V -HJ.f vnv. 4. the ni?Nn hillktin, hend, ore., Wednesday, july 7, ioltJ. J li TUB btilND hSULLBTlIN (Published Every Wednesday) OEORQE PALMER PUTNAM Publisher ROUERT W. SAWYER Managing Editor An Independent nowspapor stand ing for tho square doul, clean busi ness, clean politics and tho best In terests of Hond and Central Oregon. una year $1.50 BIx months 80 Throo months GO All BUliBcrlptions nro duo and PAYAHLU IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mailed subscribers and If ronowal Is not nindu within reason able tlrao tho papor will bo discon tinued. Plonso notify us promptly of any change of nddrcss. or of laliuro to re celve tho paper regularly. Othorwlso we will not bo responsible for copies missed. Mako all checks and orders pay ablo to Hond Hullotln. velop a street surfneo that will an swer our needs for ho mo years to come, and postpone so far as wo mny the grea'tcr expenditures nccoinpans' Ing n munlclpnl growth such as In evitably will come to Hand. ' -i J i S WEDNESDAY,' JULY 7, 101G. NO SPECIAL SESSION. Tho Portland Journal, Oswald West & Co., devoted most of tholr energies during February to damning tho Legislature Blnco then WcBt lina been reasonably woll occuplod winding up tho Copporflold affair, pulling down legal fecB and assist ing Ooorgo Chamberlain. Hut tho Journal, with laudable tenacity, has continued lumbiiHtltiK tho Legislature, especially taking largo mvatB nt the no-called midnight resolution In which tho legislators had tho tomorl- ty to ask for recognition of Oregon's primary Interest in tho O.-C. grant lands. Now bohold tho queer spcctaclo of tho Journal-West combination seek ing to reconvene In special and cost ly session that samo Iniquitous legis lature which thoy hnvo roasted so denrly. And tho Joko of It In, should tho legislature ussntiihlo In special session ns West would havo It, about nil It could do would be to pucs nn other resolution practically Identi cal to the one ovnr which West and tlm Journal throw IUh! However, there will bo no special SOME TYRANT Sam Illll has missed an opportunl ty to bo a real bonofactor -a special ly honored citizen of tho type of Si mon Ilenson, for Instance. Honson Is nn enthusiast, almost a fanntlo in some things, and n liberal giver. Hut ilenson has tho good scnBo to realize that other people aro untitled to their points of view, and that just because ho disagrees with them, they neces sarily are not wrong.i Therein ho dif fers from Hill. Ilecaiice Hill's pet engineer, nowl by, mnda a mess of things In Wash ington, Hill accused most of official Washington of bolng crooked. Uo- cnuso Ilowlby got In bad as Oregon's road bullder-ln-chlef Hill got another mnd on and took his playthings and wont home, eo to speak. And now, becauso tho people of Central Oregon do not welcome having Hill shovo roads down their throats, which ho plnns Irrespective of their desires and for which they aro privileged to pay, thero aro somo lll-iuannered enough to hopo that Snm will get soro again and retreat to his good roads lair at Maryhill. 