AflhatfeW'JK .jnl lx FACES. THE BEXD BCLLETLV, IlEXI), ORE WEDNESDAY. JULY 28. 1015. w V-WT4' I i- 11 ft D' rm i v '-! I k'.J HI ti t fc .. CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. TUJIALO. (Special to The Bulletin) TITMALO. Jal IS The adrasee crew under (otemxa Blllr Hran left Thoradar to Rn rk on the - raicr v.res aiTnjoa oi ie IBM alo project. Soe work had to bc dene on the rad leading to the casap before supplies coald he bail ed. The follow! local hoys went out to do the work. Carl Marten. StIKa Drown. Oaks Walter, Frank Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harper and faatUr a em Mr and Mrs. Joha Marsh ad faasitr are taklas a vacatfoa at HeMatp oa the Metollas. S. R. Browa retaraod Friday froai Preott. Wsafalattoa. where he has keea workl?; is th harvest field. A party f TuaiaJo people speat Saaday ptealeinir at Bla aa4 Sautlea Lakes. Tver re Mr. and Mrs. Jobs Caantarnam. Mr. and Mrs. Joha J. Cxmi. Fay and Grorer Cerk tac and Mrs. Byroa Cady. W. D. itaroe and a party of f Heads from Ioa are speadlag a few weeks a the Metollas AnotMr force ot roa lett Mooaay , woralsg for the Broken Top camp where they will work on Crater, Creek direction Alfred Haan w j hare charge of the concrete work and . S. R. Brows will b lastrumt 'man. Earl Updike. Earl Swlth aad Hatch tx of Redmoad alo went up Mr. and Mrs. Wallace aad family and Mr. aad Mrs. Caaatacaam took In the aorloa at Bead Wednesday nighL Mrs. Choree Rroaterhoas and son Edward spoat a few days vMtlngi at iiuereM Andersoa Broa are doing the f.'fdnhUa? to the proWt camp. jirs. iqm owy Mrs. raw are at? rtlag the reeipos for the W. S. L. Clab cook hook. t IIAMITON. (Sseoial to The nulletln) IIAMITON. Jaly It. Mrs. M. L. Pock. Mrs. boatsoa. Mrs. E. M. Peek aad ebltdm spent last Tharsday vrkh Mrs. lAtciada BUck of Uaard crok. J. I- Owen weat to Bond Friday aad had hia teeth drawn by Dr. Pastlkoer. retaralag Taoaday. Far mors are very baay harvesting. Mr. aad Mrs. J O Whlttaker aad Mr. aad Mrs W T Harrison son Tfcoaasx wpoit 9aaday wKh Mrs. La eisxMt Bhtck and Burr Balaek of Lit rd areek Melvin Crow la working (or F. S. Logan. Mr. aaU Mrs Chan. Bishop of Im perial were in Hampton Saaday. Miss Harriet Hliby and limine Hoffman of ImDorlsl were In Hasan.! lab Tamdar I Un I!. 11 llarnnn Un Ijvr' Hicks and MM IMrle Barton took , " Irwl(1, MM, .. . dlaaar with Mrs. A. S. Fogg Bad" '". 5lr. mK. ? ,hM'1 i fawitr Umailmr I Mr and Mrs. Harry Wilson aatoed Mro. K. M. Peck will leave this ruing for Bend, where she will MmX her haafaaad who has been la I'M'tland for a few weeks. Mr. RnBtoa of Dry Lake was In lUmptoa Wcdaosdcy. IIAMITON IIITTK. 'Sreeinl to The Bulletin) HAMPTON BCTTIC. Jaly II Mr. M. W Baapard and daaghior Bmn loft on a track for Bond loot Saaday on thotr way to Portland to atioad the sick bod of a relative ! Mr. Cocbott of Henjamln Lake w a Back Creok visitor last week j Mrs. Ilrkkoy rot u rued from the' khe attoaded her mother's funeral Mrs. C J. StaufTcr came up Sat urday, returning Sanday. W. W. Ilrown'a round up crew paesed through here Satarday on their way to Wagontlre. A number of ranchers have been catting some of their hay the post eek N. S Broun of Pleasant valley was up rtf'tlng with frlaads Sunday. Bert Meeka ploHl IS acres for Call Tinner last week hMwin Scliredcr fell from a horse thai morning and hurt his irm quite badly. He took a truek out for Bund to reowlve medlaal aid Sva Michnl spont several days with Mrs. Iloraea iirooklngs last wok. V. P Wray was a Pleasant valley aller last Moaday. Mr. IthodM Taylor of Tekamah. Xobraska, earae In an a track hr- ilay as far an Brookings, being en his way to tUit hia obi time friend C J. StHffr V. Scbredor was klaked by a eoll last H)k. cAuslng him mueh pain