sunday, returning on Monday night. F, iL. Shaw, of Sisters, was over on Friday with n subscription list for tho Sisters fair. Pearl Lyncs was In from tho flab ponds on tho Tumnlo Monday nnd again yestorday. C. E. Shepherd end Norman Hupp, of tho Huron Tlnibor Co., woro horo on business last week. Tho Ilond boy scouts nro planning a 10 day camping trip at Spring Itlvor leaving llond on August 9. A party Including II, W. Skuso, H. Latham and Jack Stanley avob out hunting sago hens yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Allen wont to Deschutes yesterday afternoon, Mr. Allen hnvlng business to nttend to thoro. Tho local Forest odlco hns rccolv- od notification of nn lncrcnso In pay granted to Forest Assistant W. J. Spront. L. Wlcklor and Horb Angoll, horso buyors ot Prlnovlllo, woro In Ilend on Tuesday. They left for Hcdmond this morning. Mr. and Mrs. A, J, Kroenort, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urostorhous nnd Har rison. Latham spont Sunday on tho Motollus. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Ellis nnd their guests, Mrs. E. M. Goodsoll nnd Miss Mnudo Smith, Bpent Sunday on tho Motollus. D. E. Htintor loft on Saturday for a business trip to Portlnnd and Seat tle Ho Is oxpectod back tomorrow or Friday. Ah unusually henvy shower for this tlmo of year occurred thlo morn lng,ir. Inches of rqln falling Ip less thaiTan hour. Mrs. F. Cross hns bought tho Ore gon hotel from Mrs. Wells who pur chased It from Sam McMurtrlo sov ohil weeks ngo, Itov. II. C. Hnrtrnnft roturnod laBt night from Eugono whoro ho hns boon attending tho annual meeting of tho Prosbytorlan Synod. Mrs. Edwnrd Frnunfoldor nnd son of St Louis, Mo., visited Mrs. Ilonry Whltsott ovor tho week end, Hoinco Ilclkunp bringing tliein ovor from Prlnevlllo. Word has boon rccolvod that Miss A. D Spalding's mother dlod on Sat urdnv. Mist Spaldlnx wont to Grants I'iihh to bo with hor mother two weeks ago. i A roacort will be glvon bv tho Ilend Imtid beginning at sovon o'clock shnrp, Friday evening on tho stand on tho'Iawn lu tho rear of tho ulllco of Tho Ilopd Company. A representative of tho District Forost otllco In Portlnnd Is expected lu on Saturday to mnko n tour of tho DeBchutes forost lu connection with tho publicity work of tho ofllce. Mr and Mrs. A M. Cronln, who niado tho trip to Crater Laku with Mr nnd Mrs. II. W. Skuso last wook, have returned to Portland. Tholr son Ambrose will visit with tho Skuscs for a fow weeks. A full moon, hugo bonflro nnd nn olabornto lunch contributed to mnko n picnic party hold on the banks of tho river Mondny evening on enjoy- able affair. Twonty pooplo mado up tho party who enjoyed n woll pro- parod picnic dinner after which tlioy ronstod welnors and toasted marsh mallows by tho flro. Uso Deschutes Spray Flour. Whit er and hotter than over. For salo by Tho New Ilond Flour Mill Co. Adv. EVERYTHING TO FURNISH THE HOME -j Headquarters for FINE FURNITURE, PIANOS. Century Edition 10c Sheet, Music. RUGS and CARPETS EL M. THOMPSON The Furniture Man SAY DO YOU KNOW Gilbert & Son IJAVU ADDliD A NUW STOCK OP Groceries TO THEIR. LINE 6p MEATS? Bedrock Prices aad Courteous Treatment Is Our Watchword. f OIvc Us Trial. Mid. summer E conomies 3 HOSIERY SPECIALS: Ladia ' Black Silk Lhlc Hose, double foot, O C extra good wearing, at &DC LADIES' FIBRE SILK HOSE, at en the pair JVC LATHES' PURE SILK PHOENIX HOSE, the best hose on the market at the price, "7C at the pair DC Ladies' Crepe Sltp.Ovcr Gowns, $1.25 QC Values at , , yDC Children's Muslin Slip-Over Gowns, at C) per garment DUC Sheets for Hotel or Family use, size CC 76X90, beaoy quality, at DDC Extra Heavy 6-inch Hair Boa Ribbon, at n C per yard '. . . -JC New Fall Lines blankets, Outings, Eden Cloth, Comforter 3)atts, just received. Stop and Shop at Mannh eimer s THE STORE THAT MAKES CCOD. J. F. Popo, manager fo tho Pioneer Tologrnph nnd Tolephono Co., enmo ovor from Prlnovlllo yostordny on, business. Mr. Popo reports that tho demand for now telephones In ilend Is still In excess of tho supply. The rosldonco of W. G. Wnugh In tho Grango hall neighborhood was destroyed by lire on Thursday morn ing. Mr. Wnugh was In Ilend at tho I tlmo nnd his wlfo and son nut In tho Holds. Tho cause of tho lire Is not known, Mrs. E. M. Gondsell nnd Mlsn Smith, who hnvo bcou visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Ellis, left on Monday for tholr homo In tho oast, They aro going by way of tho Canndlan Pncldu linking n stop In Astorln to visit friouds on tho way. FRUIT A DO OF ALL KINDS BALL MASON GOLDEN SJATE MASON .With Wide Mouth ECONOMY SCHRAM Also Rubbers, Lids and Clumps for all the above makes. I'ltntwitx, and the NEW STYLE MASON CAPS. See our window display of jars. E. A. Sat her General Merchandise. Preserving Jars tgmmtmammmmmammmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm NOW THAT t'lir.Ki:UVIn TIME 18 IIEKH EVEItY HOUSEWIFE WIW WANT HOME FItUIT JAItS, THAT IS, i()OI Fill IT JAItS. WE BKUh THE ECONOMY AND MASON URANUS, WHICH ARE CONSIDERED TO J1E THE MOST PRACTICAL, AS WEI.Ii Art THE CHEAPEST, IN THE UON(l RI'N. REST JEMA flliAHSEH ON THE MARKET. SKUSE HARDWARE CO.1 41 ! ..