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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1915)
the rend bulletin, dend, ore., Wednesday, july u, 1015. PAGE a. M VO k, d. 10 - vi ?? tfy I .Jr f BEND BRIEFS OltEGON TRUNK TRAIN Arrives 8:30 a. m. Leaves 7 p. m. - O.-W. It. & N. TItAIN. ArrlveB 7:45 p. m. Leaves 7:25 n. m. AUTO STAOIJ lilKli SOUTH. Leaves 8 : 4 5 a. m. -- Arrives 5 p. in. AUTO LINES. Cars to Hums, Fort Klamath Fort Rock, Silver Lako anil other points south and south - east. .. POST OFFICE HOURS. General dellvory open dally - 9:15 n. m. to C p. m. - No roall distributed on Sunday. Night train mail closes 6 p. m. Day train mnll closes 6:30 a. in. - - TEIiKUItAl'Il 1IUUIIS. Western Union dally 7 n. m. to -- 7 p. m. Sunday and holidays -- 8-10, 4-G. TELEPHONE HOURS. Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour sorvlco, Including Sunday. CHURCH NOTICES. Church of tho Brethren. Services ench Sunday near high school building. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. A cor dial lnvltntlon Is oxtonded to an. Ira H, Fox, minister. Baptist. Bible school 10 a. m. Preaching servlco 11 o'clock. Sermon by tho pastor. Union sorvlco In tho Bap ti3t church 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wodnesdny evening beginning at 8 o'clock. A cordial Invitation Is ox tended to nil atrangcrs to nttond theso services. AMUSEMENTS. Drcnm Theatre, plays every night Photo o'clock. nt 8 Uend Theatre' Motion pictures, ovory Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8 o'clock. IUnd Concert Friday night. Henri Flour Is Popular. That Ilond mado flour Is coming Into gcnoral uso nil ovor Contral Oro ) gon, Is tho Btatcmont mado yesterday ' by President Kroonort of tho Ilond Flour Mill Co. Mr. Kroonort Is right ly proud or tho high standing reached by his flour In laboratory tests and of tho perfectly clean and sanitary conditions which provall In his mill. Among tho Improvements which he now has In contemplation Is tho In stallation of machlnory for tho mnnu facturo of ryo nnd wholo wheat cer eals. A carload of shelled corn has Just been received at tho mill. Tho Now Uend Flour Mill Co., Is now manufacturing Doschutcs Solf Ilnlslng Pancako flour. Ask your gro cer for it. Adv. Now Grocery 0cnH. Carl Holschcr nnd F. Hopkins have recently opened a now grocory on Bond street undor tho nnmo of tho Sanitary Hnkory and Grocory, tho Sanitary Uakory bolng connected with It. Clean up and paint up. wards. Adv. See Ed- Railroad Send-) Demonstrator. II. C. Oliver, special ropreaentatlvo of tho O.-W. n. & N. has been In town this wook to nsBlst A. C. Egan who recontly broko his right arm. Mr. Oliver says that his company hns handled over 40 cars of horses from Central Oregon polnta In tho post month. Ho also reports that about July 23 Mrs. King will como to Hond with a demonstration car to glvo a talk on canning fruits and vegetables. Tho Commercial club room has been secured for her demonstration hero. Uso Deschutes Spray Flour. Whit er and bettor thnn evor. For salo by Tho Now Dond Flour Mill Co. Adv. Ilcnd Tlwitro Opens Sunday. Under tho management of L. Doon nr tho Dond Theatro on Wall street, which has been closed for mora than a year past, was reoponed to tho public on Sunday night. Mr. Doon ar expects to run ovory night as soon as a few complications aro Bottled. HOUSE FOR SALE. Seven room houso with good base ment and all modern conveniences In Dond. Address E. W. Richardson. Ln Pino. Orecon. 