PAOEB. the hexd iiulletix, hexd, onn., Wednesday, july 11, iota. I SUnLE'S LUKE LAURQAARD MAKES TRIP OF INSPECTION 'Xiimnlo Project Engineer Finds Xevr Irrigation 1'lnri Feasible Demi Stands Clmtice (i Get Hauling of Freight Figures arc Liberal. Ilrlnglng tlio report Hint tlio lands In tho fliittlu'a Inko Irrigation dis trict were name of tho best In Cen tral Oregon, 0. Laurgaard arrlvod In town Sunday night after n four day trip of I i h 1 1 o c 1 1 1 ) 1 1 over tlio district. llnrry J. Cheimwcth, of Urnndvlow, one of tlio directors of tlio district, accompanied Mr Lniirganrd. Mr. Laurgaard wns tlio engineer who brought tho Tumnlo project to a tuicccsHful conclusion for tho Strto of Oregon, mid Hlnco his completion of Hint enterprlHO ho 1ms been engaged In consulting work In Cortland. Ah a result of tho lino record inmlo by him t Tuinnlo IiIb iiervlces hnvo boon greatly In domnnil In nn advisory ca pacity whllo IiIh Central Oregon ex perience given ndded nuthorlty to Ills atntutmmtH on local IrrlRntlon prob lem H. Tho Huttln'B Inkn project Ihib been undor consideration for povorr.l years. In tlio InHt fow mouths, howovor, pro lirusH townrd nctunl eoiiBtriictlou lma lioon in oro rapid tlinu ever before, tho district bolriR voted mid n proposi tion to bond It for building tho Irri gation HVHtem having been put throiiRh. Within tho next throo vcoks Mr. Lnurgnnrd will mnke u report on Ills rocont dip imd an effort will bo made to luteri'Bt boiiio contrnctor In the unterprlHo. Fwilmes mo liipeclMl. UurlnR IiIh trln Mr. I.nurRimrd In wpectod tho lands, reservoir hIo nnil unnnl Hue. The lands, ho says, nre n k Rood as any ho linn ovor Boon. Tho IrrlKntloii problem Involved, 1h to llguro out a Hysloin that will trrlRnto tho most In nd porhIIiIo with tho niiiount of water nvnllnble. Weirs liavo recently been placed In Lnko ereok and First nrcok by Fred F. llonBhaw, of (ho V H. flnnloglcnl mir voy, nnd In another month definite BEND LOSES FINAL GAME After wlnnliiR live HtrnlRht, Bond ilrnppad the Inst riiiiio of tho Chnu tniKiun nerloH to tho Madras team 8 to 3, Davy Jim hnvliiK tlio "Indlnn wlpn" on the locals, IioIiIIiir thoin to Tour scattered hits. A three huggor, two two ImRRorH lind nn error cave Madras three ruiiH In tho Mrst. In the 71 It Davis allow ed two hits, hit two batsmen, nnd Jackson lot a hit Ret away, netting four more for thn visitors. Tho foaturen of the game woro tho pltrhliiK of "Davy Jim," and n neat -cntch li center by JRCkaon. The Seine. 1IHND All It II O A K plover hh II 10 t 2 2 Surlilser l-p I. 0 1 0 I 0 O'Donnotl ....ol 0,1 8 1 n Divls ul 1 1 " 1 0 0 0 Limbeck . ...Ilb I 0 0 I 0 0 Kulp Sli a 0 0 It 2 0 tteldl lb :t u l o n n JMkvon .... in t 0 0 2 0 1 ox r l l o it o o SteroHRliiH . ...r 2 0 0 0 o o TotalK 32 !1 I 27 3 'MAUUAH . Alt It II 0 A K Iwv Hill . ..." B 2 1 7 n HuttlB ilflU t 2 2 3 3 0 Hmltl r t l i) 2 o o linker !ih fi 2 l 2 n n Miller bh 4 2 1 0 1 3 OtlHpboll ill 4 1 2 t 0 I) 1,0111? lb I 0 0 8 0 0 H'lpulo e 3 0 I in 0 0 Ounl I 0-0 0 0 0 TutnU 28 8 !) 27 11 3 StntNtloN of the Serle. Tho Holding, nnd battlim averages of tho Heed team durltiR Chautauqua wuuk were iih follows: Huttliiir. All It 11 l'ct. llHtOH I 0 3 .7R0 rjK :i i 'J .7 t 11 3 fi .114 ft lllllklioiiRU C 2 3 .r.OO O-IMnnell 3 1 in .38ft Sltoldi at s n .37n Kulp . SO 3 7 .3f.O Wpvur J 10 ,31rt Limbeck an r. s .ans ilmn.lenbon; 4 o l .30 Burln-wr 2B 8 G .210 nvls 2fi it il .231 Jnokftou 9 1 2 .222 Van Matro 7 0 1 .)I3 HtrOggltM ". 0 -o"0 Oilg 1 1 0 .000 Tutal-i Team .2S3 12 73 nyw lilillillin;. . 0 A K ...... 