TIIE BEND HUIXKTIN, BENT), OUE., WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 101B. IWGK 7. o COUNTY COURT NOTES At Uio 3wy term of court tho sum of $180 was appropriated to pay Dr. Rosenborg's expenses In removing jlrs, Prlsco Prlsco from Crook coun ty. Mrs. Prlsco has been a county charge since lior husband left her some months ago. Tho court has now decided to havo her deported to Italy. At prosont sho 1b confined In the county Jail. The court has ordered that tho O. C. Cardwoll county road bo oponcd ns soon ns funds nro available Allen Wlllcoxon Is ordorcd to sup ervise tho expenditure of not over $500 on tho Itodtnond-Powoll Dutto rond. County Clerk Warren llrown paid out over $2,000 In bounties In tho months of May nnd Juno. A widow's Tension has been grant ed to Hattlo Morris. County Treasurer Jordan has been ordered to keep his oltlro In tho jourt hotiso opon nnd $33.33 per Snnnth has boon allowed him for dep uty hire. County Commissioner Dlnnchnrd was apnolntcd by tho court to Invos t'srnto thn matter of nn onproprlotlon fnr tho Central Oregon Fair Associa tion. The tax collector has been ordered to soil all lands bid In bv tho county on account of delinquent taxes. Tho suit ngnlnst ox-Countv Com missioner Hnyloy for nn accounting I to bo pressed moro vigorously. Commissioner nianchnrd has been nnnolntod to sccuro lognl nsslstanco for District Attorney WIrtz In tho prosecution of tho suit. POWELL BUTTE 'Continued from pnsro 2.) Mr. Schnfner of Madras was a vis itor In this neighborhood ovor Sat au relay. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Hubert Donly nnd little daughter of Alfnlfa woro guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ulnlr's Satur day. Mr. Doalv extiects to lonvo lm ""illntoly for his homestead at Dear Crook to harvest and do somo clear ing on his placo thpro. J. P. nowmnn loft Snttirdny for Tnppenlsh, Washington, to work dur ing tho hnylng and baling season. Miss Annn Pcdorsnn of tho Hins dale, Illinois Sanitarium Is hero for p two month's vllt with hpr two sisters. MrB. h. W. Illalr and Mrs. Irvin Illnlr. Mrs. Otto Olson nnd llttlo daugh ter, of Tlurlov, Idaho, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. Wnrnor. Mr T.omon f Hoftninnd Is inro Ir rigating his d'tch 40 and looking af ter his crops. D A. Patterson will start haying the flrst of tho week. Roland Dowmnn camo near hav ing a serious accident last week whon nttP'ked bv a Jorsoy hull belonging to C. Ij. Frost. Ho ran to safety, rnd tho bull sovoroly woundod his pony, which ho was lending. Tho hull wpn dlmrnod pxt day. Boulali and Harold Lnndfaro colo brated tho Fourth In Ilend. A. D. Morrill bought a Doorlng blndor of Ora Fostor last week. LEGAL NOTICES IX THE COUNTY COUUT OF THE .STATE OF OKKGO.V FOR CHOOK COUNTY. In thn matter of tho Estato of Jesso L. Poush, Docoasod. Notlco Is heroby glvon that pursu ant to tho ordor of this court dated .'nno 14th, 1015, tho underslgnod will from and aftor August 13th, 191G, procood to sell at private salo for cash tho following described real os tnto of said Estato. to-wlt: NWVi of Section 8, Township 18 S. of Rango 16 E. W. M. Dated this 14th day of July. 1915, S. C. CALDWELL, As Administrator of tho Estato of Jesso L. Poush, Deceased. 19-22c NOTICE OF PUIIMCATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S, Land Ofllco nt The Dalles, Oregon, July 9th, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that Wil liam K. Aten, ono of tho heirs and for tho heirs of Qeorgo E. Aton, de ceased, who, on May 15th, 1911, mado Homestead Entry, No. 08920. for EV4. Section 17, Township 17 South. Itango 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before II. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Rend, Oregon, on tho 19th day of August, 1915. Claimant names as wltnessos: Henry E. Ituffo, Mary F. Benn, Doano D. Froeman. Milton A. Palmer, all of Bend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 19-23p. Register. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Olllce at Tho Dalles, Oregon, June 28th, 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that George E. Heathman, of Bend, Ore gon, who. on July 22nd, 1912, mado Homestead Entry. No. 010561, for WV4, Section 35, Township 19 South, rang 14 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore II. C Ellis, U. S. Commissioner at Bend, Oregon, on the 9th day of August. 