12tf Lovcu Arid Stork. R, H. Lovon, tho Ilond street shoe maker, has recently ndded a new stock of shoes to his business, carry ing popular makes of dress and work ehoea. Lots closo ln 160 to 12B. Easy Payments. J. A. Eastes. Adv. Will Huy Empty Sack. Tho New Bend Flour Mill Co. will purchase all emptysacks suitable for grain purposes that aro brought to their mill. Adv. i-zuc SIGNS FOR HALE. "For Rent," "For Sale," "Rooms to Let", "Housekeeping Rooms." "No Admittance," "No Smoking." etc., etc.. Placards printed In largo fype on heavy brlstol board, IB cent each, leas ln quantities. Metropolitan Is Robbed. Some unwelcome visitor entered the Metropolitan Darber shop on Fri day night, and relieved the cash reg ister of J 40. Tho theft was commit ted between midnight and 6 a. ra. No trace of the thief has yet been found. Use True Dluo Flour. Whiter and better than eTer. For sale ty too New Brad Flour Mill Co. Adr. New Drinking Fountain. J. E. EngebretBon has Just com pleted tho plumbing on tho now drinking fountain for horses erected at tho corner of .Minnesota and Uond streets, by tho Hond Water .Light & Power Co. Wanted Now. Right now when liny fever Is at tacking Its victims and when asthma Is causing so much distress, thero Is a demand for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound tho romedy that brought relief to thousands In previous years. Don't continue to suffer. It will help you. Contains no opiates. Pattorson Drug Co. Adv. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Issued by Crook Count)- Abstract Co. La Pino Townslto Co. to Louis Van Orman Its. 7, 8, 9, blk. 9, 1st ndd La Pino. Bend Co. to It. M. Smith Clothing (Jo. its. 3, 10, blk. 12. Park add. Earl D. Houston to Allen Wlllcox- on no nw 15-17-12. Uend Co. to Shovlln-Hlxon Co right of wny over Its. 3, 4, Bectlon 7-18-12. Henry LInstor to samo right of way over se 12 nw 13-18-12; Bond Co. to Qottfrcd Ilcnson pt. It. 24, blk. 13, Park add, Bend. W. H. Stunts to M. J. RobertB It. 10, blk. G, Deschutes. Lytlo TownBlto Co. to Adolph Gob hard, It. 1, w 2, blk. 44, Riverside. They Write Every Day. Every doy Foloy & Co. rccolvo lot tors from grateful men and women. tolling how Foley Kidney Pills cur ed thorn of backacho, soro miiBcIos, stiff joints and other kidney and blad der troubles. Is vory quick to ro Hove lumbago and rheunintlsm duo to kidney trouble No othor remedy has n longor record of cures. Pator- son Drug Co. Adv. Uso Deschutes Spray Flour. Whit er nnd hotter than ovor. For salo by Tho Now Dond Flour Mill Co. Adv. A. O. EGAN HREAKS ARM. A. C. Egan, traveling freight and pnsscngor agent of tho O.-W. R. & N. broke his right arm nt Madras on Saturday. Ha waa injured whllo passing a cattlo chuto, when a stock car backed up and caught him bolow the olbow. Up was taken caro of by Dr. Snook of Madras, and Iator brought hero by Jay Saltzman. Soo Edwards for papor hanging. Adv. MERCHANTSGIVE PRIZES Fourth Is Celebrated nt Brooking With Games and Itnccn. Ovor COO pooplo attended tho Hampton, Lost Creek nnd Rolynt Fourth of July colobratlon nt Brook ings station on Saturday, July 3. From tho sun rlso saluto