7 1 0 0 0 0 I 3 1 .327 l'ct. 1.000 1.000 .STB . . . TV . . Vnrit . TMllloe4 M I'lllKll . .11 . . Ill'l . . . .1 4 . VVV i . on5 r .978 1.000 .880, .9(9 1.000 .Sfi7, .875 ,800 1833 1.000 1.000 .46 1 .SI 11 9 0 J8 a 3 I l'.,',H-W P 1 1 1 ran dentin r ...0 0 0 9 3 l' r incur . i" . '-. . . . . ' tckHni Van Malro V riiRRliU VmlK Ttal? . Team 4 0 8 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 knowledge will bo had of tho tunouht of water available. In Mr. Laur Raaid's opinion water for about 15, 000 acres out of tho 20,000 Irrigable will '"bo found. Thero nre 34,000 acros In the district nnd the cost per cere will bo low. Preliminary eotlmntes on the coBt of tho project mndo by OeorRO S. YottnR, of Iloncl. Mr. Laurgaard pro nounced HheraUand safe. In fact, ho thinks, tho project can be built for loss. Work to preserve water rights v111 be donn nt once. When tho work beijln Tlcnd stands a chanco of benefitting from It, ac cording to Mr. I.aurgaard, through the freighting which will bo neces sary. Hccaupo of hoavy grades, freighting from Culver or Terrohonno would bo Impractlcnblo nnd tlio only possible freight points would bo Ilcnd nnd Redmond. Redmond tins n Blight advantage? In the matter of freight rates but also has grades to contend with In getting ovor to Sisters, through which frolght would' go. whllo from Bend practically no grades would bo encountered. Mr. Lnurgaard loft Tuesday morn ing for l'alsloy whoro ho Is advising the Northwest Townslto Co. on Its project. CHANGE IN TRAIN SERVICE TOT KM cni Kninllles of ). T. UmployecM lo .Mote licit Commercial Club Itc'fchcH New Itiiml SlgiiH. That tho recent chango of trains on tho Oregon Trunk means much more to llend than" n dally freight sorvlco was brought out nt tho Coin morclnl Club luncheon on Saturday when n suggestion wns mndo that thn club try to obtain n return to tho for mer schedule. In tho discussion that followed It whb stated thnt tho now nrrnngoincnt of trains would tnnko It necessary for tlio train crows to llvo In Ilond horenfter Instead of nt Kail llrldgo, moaning thn addition of nt least in families to tho population of tho town. Already somo of tho newedmers nro horo looking for houses nnd a fow It li understood nre about to complete building ar rangements. Samples of the rnnd signs obtain ed by the automobile commltlco of tho club from n Ilrm of tiro manu facturers wero on dlsplny nt Satur day's meeting and volunteers wero called for to plnco theso on tho roads. Altogether there nro Bovornl hundred situs painted on wood with tho name or the tiro manufacturer, thn llend Commercial Club, nnd tlio name of some point such ns "Crater lnko" wtth nn arrow. Other business trans acted wan a discussion ns to carrying tho demonstration farm Idoa through thn winter. The next luncheon will bo at thn Wright hotel. DURING THE NEXT THREE MONTHS I will discontinue my Real Estate business on account of purchasing horses for Euro pean purposes. J. B. MINER Bend IN KENWOOD Lots 60x114, Sidewalks, City Water and Electric Lights 100 to $225 TERMS: $10 Cash and $10 Alouthly. Special inducements to parties who will build homes J. RYAN & CO. SHE IS UP SUNDAY $15,000 BOND MUST BE FILED THEN Unlcvi Mono) Vt or Second 1'vten nIoii of Time Given l-cn'.e of Sum mer nnil Abert Lakes 1m Null nnd Void Financial Aid Is Lacking (Tho Oregonlan.) Jason C. Mooro, of New York, who wns granted n lease on Lakes Sum mer nnd Abort by tho 1 0 15 Legisla ture, must fllo n bond for $15,000 by noxt Sunday to completo tho $25,000 forfeit promised tho stnto In taso ho does not commonco development of tho lakes project within 90 days after Mny 22 of this year. In caso this forfeit Is not forthcoming and the Stato Land Hoard docs not grant him n second extension of time his leaso on the lakes will be null nnd void, according to tho contract entored In to by Mr. Mooro and tho stnt'o. Tlio rumor is current thnt Mr. Mooro litis not mot with tho financial assistance ho oxpected and thnt ho will hnvo to give up IiIh plans for developing thn unit deposits of tho two Oregon lakes. Mr. Mooro's rep resentatives la Oreson, Attornoya Shoppcrd nnd Ilrock, of Portland, said yesterday thoy did not know when Mr. Mooro would como to Ore gon, and It Is Impossible to ascertain whothor or not tho project will bo carried out. Kven 4f he Is unsuccess ful, however, In perfecting his plans, It Is thought certain thnt othor weal thy