1115. Claimant names as witnesses: Daniel W. Beeler, Louis II. Glass, Howard F. Dyer, Aaron D. Norton, all of Bend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 18-22C. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Ofllco at The Dalles, Oregon, Jnnn SHth. 1915. .NOTICE Is hereby gives that William B. McAdow, of Mllllcan, Ore gon, who, on Juno 28th, 1912, mado Homestead Entry, No. 010480, for NEVi Section 7 and NWH, Section 8, Township 20, South, Range, 15 East, Wlllaraetto Morldlan, has filed notlco of lntontlon to mako Final Threo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Bond, Oregon, on the 16th day of August, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: William B. Klger, Fred O. Klger, Aaron D. Norton, Peter B. Johnson, nil of Mllllcan, Oregon, II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 18-22c. Register, NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior, Unltod States Lnnd Ofllco, Lnkovlow, Ore gon, Juno 17th, 1915. To liny Thomas of Monmouth, Ore gon, Contestco: You nro heroby notified thnt Jos eph W. Lynch, who gives 784 East 26th Street, Portland, Oregon, as his post-ofllco address, did on April 27th, 1915, Ola In this omco his duly cor roborated application to contest and sccuro tho cancellation of your Home stead Entry No. 07442, Serial No. 0744 2, mado April 10th, 1914, for West Vi Section 20, TownBhlp 22 'South, Rango 19 East, Wlllnmotte Meridian, nnd ns grounds for his con test he alleges that satd Ray Thomas hns wholly failed to establish his rcsldonco on satd land, hns wholly failed to cultlvato and lmprovo the same as required by law, and has wholly abandoned tho samo for moro thnn six months Inst past. You are, thoroforo, further notified that tho said allegations will bo tak en as confessed, and your said ontry will bo cnncellod without further right to be hoard, olthor beforo this omco or on nppenl, If you fall to file In this ofllco within twenty days aftor tho FOURTH publication of this no tice, as shown bolow, your answer, under onth, specifically responding to theso allegations of contest, togethor with duo proof that you havo servod a copy of your answor an tho sntd contestant olthor In parson or by reg istered mall. You should stato In your answor tho namo of tho post ofllco to which you dcslro futuro notices to bo sent to you. JAS. BUROESS, Reglstor. Dato of first publication July 7, 1915. Date of second publication July 14, 1915. Dato of third publication July 21, 1915. Dnto of fourth publication July 28, 1915. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S HALE. By vlrtuo of nn execution duly Is suod by tho clork of tho Circuit Court of tho County of Crook, Stato of Oro gon, dated this 9th day of Juno, 1916, In n certain action In tho Cir cuit Court for tho said County nnd Stato, whoro In Deschutes Stato Bank, a corporation, Plaintiff, rocovored Judgment ngalnst A. C. Lucas, Do fondant for tho sum of Ono Thousand Threo Hundrod Forty Threo nnd 33 100 Dollars, with Interest at tho rato of 10 porcont por annum from March FOR SALE COMPLETE MACHINERY FOR FLOUR MILL 180 Barrel Per Day Cupaclty CHEAP IF BOUGHT SOON. Wrlto for Particulars II. HTKIN1IOCK H02 North Commercial St. Kuloin, Oregon, 16-19 p COLLINS HENKLE 8ALTZMAN HOYT DIBBLE HODSON Bend-Klamath Auto Stage Co. AND Bend-Burns Auto Stage Co. RATES! I1ENIV HARPER 9 1.50 BEND LA PINE JJ.BO BEND CRESCENT 4.00 m:.vi LONaitoTH o.oo BENI FORT KLAMATH 0.00 BEND CHILOQU1N 10.00 REND KI.AMATII FALLS 1 l.tJO IIIC.NI BURNS 10.00 Cars Leave Bend for Klamatli Falls Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday after Mornlug Train. R. G. LAMBERSON, Agent, Bend, Oregon. Bend-Silver Lake and way points A Seven Passenger Touring Car Each Way Eaeli Day. RIDE IN THE EASY CARS Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WEMANDY LIVERY CO. Freight Trucks in Addition 1, 1914, until paid together with One Hundred Thirty Dollars attorney's fees, and the. further sum of Fifteen Dollars costs, and accruing costs. Notice Is heroby given that I will on Saturday, tho 7th day of August, 1915, at the North front door of tho courthouso In Prlnovlllo, In said county, nt 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of