ln tho morn ing to tho great bonflro at midnight tlioro was something of Intorcst go Ing on every minuto of tho day. Tho largo garago was decorated for tho occasion and especially nrrangod for tho omfort of those- attending tho colobratlon. During tho day, ornngos, bannnns, lomonndo and Ico cream woro sorved freo, PrUos for tho wlnnors In tho var ious athletic events woro donated by Ilond morchnntB, tho following Hat giving tho nnmo of tho ovent, tho prlzo winners, tho donors nnd tho prizes. Tho Judges of tho athletic ovonts woro Messrs. John Shearer, Albert Ilclchol nnd Goo. Hopkins, nil of Hond. Hoy's raco, 30 yards (9 years and under)' 1st, Snmuol McKcown; Skuso Hnrdwaro Co. knife. 2nd, Chas. Smith: Carmcdy Urns.. Gnmo. 3rd, Wallace Drown; First National Hank, Ilond, 25 cents. Girl's race, 30 yards, (9 years and under.) 1st, Both Stauffor, Mannhel mcr Brofl., box hnndkcrchlcfs. 2nd. Gladys Meeks; Mannholmcr Bros,, hnndkorchlof caso. 3rd, Olota Mon roo, First National Hank, Bend, 25 cents, 75 yard dnsh.( Hoys 18 years and undor.) 1st Paul Brookings, Tho Press, 1 yonr, Tho Hond Press. 2nd, Arthur Wllquot, Tho Pross, C months, Tho Hond Press. 3rd, John Cnrroy, Tho Press, 3 months, Tho Ilend Press. 75 yard dash ((girls 18 years nnd undor.) 1st, Allco MrlCeown, Mann holmer Bros., silk hoso. 2nd., Dnrlo Burton, R. M. Smith Clothing Co., tnm-o-shnntor. 3rd, Mary Stauffor, Horace Brookings, box candy. Bovs' potntn raco. lst John Cor roy. Bend Hordwnro Co.. $1.25 knlfo. 2nd. Pnul Brookings, First National Bank, Bend, 75 contB rash. 3rd. Roy Stauffor, First National Bank, Bend, 50 cents cash. Girl's potato raco. 1st Vivian Yeck: First National Hank, Uend, $1.25 cash. 2nd, Mary Stauffor; A. L. French, coin purso. 3rd, Ethol Fogg; First Natlonnl Bank, Hond, 50 conts cash. Hoy's sack race, (II years and un der.) 1st. Roy Stauffor; Firs'. Na tional Hank. Bencl, $1.00 rash. 2nd, Samuel McKcown; A. L. French, silk tie. 3rd, Gerald Hicks: First Na tlonal Bank, Bend, 50 conts cash. Three legged race. 1st, Paul nrooklngs and Phil Dancer. 2nd, B. M. McNott and W. Searcy; First Na tional Bank, Bend, 11.00 cash. 100 yard dash. 1st. H. M. McNctt: A. L. French, Bilk muffler, 2nd, Per ry liartoon; Mannhelmer Bros, sus penders and hoso supporters, 50 yard dash, (45 years and up.) 1st, A. 8. Fogg; W. C. McCulston, $1 can coffee. 2nd, W. I. Warmouth; Owl Drug Co., Leather bill ense. Women's egg race. 1st. Lucy T, Hicks; Owl Drug Co., $3.00 traveler's toilet case. 2nd. Carrie Brown; Bend Hardware Co., aluminum sauce pan. 3rd, Mrs. M. E. Harmon; W. C. McCulston. Jar of olives. Women's foot race. Mrs. D. M. Meeks; Skuso Hardware Co., alumi num gem pan. 2nd. Carrie Drown; W. C. McCulston, quart bottlo grape Juice. 3rd, Florence Hunting; Bend Milling Co., 10 lb. sack pancake flour. Boy's and girl's hopping race. Chis. Smith; First National Bank, Bond, 50 conts cash. 2nd, Both Stauffor; First National Bank, Bend, 25 cento cash. iLndtcs' nail driving contest. Mrs. Frod Miller; Bend Milling Co., sack Deschutes Spray flour. 2nd, Mrs. Eadea; R. M. Smith Clothing Co., silk hoao. 3rd, Mrs. Geo. B. Hop kins; Bond Himlwiiro Co., nlumtti'im kottlo. 4th, Mrs. V. Smith; 1 bottlo of liniment. Old ladles' sawing contest. Mrs. II. Hoguo; S. C. Cnlwoll, Jelly spoon. 