The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 07, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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J'AOR 9.
(Special to Tbe nullotln,)
TUMALO, July C Tumalo was
Visited by anolhor yarty of prominent
men on Juno 28 when ox-Govornor
West and Senator Chamberlain mado
an Inspection of the Tumalo projoct.
They wore accompanied by Dr. Knk
oboeke of Holland who la looking for
Investments In this country for hU
banking Iioubo. Other membera of
tho party wore 0. M. Ualloy, one of
tho promoters of tho Palsloy Project,
0. Kramer and 0. Laurgaard of Port
Innd. Walter Marsh took a camping
crowd over to tho Motollus for tho
week ond. In the party woro Mrs.
nuby Murali, Mrs. Arthur Klnla and
Mrs. Ida iLundburg and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smith and Mrs.
Mlntn Howard took In tho chautnu-
iim nt Iloud Satiinlay.
Mr. and Mrs. llyron Cady, Mr. and
Mrs. Jess Harter, Mr. and Mrs. I'
Wnllaco. Miss Hose Hunncll nnd liar.
ty McOuIro attended Uio ovonlng
Chautauqua program Saturday and
later tho danco at Bather's Hall.
Ilov. A. O. Walkor oHlclatod at a
l'ourth of July wedding Sunday nftor
noon nt 2 o'clock. Tho contracting
parties woro Miss Dorothy Dayton
and Dlako Ilockor, tho ceremony bo
lng porformod at tho homo of tho
lirldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Miss Molly Nlchol, Ilobart Wallace
nnd Harry McOuIro went over to tho
Motollus , for tho Fourth In Coon's
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ilrown nnd daugh
ter llnzol, Mr. and Mrs. lllnko Dock
er and Mr. and Mrs. Chauncoy Ilock
or wont up to Iloiul Sunday nlglit to
tho Chautauqua,
A. O. Walkor and family wero the
tllnnor guests of Mr. nnd Mns. J. N.
II, (lorktng Sunday.
Ted Ilockor has tradod his rnnch
licru for propurty at Hood Hlvor.
Mr. and Mrs, Clnrenco Sandol of
Portland arrived Saturday night to
visit Will nnd Ocorgo Snndol .
State Wntor Master McAllister, V.
K Wallaco, Illll Drown nnd John Du
birls mado a trip up to Ilrokon Top
tho past wook to Inspect tho work
which has been dono on tho Crntor
Creek diversion of tho Tumalo Pro
ject. Tumalo was woll roprcsontod at
tho cnnnlng domonBtrotlon given nt
llond last Wednesday by Prof, Orlf
iln of tho 0. A. C. Tho pnrty who
nttcndod warn Mcsdamo Cndy, Wal
laco, Mock, Flala, Marsh, Miss Fay
(Jerklnc nnd Mnrgnrot Mock.
W . D, llarnos, (Irovor nnd liny
Clerking, Ilobort Hornor nad Floyd
Marlon nil spout tho week ond at
nnd daughter-in-law, Mrs. B. A. Fogg
and baby of Clovordale.
John Whlttakor and daughter and
son-in-law and Mr. Ireland of Corval
lis, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
J. O, Whlttaker for a few days. They
all picnicked Sunday on Cougar
Many from here nro planning to
soond tho Fourth nt Drooklngs. Tho
"celebration will bo hold July 3rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and son
Thomas spent last week with Mrs.
Black In tho absenco of her son Durr,
who was In Uend.
Mrs. II. A. Snydor and daughter of
Dry Lake, woro In Hampton Wednesday.
Mrs. Dentzon spent Monday nrtor
noon with Mrs. Ella Fogg.
Darlo Durton spent tho week ond
with Mrs. K. A. Hunting.
Tho school bonrd meets this after
noon to Boloct a teachor for the com
ing 'term, also last Tuesday to put In
now omcers nnd attend to some busi
ness matters.
(Hnnelnl to Tho Hultrttn)
ni:sGUtlTKR. July f!. Mr, lluck
laco and Mr. Orny loaded two car
loads of wood Inst week, ns did
Messra. W. P. 01ft, Woods nnd H.
Mlkkolson. -
Mr. Woods cut nlfnlfa which glvo
U ton nnd a hnlf to thn ncro.
