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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1915)
l'AGR a. THE IJENI) UULIiETIN, I1END, OIIE., WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1018. I If ' 1 I ' r CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. .. TUMAM). (Sncclnl to Tlio Ilnllotln) TUMAI.O, .Inly 12. All tlio far mers nro now biiHy cutting tliclr first crop of alfalfa and n a rcaiilt only a fow nttendcd tlio inontlily mooting of tlio Tiininlo Improvement Club Inst Bnttirdny. Tlio ntuto wood lnw wns load mid Mrs Donovan played novoral piano scloctlonH These woro tlio on ly two fcalure of Hie program, an two of tlio commlttco In charge have gone away for tlio Hiimmor Krod N. Wallnco lutuineil from Sa lom Monday morning wlioro lio had Hixtnt Hovotnl davH on IiiihIiiqbs in connection with tlio project. Mr. and Mr, John Cunningham Mr. and MrH. Alfred Hanson and Hon Raymond returned Hnlitrdny from tlio Mntulhifl wlieio thoy spout two wooIch nimnlng at IIi'IhIiirh. .MIhh Qoitrudo Woodcock In npond- Iiik hor Hiimmor vacation with her fnthor, S. W. Woodcock MIrh Wood cock Ik a Seattle high school toachor. Wlllnrd and George Sandol nnd Mr. and Mra Cliiroticu Sandol drovo over tlio piojoet Hiinday morning and nt noon enjoyed n picnic; lunch near Ullno Falls. Mra. Wallor Marsh wont ovor to Itodmond .Sunday from whore sho took the train for WiiHhliiKton. Hovenil auto loads of youngsters unjoyed a picnic and pluo cono liat tlo IiihI Hiinday on tlio hank of Tuin nlo crook. Tlio iiioiilhly mooting of Iho W. H. 1.. Oliili l callod for Kilday aftomoon .luly 10. Illnko llockoi nnd IiIh lirldo nro living on tlio Chnunccy llcckor plnro. MrH. Snyder spent several days visiting hor daughter, Mrs. Dob Stur-Kcon. MIbb Elva Mcl'adden spent tho fourth at Hcdmond. Wm. Hoist went to Ucnd ycBtorday for supplies and lumber. This flection was visited by a gen tle rain tho past week which will help tho crops considerably. A. T. Shaver was a business vis itor hero yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Wray and grandson, .Johso Porlngfon, wero tho guests of Miss Elva Mcl'nddon last Thursday nnd Friday. MIMilCA.V. IIA.MITO.V. (Special to Tho llullotln) HAMPTON, .Inly 8 Farmers aro rejoicing over tho lino rains wo aro having. Crops wore short and dry ing up. Mrs. Until nulovson was at Hotel Hampton joHtonlay waiting for AVray's stage for llond where sho will tal:o train for Portland. Mrs. II. A. Fogg of Clovordnlo Is vlslllug A. H. Fogg and family W I). Ilotiuolt miikos proof biforo CommlsHlonor Fogg today Many from horo attended Iho colo brntlou of July .'I nt llinoklngs and nil report n nice time. N. S. Drown spout Tuesday night with 1,00 Itlggs. A. S. l'"ogn made a business trip to Paul Hold's Monday, returning Tues day. MrH. Kennedy and daughters of Prliiglo FlatH worn visitors lu Hamp ton Tuesday morning. Mr. Alexander of Dry l.nlio was In Hampton Tuesday. Several from thin vicinity attended tho Prliiglo FlatH celebration on duly lith. I .MrH, v. Schroder or itoiyat was In Hampton Tuesday morning. Mr. and MrH, Ooorgo Allison nnd It. C. Miller have gone to Prlnovlllu. Molvlu Crow had a yearling heifer cut her throat badly on barbed wire. MIhh Ethel Fogg Iiiih our school for tho mining term. lost citi:i:ic. (Special to Tho llullotln), I.08T CHEEK. July C - Tom Cow mi went out to llond to celebrate tho Fourth. Marvin