2nd, Mrs. W. I. Warmouth; W. C. McCulston, box tollot sonp. Running brond Jump. Fred Over all; Horaco Brookings, corduroy trousers, and, II. Smith; First Na tional Bank, Bond, 75 contn cash. Baseball throwing contest. R. Smith; Bond Hnrdwaro Co., fielding glove. 2nd, A. Smith; A. L. French, silk tlo. Horshoo pitching contest. Hamp ton vs. Rolynt vs. Lost Crcok. John Black, J. E. Brown; Auno Bros., $2. Ladles' shooting contest, 22 cal. rlflo. 1st, Mary Stauffor; Tho Bul letin, Bond Uullettn, 1 year. 2nd, TO THE RESCUE DOBS LAUND ? W win (AT your linen, but you muit not wit much Urn realm our rwou band t work LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANING Put Your Duds In Our Suds" Kerosene Heat concentrated on the cooking, not spread through the room. Ready, like gas full heat in a minute. Adjustable heat a slow fire or a hot one. Heat only as long as you need it. A clean, cheap fuel easy to handle. Ln ;ISrfft B rMBflnatBMflaA 7 r- New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove For Dett Retulf Vte Ptatl Oil The convenience of gas for homes witnout gas. No odor. Docs not taint the food. Convenient sizes. Ask your dealer. Sec Exhibit, Palace of Manufactures, Panama Pacific Exposition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Bend Headquarters for Commercial Alen Electric Lighted Throughout i; THE BEND HOTEL HUOH O'KANE, MANAQBn Good Rooms Free bus to BEND, OREGON t and from trains - - - - - The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It Is it fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It U comfortable, commodlofi, clean- IIOOMH FROM BO CENTO UP The want of all are satisfied well t THE WIUailT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL Mrs, Fred Miller and Mrs. J. O, Whtt taker; First Natlonnl Bank, 50 cents cash. Hoy's pony raco, (V4 mllo) Roy Stauffor; C. W. Thornthwolte, $2.00 riding brldlo. 2nd, Percy Cook; De schutes SUito Bank, Bend, $1 cash. Horse raco, (U mile.) 1st. James Wells; It. M. Smith Clothing Co., $3 lint. 2nd, I). M. Meeks: Deschutes Stnto Bank, Bend, $1 cash. Baso ball game, Hampton vs. Lost Creek. Won by Hampton, score G to 4; prlzo E. A. Snther, catcher's mask. Aro You Feeling Fit? Do you envy tho man or woman of untiring energy, Strang body and hap py disposition All theso depend up on good health and good health is Impossible when tho kidneys dis eased. Foloy KIdnoy Pills help tho kldnoys cast out poisons that cause backache, rheunintlsm, nnd other symptoms of dangerous kidney nnd bladder troubles. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. See Edwards for good houso paint, lng. '-Adv. ONE CENT A WORD Is all a little Wnnt Ad will cost you. GOOD EATS CHICKEN DINNER 25 CENTS Every Sunday and Vedneday. Furnished Rooms in Connection. Club Cafe SAM vi,1JmiE.Prp. Next Door to Dream Theatre. Which? for Easier Cooking v. Wood and Coal Heating up the kitchen when it's already 90 in the shade, Bothersome waiting for the fire to hum. Difficulty in getting the right heat. Waste of fuel before and after actual cooking. Wood and coal to lug dirt nnd ashes. Special Attention to Transient Travel Good Meals All nrrncements made for persons i desiring to go south and east of here j - - BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ROUERT 11. GOULD Civil ffl Rend Oregon Engineer WU