The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 07, 1915, Image 1

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    BEND BUU;LEriM3l "
. - . . , . , , i -' ,v
x , . i
i nti
Vol. XIII.
ubx, oitnuox, "Wednesday ai-teknoon, jui.y t, ioio
M NO. 18.' j ?
Cut In Electric fychctfiilo Miulo ly
Utilities Body Is From 2.1 to ill
Per Cent of Old Figures Wntcr
Meters Ordered In Some Cases
In an opinion covering nlno close
ly wrltton paces tho Oregon Public
Sorvlco Commtsalon on Saturday an
nounced Its decision In tho matter of
the Investigation of tho rates for
wntcr nnd electricity charged by tho
Ilcnd Wator Light & Powor Company.
Various reductions In tho electric
schedule ore ordered amounting to n
cut of from 25 por cent from tho
meter rates to, nearly 34 per cont
from tho flat rate hitherto in rorco.
"Water rates nro loft nractlcallv un
changed hut a reclassification Is or
dered under which meters must bo
Inttnllcd for certain classes of cus
tomers. In fixing tho now rates tho com
rnlsslon finds that tho value of tho
"used nnd useful" portions of tho
company's plant on which n fair ro
turn Is to bo allowed Is S4.0',0 for
the electric utility nnd $35,000 for
tho water utility. Capital to tho
nmcint of $47,500 representing other
portions of tho plant not now uronu
Is roaulred to ho put Into a "sus
pense" nccount until tho growth of
tho town requires Its uso nnd gives
tho company tho right to a roturn
Tho now rates go Into ctTcct-ns of
Julv 1.
Tho comnlalnt on which this deci
sion Is made wns filed by tho city on
August 11, 1014. Thorcnfter tho
company submitted a statoment of Its
vsluntlon nnd capital Invested and
still lator, on Fobruory 20, 191B, an
engineer of tho commission bngnn ex
amination of tho property. Tho com
mission's hearing of tho case was nem
In llnnd on Mny 13 nnd 13. H. II.
no Armond nnpoarlng for tho city
nnd Iloss Fnrnhnm for tho cnmpnnv.
. Cnmmnnttng on tho decision yes
terday Mnnnrpr Kolnv of tho Ilcnd
Wafer Light &roair Co. Mid:
"Wo fool that n father etcolvo
percentngo of tho ndmllted actual In
vestment has hoen placed In too sue
ponre nccount by the commlsl'on, I,
e., has been decreed to bo entitled to
ro revenue ct tho nreseni umo in
this connection tho Comm'slsnn states
In effect, that tho total Inveairnt. nt
tbo time It was mnde, was Justlfla'de
owing to the nppnront prospects for
lmmedlsto nnd ettenslve develop
ment In tho cltv nnd that It was good
business to make, tho Investment but
that the expected dovnlepmen d'rt not
materlnllre nrd thnt oomo 1 47 500 of
the vnluo of tho plant nnd onilpiroot
Is not nocessary to supply tli pre,
ent demand nf tho community for
electricity end must, therefore, be
carried by the Company ns a dead In.
'pftment for tho tlmo being. If
Tiend grows minlcloatly In tho futuro
this $47 500 of Investment will bo
needed to nupplv tho domnd nnd
then nnd not until tbpn, under the
ruling of tho Commission, will wo be
(Continued on Inst pnge.)
Even though you might never have
h fire or thieves enter your home, r
paper mislaid is often tunes lost just
as irretrievably as if it had been
burned or stolen.
When your valuable papers are in
our vault you KNOW where they
are and you KNOW they are safe.
You can lease a steel kox In onr
vault with a HOH-pickaWe Yale
lock Kg enough to contain aU
your priv Ht"8' for '2 a y1
Can you afford to be without this
insurance? t
The Deschutes Slate
v Bank
. , . ., ..- i i Mien i miii" '""rrr
ml z x. . d r -awaiigaaMFwtjet - ., ... . Ejs -rf ' "
Work on Piers Will lio Finished Tills
Week Water Jliis Caused Tmublo
Grading llcgun.