Mrs, IX. Howard took a party of
children nnd entertained thorn nt tho
cotobrntlon In Redmond on Snturday
Mr. and Mrs. Howard gavn n flno
dlsnlay of fireworks rocentlv for a
number of frlonds who wero troatod
With Ico crenm luforo loavlng.
Thn leclnro by Hov. J. Scott wns
liostponed lilt next Sunday on account ,
of t)m pcoplo going to tho chnutnuqun
tit llond. !
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Peterson's little
bov wns chrUtonod John Raymond
Inst Sunday. Resides tho minister,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mlkkolscn, Mr. nnd Mrs.
O. Hanson. K. Hansen, Mr. Alsbroln,
A ml row Nielsen, Itnsmus Petorsnn,
Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Graves woro
present tit tho baptism and nftor
vnrds ontartatned.
(Special to Tho nullotln.)
Waltors of Wagontlro passed through
hero Monday on his wny to llond.
Kdwln Bchrcdor Is out to Dend for
n load of frolghtf or Mrs. M. W.
Miss Elva McFaddcn and V. P.
Wrny called on Miss Eva Michel last
Norval nrown returned from Dend
last Sunday with a load of supplies.
Miss Imo Mercor and Porry Har
(oon of Stauffcr mado some purchases
at tho Drooklngs storo Sunday.
M. S. Drown Is on tho elck list.
Jim Wells and C. W. Ashbaugh ac
companied John Dlack to Hampton
last Saturday to bo witness for Mr.
Dlack who made his yearly proof on
his desort claim before commlslsantir
Mr. and Mrs. Woods are back on
their homestead.
Vic Schroder returned yesterday
with a load of lumber from Maury
Harold McFaddon went out to Ter
rebonne to visit his parents.
Mr. Iroland of Corvnllls was In this
vicinity Inst woek visiting friends and
looking aftor business Interests.
Eva Michel Is helping Mrs. Fred
Miller with her sowing tills week.
Mr. Corbett of Benjamin lake vis
ited with M. S. Drown last Wednes
day. Mrs. Overall of Stauffer came up
Monday to bring her brothor Al Lowo
as for as Drooklngs, from whero ho
took a car out to Dend,
Miss Carrie Drown called on Mrs,
DrooklnRS last Saturday.
Roy Stauffer of Stauffer spent Sun
day and Monday with bis cousin, Paul
Jesse Monroo Is burning sago brush
for Mrs. C. Smith.
Elva McFaddon and Mrs. Dort
Mooks nnd children called on Mrs.
Fred Miller last Saturday.
(Special to Tho Bulletin)
LOST' CREEK, June 28. Jim
Smith has gone to Egll to holp Mr.
Egll during tho haying ocason.
Mrs. C. O. Ashby loft Saturday for
Spragua, Wash., whero sho oxpocts
to spend tho summor with her hus-
I (Special to Tho nullotln)
HAMPTON, July 1. Durr niack
returned from llond last Thursday.
A. T. lrnnio loft this morning for
J. 0. Whlttakor wns In Hampton
Darin Durton spoil Tuesday night
with Florence Hunting.
W. D lionnutti who has been quite
111, Is much bettor.
Mrs. l.uclnda lllnck and W. T. Har
rison and family snent tho 30th with
Mr. nnd Mm. J. O. Whlttnker.
Miss Eva Crow has accepted a place
n dork In a storo lit western Oregon.
MIs Florence Hunting spent Mon
day nlRht with Mrs. P. 8. Dancer.
Flovd I'hlll'ni 's working for An
ton Anne of Dend.
Melvln Crow narrowly escaped a
Ferloiis accident one dav last wcok.
While loading polos for his windmill
his wagon and team turned over nnd
rolled down a few feet on n very
fop lill side. Ho wih nxtiectliiit to
Hud his horses badly hurt but when
Mttw worn roloieml and on their feet
ho found only u few scratches.
Mrs. Lamport, of noar Gilchrist,
who tins been In Portland for two
months, returned with her baby.
Mopping over nt Hotel Hampton
while walling for Mr. Lnmpert to
meet hor.
Mrs. A. B, Fogg visited with Mrs.
0. A. llurrlH Saturday afternoon.
Rnv. Illscknmn preached here Sun
rWy ovenlng to an attentive audience.