IntorcBtn ultimately will put tho project through. Mr. Moore originally enored Into tho lenso agreement with tho State Land Hoard nnd this wan confirmed by tho Legislature nftcr considerable dobato. Mr. Mooro poBted $10,000 ns nn evldcnco of his good faith and agreed to deposit nn additional $15, 000 In May, hut wns unnhlo to do so on nccount of the Influcnco of tho wnr on (lnnncos In Now York and tho stnto granted him nn oxtcnslon of 00 dnys which expires noxt Sundny. The total deposit of $25,000 Is rc'-ulrcd by the contrnct to guarantee com mencement of work on tho project within 90 days nftor May 22, 1915. Just opened. A now ment mnrket. Olvo us a trial. Gilbert & Son. Adr i' Oregon 1 'KIltB VAUI)I:.S AITOINTKI). PIro wardens to patrol tho various sections of timber In the state not Included In tho National forest re servo havo been choBcn by Stato For estor Elliott In co-operation with tho various timber associations. These men nro under the supervision of tho State Forester but recelvo their com pensation from tho association. The Crook county wardens nre Thomas Urndy, W. J. Davles, llalph Dunn, Joseph Itlngo. i'i:i)i:uso.v-ioiixso.v. Miss Julia Johnson of Seattle be came the brldo of Julius Pederson, who is tho treasurer of tho Central Oregon Irrigation Co. Wntor Users' Association, on tho 21fst of June, at Seattle. After their marriage thoy took n trip to Portland, from which place thoy went to Mrs. Pederson's old homo In Auburn, Washington, wnero they hnvo been v'sltlng for tho pnst two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Pederson returned to llend Monday ovenlng and wero charlvarled by friends last night. They are living at Mr. Pederson 8 ranch. KNflAOKMKXT AXXOt'XCKI). Tho engagement of Miss Harriott Dolson to Dr. J. C. Vnndovert; lias recently been nnnounccd. Miss Dol son has taught school at llend up to a year ago, at which tlmo she wsb made the principal of tho Crescent school. Dr. Vnndovert Is a son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Vnndovert of Tho Old Homestead. Ho Is a gradu ate of the Oregon Stato Medical School and has recently opened an ofllco In the Deschutes Dank building after complotlng n torm In St. Vin cent's hospital of Portland. SINNOTT TALKS OF RAILROADS (Continued from pngo 1.) Klamath county como closer to Port land through tho construction of nn extension of tho Oregon Trunk or Deschutes railway from llend. Whoro Is now takes n full 24 hours to reach Klamath Falls from Portland, by tho Central Oregon routo It would not tnlto halt that long. Tho peoplo nro dialing. They want to belong to Ore gon In fact as well as In namo. Hut whon thoy nro obliged to look upon San Francisco as their trndo and fin ancial center, Oregon Is an, associa tion In namo only. "And so tho peoplo want to koop allvo tho long cherished project of extending the Deschutes lino to Klamath. Had K. H. Harrlmnn lived, they bollevo tho work would long ngo have boon dono, bocauso Mr. llnrrlman looked far enough Into tho futuro to sco In Klamath county a garden. Thnt ho established on tho shore of Klamath lako his own sum mer, 'Pelican Lodgo,' shows his con fident In tho region about IL "Klamath county peoplo" nro ngl- THE REAL To nmke own home we the following WIS WILL SELL AXV OXK OK OL'K LOTS IX THE 11EST HI'SIDHX. CIAIj I-.VKT8 OF THE TOWN AT THE l'lUCB OF A YEAK AGO. WITH CASH PAYMENT OF rt PEK CENT AND EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF 3 PElt CENT OF Pl'UCHASE P1UCE. WE WILL SELL A LOT AS PKH PIiAX NO. 1 FUItXISH ALL THE LUMHEIt ItEQUIIlEI) TO HUILU A HOME OX IT AX1 ACCEPT PAY., MEXTS IX MOXTHLY IXSTALUMEXTS. SELECT OXE OF Ot'K LOTS Fl'ltXISH IS A PIiAX OF THE HOME YOU HES1HE TO HAVE. WE WILL HUILI) IT AXI TUHX IT OVEU TO YOU COMPLETE FOH A SMALL CASH PAYMEXT AX1) THE HALANCB IX MOXTHLY INSTAIiLMEXTS. LIKE PAYING KENT. YOU GAN lll'Y A LOT AXI Hl'ILl) A HOME OX IT FOH 25 Pint CENT I.l-SS NOW THAN IN A YEAH HENCE FOH OUH JiOTS AHE CeIu TAIN TO ADVANCE THAT MUCH AND