? j . PAGE 2. THE BEXD IIULLETIX, nEXD, OIIK., WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1015. SJ' i i r -- -- --"- CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. . Tl'MALO. f Sppclal to Tlie Bulletin.) TUMALO, Jul) 19 Thoro was ft food nttenda'icc it tlio W. S. L. Club ncetlng last Friday nfturnoon. The Knln litmlneHrt una In connection with :lio rook honk the ladles expect to tare vloltlng at Mr. Ilamsey's. They i came all the In their car and re port a fine trip. There wan a surprise pa-ly at Mr. Ritrchtof's Saturday ev-jnlnu. About GO attended. Haying has commenced. The win invo puhllxhed A Inrgp number of iter Kraln Is good but tha Hpr'nn fraw- favorlto reclnes Invp lifcn handeil In Ine Ih not us eood as expected. Tho were business callers In Bend on Thursday. Mrs Mary Itooney arrived home Monday from Portland, where alio tins spent the past month with her daughters. Mrs. Geo. Mllllcan was calling on friends In the nest end Friday. All the homesteaders here are busy Harold Cook, Ed Moore, Ottr. and Willie Pauls. V. O; Humphrey took two loads of porkers to Redmond Monday where they will be loaded for Portland. Mrs. E. A. Hussctt and mother, Mrs. Drown, visited at the Gldceon homei Sunday. Wanted Now. hardly hobblo around. It was all I ItM now hen- hay fever - SfL'M? ffiB, tacking Its victims 'and when aithma'nnd tho kjdney accretions wore Is causing so much distress, there lslBCanty. I used soverat boxes of a demand for Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound the remedy that brought relief to thousands In previous years. Don't continue to suffer. It will help you. Contains no opiates. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. RIOXS FOR RAM). "For Ili-nt." "For Sale," "Ilooms to Let", "llouxi'kcfpliiit Rooms." "Xo Admittance." "Xo KmoklnK." etc.. etc.. Placards printed In Inrco type Doun's Kidney Pills and I soon got well." Price ou cents, at all dealers, Don't simply ask for a kldnoy rem edy get Doan s Kidney Pills the same that Mr. 'McDermott had. Fos. ter-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N, V. Adv. The to Mrs. Iiyron C1 nnd Mrs Arthur Wo of the sixth nnd stventh may'ttlng up their ro ha; nowadajs.- Geo l,rnze0 was a business v sltor . . near , .r n iA j Plain, who have charge of sorting help It some " crop Is very good, with few at Prlnevllle tho latter part of the "" ar, ," ' , Cfc llfn.WtH then, and as all rec.p.s are tested! R. J. Murpln drilled a well on hi, eptlons. , r , ek. , .. . " "' V .1 .! SI S I IFSfiO ositions tho book will prove a reliable ono Tho following conitnltteos hae been nppalntcd to tuke charge of the sev urnl dlsplcus at tho fair next fall: fancy work, Mrs Mlnta Howard. Mm Fred Pliks-af and Mrs Alfred llmintn; HoKPrs MIhs Fav Cerklng nnd Miss Marg not Mock Mrs Plain entertained the rluii mernlwrs with nn npproptlnte reidlng as did also Mlus Gertrude Womleork. After the business meeting the hosteisos. Mes dnincg PlnkHtalf. Howard and Han Bon, served iIc-UoIouh refreshments. Saturday night a crowd of friends nttemptcd a surprise party on Mr. and Mrs. Illake llcckur Tho newly weda heard the aiitos coming nnd slipped out of the houso before the party arrived but returned after the house had been thoroughly searched. The younger menibors of the crowd of 47 spent the evening playing old fnshloncd gamea on tho lawn. Later refreshments of sandwiches, pickles, cake and coffee were seried. A cousin of John Styles Is spend ing several weeks visiting him and Ills wife. (J. W. Horner and son Walter nnd drover Gerklng went up In tho rc nervo Saturday to mrno tho stock camp. Mr. nnd Mrs C'larcnco Sandel have decided to prolong their Hojourn here for another week, Thoy expect to rot urn to Portland next Sunday. Mr, and Mrs John Coeu nnd Nell liny spent Sunday afternoon fishing nn the Deschutes but returned homo with Hinply basketH, place'nt Ur l.ake and struck a large body of water at 75 feet. Ho also drilled for Sam Sampson and got wator at BO fe"t. He Is now moving tho outfit to Chas. Murphy's claim. Mr. and Mrs Dr. Flnley motored to Ilond till week, taking Mrs I Iron ii home who has been t lilting thorn n few da A. S. Cottlnttham Is brcnklng 20 acres for Cap Myers. Clifton "Sod (I has gono to Bend for tho summer Jon Ilurstle's family nrrlved from Chicago on July fifth. Mrs. Jack Itlvers has gone to Ta coma to bo gone a fow months. 