. Jmtjiigt'9!'W'"!,',j9- .' 'ijjjr- 't,i T the nuxn rulletix, m?Ni, ore., Wednesday, .ivi.v 21, 1015. t)voe 3. BEND BRIEFS OREGON TRUNK TRAIN Arrives .'. 8:30 a. m. Leavea 7 p. m. .-- O.-W. It. & X. TRAIX. Arrives 7:45 p. m. Leaves 7:25 a. tn. AUTO STARK LINE SOUTH. Loaves 8:45 a. m. Arrives 5 p. nt. -- AUTO LINKS. - Cars to Burns, Fort Klamath - Fort Rock, Silver Lake and other points south and south - cast. I'OST OFFICE HOURS. - General delivery open dally 9:15 a. m. to C p. m. No mall distributed on Sunday. Night train mall closos t p. m. Day train mall closes C:30 a. m. TKLKOHAI'II HOUItS. Western Union dally 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sunday and holidays 8-10, 4-G. TELEPHONE HOUItS. Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour service, Including Sunday. C1IUUC1I NOTICES. Churcli of the Brethren. Services each Sunday near high school building. Sunday school 10 a. in. Preaching, 11 n. m. A cor dial Invitation Is extended to an. Irn H. Fox, minister. AMUSEMENTS. Drcnni Theatre. Photo plays every night nt 8 o'clock. lleml Thcntro Motlpn pictures, every Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8 o'clock. Hand Concert Friday night. Clinngo In Program. Instead of having the "Last Days of Pompeii," nt tho Dream Theatre tonight, as was stated In Tho Bulle tin last week, Georgo Klelno's latest picture, "Antony and Cleopatra," will bo shown. This Is also a five reel performance. Tho Now Bond Flour Mill Co., Is now manufacturing Deschutes Solf llalslng Pnncako flour. Ask your gro cer for It. Adv. To Give Series of Dances. Threo woll known young men of Bend havo orgnnlred to give a scries of popular priced and properly con ducted dances nt Bathers Hall. They will bo known as ."Tho Musical Mi crobes," and tholr first dance will bo announced shortly. 'Clean up and paint up. wards. Adv. Sco Ed, Uso Dosphutes Spray Flour. Whit er and better than ever. For sale by Tho Now Bend Flour Mill Co. Adv. Opens Law Olllcc. ChaB. W. Ersklno has taken quar ters with J. Kynn on Oregon street and will open on olllco for tho prac tlco of law nt otico Mr. Ersklno Is a graduato of tho law department of Wlllametto University, and since graduation has been connected with tho law olllco of V. A. Forbes, except during tho rccont legislative session, during which ho was calendar clerk of tho houso. HOUBK FOR SALE. Soven room houso with good base ment and all modern conveniences In Bond. Addross K. W. Ulchardson. La Pino, Oregon. 12tf Lots closo In $00 to $125. Easy Payments. J. A. Eastes. Adv. ItEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Issued by Crook County Abstract Co. U. S. to A. Laurel Fordham patent aw 1-21-10. , Bend Park Co. to May Merrill im port It 10, blk. 8, Itlverslde. Bend Co. to Margerlto Genung It 5, oik. 1G, Park add, Bend. Fremont Land Co. to Deschutes Lumber Co. (2) Deschutes Lumber Co. to Bend Timber Co. (2) Des chutes Lumber Co. (1) The forego lng deeds contain In tho aggregato many thousand acres. U.' S. to Floronco M. Cndy patent ne 10t15-19. Same to D. Lawton Cody patent nw 10-15-19. FloreSco M. Cady to Susan O'Brien ne 10-15- l9- . . I n Lnwinn Pnilv to Susan O Brlcn w 10-15-19. M. Florence Cady to Susan O'Brien bH bo, ne ro, se ne. 12-15-19; sw 8-15-19. Fremont Land Co, to Hunter & Btaats se sw, s bo 14 j ne nw 23-22-15. Bend Park Co. to Edith M. Shelton Jt. 6, blk 116, lBt add Bend Park. Same to same It. 15, blk. 116, same to same It. 2. blk. 115 . Henry Kukrled to It. H. & C, E. Parsons s sw, sw se 11; w ne, eH nw, nw nw 14-16-10, $1300. Bend View Co. to Oeorge S. Young w 75 feet, lt. 5, 6, blk. 14, Bend vtew , . Bend Company to Maggie A. Ma- hnffey IL'1, blk. 30, Center add. Bend Tbos. H. Ortns to August F. W. Schulie It. 6, blk. 100. It. 3, blk. 117, Bend Park. H. Dllrer to J. C. Corbln sw nw 11-16-15. La Pine Townslte Co. to Peter Larson It. 14, blk. 12. La Pine. La Pine Townslte Co. to August Olson It. 13, blk. 12, La Pine. A. Earl McKennett to Huron Tim ber Co.. 1U 3, 4, H nw 4-19-12. 