said day, sell nt public auction, to tho highest blddor for ensh, all right nnd tltlo that tho above named de fendant have or had at dato of satd Judgment In tho following described property, to-wlt: tho northerly 05 and 13-100 feet of lot 3, block 1, of Bond, Crook county, Oregon, accord ing to tho recorded pint. Lots 11 and 12 of block 26, of Bend, Crook Coun ty, Oregon, nccordlng to tho record ed plat. E. B. KNOX, Shorlft of Crook County Dated nt Prlnovlllo, Oregon, tills 30th day of Juno, 1915. By FLOYD A. ROWELL, 18-22c. Deputy NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. By vlrtuo of an execution In fore closure duly Issued by Uio clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho County of Crook, State of Oregon, dated this 30th day of Juno, 1915, In a certain nctlon In tho Circuit Court for tho said county nnd State, whoroln A. M. Prlnglo, Plaintiff, recovered Judg ment against D. A. Mastors, E. A. Morgnn, D. W. Plerco, Katlo Plerco, Francis Cnpoll, Lettlo Cnpell, Alex Hess, Oertrudo Hess, and A. Q. Latin dlgan, Dofcndnnts, for tho sum of Flfteon Hundred Nlnotoen Dollars with lntorest at tho rato of 8 por cent por annum from tho 10th day of Feb ruary, 1911, togethor with Ono Hun dred Fifty Dollars attornoy's fees, and tho further sum of Thirty Eight Dollars costs, and accruing costs. Notlco Is horoby glvon that I will, on Saturday, tho 7th day of August, 1915, at tho North front door of tho courthouso In Prlnovlllo, In said county, nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon THE WHITE IS KING Tho BESTnll-round Family Sewing Mnchino that can be produced. Mado in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. Tho rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. Tho latest up to tho minuto steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send nnmo and address for our beautiful II. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 519 Merchants National Dank Bldg San Francisco. California of said day, sell at public auction, to tbo highest blddor fore ash, nil right and tltlo that tho above named de fendants or either of thorn, havo or had at date of satd judgment in tho following described proporty, to-wlt: tho SWVi of tho SEVi, tho EV4 of tho SEVi of tho SWVi of Section 23, Township 1G south of Itajigo 11 East of tho Willamette Meridian In Crook County, Oregon. E. B. KNOX, Sheriff of Crook County. Dated nt Prlnovlllo, Oregon, this 30th day of Juno, 1915. By FLOYD A. ROWELL, 18-22C Doputy. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Departmont of the Intorlor, Unltod States Land Olllco, Tho Dalles, Ore gon, Juno 7, 1915. To Wlnfrcd Scott Jacobs of Puyal lup, Washington, Contestco: You nro hereby notlflod that Don ald A. McArthur, who gives Bend, Oregon, as his post olllco address, did on May 17, 1015, ftlo In this of llco his duly corroborated application to contest nnd sccuro tho cancella tion of your homestead, Entry No. Soriat No. 01318D, mado May 13, 1914, for WV4 SEVi. Section 10: WV6 NEW, WV4 SEV. SEVi SEVi, 8octlon 15; SWVi SWVi Section 14, Township 20 South, Rango 15 East Wlllnmotto Meridian, nnd as grounds for his contest ho alleges that Bald WInfred Scott Jacobs hns failed to establish his rcsldonco on said tract; that ho hns fnllcd to cultlvato said tract or any portion thereof; I am In formed and verily bcllovo and thoro foro stnto that said entrymnn hns abandoned said tract for upwards of six months Inst past. You nro, therefore), further noti ced thnt tho said allegations will ho takon ns confessed, nnd your said ontry will bo cnncollod without fur thor right to bo heard, olthor boforo this olllco or on nppoal, If you fall to fllo In this ofllco within twenty days nftor tho FOURTH publication of tlilh notlco, nB shown bolow, your answer, undor oath, specifical ly responding to theso allegations of contest, togethor with duo proof thnt you hnvo served a copy of your an swor on tho snld contcstnnt olthor In porson or by registered mall. You should Btuto In your ntiBwor tbo namo of tho post ofllco to which you dcslro futuro notices to ho sent to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Dato of first publication Juno 30, 1915. Dato of second publication July 7, 1915. Dato of third publication July 14, 1915. Dato of fourth publication July 21, 1915. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Intorlor, United States Lnnd Ofllco, Lnkovlow, Oro- gon, Juno 12, 1915. To Edgar W. Moshor of unknown ad dress, Contcsteo: You nro horoby notlflod that Frank A, Stevens, who gives Bond, Oregon, as his post odlco addroBs, did on May 26th, 1915, Illo In this ofllco his duly corroborated application to contest and sccuro tho cancellation of your Homestead Entry, No. , Sorlnl No. 04829, mado July 14th, 1911, C THE 0000 JUDGE Q SOME Of THAT fiJAJ, "EflACO HEW OR YOUR, LIFE . wurm ' w wKiSTi . . - !. .1 ! i'fF- CUT loose from the big, bulgy wad. For a clean, small 'chew there's noth ing like it. It is tho Real Tobacco Chew that you hear men telling their friends about, You get the good of the richest tobacco grown. A little chew of pure, rich, mellow tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough cuts out so much of tho grinding and spitting. THC REAUTOSACCO VY'B CUT IS IOho 'Die mite of pure, rich tobacco doe not need lobe covered up. An cxcc3 of licorice and iwcctening mako you tpit too much. One small chew takes the place of two big chews of the old kind. (Notice how the salt brings out the rich tobacco tustc.) WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO Union Square, Wey YorkCUy (J3UY FROM DEALER ORSEND IOtSTAMPSTOuV) ! Building Building LUMBER, ffi) I The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. for NEVi NWVi; NWVi NEVi: Sec tion 29; EV4 SWVi: WVi SEVi and SWi; Section 20, Township 21 South, Rango 18 East, Wlllnmotto Morldlan, nnd ns grounds for his con test ha nllcges thnt E. W. Moshcr has failed to establish residence upon snld tract, and has failed to cultlvato said tract or any portion thereof, thnt snld ontrymnn has abandoned said land for moro than ono your last past and next preceding this application, and that said abandonment was with out loavo or legal oxcuso. You aro, thoroforo further notified that tho snld allegations will bo takon by this olllco as liming been confoss od by you, nnd your snld ontry will be cancelled thoreunder without your further right to bo honrd thoroln, olthor boforo this ofllco or on appeal, It you fai: to fllo In this olllco with in twenty days nftor tho FOURTH publication of this notlco, as shown below, your answor, undor onth, spe cifically mcotlng nnd responding to theso allegations of contest, or If you fall within thnt tlmo to fllo In this olllco duo proof thnt you havo served a copy of your nnBwor on tho said contcstnnt olthor In porson or by roglstorod mall. If this sorvlco Is mado by tho dollvory of a copy of your answor to tho contestant In por son, proof or Btich sorvlco must lie olthor tho said contestant's written ncknowlodgmont of his receipt of tho copy, showing tho dato of Its rccolpt, or tho allldavlt of tho porson oy whom tho dollvory was mado stntlng when nnd whoro tho copy wns deliv ered: If mado by registered mail, proof of such sorvlco must consist of tho allldavlt of tho porson by whom tho cony wns mailed stating wlwn and tho post ofllco to which It was mailed, and this nflldnvtt must "C accompanied by tho postmaster o ro colpt for tho lottor. You should stato In your answor tho namo of tho post olllco to which you dcslro futuro notices to bo sont to you. JA8. F. BURGESS, Roglstor. Dato of flrst publication, Juno 23, 1915. Dato of second publication Juno 30, 1915. Dnto of third publication, July 7, 1915. Dato of fourth publication, July 11, 1915. IN TIIE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK. IE tho mnttor of tho Estnto of Wil liam B. Wyllo, Doconsod. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE Is horoby given by tho CALMS THE COWBOX"") 1 Without IT Llpn wojlo ( n i HOT DC worth UVINC., HCU YOUR..F "- JC.il CHEW IS NOW CUT TWO WAY3II ?! shred. RIGHT COT 1$ short SHRbp. ( Take leu than oncquarter tho old ilze chew. It will he moro tatU(yio than a mouthful of ordinary tobacco. Jutt take a nibble of it until you find (he Mrcncili chew that uit you, then tee how caiily and evenly the real Wbuccu taite cumei,how it latiiGei, how much Icit you have to iplt, how few clicwi you take to ho (nhacco latlified. That's why It I 'Iht ItrolTtlarco Chtw. Tliat'awhvtt colli Iculn Ilia enJ. Material I Material SHINGLES . undersigned, tho duly appointed, qunllllod nnd noting administrator of tho estato of William R. Wylio, to tho creditors nnd nil parsons bavin? claims against said decensod, or snld estate, to present them, vorldcd ns required by law, within bIx months nftor tho llrst publication of this no tlco to tho said administrator at tho olllco of his attornoy, Vornon A, Forbes, In tho Klrst National llnnk uulldlng, Ilend, Oregon; tho samo bo Ing tho placo for tho transaction of tho business of said estnto In said county and stato. Dated this 23rd day of Juno, 191G. h. O. McltlSYNOLDS, Administrator of tho Estnto of Wil liam 11. Wyllo, docoaBod. 