11. E. Davis nnd I. L. Owen have Mr. nnd Mrs. "Hilly" Wilson, ofl returned to PrlneWlle after a week's Alaska, who were expected to arrlvo visit with their families uere. Harold Davis rode to Prlnevllle Saturday wlth'hU father for a eliurt stay. A. A. Gllmore was In Bend a few davs last week clovhrdai Mrs. Al Newman nnd daughters nutoed from Bend to their homestead renr Dry Lake, stopping to visit with friends here for a short time on Tuesday. Mr. Raymond and family passed through here Saturday enrouto for Bond where they Intend to spend the summer. H. K, Dyer drove to Bend last week. Mrs Clevenger was n caller at the fleams home n day last week. Mrs. Bcatson nnd Mrs. Holland and children drove to Pino Moun tain Sunday. Inst week but were delayed, are ex- tiered in Monday by the latter s brother, .Max Strlxner. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon and Hnrrlett -were Bend visitors Monday, i returning home Tuesday ONE CENT A WORD Is all a little Want Ad will cost you. (Special to Tho Bulletin) CI.OVERDAt,E, July 19. F. J. Burling of Bend, who bought the Cnrsnn place, Is moving In with his family this week, Mrs. Harve) Cyrus hns returned aftor several weeks visit In Portland nnd Modford Mr. nnd Mrs. Bucklev ncro visit ing In Cloverdale Tuesday. The families In the mountain berry patches this week nro Farthings, Tay- tno pnRt week lors, Stldbnms, Mr. and Mrs. Lester, A aT liog belonging to W. H. (Jlt accompanied by tho Misses Tern-, neam died last week, pleton nnd Cobb. Mrg. v. n. McAdow went to Bond F. Vnn Mntre of Bend Is helping i hn .lohn-nn rnr. his fnther In tho hay Holds this week, i A pCnlo for tho Sunday school DOING THEIR DUTY. Scores of Pend readers lira learn ing the duty of the kldnevs To fll tcr tho blood Is tho kidney's dutv. Mrs. Joe Shearer nnd daughter , When t'tey fall to do this the kldnevs nn, pconmanlod Mr. Shearer on nro weak. Bncknche and other kid his ditch riding rounds Sunday. Iney ills mav follow. Help the kid Hnr vesting grain on the dry farms ncys do their work, fse Bonn's Is under headway. i Kidney Pills the tested kidney rem- iienry Kdwarcis, who was quite edy pr00f of their worth In tho seriously Injured recently Is report- following; Joseph McDermott, Wash ed as rapidly Improving. (Ington Street, Oregon City, Oregon, To be nwnkencd by n sort of sub- says: "I was almost flat on my back conscious knowledge of the presence with kidney and bladder trouble. I of an unwelcome visitor and to dls-jwas so lame and stiff thnt I could cover the Intruder to be a huge coy ote was the hair raising experience of Mrs. Geo. Beckman early Tuesday morning. Mrs. Beckman ccreamed In an attempt to awaken her hus band who was occupying nn rdjoln F Several well enulDDed nuto parties enrouto to tho San Francisco fnlrjlng room whereupon the coyote ran jasscd through here last weok. out of tho room nnd leisurely made Mrs. It. II. Kellar and two sons1 "i -) across mo roaa, disappearing moved to Bend Monday where Mr. Koller la emplojed, Fruik Spencer nnd A. D. Norton were cutting hay for Geo. Mllllcan In the sago brush. Wlll Ilur Kmnty Racks. The New Bend Flour Mill Co. will J purchase all emptysacks suitable fori grain purposes that are brought to, their mill. Adv. 19-20c mist citi:i:ic. (Roeelnl to The Bulletin). LOST CltEIIK. July in. (J It Young nnd hoi Robert, returned Inst M. W Wnldron, who came hero for his health from Parma, Idaho, died nt the homo of his brother, K. L. Wnldron, on July 13. Ills wifo nnd sons. Hay