1100. W. L. Cobb to J. Hague It. 1, 19-17-13, Use True Bluo Flour. Whiter and better than ever. For ale by The New Bead Flour Mill Co. Adv. Chanak-Kaleti. Cunnnk-KnlcMl. the Htrnggllng town near the "narrows" of the Dardanelles, nii'iuw "eUrtuemvnre enstlo" In Ttirk ltli utid Is so 1'iilluil from u celebrated pottery on the Asiatic hIiIc of the strait An ngunt from tliU pottery used to be ulwn.vs on the lookout for u wander ing European Mini hooked on to every luiKsltiK ship. UN boatload of gaudy crovkery was generally more rcinnrUa bio for gilding tind tawdry color than fur taste. Hut the forms of the vesxi'ls were often graceful, even classical, and xpetlniens of the tall wuter jugs he veils, or ouce Hold, can be tieeii through out tbe Levant, though seldom lu Lon don. Loudon Chronicle. A Swiss Philanthropy. The custom still obtains In Switzer land, though not so generally as for merly, of newly married couples mak ing a small girt of money Immediately after the wedding ceremony to the school funds as a sort of tliunkxglvltig for tbclr education These funds nro used to provide shoes and clothing for lbor pupils who would otherwise be iiuablc to attend reboot. ' On Her Brow. nefore we married you promised me rings and brooches and beads to wear." "Well, what of It?" "1 was just thinking that the only tends I've ever woin sliiee nre beads of perspiration." Detroit Free Press. What For? Top. what kind of crops can they plant In tbe sea water?" "No crops, you foolish child " "Then why nre vessels always plow- log the ocean?" Exchange. A Consldoratt Girl. Madge lit" mild you were very punc tual Marjot; Why shouldn't he? I never kept him waiting more than half an hour In my life. I.lpplncott's. If you cannot get grapes, says a Rus Inn proverb, try an apple. Food For Punsters. "I don't pee how Fusslelgb gets any enjoyment out or hU food. Uo's diet ing, you know." "Yea.- "He u?es this new mathematlcal masticatory' system." "Good gracious, what's that? So many chews to tbo mouthful?" "No. IIo cuts beans -by tbo dozen, rice by tbe grain, tlsh by tho perch and spaghetti by tbo yard." "Docs he seem better?" "Measurably so." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Buying Wives. Wives nre still obtained by purchase In Home parts or Russia lu the dis trict of Kamyshin, on tbe Volga, this Is practically the only wny In which marriage ure brought about The price of a pretty girl from u well to du fam ily ranges from Siou to J'.'tXJ. They Write Kery Hay. Every day Foley & Co. recelvo let ters from grateful men nnd women, telling how Foley Kidney Pills cur ed them of backache, soro muscles, stiff Joints nnd other klduoy nnd blad der troubles. Ik vory quick to ro- llevo lumbago and rheumatlBm duo to kidney trouble No other romody has n longer record of cures. Pater son Drug Co, Adv. See EdWards for good house paint ing. Adv. GOOD EATS CHICKEN DINNER 25 CENTS Every Sunday anJ Wednesday, Furniihed Roomj in Connection. Club Cafe SV.I 1 vUIRmIP o Next Door to Dream Theatre, TO THE RESCUE W wilt nn yoar Item, but 700 matt Botvat much tim cttttos mux. xcu btnd work. LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bead Steam Laundry. AXD DKV CLEANING Put Your Dudf In Our Suds" WHO fjfoA uourK LAUNDlTd BlHaBHMMnHaMwal DISC THE STUBBLE NOW lly County Agriculturist A. K. L O V K T T. A discussion of the preparation of the 'soil for tho growing of noxt year's crops or of tho preparation of noxt year's' summer fallow at this tlmo, may seem to somo an uninter esting proposition, Wc will, however, find by careful study and thought that this is ono of tho most Import ant times for a consideration of this subject. The fields from which the grain has been cut sccniB at this tlmo to ho very dry nnd unproduc tive and In need of no enre or atten tion. During the next two or threo months, the weather will he very, dry and warm as a rulo. Practically nothing