Ll'MUEH ANIl JiAHOIt WILL ADVANCE AS CONDITIONS I.MPHOVE. THIS IS YOUH OPPORTUNITY TO INVEST YOUH MONEY IX A HOME IXSTEA1) OF WASffXaJT 11YJ PAYIXG HEXT. i - A DOIiliAU SAVED IS A DOLLAH .MAHIi " - t X fating tho railroad at their end of the line and they havo asked mo to agitato It nt the Portland end. Tho roaniia would bo mutually boneflclnl. Klamath would bo financed nnd In spired from Portland, nnd Portland would reach n rich and constantly growing trade territory that belongs here but which Is now San Frnncls- co's. MUCH BUILDING IS IN PROGRESS (Continued from pngo 1.) fcctlonery counter put In, n candy maker from Los Angeles hnvlng re cently been engaged by Shrlner & Huey. proprietors of tho bakery. Other down town construction which will be begun shortly will bo the addition to Tho Ilullctln plant to houso Its now Mlehle press and care for the growth expected to re sult from the coming development of the town. For rosidences threo houses nro being built by W. O. Mustard on Alder street, O. W. Horstmnn hav ing tho contrnct. Two of theso nre completed and the third will bo dono Bhortly. In Park addition Mrn. Ktta Gllbort Is building on n lot belong ing to her son, N. K. Gllbort. On tho west oldo of tho river Floyd Dement hns under construc tion n five room bungalow to which ho oxpects to movo from his present resldenco In Park nddttlon. Tho lo cation Is well up on tho hill sido In Kenwood nnd commands n lino vlow of tho river. Other development In this section Ib In Plnolyn Park whoro n now oldo walk has recently been Inld nnd In lioulevnrd addition where the roads aro being cleared out and lot stakes replaced In anticipation of Immediate growth. WALLACE ASKS FUNDS (Continued from pngo 1.) then to 1111 them. For this purpose Just now Crntor creek would bo very desirable, it Is understood, nnd nn ronson Ib seen why tho land board could not tnnko tho loan. Thnt such lonn would ho perfectly proper nnd n fnlr ono to mako Is agreed by thoso who hnvo studied tho subject. For security tho stato would have lands Irrigated from tho cnnal whoso vnlue Is sccuro without reforonco lo tho reservoir, whllo tho work to bo dono with tho money would bo n benefit to nil tho lands on tho project, BOARD DEFERS ACTION Will Probably Arrange for Crater Creek Funds Later. SALEM, July 13. Whllo tho Des ert Land Hoard took no deflnlto no tion rcgnrdlng tho Tumnlo nltuatlon at Its meeting last week, It Is known BEND COMPANY ESTATE it easy for every family in Bend submit to them u way to do it plans: PLAN No. 1 PLAN No. 2 PLAN No. 3 D. E. HUNTER Manager Real Estate Department ORTH EACH "PRIDE OF THE PACIFIC" Is the place to forget Hummer's beat nnd dust, also Tho Cnrcs and Worrlm of The Day to KXJOV Lll'i: nt Its IICST, down by tho Ken vtlicro tlio ocean breezes blow. ner.chod only via tho OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY Tickets on oalo dally i.t low faros for tho round trip Ask J. H. COIIHETT, Acont Bend, Oregon thnt tho members feel no uneasiness regarding tho outcome of affairs thero. Tho Hoard is In reMlp' of engineering reports, nnd a fully convnrsnnt with tho situation Tumalo settlors nro asking the Land Board, which controls tho Statu School Funds, to lonn them about $5,000 on Improved Tumalo lands. This money tho settlers will pay In to tho Tumalo fund on their con tracts, nnd thon tho fund wilt bo nblo to flnnuco tho diversion of Crntor Creek. It Is boliovod tho Hoard will favor such action. With this extrn wator thoro will bo enough to enro for tho farms this year and provldo a moans of stop ping tho reservoir leaks. Tho real difllculty lies, say engineers, In tho extreme wntor shortngo In all streams this year, duo to light snow fall. Had tho Tumnlo had Its nor mal flow this summer, tho reservoir leaks would already have been welt patched up. Lack of wator has de layed tho work. For sign painting seo Edwards. Adv. to own their by nny one of rj ii V, J? I I M I T -V t ?&M flT-T? V'- avurngti 940 ,-. t .- - J