nnd Jay, of The Dalles,' wnro nt his bedside. The sons ac companied tho remains to Owatonnn, Minnesota, by way of Bend. Mr.1 Wnlilron leaves n sister, Mrs. Jnmcsi Heed nnd Ills brother E. L. In this Western freight tonnago Is run ning from C to 6 per cent over that c'nsH and their friends will be held, for same 1914 period. at Pine Mountain next Saturday. Miss Braun and V. L. Heathman'. drove down to east end Sunday. I Mrs. Mllllcan will entertain the Sundnv school class at her home on, Thursday nftcrnoon. St OH YO-r TRAVELER! When In need of a bed, a meal or a feed for your team or something to mako your "car" go, STOP AT P.B.Johnson's 2S miles from Bend; Mllll can P. O, Also grocerle?, lunch goods and phone. 1 kxp nro two iitt Monderlniuls The Ciicntcst HIiiiwh of Tho As. You Cannot Afford to Miss Them. The Opportunity Will .Soon Pass (, Sow. Choice of several routes at low fares. for tho round trip', via OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Ask J. H. CORBETT, Agent Bend, Oregon iovi:mj iiuttk. ,. i ...i.. it. .... I. ii.,.,i. m'i'ii uiiu r ruin v i mill n inn i n i iiiiu n iiiii ! .. .. .. i it i"... . ...V. ... n...... i..t section to mourn 1,1s loss, besides a HIM 411IIIU1I V'lllllllIHI j ! been gone several weeks W. McCleo has gono over to Egll to work for Jess Bunynrd. I Dr. C. Reed and Mrs V C. Wnali-I burn took a pleasure trip ovor to Kcesl'mugli springs nnd back nlst1 Saturday. I Lloyd Forbes iciil ICeiinelh Hcllem liinilo n trln to the Gap tho fnro pnet. of tho week. I Robert Young Ih tho pmud owner of n two year old llnmlltoiilnn pony. Roy Stnuffer returned from a trip to Mend the fnro part of the week. H. W, llCHt wiih a biiHlncsH visitor at Silver Creek during tho past veek, I Mr. nnd Mth. 0. It. Young weni brother In Portlnnd, two daughters In California and n sister In Nebras ka. - Mr. Cutllp Ih inn Hug u ten day business trln to Wmdilngton. Mr. and Mrs. Cvrus have moved to Sisters and Mr Ward who bought their place has taken possession. Mr. and Mrs, Slrner were business visitors In Redmond Snturdny. Florence Wnldron Is homo nfter a six week's lslt In Wnlla Wnlln. She will tench In Ferndnlo tjio com ing year. Mrs. Van Mntro bus ns hnr guests Mrs. Hiuincll and Miss Florence llun iiell of Bend. A HiirnrlNO pnrty l to bo given to. .i... i mi... in.. t..A i... i..... i.i guests nt the Schroder homo at Roly- ;';,... ' 8 Mrs. J. O. McKlnnnv hns ns hor tit the fore part of tho week Mr. nnd Mrs, C. A. Dnrrnh. of Surprise nllev were guests of Mrs. H, J. Hiibliard and son Cecil, Inst week. Keiinoth Hellm hn erected n Juni per Cflliln on his claim. Iter. C'irbelt of llenmlii l.nkii, raiim over to attend Sunday school taat Sunday, ' guest her sister and nlcco from Pull man, Washington. .MILLIt'AX. HAMPTON ffiperlnltoThe Bulletin.) HAMPTON. July IB. A. T. Frame Iins returned from Bend Mrs, E. A. Fogg and liaby and Miss Ethel Fogg nt'iU Wednesday with Miss Par In Burton. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. I. Warmouth nnd little duughtor llesslu spent Sunday at C. B. Hiirmoii'H. Mr. Luvlmla Blnrk and Burr lllnck of I, Irani Creek spent Sunda) nt tho Ilurilmin homo .Minn Uirn Crow Ih spending tblu week with MUs Edna Hnjilor of Dry Luke. I Mm Eldlva Harmon Is spending tod.iy with Mih. Knto Warmouth D.irlo Burton will spend tonight with Mrs P. S lioncer j Mrs llentioii Is on the sick list I A, 8. I'omi ban cumiuenced mow Ing this week. I Mrs. Ileiiimn IIhhud of Gilchrist i wad at Hotel lUmptnn the first of this week waiting for u truck to tnko her to Bund. Mr and Mrs. A 8 Fogg called on Mrs. Ili'tiUtiu and Mrs. Peck Suuda) jftenioun. Mm C. A. lluriis and children loft hilt week for' Portland K. V. I ten nor Is In Burns for n few weeks Chua. Stnuffer and sou returned from HoHd Monday J. 0 VliltlHkerv nnd wlfo wore or on DiMtert creek Suuda) Mr. Lumped of Gilchrist wuu lu lltimptou MundH) I. I.. Owuu will leave for Bend to dy to lmu somo dental