excepting a few weeds will grow on tho stubble lands. If we will take the pains to go Into these flelds at the tlmo of harvest and dig down a Httlo ways, wo will And that there Is some moisture In tho soil. If wo leavo the fields as they now smd and again idlg down In Septcmhor dt, October, wo will not bo able to And nny moisture. Handled In this man ner, not only will practically all of tho moisture lenvo the soil, but also because of tho hard, dry condition of the soil no chomlcnl or bacterial ac tion, nor hehollcial Insects enn work tholr end. Tho value of discing tho land Im mediately after tho grain crop Is re moved has been proven, not only In other states and in other sections In Oregon, hut also In our own county. Moisture Is constantly rising to tho surface and passing off Into tho air In hard stuhblo lands. By discing this land thoroughly, tho capillaries of tho surface soil are broken up and tho rlso of molsturo to the surfaco stops. Tho molsturo lu the lubsoll and tho soil bolow tho disced sur face, however, continues to rlso to n ccrtnlu extent nnd In most cases It will ho found that land thus treated may bo plowed In the fall Is so de sired. If the land Is thus disced af ter harvest nnd Is not plowed In tho Lfall, much moro of the rnln and snow or me winter ami no noeorucn uy u and a decided Improvement In tho molsturo condition of tho soil will bo f ' Gas Stove Convrnience teilh Kerosene Hot in Your Kitchen? No need of it if you cook with a good oil stove. The heat is concen trated on the cooking not radiated ithroiighout the room. New Perfection - Oil Cook-Stove For bet Retultt Uta Ptarl Oil ' 'Abundant heat always ready at the touch of a match like gas. Can be turned out the minute you finish cooking. Cooks anything your wood or coal range. doles and there's no heavy hods to lug no dirt or ashes. No odor. Docs not taint the food. Ask your dealer. Sec Exhibit, Palace of Manufac tures, Panama -Pacific Exposition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CtllfornU) Ilentl f Headquarters for Commercial Aten Electric Lighted Throughout THE'BEND HOTEL HUQH O'KANE, MANAQKR Qoodoom BEND,OREQON Good ATeali I Free bus to f and from train The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It U fireproof building It U thoroughly modern It U comfortable, commodious, clean- 1100MH FitoM no cents ur Tbe wants of all are satisfied well at TUB WIUailT HOTKb Automobiles to' all Interior Points THE WfflfiHT HOTEL noted the following year. Where the j annual rnln fall Is as low as nlno to j llftccn Inches, maximum crops can bo obtained only through tho con servation of every particle of mols turo possible. If we allow all of the moisture remaining In tho soil after ' harvest to escape, during tho remnln ' dor of the summer, wo have lost a vory valuable amount of molsturo. If we do not prepare tho lands tor catching and holding nil of tho mols turo which falls during the winter Reason, wo nro ngnln losing a con siderable nmount of vntuahlo mois ture. Wo will In tho future find Hint tho most successful farmers, especial ly on our dry lands, nro those who disc their lands Immediately after harvest and plow tholr land either In tho fall or very early In tho 'spring. Tho method of preparing tho sum mor fallow generally practiced In this section Is absolutely not good as a summer fallow. This docs not mean , that all tho land la not properly pro-, pared, but it docs mean that tho practtcn of plowing tho summer fal-l low after the 1st to 15th of May is a mistake, docs not save an npprc clahlo amount or molsturo nnd Is thoroforo of very little good as sum mer fallow. If wo had the molsturo! necessary for growing our crops on our dry lands, we would not Bummer fallow tho lands. Our summor fal-l low Is for the purpose of Increasing tho amount of -moisture tn tho soil for tho growing of crops. Every method or moans that wo can use to catch and consorvo this molsturo nhnulil lin useil. Ono