U' MP tfk K 'j 1 -v- i -f -jr:-:, . i .- PAGE 0. T1IK REND RULLETIX, REND, Oltn., WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1015. Hood River's Experience Say (Oregon Journal.) r -8hi a I A' r "X Competitive Utilities a Burden on the Public (Application of the Consumers' Gas Co. of Millville.) A. "Ilulil: Tlint tlic Hoard's decision In the Atlantic Highlands case, In which It rofusod to upprovo it franchise granted by nn onllunnco of tho Township of ShrowcBbury, Is In lino with WISH PUI1LIC POLICY. , "Thu decision In tho Atlnutlc Highlands enso wob to tho effect thnt tho competition between public utilities tends to be short-lived; thnt tho unnecessary dupllcntlon of plant entnlls n pormancnt burden upon the pub lic mid thnt thu Illusive doctrine of competition In this field Is being sup erseded by an experimental rcglmo of strictly regulated monopoly." NEW .IEIISEY HOARD OP PUHLIO UTILITY COMMISSIONS. ,4-, 'i u r "Only by regulated monopoly, and not by competition and duplication, can tho lowest rates ho secured." SENATOR OSOAIl I'NIHIRWOOD, of Alulininn, In a speech In tho IIoiiho of IlopreBontntlves, on "Tho Water-Power Hill," July 18, 1914. SALEM, Or., July 17. Tho Stnto Public Service Commission today made nn order In the case of P. O. Campbell nnd others ngalnst Hood River Gns & Electric Company, and Hood River Hydro-Elcctrle Company, both under one management now, reducing tho chargo for commercial lighting In Hood River to n considerable extent, re-adjusting thn schedule for , resldcnco customers by substituting a single block rato for nn old compll , cated rate, which took Into consideration tho amount of Installation each customer had, and finding thnt tho rural rates were not discriminatory and i thnt of necessity they must be hlghor than In the city. However, tho mint mum monthly charge for rural customers was reduced from $1.00 to $1.25. Campbell and others Instituted tho complaint with n view of getting tho snmo rates for the rural community ns wore charged In Hood River. ' No valuntlon was allowed on nny of tho company's property that Is not at present used In the service of tho community. This excluded n transmis sion lino from Hood River to Tho Dalles, ns well as other property. IT WAS FOUND THAT THE PLAXT OF THE HYDHO.ELECTRIO COMPANY, IXCLUDIXO STORES AXI SUPPLIES, HAD A VALUATION' , OK 9tS!(M AXI THAT OK THE HOOD ItlVKU OAS & ELECTHIO COM PAXY, $I!!,:SO, A COMHINEI) VALUATION OK 9UHit,UU. THE VALUATION ON WHICH THE NEW HATES ARE EASED, WHICH TAKES IN PROPERTY OK USE AND USEFUL- TO THE SERVICE OF THE PUHL1C, IS fjlTH.niH) FOR THE HYDRO COMPANY AND J?l 10,3011 FOR THE HOOD RIVER, MAKING A TOTAL OF Ijt'Jl ,)) FOR THE COM HINED PLANTS. This was tho first electric utility caso taken up by tho 'commission and nn exhaustive Situdy of the rates and valuations was made. BEND WATER LIGHT &. POWER. CO. 4 7 THE DESCHUTES RANGER FOR JULY j& j& J& JZ? Tho July number of the Deschutes I E. II. Howell, Deputy Stnto Flro Rnuger, Issued monthly from tho Warden nnd Hunger Vincent nro con- supervisor h olllco of tho Deschutes structlng u lookout tower nt Hlstors. National Forest, beam on tho cover pngo a photograph, taken by Super visor Merrltt, of an elephant al work piling teak logs on tho bench nt Rangoon, India. Tho photograph HiiggctttH tho lines from Rudynrd Kipling's "Mundalay," "I'lephnnts n' pllln' teak on tho sludgy, sludgy, creek." This number of tho Rnnger con tains many notes of road building and repnlr, ImproveinentH which are doing u great deul In opening up tho foreet to tho tourlHt nnd sportsman which will bo nbout eighty foot high when completed, A polo wngon bridge has recently been completed ncrosH Cottonwood creek and the Diamond lake road west of Denver Marsh, by Sam Welch nud other settlers In that vicinity, With this project constructed It W now possible to drive from Crescent to Diamond lake by auto. Deputy Supervisor llarphnm nnd pnrty completed work on the road between I lend and Tumalo Hunger Lnku where fences will bo construct ed. On Juno 2 ith II. E. Vincent count. ail two bnndH of Bheep for Henrlch PntJens. which wore tho llrst sheep entering that end of tho Forest. Tho old Hhcep weie In excellent condition and tho lambs v. urn extra largo. II. L. Until win from tho Genornl Land Olllco nt Wnshlngton, I). C, nrrlvod nt Sisters on Juno 21th