I Mr. and Mrs. llert Meeks and chll1 dren look aupicr with Wn. Hoist ( Wfdawsday JoMe Monroe went to Back Creek last waek to look for work. Mt Agacs SehrHler returned on Satarday from an extended visit with her slater. Mrs. Kdward Street of Buck Creok A grtMt number of Jak rabbits are being poluined In this vlolntty. J. M. llrlckey waa a business vis-. Itor here today. Wa. lluUt returned from Bend laal Friday with lumber and a bin dtr which be had shipped from his farwvr homo at l.a Cross. Washing' lou. LOST CHEEK. (Spesla: to The Bulletin.) LOST ORHHK, July 19. Jim Smith came over from Kgll and spent Sunday with hia family here. J. K. Curran has a number ot car penters rebuilding his hall. Mrs. 8. W Ileal held eighth grade examinations at the school house, last Thursday and Friday. .Mary St suffer wan the only appll.J can,t for a diploma. Cecil Hubbard. Itoy StauScr and Mary Best, pupils I abjc rote on the MMtlot! j The Distrfrt School Board held a bsin seiax at the school boss Jast Tbarsdar afternoa. C. W MeGlalir had the misfortune ' la the eTrj:h grid to fall aboat S4 ft lata a veil last,. vit- tv. nu k.r .,. - , w " - Monday He was badly braised at1art &f uer or the past saffered a Mriows lary. . far Tears Is this dellzhtfsl sect Mrs. C C Waaabara aad S IV. tlf .. A. I ....w.l' ... kn. steads, before Coamawtoa-r SUaffer, !.. d,i., ' last Satwrtfay. Tfc Vj7 WuSI.Br mJ Ii faasfHe pJcalesd a9C last Saaday. oa Laot Creek MIliMCA.V. fRfctal tn Tb Blll!a) MILL.ICAN. Jaly 2 Mrs. W. B. MeAdw receired a taeswaje frosa her en oa. Boaeaun. Montana, say- lav hu i..ik.. - AmA lr-m tfa.lhr TA Imnrnrfnr tho KHtnord. Adow left the same erealas for Bead, In P. B. Joaasoa s ear. frosa where she took the trala for Boxeman to attend the funeral. Mrs. MeAdow had planned to Yttit with her mother ia about a Booth frosa now. not bar. ,ns IMa htT ,ne eomlnx; here to homestead I years a?o. which made the new, soaMr sod to her. I P a jOBBson made a bvslceaa' trio to Bead Fr day W. H Beam went to Prinertlle Wedaosday. retvratag home Th art- day, with a reaper he while there parcaaiea Mrs. Geo MilHcaa called at the Cinder hoa: Friday. Geo. Roberts aad wife called at P. II. Joaasoa s Saaday. Harney Ccnoway aad family re- I taraMf from Rear CtiA Satoritar I CHff Ream weat sswi to Staaer ranch Saadar. where he will heia In baying. A. A. Oilman has bees helping V. L. Heathmaa haying the past week. Harold Davis rode vu to wt ead to riait friends Svnday after neon. Mr. aad Mrs Cruse patd throagh bore from Bead earoate to Baraa oa Saaday. W.,11. Ream U csjulag rye hay for B. K. Davla. P. B. Johnson went to Urwn Mon day, uklag s paeager ia with him. Loaia Halt helped A. A. Ollmore slock hay Moaday. Saoday school will be held at 10: St a. m. every Saaday Instead of 2 p. m. POWELL IIITTH. (Special to The Balletln) POWELL BfTTK. Jaly SC. R. L. Moore received palatal iajariea to his shoalders aad spine while help lag to move a hay stacker Taesday. He Is recovering nicely however. PauHne Traesdale went to Priae- . I rllle Taesdor for a two day's visit oat from Redmoad Wednesday to talfe a look at the crops on the for mer's place. Rea Powell of Prinevtlte made a brtof vtsit In this Mctloa Wednesday. Ie liobba came not from Bend on Wednesday aad with Oeo. Hobba is hdptag Geo. Morgau harvest his arala. A triple blrthdsv party favoring the birthdays of Miss Gladys Bayn, Mhu Jocephlne Manceau aad Clyde Moore at the W !iayt htwc Wed- neaday evening wm atteaded by aiioat IT young people A Jolty good tlmo Is reported. Mrs Pauls, Mrs Busett and Llaa Moore were the la- ; stlgators of the affair which came as The New Bend Flour Mill Co., It a surprise to those In whose hoeor now manufacturing Deschutes Self It was given. The girl guests