work done AVui. Stt4n In Ituvlng this week In wuoh of woil, (Seerlsl to The Bulletin) MILL1CAN. Julv 19. Mrs. Rny Cleveland and children of Bond vis ited nt tho B E l)nls home the foro part of Inst week Hnr husband hns taken up a homestead In our valley on which they Intend to build n cab In mid will thon move out here to re side. Mrs. John Holland and rhl'dren t Rneclnl to Tho Bulletin) POWELL BUTTE. July 19. J. A. Rlggs took secrnl londs of hogs to Redmond Wednesday for shipment to Portlnnd. Mrs. Ida Morse and dnughtor Miss Edna were hostesses to the Powell Butto Sorosls Wednesday afternoon. An average attendance was present. Previous to adjournment, refresh- i ments were dlsponced by Mrs. and i Mlts Morse, assisted by Miss Mabel) Allen. Tho August meeting will bo with Mm P. Pauls. The Sunday school picnic which was to hnve been held tho 21st has been postponed for two weeks on ac count of the busy season. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rlgby on Friday, July lfith n daughter Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon was on the sick list Inst weok. Dr, Hosch of Redmond was a pro fessional caller out our way last Friday. John. Rhode who sold out recently! expects to be leaving for Portland I soon. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bnyn and ' daughter, Miss Gladys nnd Hazel wero guests at the Pauls home Sun day for dinner. A part) of young folks mndo an excursion to tho lakes Sunday even ing where they enjoyed the evening at boat riding, singing conga nnd shooting rabbits. Those of tho party spent Wednesday nt the II. E. Davis were Misses Glud)s nnd Hnzel llayn, homestead. 1 Fay Bussott. Dorothy Wells, Gladys P. II. Johnson nnd Geo. Mllllcan 'and Grnco Pauls, Messrs Paul and rm.Nui.i. Fuvr.s. (Sprclal to Tho Bulletin) IIULl), July 10- The celebration 'bl Prlngle Flats on July Mb was pro-, "riounceil a succosa by all who attend-' d nnd tluiie wero ubout 250 there.' There wero boieo race, foot races and the usual Miorln of a Fourth of i July celebration with a dance all night. John Mulr gave au exhibition of riding bucking homes. Mr Couch liHlgtuK tho horses from tho Home Shoe Bar ruueb. Ono of them could outululy buck, hut did nut bother Mr. Mulr. Tho wrestling match between John li. Garake and Ed Martlu was one of the main features of the day tlarske n the match w(h two out of three ftlt. Mr. Clark mid family of Colorado FLOWERY LANGUAGE IS ALL RIGHT IN ITS PLACE BUT FOR 0111 FLOUR FACTS WE WANT TO OIVE YOU STRAIGHT TALK. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT BREAD FROM OUR FLOUR IS MADE IN OUR LABORATORY AND THAT IT THSTS AS HIGH AS ANY ON THE MARKET. THAT OUR FLOUR IS SOLD CHEAPER THAN ANY OUT SIDE FLOUR. THAT HVKRY SACK IS POSITIVELY GUARANTEED TO SUIT OR YOU MAY RETURN IT AND GET A NEW ONE. THAT OUR MILL IS OLEAN AND SANITARY. THAT IT HAS THE MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT OF ANY FLOUR MILL ON THE WHOLE PACIFIC COAST. DO NOT LET YOUR OROCBRYMAN TJAI.K YOU INTO BUYING ANOTHER BRAND WHEN THERE 18 A GOOD FLOUR MADE IN YOUR OWN TOWN AND SOLD AT A LOWER PR10E. PATROXI'.i: HOME INDUSTRY. BUY DESCHUTES SPRAY FLOUR i l THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO: HEXD, OREGON EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is tho MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. AU who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick k Lumber Co. WHY PAY RENT? ;OW IS THE opportune j f k5 me snce e advent of pt lit the railroads for ?i kl build a home. &?7jBVS you to Why delay construction until it will cost you 20 per cent" more for the same building? The far seeing man is availing himself of the opportunity of securing labor and material very cheap. We have the largest list of Resi dence Property in Bend. Come in and let us quote you prices, and you will soon decide v that you can- not afford to pay rent any longer. 4"fr00 Bend Park Company OREGON STREET )