of those meth ods, and one of tho most Impotnint, j Is that of discing tho land thorough ly Immediately after harvest. When Hot Weather Oppresses. When you feel oppressed, dull nnd stupid, nro Inert and languid da not blntno It all on tho wenther. Heat will not affect you so much It the bowels nro regular. Foloy Cathartic Tablets aro Ideal for Indigestion and constipation. Thoy relieve, stout per sons of that bloated, heavy fooling. Pattorson Drug Co. Adv. "V'tjrf ------- -- Special Attention to Transient Travel All arrangement made for person deilrlng to go outh and east of here BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ltOMUHT It. GOULD Civil ft Itcml Oregon EtiKlnccr W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. 1) K X T 1 S T OlUco Over Postotllco Bond, ... Oregon I. i:. HEA NOItltl.H l'lij sli-lnii mid KiirKrou Olllco Snthor Building Microscopic nnd Xrny work Tol. Black 271 Hours: 10-12 n. m.; 2-1 . m. 7-9 ji. 111. WILLAItD II. W1IITZ LA V Y K It Prlnovlllo, Oregon. C. S. BENSON Attorney At L n w Bonson Building, Wall Streot Bond, Oregon. VEltNON A. FOltBES Ii A W Y K 11 First National Bnnk Building Bond, :-: :-: Oregon GEO HOE S. YOUNG Civil 11 ud Irrigation Engineer. U. H. Mineral Rimojnr. Room C First Notional Bank Building J. U. Boll A. V. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J, H. Hnnor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insuranco DRESS.LVKING Mrs. A. P. Ilnllnrd With Mrs, S. Mcintosh HEND PLl'.MIIING AND HEATING COMPANY Snnltnry Plumbing Steam nnd IJnt Water Heating WALL STREET PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER AND CONTRAC TOR WORK GUARANTEED H. P.. SMITH 1IIIS PAPCR REPRESENTCD KOR ronCICtt ADVERTISING BY TIIC 333HtUJj acNcnAU oppiccs NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES DRAYINQ Bend Hauling Co. It. N. PALMERTON Wood for Sale Olllco with It. P. Mlnter Olllco Mione Hliick ul Ilevldeuce Hlnck IH'J Hoofintr of all kinds. Itopalrlntr promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINO AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylighta. O'DONNELL m UNION MARKET II. O. ELLIS Attonioj'-nt-ljiw United States Commissioner First Nntlonnl Bank Building BEND, OltEGON H. It, DoAHMOND 1 LAWYKIl '. Oregon Street. Bend, Oregon I DR. J. H. CONNARN I) K X T I 8 T Ofllco In Satlior Building. Ilourt. 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays nnd ovonlngs by Appointment. 0. P. N1SWONGER, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Enilmlmer, Funeral Director. ( Phono. Lndy Assistant DR. It. D. STOWELL Xiipraimtlilc I'IijnIiIiui Olllco ovor Mlllur Luinlur Co, Willi Bttoot IIoiiih 9 to r. Plioro Rod 61 I MRS. IIERNK'E HALLEY FORREST Tciu'licr of I'liimi nnd Yolro Homo HI111II0 J. E. Engebretson Plumbing and Heating lend, Oregon 117 MINNESOTA STREET. 1CSTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED .JOBBING PROMPTLY DONE Fraternal Societies I. O. O. V. Bend Lodge No. U1H. ItoRiilnr meeting every Mnu dny night at 8 o'clock lu Bnttt or'n Hall. Visiting brothui cordially wolcome t, L. II. a LESS, NO " GEO. P. GOVE, Secretary. Guaranteed Use J Atuomoliiles Gn Easy Payments SmJ (or Lilt ol Pmti n4 Sptdllcithai J.W.LEAVITT&C0. PORTLAND a r 4TE&Ii '&$&XWl&I3ZZX-z w - OtrfijW0. OA'iGOA' VACATION In Pot-timid, with hide (1 Jim liiitxhlo, gl J ui 1111 cnjoynhlo occu hlon. Miiko ttiu Multiuiuiuli j our li('iidtiurterN, Ik-rvlco he Iter. Hutr (OiiiiUtrtilly law r. HATES 'nt YOU j fid Roonm .. $1 (HI 100 Rooiiin ultli hatlt. Sli) 1 Hill Rooiiih tllh luith 2.00 UOO Mirgo outnldo rooniN, Until 9ti.n0 Extrn eikon In room. 91.00 nililltloiiiil "MONEY" The mint makes It and undor tho terms of the CONTINENTAL MOHT GAGE COMPANY you ran secure 'If at C per cent for any legal purpose on, approved real estate, rjruii easy, lull lu your wantK nnd wo will co operate with you. PETTY COMPANY Kip Dcnliuni llulliUng Denver. Colo, BROTHERS 11 f P Z ' A. ) A 1.,, 1 $ l i ru v K