provld- Raising Pancake flour. Ask yqur gro ed delicious refreshments which ere, cer for it Adr. FLOWERY LANGUAGE IS ALL RIGHT IN ITS PLACE BIT FOR OlR FLOUR FACTS WE WANT TO GIVE YOC STRAIGHT TALK. W1I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT BREAD FROM OUR FLOUR IS MADE IN OUR LABORATORY AND THAT if TB3T8 AS HIGH AS ANY ON THE MARKET. THAT OUR FLOUR IS SOLD CHEAPER THAN ANY OUT SIDE FLOUR. THAT EVERY SACK IS POSITIVELY GUARANTEED TO SUIT OR YOU MAY RETURN IT AND GET A NEW ONE. THAT OUR MILL IS CLEAN AND SANITARY. THAT IT HAS TUB MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT OF ANY FLOUR MILL ON THE WHOLE PACIFIC COAST. DO NOT LET YOUR OROCKRYMAN TALK YOU INTO BUYING ANOTHER BRAND WHEN THERE IS A GOOD FLOUR MADE IN YOUR OWN TOWN AND SOLD AT A LOWER PRICK. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. BUY DESCHUTES SPRAY . FLOUR THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. 11K.NI), OREGON ' served daring the evening. Mr. and Mr Roj Shutrum of Portland. relatives of Mrs. E. N Ha'' pawed through here Wednesday un their irar to Craae Prairie above RARrf vhr fher will Mmn 'rtr ij I r. ii.ii j .l . m- 1--J "" "'"" "'edaesdar !. Mis Hall and sasall son who haTe keen rislt n? ...,, .w ....ii n ! ' iwni iCHltIiC3 tam1 jWaB M uivu atl-u hoaie Friday. Gay Sears was a PrlaeTille riI'or - .j,. ... . . . . -. .LGUtT' ? waluto prin" rllle Tbar4ay where she baa leeep'- a J00 ,a th !? 8f Coartr School Saperinteadent Myers. Road Spmor Willcoxoa a-.t erew hare besjaa work oa straighten - Powell Batie road for which wrk the Coanty Coart appropriated Js" it ihir ! tinr- Mr. and Mrs V O. Humohrer are enjoying a Tlslt from the fortar s brother and wife of Oklahoma. w- arrived here Friday Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bassett enter - taloed at an enjoyable dinner parv Saadar. Their sue were ReT. and Mrs. W. N. Byers rf Redmond. Mr aad Mrs AlbMi Wllieoxoa and Har- rlett. Jir. and Mrs. Reaves WHIeox- , oa and the Uiler-t mother. Mrs. Halt Mr. and Mrs. Ros-s Bwwett. "Tedd--John joa aad "Grandma" Brown. Will Brawn, who was on the si-k list last week, is reported as better now. Mr. aad Mrs. Jcha Lucky and small daaghter aad Harold Cook picnicked oa the Battes Sandar. The latter left Wednesday for Madras where be will work daring harvest time. Mr. aad Mrs. Alln Wilkoxon went to the show la Redmond on Saaday evening. N. P. Alley was a visitor at Oral City Satarday. retarnlag ob the Son day evealng train Ktmer Covert of Redmond visited at the Tack farm Wednesday. POWBLL Bl'TTE. July 56. Har lag it oa fall blast now. In most In stances the Srt catting has be a rather light. Melvin and Ora Foster flalshM stocking alfalfa yesterday. D. A. Patterson has finished hav ing. Harold Laadfare has been help ing him. While raking hay Mr. Pat terson's team jamped. catching h'.s arm In the wheel and badly wrench ing It. It is much Improved now. I W. and C. I. Blair have been patting ap A. D. Morrill's hay the put week. Mr. MarTllI Is down with rheumatism. Geo. Shobert is harvesting bis rye1 now. i N. B. Beach is cutting Jim Griffln's rye. Joe Tewnsend has a aer binder and Is now harvesting W. A Fos ter's rye Ora and Melvin Foster ' ect to Sisters Friday In Ora'a car f !. Hobbs is here now. staying with his brother George Mr Hobbs expects to harreat his wheat Ith a header. C F Blair has hauled several loads of hay to Bund markets J P Bowman Is hauling baled hay from the baler to the market at ,Topxnlh. Washington. ENGINEERS MAKE STUDY 9 Younx on -SattI(- Lake Project This Week to Seek Xew Canal Line. Aecompaaled by U D. Wlest and A. J Welton. formerly assistant en- ?ineer of the Tumalo project. George q v. ? .