81c sompor tyrannls which Is tho classical way Caesar had of saying thnt tho overbearing guy always gets it in tno neck. BEND WINS FIVE (Continued from pago 1.) field whllo Hlnkhouse'fl catch in tho fifth was a good one. For Prlnevlllo L. Helknap came through with an un. assisted double play in the third inning. Tho Score. HEND ' AH It II O A E Stover .....bs 3-1 3 2 0 0 Springer . ...1-p 3 2 2 1 1 0 O'Donriell . ...c 3 0 1 7 l.."0 Davis p-1 10 10 2 0 Limbeck . ...3b 3 0 2 2 Kulp 2b 3 1 1 2 Stoldl lb 3 1 1 r, Craig rl 1 0 0 Htnkhouso . ,.m 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 Dr. J. II. Connarn wns mastor of ceremonies. Tlio Score BEND ADR Sproat m 5 2 Springer p 3 1 Stover ss 4 1 O'Donnell ... .c 4 2 Davis 14 0 Limbeck . ...3b 3 0 Kulp 2b I 0 Stclcll lb 4 1 Van Matro .... r 4 0 H A 0 0 0 O 0 0 4 Total 25 G'll 21 PRINEVILLB AI) It II- O 7 A 0 1 1 0 1 2 .0 r o Hack In '08 misguided Spanish statesmen thought our southern states would not fight with tho north ngnliiBt Spain. Thoy discovered tho mlBtako "anil them somo." Quito recently somo Prussians havo labor ed under the deinstall that there Is n conslderublo body of hyphenated Americans whoso allcglanco would go to their fatherland rather than to tho United States In caso of trouble with Oormnny. In tho unllkoly caso of actual wur, they would bo unde ceived nB strikingly as wero tho Dons. Most of tho members of thnt Con gressional cnmmltteo which Is tour ing tho west nro southern DomocrntB. And somehow they don't cnthuso much about spending money In tho Northwest. Porliaps In n couplo of years when there aro moro northern Republicans at Washington things will ho n bit easier. Its an awfully long way to tho Troasury via Dlxlo. Tho Oregon Voter says: "Tho sat Isfactlou of legislating 'big business' out of IiubIiiosb, whllo gratifying to our prldo, will bo hollow nnd empty If wo find wo must undortnko costly development projects nt our own ex pense, with nil tho nttondnnt risk. Tethorow 13 0 1 0 II. Helknap ..3b 3 0 0 0 Ellis 2b 3 0 1 2 Greonwald . ,.r. 3 0 0 0 Estes ss 3 0 1 0 L. Helknap ..lb 3 1 1 9 Dobrlo m-p 1110 Wlogand . , ,p-m 2 0 11 Mitchell c 2 1 1 0 Totals ....r.23 3 7 18 10 Henri 1 I, Alfalfa O. Tho Saturday gamo with Alfalfa was easily won, tho local teem mak ing 1 i runs in tho seven innings played. Eighteen hits wero gather ed to five for tho visitors, Stover, Hlnkhouso, Stoldl and Hates' taking threo each. Limbeck pitched woll for Hond. Tho Score. HEND AH R II O A E Stovor ss 5 3 3 1 1 0 Springer in G 0 0 1 1 0 'Donnoll ...3b 4 1 2 0 2 1 Limbeck p R 2 2 0 2 0 Davis 14 3 1 4 1 0 Hlnkhouso ..2b 4 2 3 0 1 0 Stoldl lb 4 3 3 8 0 0 Hates c4 0 3 7 1 0 Hrandenburg ,r 4 0 1 0 0 p 1 E 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Totals 37 7 LA PINE AH R Holllnshead . .m G 1 Hovls c. . 3 1 Pickering . . ..ss" 5 0 . Clark lb 4 0 Clow p 4 0 Howard 3b 4 1 Herry 14 0 Oberg 2b I 0 Ulco r 3 0 9 27 H O 3 0 2 ;i 0 3 2 7 1 1 0 0 1 0 Totals 39 14 18 21 ALFALFA AH R II O Freeman . . . . ss 3 0 1 0 Altkon lb 3 0 0 7 II. Clark ....2h 2 0 0 1 Moody c3 0 1 4 Schultz i 3 0 1 0 Smock 3h 3 0 1 1 Horrv m3 0 1 0 L. Clark r 2 0 0 1 Cox 12 0 0 4 9 A 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 1 0 8 C ncMon limL now. Nothing could boimusr ouing up in o com ot govern i,PP,i,Mi.lluliil liv rnllltiir nun. lixcoot I MO"t IllOlllltnlll high, n bill for tho taxpayers to root, nnd flovornor Wlthyrombo has refUHoil to bo stampeded Into anything of that sort. Instead, tho Coventor Is ask ing tho momliors of the legislature, JjyJjjttrr-lf tluiw-ovJ.il back h0julu.uls Hill'do plan to pfneo tivtvrv CongrosB Treasonable request for rocoglllllon S2.li Cupr.nrro for tin mater iiurrfiVWholr hey will lirlttg nUTro it OroKou's