16-20c IX TIIIJ COUXTV COUUT OF TIIK STATU OF OltKGOX FOH T1II2 COUXTV OF CHOOK. In tho mnttor of tho Kstuto of Not- tlo llnrmorson, also known ns Not- tlo II. Colo, Deceased. NOTICE TO CUUDITOHS. NOTICE Is heroby given by tho undarotKtiad, tho duly nppolntod, quulined nnd nctlng administrator of tho estoto of Nottlo Harmorson, nlso known ns Nottlo II. Colo, Deceased, to tho creditors and all porsons hav ing claims against tho doconsod, or snld ostato, to present thorn, vorlflcil ns required by law, within six months nftor tho first publication of this no tlco to the said administrator ut tho olllco of his attornoy, Vornon A. Forbes, In tho First National Hank Uulldlng, Ilond, Oregon; tho sumo bo lug tho placo for tho transaction of tho business nt said ostato In said county nnd stnto. Datod this 23rd day of Juno, 1015. LKWI8 0. McllHYNOLDS, Administrator of tho Kstato of Net tlo Harmorson, also known as Nottlo II. Colo, Docoasod, !G-20a IX THIS CIKCUIT COUUT OF TJII3 HTATI3 OF OHIXJOX, FOH THE COUXTV OF CHOOK. Mayma Kooknn, Plaintiff, vs. Chnrlos SI. Kooknn, Dofondnnt. SUS1MON8. To Charles SI. Kookan, Defendant: IN THW NASIB OF Til 13 STATU OF OKECION, you nro horoby roqulr od to appear and answor tho com plaint filed ngalnst you In tho abovo entltlod suit In Court on or boforo tho 30th day of July, 191C, and If you fall so to oppoar ajul answor, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for rollof prayed for In hor complaint horoln, to-wlt: thnt tho bandit of mntrlmony now existing hotwoon you nnd snld plaintiff bo dissolved and that snld plaintiff ho relieved of all oblgatlons arising by vlrtuo of tho innrrliigo contract now oxUtlng bo tweon you nnd midl nlnlntirr ,,,i,i t- such other and further rollof urn to mo court may huoim oqultablo. This summons published by or dor of tho Honornblo T. B. J. Duffy, Judgo of the Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Crook county, Which snld nriliir urim ilnlml Dm nil. day of Juno, 1015, and which ordor iiruBcrioes inai tins Hiimmonu hu published In Tho Ilend llullotln, it WCOklV llnWHIlllDlir mil. Ilel,., I nn.l printed In Ilend, Crook county, Oro- kuii, ior a ponou or six succnsalvo weoks; tho dato of tho llrst publica tion of this summons Is Juno 10. 1915. ' 1C-21 c. VBKNON A. FOItllKR, Attornoy for tho Plaintiff. NOTICi: OF HIIKUIFF'H HA LB. II V vlrtlin nt un nynmitlnn In fnn. closure duly Issued by tho clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho County of Crook, fltato of Oregon, datod this Oth day of Juno, 1015. In a cortnln action In tho Circuit Court far tho raid County und Rtntn. wlinrnln An. na IlrostorhouB, administratrix of tho Kstato of (loorco Ilrnnliirlunnt ln. ceased, Plaintiff, recovered judgment against Ueorgu F. Harris, Defendant for tho mi m of Nino Hundrod Ninety and no 100 Dollars with Interest at the rato of 10 per cent per annum, irom uio 7th duy or Docembor, 1013, together with Onn lliirulrnil ntlru attorney's fees, and tho fiirtlmr until of Thirty Threo and 50-100 DollarH costs, unu accruing costs. .Notice Ih hereby given that I will, on Saturday, tbo 17th day of July, 101S. at the North front door of th courthouse In I'rlnuvlllu, In said county, ut 10 o'clock In tho foronnoii of said day, null ut publle auction, to the blithest bidder fur push, nil rli-lit ni'il tltlo I hut the above named du- rwidunl (loorxo F. HarrlB havo or had at dato of said Judgment In tho following iluMirlbm! proporty, to-wlt; Lots numburnd 13 und It of lilock 27, of Ilend, Crook county, Oregon. K. II. KNOX, Rhurlff nt PriinV ninnlw Dated-nt -Prlnavllle, Oregon, this lotn day or June, jyifc. Ily Floyd A. nowell, 15-19 c. Deputy.