-,. i- . Grandriew to scend the rest of the week oa eaineennx; work In eon section with the Settles Lake Irri gatiOB project. Mr. Yoaag s plan is to spend the time with his assistants iwfciias tii s iu iiac ivr imv tBatn anl la the expectation of t- tin? oif a portion of the estimcted t0it ot the project. toord to tarrra un1 da,,!. flcatlcn work Mr. Welton will reaaia oa the project for a longer time and . oa Aagast 1 Percy Capper, assistant! tills nvinr l .in. In tn ot. amine the project for the purpose of'port,?l- coasel for Moore. h2d tele- making a report to the state. Ar- 1 ri97,ncii - fvoino- mri m nm. eu wjm tne constrnctlon of tbe project as soon as these jrellralaary matters are atrtnded to. ! Will Bur Empty Sack.. tj,,, Xew 3end n,. M Co wUj onrehase all emotrsitks mltable for: I grain purposes that are brought to, their raili.Arf- 19-28C Wanted Xow. Right now when hay fever ia at-1 tacking its victims and when asthma i is causing so much distress, there is I a demand for Foley's Honey and Tar i Compound the remedy that brought relief to thousands In previous years. Don't continue to suffer. It will helpi yon Contains no opiates. Tatterson Drag Co. Adv. O.VE CENT A WORD is alt a little ' Want Ad will cost you. i BRICK THAT IS MADE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. WHY & BendPark Company JASON MGORE IS 6IVEN 8EG- OND EXTENSION OH BOND Land Itoanl Votes Him OO Days More in Which to Comply With Itelimlnary Terms of Leae. Contrary to expectations the State ; Lasa oosru cu giveu juuu iwtc a seeoad extension of 60 days in wnteht io "o5"1 ,or. A' i ? v 8llete hu Sammer and Abert lake P)et. This efn is pUinly anderstood to le the last, the time b'3? "P ,n the ns'ddie of SeptemSer, i taieiB nes liems repon me atiiu of the Board under date of July 1 as follows: , The State Land Board yesterday afternoon, acting upon the sugges tion of Governor Witayeombe, vot ed to gve Jason Moore an extension of S dLys from Monday in which tO file a bond of 125.09 fbr the acrry- ing oat of the terms of bis lease of Summer aad Aert lakes. -Clerk G G Brown reported to U3e OOarO IBal (.. A. aueptKira Ol Jaoned him and stated teat ne wouia like to gel an extension of 30 or 60 "v.. "It was asrpd lv the board that i the 60 day extension would be final and the clerk was Instructed to not!- i fy Moore that the 60 days would also W ! oh vol traveler: When in need of a bed. a meal or J feed for your team or something to make ' your car go, bTOP AT P.B.Johnson's 2S miles from Bend MII1I can P 0 Also groceries. lunch goods and phone. ja EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR STAYS HERE t PAY RENT? OW IS THE opportune v! 11 l5 me snce e avent f Pi k( the railroads for you to .fckj build a home. Why wi dy construction until it will cost you 20 per cent more for the same building? The far seeing man is availing himself of the opportunity of securing labor and material very cheap. We have the largest list of Resi dence Property in Bend. Come in and let us quote you prices, and you will soon decide that you can not afford to pay rent any longer. O404 sa OREGON STREET .be a period of notice that 10,000 I on deposit with the state would be forfeited If the S 25.000 bond is tint '-1 ' ' SIGNS FOR SALE. 'For Ilent," "For Sale." "Hooras to Let", "Housekeeping Itoomt," "So Admittance," ".No Smoking," etc., t etc.. Placards printed la large type on heavy britol board, 15 cent each, lew In quantities California Expositions are two voit wonderlands The Greatest Shous of The Age. You Cannot Affoni to Miss Them. The Opportunity Will Soon Pass Go Xoiv. Choice of several routes at low fares for the round trip, via OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Ask J. H C0RBETT. Agent Bend, Oregon IN BEND KH 1 i f i M A W r Tii""" Yliw jSfS2jlt icayj Rtrs-LS