proper Interest In the lands. HrlKllv, lbiro nro somo 2.300,000 .lrroH liehiiiKltiK to tho railroad to bo wtf4jv T'ut ned enn receive only (Jfl"inr finr.i tir f llillll ft Im fMttla market vnluo Thlin SJG.O0O,- 00 above what Is duo tho rcvllrond on tho $2.1)0 busU. Just how the lands will iHt mtld, mid how thnt surplus will Iss utilised. I to be arrniiKed by Congress, (lovjirnor Wltliyeoinhe nronottm that OnHii do rll It can to ififtt UouKrPM to turn tho surplus over to the stole, to he mod Hi our school, road nnd initiation funds. A united public support of some surli netl'in u vsitlv desirable If OroKoti Is lo ronllto tho host of n grout opportunity. STREET IMPROVEMENT. For1 n grent ninny reasons It Is voryt)loslrnbIo to test out our cinder Mrunt paving thoroughly, nnd espe cially how oil will work with it. If wo Mil get n reasonably sntlsfnctory pavement with cinders packed with oil, our problams nro solvod, so fnr ns stroetM are concerned, ror some tlwoju oouie. anil wo shnll lm ex-! trowel) fortunnte. Ollod cinders are not ns good om hard surfacing!. Of thst thero enn he I no doubt. Hut oiled cinders will post fnr hws than hsrd surfacliiK, nnd , therein Is the milk of tho loc-nl ro ocanut. We should oacapo nil thn bond Imuom wo possibly can. Benin we onntiot, nod should not. For In stance: tho time Is coming, and short ly when oiilarnoniHiils to the sewer stom will ln essential. Hut If we can get along without the grout dolits which iimiiiy hard aurfnclng. wo s hull be fortunate Indeed. The lontc or we mil nostpouu such Improvo- monts the onslur will bo the burdens when they oume. ! There Is no doubt that Issuing i bonds his become a popular rrmo In the northwest. And tho orero hus liesn overdone. It Is like "clmrKlug I It" nt the store: that is wonderfully essy. but whoa the first of the month ooiiiBa nro uml It seems n different matter. Spending money today for muulcliml ImiirovoiiieutH is a dollglit-, ful pnsttuie, but meeting Internet on tho Isiuds, nnd pnyliic off the bonds, ts no laugbliiK innttor for thoss who pay the tnxee tomorrow, Portland seoiua to have become n bnbttiml Itorrower. Its eountv, which U to eny the city Itself, has iKimtotl Itself for an Intoretnte hrldKO. for inllori of hard surfaced roads, for nn auditorium mid a number of other desirable but costly Impnnements livery Investment thero may bo n wise one. but nevertheless it will bo bard I to pay the piper. Portland Is In n fnlr way to ovordo It. Let us plant not to ovordo it. wo must li progressive, but not prodl gnl. We should remember thnt a ilny of reckoning comes nlwnvs. Thero Is nothing thr.t can be had for noth ing. Bo lr-h mhv5,Hti'U'), todo-J Spenklng of pavements, this np penred In n Portland publication the other day: "It (tho pavement) should bo laid by contractors who nro known to feel a moral responsibility." Which domthoW reminds us of the youngster who wont to his first circus and see ing a giraffe exclaimed, "Thero ain't no such unlmall" NOTICE OF AN.NTAL MKI'.TIN'f!. Tho annual stockholder meeting of the Arnold Irrigation Company will be hold nt the Hond Commercial Club room nt 2 p, m. mi Thursday, July IB. 17-lSc Totals 2C 0 G 18 Henri 7, La Pino it. Hofore n record crowd July 4, tho Hond baseball tossors took tho toam from La Pino Into camp to tho tuno of 7 to 3. All of Hcnd's tallies wore registered In tho first nnd second In nings five