Mr. Dlackmnn la rent through the
ilvsort by tho Presbyterian mission
board lo onmnlto Sunday schools. )
Mr and Mrs. A. 3, Fostf drove ovor;
tn Hold Friday aftqrnoon to visit with
'n. Mn)d. who rocoollv returnod
from Prlnovlllo whore she hss ben
nil winter being treated by a doctor.
'! Florence Hunting win leave
Monday for Sllcott, Washington,
-whero sho will lui for a few months.
A. S, Fogg will return from Dend
filar w'h his daughter Miss Kthel.'
who has boon tn school la Portland.
HE EUIIOPEAN CONSUMER la tho most scientific buyor
of foods on earth. Ho has, from necessity, been forced
to buy that which gives the greatest roturn for tho
Ho Is the world's grcntest user of flour. Flour, and yet
mora flour has boon tho cry of stricken Dolglum. England nnd
Franco consider It relatively tho cheapest food at $12 por
Don't subscrlbo to popular fallacies. Faco tho facts. Meat
contains CO por cent wntor, potatoes 75 por cent, milk 80 to 00
por cent, Hour 13 por cont. A pound of meat costs 20 and
2G conts, flour 4 cents, and yet thoro Is moro energy la a
pound of flour than a pound of boof,
WHEAT FLOUR Cheapest nnd Host Food. U. 8. Government
TestH Prtito It.
Artlclos . Energy 10 Conts Will Duy
Eggs 385 M
Moot, sirloin 410 M
Mutton, leg 44G
Milk 1030
Pork, loin 1035
Cheese 1185
Uutteo ..".., 1365
Breakfast foods 1489
Rico 2025
Potatoes 2950
Doans, dried 3040
(U. S. Dopnrtmont of Agriculture Farmers Uullotln No. 142.)
ENEMJY Musclo nml Strength Hiving Qualities.
Ono pound of Deschutes Spray Flour, costing 3 to 4 conts,
will go as far ns two pounds of meat containing 20 to 25 cents
por pound.
The cleanest flour milt In the State of Oregon.
, All flour tested In our own laboratories.
Tho public Is Invltod to Inspect our plant.
band. Her sons Clyde and Paul are
accompanying her,
Jlramlo Cur ran has gone to Dend
for a load of supplies.
Mr. and Mrs. Den DeWItt are ro
Jlclng over the advent of a baby boy
In their home.
Ted Stauffer la quite sick and is
under tne care or Dr. iioed.
Mrs. Goo. Mohror has gono to Bond
to assist Miss Spauldlng during the
Dr. C. Reed mado final threo year
proof cm her homestead before Com
missioner Stauffer tho 28th. Mrs.
C. C. Washburn and S. W. Dost serv
ed as witnesses.
A large crowd gathered at the
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim Smith
last Sunday and proceeded to have a
very enjoyablo tlmo.
Robert Whltestdo has been hauling
lumber for J, O. Perry from Duck
(Special to Tho Dultotln)
dred and Edna Alloy woro hostosses
to tho SunBhlno Club at their homo
Tuesday afternoon. This Junior Mis
ses club elected officers recently as
followo: Ada Sears, president; Edna
Alloy, vlco president and Ethel Mont
gomery, secretary.
Ora Foster, who recently tradod
for an auto from Frank McCaffory,
of Redmond, la taking his wlfo nnd
babies for somo ploasurablo rides
Mr. and Mrs. Allon Willcoxon en
tertained several nolghboro on tho
pretty lawn at tholr homo Monday
ovonlng. After a social hour tho par
ty repaired to tho house whero tho
hostess served lco cream and cako
with crushed strawborrlos. Thoso
presont wero Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bus
sett and Mlas Fay, Mr. and Mrs. O.
C. Trucsdalo and daughtor Paulino
and Dorothy, "Grandma" Truesdale,
Mr. and Mrs. Reaves Willcoxon nnd
J. A. RIggs.
A. W. Dayn was ill for a few days
last week.
Mr. N. P. Alloy returned home on
Wednesday evening from a week's
sojourn In Nohnlem and othor points.
"Grandma" Brown went to Rod
ovond Wednosdav for a visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Young.
Harold and Paul Cooko havo n con
tract to put up tho hay on John
Lucky's place. They commenced
work Monday.