Shutting water oft from the Irri
gation canals above town thereby In
creasing tho flow In the river has
caused considerable Inconvenience to
the work on tho Shovltn-Hlxon dam
and the bridge to tho mill site, In the
past few days. Work on tho bridge
IS, nevertheless, pro'ceedlng bo fust
that the day when It will bo Jn use
has been set forward again and It Is
now expected that unless bo mo delay
In receiving mntorinl occurs tho
bridge will bo readyf or uso by July
Last week tho last pier on tho east
side of tho river was flnlehod nnd
this week the west Bide piers will be
completed. U tho bents on tho wost
side aro also up and the approach
from tho east Is nearly done.
Grading on tho logging road has.
begun and nearly a tnllo Is now com
pleted. A 40 ton logging crane has
been ordered and will bo dollvered
for uso In the woodir soon.
At tho dam the work on tbo west
sldo will be finished this week and
tho water turned from tho enst sldo
that tho remaining portion of the
dam may be begun on.
Within tho past few days the first
largo pay rolls caused by tho new
work have been dlstrlbutod, tho
Shevlln-Hlxnn Company paying off all
crows on Snturday nnd the bridge
contractors paying on Monday.
Tho Bond band will glvo Its regular
weekly open air concert on Friday
night In tho bnnd stand on Hond
street. Following Is tho tentative
1. Stars and. Stripes Forever . .Sousa
2. Selection Uohomlun Qirl ...Dalfo
3. Alto Trio Visions .... i. .Hayes
4. I'm on My Way to Dublin Day
, Two-Stop
5. Patriotic Soloctlon America
, . . , Tobanl
6. Wnltz Kenwood Guptlll
7. Fox Trot I Wont to Linger . . , .
8. Waltres Wedding of tho Winds
9. Hostrausor's March ....Chambers
Team Defeats I'rlnetllle, Alfnlfn, La
Pine nnd Madron.
Winning five gamos In five days tbo
fiond ball loam has made an enviable
record for Itself during Chautauqua
weok, Incidentally cleaning up trains
from nil other 'tonus in urogic ana
Jefferson counties. La Pino has been
beaten twice. Prlnuvlllo, Alfalfa nnd
Madrna onco each, the games provid
ing additional entertainment for tho
many visitors who have boon In town
during the oast fow days.
Tho Pilnovllto game was arranged
I on tbo spur of the moment when that
I team was on Its way through town to
Klamath Falls where It as to play
I on Saturday. Tho county soaters had
tho services of sovornl players from
Jefferson county nines, who had
lolnod them for tho Klamath trip.
but were takon in wunoui serious
. . ... . ....
A socond gamo Is being played with
Madras this afternoon.
Short summaries' nnd scores of the
various gomes follow;
llcnd (I, Prlneilllo .1.
Features of the gamo with Prlne
villa wero tho batting of Btover,
Springer and Llmbock, who had a
total of seven hits for tho game.
Limbeck also showed up well In the
(Continued on page 4.)
First Uend Appearance Plenscs Largo
Audience Flnnl I,ccttiro to bo
Gfen IJy Senator llurltett To-
night .Junior Program Dhiwh
With tho lecturo given by ox-Senator
Elmer J. Uurlfett tonight tho
first Bond. ChnutauqUa comes to a
successful close. Already plans are
complotod for a continuation of the
affnlr another year, well over 100
names having been secured on tho
next gunron'y. That and the fact
that n number of next j car's guaran
tors aro from other towns In the
county Indicates with what favor tho
entertainment has been received and
the enthusiastic support given to tho
plan to moko the Uend Chautauqua
nn annual event.
With tho exception of the first
day tho audiences have been largo,
from COO to COO attending Qvcry per
formance and the number Increasing
dally as tbo merit of tho entertain
mont has become more fully roallz
cd, Tbo largo attendance has bcon
In tho faco of unusual weather con
ditions, the first threo dave being
oxtreinoly hot whllo on Tuesday there
wore heavy ahowers nnd n lower tom
poraturo. Tho soason ticket sale, whllo fall
ing short of tho guaranty, was better
than had been expected, an extra ef
fort mnde by tho guarantors on the
last day resulting In the salo of sev
eral hundred dollars worth of tick
ets. Tho actual loss to each guaran
tor was $10.05. Until tonight's en
tertainment Is over tho total amount
of gate recolpts. from a porcentago of
which tho guarantors pqy local ox;
pouscs, cannot be Known but it is
safo to say that enough to covor all
oxponBPs will bo realized.