lilts, Including n two bagger by Davis with threo on bases, together with four errors tell tho story. After thnt hits woro scarce and runs moro so. Holh pitchers pitched good ball, Clow having n shade tho-hotter of tho nrguiucut. Hond touched him up for !) hits whllo Ln Pino gnthored 13 off Sprlnifor. Tho later, however, whllo u little wild, was Invlnclblo In tho tight places, besides which lio hod orrnrloss support, tho flolding of Kulp being especially notlcoablo, Mont O'DoiiiipII had n busy dnv be hind the willow, accepting lii chancos without n skip besides adding n pair of two base hits to his string. For La Pino tho funturos wero the gathering In of n dillloult foul noar tho hack stop by Hovls, the hatting of Holllnshead and tho fielding of Obonc. Totals 30 3 13 24 9 5 Itcml 7, Ln Pine (I. In n loosely played 10 Inning gamo on Monday Bend won from La Pino 7 to fi. Tho Hend team gathered 1G hits nnd made 7 errors while Ln Pine made 9 hits nnd 4 errors. In the last framo Sproat went out, pitcher to first. Springer drew a pass and vent to third on Stover's single scoring tho winning run on O'DonncH's siiarp grounder to Becond. Tho features of the game wore the bnttlne of Soroat. Stover. O'Dortnoll and Kulp, and a foxy play by O'Don nell In tho 9th catching Clarke be tween 3rd nnd home. Holllnshead, Hovls nnd Howard wero tho principal hitters for La Pino. Tho Score. DRND AH It II O A E Sproat 2b C 1 4 4 3 1 Springer ....1-p 4 3 0 0 12 Rtrtver ss 0 1 2 2 3 1 O'Donnoll . ...c 6 0 3 13 3 1 Davis p-1 G 0 1 0 G 0 Limbeck 3b G 2 1 4 3 1 Kuln m G 0 4 1 0 0 Steldl lb G 0 0 C 0 0 Van Matro ....r 3 0 1 0 0 1 Jackson r 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 Totals 40 7 10 30 18 7 LA PINE Holllnshead Hovls c Clark lb Noll l-2b Clow 2b-p Horry p-1 Howard 3b Pickering . ...ss Hlco r AH n m G 1 G 3 G G r, G 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 H DONT! Don't send that dinniniul rinj out of town. Myuov II. Sy.mons, the UoikI St. .lewder, resets diamonds while you wait. Puts on new points and manu factures anything in the lincofjewelry. Watch Inspector for the Oregon Trunk Rnllwny. "A I I'll. A RtjiatttJ hu Slmam It Aluait IViht." Totnls 41 0 9 29 10 4 Henri 1(1, Madras i!. Tho Hond team swamped that from Madras in yesterday's gamo, 1G to 2. Springer started tho gt.mo In tho box, but owing to n soro arm wns rolloved nftor tho fourth, nnd Kulp, Limbeck nnd Stovor between thorn kopt Madras hltlcss nnd llkoviso rim less from then on. A fast rioublo piny by Jnckson nnd Stoldl was tho Holding feature. The Score. HEND AH R II Stovor bs-p G 3 1 Springer . .. .p-r I 2 1 O'Donnell . ...c G 1 1 Davis I fi 2 1 Limbeck . ..3h-p 0 12 Kulp ...2b-p-3b G 2 2 Stoldl lb fi 3 3 ScrogKlns .... m 3 0 0 Jnckson ...r-2b 4 12 Cox in 2 1 2 O 3 0 G 1 3 3 10 0 Youth, sincerity and grit make a three-fold combination hard to withstand -the chap thus equipped will give and insist upon a "square deal' We're clothing more young men this year than last. It's because we know how to do it. There are no trills here---just cleverly tailored clothing fairly priced. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING CO. LEARN THE WAY 1400 each. Call or wrlto A. B. Gort sbn, Summer Lake, Oregon. Htfc FOR SALE Farm, southwest Bldo Powoll Uutto, 320 acres, 1&0 under cultivation, as much mora can bo cultivated; 80 fruit trees growing on place. For information lnqulro at Al falfa post office 3-19 p LOST AND FOUND. ILOST Light Jorsoy Holfor. Com ing two years old. Hrandod A. R. on hip. Flndor pleaso notify Uullo tln ofllce. lScr Owner can havo samo by paying costs. Ajfply nullotln ofllce. Ctf. LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN $100 to $1000 amounts. Address Iiox 2GG, Bend, Oregon. 15tf American Bakery WALL STRHUT OUR PASTRY AM) IIIIKAII Is nl- wnys good. Wo ulso have l'rosh PrultB and Votiotiihlos. Ire Cronui mid Confectionery. Our goods tire fresh dnlly. Let us care for your wnuts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices right. TKI.EPIIOM: IIUli'K III. SHRINER & HUEY I1END Totnls 41 18 15 27 11 3 MADRAS All R II O A E Dnvy Jim ...3b 3 0 0 1 1 2 Hottls p-2b 10 0 0 7 0 Plllotto m 1 1 10 0 0 Hnkor 2b-p 1110 5 0 Miller m 4 0 1 0 0 1 Cnmpholl rl 0 1 1 0 2 Long 11) 4 0 0 10 0 0 Supple c 2 0 1 12 1 0 Card 13 0 0 0"0 0 anifary Grocery i and IMery Dealer in Totnls 24 14 G CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. WANTED. WANTED Furnished tent houso or small cabin. Reply to Bulletin by Thursday noon. lSc FOR RENT. CENTRAL OREGON'S ;"! "'. accident. i ii - iMeninwrr i PUVTE (1LASS, AUTOMO. LcmliiiR INSURANCE Agency mi.u. suuirrv itoxiw. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $60 to $125 HEIGHTS I TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) 5 m lRRI(i.Ti:i) LANDS A SPECIALTY J A CaCTRC OWco on Oregon Strt dt& I d& HUM), j.t OREGON C FOR RKNT Smoll threo room houso In Kenwood. Apply R. O. Lr.mliprson, otllco oi Hond St. 17-lSp FOR RKNT Tinea furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Close lu. lnqulro ODonnell's Market. IStf First-Class BaKery Goods Pure Food Groceries Phone No. 1401 BEND, OREGON J FOR SALR. ' FOR SALB Two thoroughbred POLAND CHINA pigs, spring boars. $i5 each. Pedigrees free with each pig. 41 Stock Ranch, L. O. Reed, prop., Hend, Oregon, Box SO. lS-21p FOR 8ALK Small counter at the Coiy Restaurant. i7tf FOR SAI.K Fifteen head of milk cov.8. 1, thoroughbred Holsteln bull nud 10 head young Block. Address John Tucko, Cllne Falls, Ore. 17-lSp FQR SALB Several good high grade dairy cows: also good nentlo snddlo pony. M. W. Knickerbocker, (list. 1S-20C FOR SALE Piano in good condl tlon far less than halt price to trade ror stock. Call on or address C. V. Sllvls, Hond, Ore. 10-lSp FOR SALB 1000 pound mare, harness and cart for sale. Hend Oarage. loc FOR SALE Good horse nnd bug sy. Apply American Hakery. 9tfc FOR SALE Team horse, weight 3000 pounds or will trade for 2400 pound team. Nixon. I4tf FOR SALE Two relinquishments In the famout Summer Lake valley, tine soli, good climate, Ideal alfalfa Isud. The tenderest fruit and vege tables srow here In abundance. Good tloows of artesian water from 70 to 400 feet. Surface water S feet. Price V W MlV I T'TsfctlSBfll sflHsVlS Scrubbing Unnecessary Enamel your walls and woodwork and secure s finish that is hard and smooth, non-absorbent and sanitary. Enameled surfaces do not require scrub bing. An occasional wiping with a damp cloth , will keep them looking clean and fresh. ACME QUALITY , ENAMELS (NEALTj) are easily applied. They cost no more than ordinary -"; paint and save you time, trouble and worry. ' Our "Home Decorating" booklet tclla you how you can "do it yourself" at trifling cost. . i Ask for a free copy. n 1END HARDWARE COMPANY, BEND, OREGON. - iiii"',,( -- --