Mrs. E. R. Ageo and small son,
John vlsltod tho dav with Mrs. V. O.
Humphrey Wednesday.
Thn Rundnr school teachers traln-
Ine clans met at the E. A. Bussett
home Wedncsdoy evening. A full at
tendance of teachers wns out ns was
also the committee on cntertalnmont
for the Bundny school picnic. After
discussions thn date for picnic was
doclded for Julv 21st.
Misses Linn Mooro nnd Gladys and
Hatel Bayn returned homo Snturday
from n month's stny In Prlnovllle
whoro the two former girls hnvo been
attending tho Summor Institute. Miss
Gladys returned to Prlnovlllo Mon
dfv whero sho hns a position In the
office of the county school superin
tendent. Miss Fay Ihissett wnt to Redmond
Friday for a week's visit with friends
and rolntlves.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. O. Humphreys and
family plcnlckod on tho Deschutes
river near Cllno Falls Saturday.
Mrs. L. J. Alloy, who has boon vis
iting nt her son. N. P. Alloy's homo
returnod to Opnl City Sunday.
Tho oldc ustom of waiting till af
ter tho Fourth to start cutting the
first crop of hay was not adhered to
so strictly this year ns horetoforo.
Somo few hnvo finished tho first har
vest, somo havo Jifst harvestod while
the balance stnrted operations Mon
day following tho Fourth. In near
ly ovory instanco a light crop is being
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bam and
Gladvs and Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. Al
len Willcoxon and Harriott, Mr. and
Mra. G. C. Trucsdalo and Paulino and
Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Rom Bussett,
"Grandma" Truesdale, B. L. John
son and Iludolph and "Teddy" and J,
A. Klggs enjoyed a, social evening
with E. A. Bussett and family Sat
urday evening. Ice cream, cako and
lemonade were served during the
Doctor Perry, superintendent of
Tho Dalles division of thn Methodist
church addressed a large congrega
tion at the WlUon school house Sun
day evening. Tho doctor has a splen
did delivery and hts address was on
Joyed by all present. Rev. W. N. Dy
ers of Redmond accompanied htm.
Tho following persons enjoyed a
picnic dinner undor the Junlpors at
tho J. F. Rico homo Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Van Doren and son Ray
mond, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gibson, Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Chapman and family,
Mr. and Mrs. John Skein, Mr. and
Mra. Ronslow, Mr. and Mrs. Rice,
Mra. Ida Morao, Misses Edna Morse
and Mabel Allon, Messrs. II. F. Al
len, Max Strixnor, Clarke Morso and
Mr. Ltnsey.
Mrs. N. P. Alloy is cooking at A. H.
Rhodes' placo for tho hay hands.
Mr. and Mrs. Reaves Willcoxon at
tended a danco In Redmond Saturday
Mrs. Mary Falco and daughtor of
Tacoma arrived Saturday for a visit
(Contlnuod on pago 7.)
GET OUT of tho rut. It's
only a habit to do nil our
trading at tho larger towns.
Lot us spend our money at
homo whoro It will do US
tho most good. HEMEMBEK
n 20 cent phono message will
transact a lot of business
nnd savo DOLLARS.
P. B, Johnson
Brick is tho MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
The best family daily paper in the state and your
own weekly paper for
The Daily Portland Telegram
The Bend Bulletin
both one year for
This ofler will be in force from now until July
15, 1015, and may be taken advrn'.age of by new
as well as old subscribers. Subscriptions are for
one year cash in advance. Old subscribers to The
Bulletin in order to participate in these rates must
pay up all arrears due and the $!).50 in addition
will pay for both papers one year in advance.
WOW IS THE opportune,
? y kS me snce e avent oi-
the railroads for you. to
g , 3J build a home. Why
delay construction until
it will cost you 20 per cent more
for the same building? The far
seeing man is availing himself of
the opportunity of securing labor
and material very cheap.
We have the largest list of Resi
dence Property in Bend. Come in
'and let us quote you prices, and-,
you will soon decide that you can
not afford to pay rent any longer. '
Bend Park Company
cz.n:,xr.:-T-n OREGON STREET I ---i
. fcVAjJx .1- iA.-1'SH.IJt,,. 1 .
... Vv' .