W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Offlco Ovor Postolllco Bond, ... Oregon DR. E. REA NOItltIS I'liyhlclnn nnd Surgeon Olllco Snther Building Microscopic nnd X-ray work Tel. Blnck 271 Hours: 10-12 a. in.; 2-4 p. m. 7-9 p. m. WILLARD H. WIRTZ L A W Y i II Prlnovllto, Orogon, O. S. BENSON Attorney At Im w Bonson Building, Wnll Street Bond, Orogon. VERNON A. FORBES L A W Y E It First National Bank Building Bond, :-: :-: Oregon GEORGE 8. YOUNG Civil nnd Irrigation Engineer. U. 8. Mineral Surveyor. Room 6 First National Bank Building J. D. Boll A. W. Slum CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Succoasors to Tho ,T. II. Hancr Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insurance DRKSSMAKINO Mrs. A. P. Ilallnrd With Mrs. S. Mcintosh UEND PLUMBING AND HEATING COMPANY Sanitary Plumbing Stonm and Hot Wntor Renting WALL STREET PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER AND CONTRAC TOR WORK GUARANTEED II. P. SMITH ------- For Summer WEAR got a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES WE also havo tho agency for NAP-A-TAN Shoos for inon and boys. R. H. LOVEN Tho HIiih) Kcpulr .Mini Bond Stroot Bond, Oro. -- - -- - DRAYINQ Bend Hauling Co. It. N. PALMHRTON Wood for Sale Olllco with R. P. Mlriter Olliro Phono I Hack (1(1 RcHldeiiro Black I1TJ J "L Hoofing of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEV TINNINO AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylight. O'DONNELL L V UNION MARKET MMMM II. C. ELLIS Attorney-nt-Lnw United States ConiniKslniicr First Natlonnl Bank Building BEND, OREGON II. H. Do A R M O N D LAWYER Oregon Street. Bond, Oregon DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Ofilco ln Snthor Building. Houru 0 to 12, 1 to C, Sundays nnd ovonlnga by Appointment. O. P. NISWONOER, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Ktiibnlmcr, Funeral Director. Phono. Lady Assistant. DR. R. D. STOWELL Nnprnputhlc l'lijnlclun OIHco ovor Mlllor Lumlor Co. Wnll Street Hours 0 to C Phono Rod CI .MRS. RERNICE 1IALLEY FORREST Teacher of Piano nnd Voice Homo Studio J. E. Engebretson Plumbing and Hcnting Uend, Oregon 1 17 MINNESOTA STREET ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED JOBBING PROMPTLY DONE Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. Ilcnd Lodge No, Sir). Rogulnr mooting ovory Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hnll. Visiting brother cordially wolcomo. L. II. GLESS, N. G. GEO. P. QOVE, Secretary. Guaranteed Used Atuomobilei On Easy Payments Send for Llit l PrUti nJ Sptdllcatleai J.W.LEAVITT&C0. PORTLAND "-""-" 'Orl.W0,OKGOtY VACATION In Portland, villi hide trips imlhlilo, Mill Klo jiui mi enjojnlilo occii. Mini. Mil ko tho Multnomah jour hi-iiiliimrt!i-N. Hcrvlio iM'tltT. ItlllCN COIINlhttUltly Iohit. RATES TO YOU nil RoolllH Ijll.OO I (HI ItiMiuiH with Imlli. ,$.no J(l( Rooinh ulth Imtli. .IJiMJO -00 l.nrgo uutfilde rooiiiH, Boll 9-.00 Extra pcniiiii In room, 91.00 uddltloiml jtfcjoire--x7&fr WMftVW "MONEY" Tho mint makes It and under tho terras of tho CONTINENTAL MORT GAGE COMPANY you cau sccuro It at 0 por cent for any legal purpose on approved roal estato, 1'jrma easy, tvll us your wants and wo will co oporoto with you. PETTY Jl GOMI'ANX r13 Dcnlmm Building Dt'iiver. Colo. BROTHERS f1 wy,i,nri ui.'stfj tjf?t!-5--i I iw, ?- 'ir. m c