nnd Is horo to inuke n survey of tho boumlnry lino between the Deschutes National Forest and tho Wnrm Spring Indian Reservation, commenc ing at tho summit of Ml. Jefforson, thtneo working enst to somo point on the Motollus river. There hns nl wnys been more or less dlsputo in connection with tho location of tho present boundary. L. V. Kumwnlt hns been liiwy com pleting tho pnsturo fence at tho At liiiKham Ranger Station, irrigating the liny meadows nnd clearing out different roads and trails In that dis trict. Ho has commenced work on n Thorn Is alio n clover poem by Ran- Station, the party having been ai.now rood up UiosouthBjdooC Canyon ger J. II. Curl comparing former nud present methods of getting to nnd fighting forest llres. Extrncits from tho Rnnger follow. Rnuger South made n trip to the summit of Odell Unite to take ob servations regarding tin) advisability of establishing a lookout station nt thnt point. Supervisor Morrltt and Ranger Oney spent Juno 1 a til and 1 1 1 It In the region of Crane Prnlrlo In going over piiMlblo rond route between that point ami l.nva lakes. An un handed ut tho end of June. Tho road Is now passable by autos ns fnr west ns tho Station. On Juno 21st nnd 22nd r. F. Ilenshaw of tho United States (loo logical Surey, In company with Sup ervisor Merrltt, made a trip Into tho .Mtiioiius region and took stream measurements on the Motollus river ut Jacks Cnnou, First nnd Lnko creeks, and on all of tho vnrlous trlh utnrles of Canyon creek. New giumes woro put In ut Canyon and Jacks creeks unit arrangements miiilo ustmllv good grade could bo secured ' vo them road regularly during throne b n rotintrv free from rock , "' coming summer where the surface will ninko an ex cellent rosd. Cold spring nn the Mackenzie wag on road is entirely dry. which Is something ery unusual This spring was never known to bo dry but mice before ut this time of the year nnd hns btwn dry In the fall only once during the past ten' years. J. D How man, who went on duty June Hth, Is stationed nt the Sis ters Hunger Station. Ho hns been busy repulrlng tho Mackenzie tele phone line, the pnsturo fence nt Polo Creek Ranger Stntlon nnd in clean ing out different trails In tho district A F Averlll In charge of tho Rlo logtcul Survey work In Oregon, with headquarters In Pendleton, wni In Rend on Saturday, July 10th, looking after tho Interests of his department, especially ns regards tho work of ex terminating coyotes. Lumber has been sent to Paullaa lake for the construction of a house for tho lookout men at the summit of Paulina Peak. Deputy Supervisor llnrphnm, Rnnger Smith and Guard Allen will do tho construction work Tho first bund of sheep to pass through Crescent onrouto to tho is'n tlonul Forest range wer counted by Ranger South on Juno 22nd. Oeorge Wilson, who is stationed nt tho Tumalo Ranger. Station, has been working on tho now rond between there and Rend, cleaning out trails nnd repairing tho counting corral at Swampy lake during the past mouth. Klrstln one man stunin nullor has Just been purchased for use on road work. It will llrst be tried out In tho Davis lnko legion by Rnnger Ed Mann. Porter W. Ashley of Madras hns iiinile application for u tract of land on the south shore of Davis Lnko us a summer cottage slto. This Is tho llrst application that has been receiv ed under tho now occupancy Act of March 4, 1915. Forest Assistant Sprout has com-1 pieteti the primary plane table trlan gulatton control for the Deschutes rorest and for tho northorn portion of tho Paullnn as far south as Wal ker mountain nnd Odoll llutte. Prob ably no tuoro work along this lino will he done this season. All of the primary lookout points on the forest bue been equipped with Osborne Fire Lookout Protrac tors. Hans Zimmerman has made appli cation for n pasture and a corral special use permit to bo used In con nection with his leasing permit on Crescent lake. Ranger Hnrrlman Is having the road between Summit Stngjs Station' and his headquarters cleared oft brush nnd rocks so as to make It pas.1 same for nutos. He has also done a great deal of work along tho same lino on the othor roads In his district. Ranger Oney has made an examina tion of the proposed administrative site at the southwest corner of Lava creek which will bo a big help in tho way of lire protection whou It Is com pleted. Jim