I'errv, who Iiiih been drill ing wuIIh near Silver Crook, called on Iho homo folks last Friday .MrH. I.esporanco entertained the following IiuIIoh last Thursday In honor of her mother's IStli birthday' Hiiiilvnrs.irv Mosdiimos Young, Smith Ktaiiffer, WitHhliurn and Overall and MIhh llrooklugs Clarence, Archie and Iteeco Smith uud W. il.oHpomnco left hint Snturdiiy for Wull.i Wnlla, Wash, wlioro thoy ipocl to ImrvoHt. Mr. nnd Mrs. lien IthodoH and fam ily wore gucHts nt the llrown homo lu PI01H.111I valley last Sunday Quito a niiniber from our valley celebrated tho Fourtli at II. tlrook IngH hint Saturday. MrH. C 0 Ithodes and Mrs C C Wiuhhurii wore guests of Mrs J. O. Perry Monday A large crowd picnicked up In tho llultoH Sunday ProfcHHor (lardlner of I.nkoview Whh a giieHt nt tho Hubbard home tho Utter part of last week. II. Kinsman and family drovo in from Tttcoma, WuhIi. Thoy arrived homo Monday (Special to Tho llullotln.) MIL.MCAN. July 12. Last Tues day nftornoon II. P. Dyer loaded his buggy with radishes grown on his homestead near Horse Kldga and dis tributed them among tho neighbors between there nnd on oiiRt, ns fnr as tlio load liiBted. All who woro fav ored pronounced them tho finest ovor. Mr. Dyer has grent quantities of vory fine vegetables growing in his gardon nnd nlso saja that his wheat and corn crop aro doing nlcoly. P. 1). Johnson mndo business trips to llond Tuosdny nnd Thursday of last wcok. Mrs. John Holland nnd children woro dinner guests nt Mrs. Kollors on July Fourth. Mombers of Iho Onrsko fnmlly of Dry I.nko woio Btoppcrs 1ior,o on Mondny. II. E. Davis nnd I. I,. Owon enmo homo Thursday from Prlnovlllo for 11 visit with their families horo. Thos. Mciffntt movod his family to Prlnovlllo Saturday. Mrs, II, E. Davis nnd son Donald, rodo down to Mrs. John Holland's on Wednesday to spend tho day. P. Ii. Johnson nnd family and Louis Hall nutoed to Hampton on Sunday afternoon, coming beck In the evening. Several of tho homestcadors hero aro cutting their ryo this weok. Mrs. Coo. Mllllcan was out taking views of the valley with hor Kodak Thursday nftornoon. Mrs. Mllllcan called at tho Moffett homo Friday afternoon. Earl Powers Is cutting ryo on tho Hcatson claim. A. Frnzer nnd family passed through horo enrouto to tholr home stead Wednesday. , ' A vnluablo horso belonging to Geo. Mllllcan died of lock Jaw Wednesday MIsb Solma Ilraun returned to her claim hero after a month s absence. busy putting up hay on tho Wilson place. Mrs. It. L. Moore Is boarding tho crow. Mrs. Guy Sears loft Monday for Tacoma and other Puget Sound points whore she will visit friends and relatives and also bo a guest at the wedding of a nicco. Clarko Morso was a business vlsl tor at Sisters sovcral days of last week. C. II. Cook of tho Pond Flour Mill Co., of Bond, was a local visitor on Wednesday. Farmers of this section who glvo a part of their attention to fruits and gnrdenlng nro beginning to reap the yearly roward of such nttcntlon. On their tables .will bo found tho fol lowing frultn: rhubarb, gooseberries, Mrs. Mary Tloonoy, who has been "U"B;, iwiiornes anu vlsltlng hor daughters In Portland, '"--."""" l"u,.u '" "u,-"u ul k"'1"-" tho pnst month, Is expected back In n fow days and will resumo her posi tion as housekeeper nt Mllllcan Inn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hugh Dcnson of .Lost Crcok passed through hero Friday. powi:iiii hutti:. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) POWELL HUTTE, July 12. Tho several rains of Inst week woro hear tily welcomed by tho dry farmers nnd did no damage othcrwlso with tho exception of bleaching hay that was down nt tho time. Socond crop of hay on land which was cut-ovor a couplo of weeks ago Is making such rapid growth that It now seams ovl dont wo will ho harvesting second crop hoforo tho customary tmio. E. N. Hall Is going to put up E. L. Ivorson's hay crop, ho started cutting .Monday. Max Strixnor nnd n crow of mon HAMPTON' lll'TTi:. (Rrechl to Tho llullotln) HAMPTON IIUTTK. Jul) 10 C J. StmiffDr Mini) up Krldsv wpli hs kots Tod who was sick nud took htm out to llond for medical treatment Mrs, John MrPitddnti and two chil dren aro visiting with her daughter Ulvu lu Pleasant valley this week Itoy HlnuhVr and Paul llrooklngs lle gone out to Head for supplier 1'eroy Cook and Lenin- Smith went Prliiglo Flats Mouda) to colebralo Hit) Fourth. , J. M. Hi lekoy Ih on the sick Pat Mr. and Mm. Nelson and children ud Mrs. Sohmldt and children and Mrs. Kdoand sou name ui from llutte to Mlohrnlo tho Fourth at llrooklugs Mr. and Mrs. J W Wmv of St Johns, Orugon. aio lulling their son Vim on this weok. Mr. mill Mrs. Port Meoks wero PUmmut allwy visiters hut Wednes day. ; Mr. and Mr HonU m. Mr lllihel Mid Mr. Shearer of llond eololirutvd . th Fourth .it Urooklnw Situnlnv Wuuo l.twpentnco ami Mr Smith puno up from Stuuffor Saturday to take a truck to llond lleurv Kinsman nnd family paaBod IhrniiKli lier Monday on their way to, their near Stnuffer, j Port Meek mndo a business trip to Staurtor lust Monday. . I FLOWERY LANGUAGE IS ALL IlICIHT IN ITS PLACE HUT FOR OUR FLOUR FACT! WE WANT TO (JIVE YOU STRAIGHT TALK. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT UREAD FROM OUR FLOUR IS MADE IN OUR 1LAIIORATORY AND THAT IT TESTS AS HIGH AS ANY ON THE MARKET. THAT OUR FLOUR IS SOLI) CHEAPER THAN ANY OUT SIDE FLOUR. THAT EVERY BACK IS POSITIVELY GUARANTEED TO SUIT OR YOU MAY RETURN IT AND GET A NEW ONE. THAT OUR MILL IS CLEAN AND SANITARY. THAT IT HAS THE MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT OF ANY FLOUR MILL ON THE WHOLE PACIFIC COAST. DO NOT LET YOUR arioCERYMAN TALK YOU INTO 1IUYING ANOTHER I1RAND WHEN THERE IS A GOOD FLOUR MADE IN YOUR OWN TOWN AND SOLD AT A LOWER PRICE. PATKONIE HOME INDUSTRY. BUY DESCHUTES SPRAY FLOUR vegetables ready for use. Henry Edwards, who sustained FcrloUB Injuries In n fall from a horso Thursday of Inst weok, Is reported ns somewhat Improved. Mr. Edwards Is unnblo to glvo an accurate account of the nccldont and whether tho horso bucked, stumbled or foil or whether ho lost consciousness and foil from tho animal is not known. Ho was dragged for a considerable distance, receiving somo vory painful Injur ies to his head nnd neck. Mrs. Ida Morso has organized n music class and Is giving onco a weok lessons to tho following young pco plo: MrB. Ross Ilussott, Fay and Lloyd Uussott, Mildred Alloy and Paulino Trucsdale. All aro receiv ing piano Instructions. E. L. Iverson bought a number of young steers nnd holfora last weok. Joo Giles of Redmond niado tho do ll very. August Dryor recently sold his farm to n Mr. Whorl who together with nn aunt have takon possession. N. P. Alloy hns been doing somo enrpontor work for Mr. Whorl, en larging and othorwlso improving his house. About 25 young peoplo, members of the young men's and young wom en's Sunday school classes, mot with Pauline Truesdalo Sunday to prac tice songs for the big picnic of Julv 21. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon wore visitors to Rend Monday, re turning the snmo day. .1. F. Rico brought a hunch of his voting cattlo down from the Iiuttes Sunday whero they havo been In the Iilnlr pasture Blnco oarly Bprlng. Mrs. E. A Ilusiett entertained nt n "grnndmn" dlnnor Sunday. Tho following ladlet who count their ages upward of the three score notch were her guests: "grandma" Spray, llrown and Truesdnl. Resides these Mrs. G. C. Truesdnle nnd daughters Pnnllno nnd Drrnthv, MIps Dorothy Wells rnd Hnrold Cook enjoyed tho ilov at this hooltnblo homo Mr. nnd Mhi. Reaves Wlllcoxon entertained tho following giie nt dlnnor Sundnv Itnv. nnd Mrs. W N. IiyerB of Redmond, Mrs. Ida Morso. tho Misses Ada and Ednn Morso nnd Clarko Morse. Mr. nnd .Mrs. J. E. Warner nnd smnll daughter onloyed dlnnor Sun day with Mr. nnd Mrs. Rosa Hussctt. POWELL HUTTE, July 11. Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. N. H. Reach July 3rd a daughter. A. D. Morrill Is fluttering n sovero w m GET OUT of tho rut. It's only a habit to do all our trading nt tho lnrger towns. Let us spend our inonoy at homo wlioro It will do US tho most good. HEMEMIIEU n 2G cent phono message will transact a lot of business and save DOLLARS. P. B. Johnson MILLICAN, OREGON, attack of lumbago. Mrs. W. A. Foster has boon suffer ing with rhoumat'sm tho past two weeks. A flno shower foil hero Inst week, greatly freshening crops on dry land. Mr. lllalr, father of Lowla and Ir vln lllalr, expects to leave here soon for an extended vIbU to the old homo lu Nebraska. (Continued on pago 7.) The California Expositions mo two vast wonderlands Tho (Jicntext SIiowh of The Ago. You Cannot AIToitl to Miss Them. Tho Oppoitunlty Will boon Pass Go Now. Choice of sovoral routes nt low fares for the round trip, via OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Ask J. H. CORDETT, Agont llond, Orogon EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND m STAYS HERE Brick is tho MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. AH who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. 1IEND, OHIX.ON Special Subscription Offer Tho best family daily paper in the state and your own weekly paper for The Daily Portland Telegram and The Bend Bulletin both one year for This oiler will he in foue from now until July l.r, 11)15, and may he taken advantage of by new as well as old subscribers. Subscriptions are for one year cash in advance. Old subscribers to The Hulletin in order to participate in these rates must pay up all arrears due and the $H.50 in addition will pay for both papers one year in advance. GOOD ONLY UNTIL JULY 15, 1015. I WHY PAY RENT? ;YOW IS THE opportune Ixl 4 ume since the advent of V I 1 r , .. . . 7k is the railroads for you to k build a home. Why w delay construction until it will cost you 20 per cent more for the same building? The far seeing man is availing himself of the opportunity of securing labor and material very cheap. We have the largest list of Resi dence Property in Bend. Come in and let us quote you prices, and you will soon decide that you can not afford to pay rent any longer. Bend Park Company OREGON STREET .! Vie) i 7 1V H j I v d i U