Chllders hns Just completed n cut off nt Crime Prnlrlo between tho Cow Camp nnd tho Rnuger Station, thus avoiding the rocks and mud nloug tho old road, Rnnger Ed Mann hns been cutting poles for uo on tho Wickiup tele phone line. Messrs. Kumwnlt and Goldon have repaired the telephone lino from the Alllngham Ranger Station as far north as the Indian Reservation. They also tiinde n large tool box to be placed ut the forks of tho lllack llutte trail nud the Motollus rlvor road. Mr. Golden has taken n cook stoo nnd his camp outfit to his cub In nt the summit of lllack llutte, where he will stuy during tho tiro season. Already he hns reported several llres. On June ICth and 17th E. II. How oil nnd 11. E. Vincent worked at put ting out a llro which has been burn ing for n long time in the sawdust pile at tho old Dayton milt In Section 20. Township 14 S., R. 10 East. Supervisor Morrltt wont to Paul Inn nnd East iLakes lato In June. While there ho looked over tho hotel site lease hold by Fred Shtntnffor, assisted In Installing the lookout pro- trnctor on Paulina- Peak nnd looked over possible sites for n lookout cab in. Rnnger Oney hns constructed a spur telenhouo lino nbout one-third mile In length from tho Crnno l'ralr io lino to tho summit of Ilntes llutte, n small hill near tho Dig Rlvor stn tlon which Mr. Oney uses for a sec ondary lookout point. Tho llrst call over this lino came In on July 7th. Forest Assistant Sprout nnd n field pnrty of thrco men consisting of 11. F. Wendover, F. II. .MofTett nnd Clydo A. Denis started work on tho High Desert Land Clnsslflcntlon project on July 1st. A. F. Huuser of Fort Rock is with tho party ns cook nnd camp tender. It Is expected that these men will cover nn nrcn of n ltttlo over forty thousand acres during tho noxt two months. This will complete land classification work on the old Deschutes. It has been decided to construct n stone cabin 12x18 feet at tho sum mit or Walker mountain. Most of the necessary material hns already been taken to the peak and Guard Steevens Is now busy getting out tho necessary rock. Guards Chrlstcnscn nnd Tyler aro working nt the Willow Rnnger Sta tion to complete the pnsturo fence stnrted thero Inst year. On Juno 15 Supervisor Merrltt nnd Rnnger South mndo n trip to the summit of Wnlker mountain to look over u site for the construction of tho lookout cabin. They also located a reported spring about one half mile from the summit, from which It Is proposed to secure water for tho use of the lookout men this season. Altogether Ranger South nnd Guard Tyler, working with tho local pooplo In tho vicinity of Crescent have constructed 8V4 miles of new road and have permanently repaired 34 miles of old road in that district. In doing this work they have remov ed logs, roots, rocks, and stumps, widened and repaired a number of grades nnd made permanent drains and two tills through low places. Dr. Ira A. Williams, Geologist for tho Oregon Statu llureau of Mines, waB In this region several days dur ing June looking over points ot geo logical Interest. Ho accompanied Supervisor Merrltt on his trip in the Motollus region and to Paullaa lakes. Ranger South made a trip to La Pino on Juno 24th to nsslst tho ran chers In working on tho llro that hns Arc You Feeling Fit? Do you envy the mnn or woman of been burning for somo tlmo west of !,,, ..., , j u Roslund Rancor stntlon. llano ' untiring energy, strdng body and hap Smith, Oney 'and Guard Chllders1 P' disposition All theso dopend up huvo nil worked nt this llro nt vnr-jon good health nnd good honlth la Ions times. Impossible when tho kidneys r.re dls- Mrs. Hurton Oney, who Is serving! oased. Foloy Kidney Pills help tho ns telophono ccntrnl nt tho Dig River kidneys enst out po'jons thnt causa Rangor Station, reports that 4 70 of-! backnche, rheumatism, nnd other flclnl calls passed through there In . symptoms of dangerous kidney and Juno, 5 being tho least nnd 50 tho, hlndder troubles. Patterson Drug" most received nny ono day. (Co. Adv. ivVvw S Hsu A LTAMONT PLEASANTLY SITUATED TWO MINUTES WALK FROA1 POSTOFFICE GOOD ROOMS, aOOD MEALS GOOD SERVICE IN EVERY WAY NOTHINQ BETTER IN UEND. COME AND SEE. MHnUWUtUHUWtHHUUUUUWMHUHUHMHHHHUH The United Warehouse Company Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD T& United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon r v r , ,