Amllvnro to Vote.
Tonight It Is understood that tho
nudlenco wilt be asked to Indicate
which foaturo of tho six day program
was best liked, nnd though guesses
nre unsafe It Is bellovod thnt tho
Hungarian, orchestra will tako first
nlncn. This organization was un-
doubtcdlyrognrded ttB oso of tho best"
narts of tbo nrogrnm nud Its work
wns vot favorably received, especial
ly on tbo inst night when Its longest
entertainment wns given. Miss Ohnr
lotto llergh, who nupenrod with tho
orchostrn on Sunday nnd Monday
nights, won Instant favor with her
romnrlcablv sweet volco nnd charm
ing norsonallty.
Otbor musical portions of tho pro
gram wero provided by tho Adolpblnn
quartette nnd Muclinor's Jublleo
singers who nro here with Senator
Hurkolt today. Tho Adolphlnns
oponcd tho program on Trldny. They
have been s'nglng togelhor for over
35 years, being nt present successful
business men and wacnem wno ap
pear on tho Chautauqua circuit for a
few weuks during tho aummer os a
sort of vncitlon. At tho Commercial
Club luncheon on Saturday they sang
two soTgs which wore very favorably
Mr. C. I). Aller, of the quartette,
(Continued on last page.)
Hay Carriers
JacKson ForKs
Wire Rope
" Manila Rope
Pulleys and ForKs
. Mowing Machines
Binders and
! 'and Binder Twine
Bend Hard-ware Co. g
2 The Company that put tho "Wr" In llurJwur. J
" ' vft
5 ift
Portlnml Newspaper Itcport Goternor
-AVIlhycomlMj niul 1. IS. KleUchncr
us Fiiorlii Kxteiihlon Smith
Troiii lleml Ulg I'rlno, Awaits
Further dlecusslon of tho. need of
an extension of tho railroad south
from Bond and of tho possibility that
Itobert E. Strahorn might bo por
suadod to take up the work npponrs
In Intervlowo by Qovornor Wlthy
combo and I. N. Plclschner, printed
,lnPortlnud newspapers slnco tho ro
tun"bl the official party from Klam
ath Fnlla. As reported In Tho Ilul
lotln lnct week tho mattor was first
brought up at tho benquot glvon tho
official partrlioro on Juno SC.
'Tho Wlthycombo Intorvlew In tho
'Oregnnlnn was ns follows:
"Tho Klamath country nnd south
Contrnl Oregon Is a big prUo o-valt-ln(r
coino rnllrond,' said tho Gover
nor. 'I hnvo beon Interested In road
Ing tho Interview concerning mil
possibilities thereabout given out by
other members of my party nod I
heartily arreo with thorn. As things
now are, practically all the trado
from this country goes south to Cal
ifornia If tho rnllrood should bo
continued south from Bond It would
open up a big Hold for Portland, nnd
ono now seemingly practically Ignor
ed.' fin talking of tho cbuntry nnd Its
noMlbllltlcs, Governor Wlthycombo
said ho roallrod that this Is distinctly
nn 'oft yoar' for railroad develop
ment. "AIjo, as I understand tho proacnt
Contrnl Oregon lhics nro not doing n
vry eatlBfnctoryli usiness." ho nddod,
"but oven nt thnt It sceras to mo from
nn ngrlculturnl nnd commerclnl
stnndpolnt a wonderfully rich aoun
trv wntt to bo tanned tn tho south
and southeast of ilond, Tho tlmo Is
coming, and not far distant, wuon
someone will tako tbo stop nnd reap
tho nroOts.
"On our trip, for Instance,
shakers pointed out thnt Itobort B.
fttriihorn. nrcnldent of tho Portland,
nupona Si L'autcrn, Boems on tbo
lookout for somo big new Oregon
ontomrlso. 8honld Central Oregon
bo nblo to win his Interest. It would
bo a gndsnd, not nnlv in thnt sec
tion, but for tbo rhoio stn'i, ns nis
rocord shows him n man nblo to put
through enterprise1! from which pth
ors hold back. Put that whoever
i)i'iid will win out In tbo end, Is my
Tlio l'lel'f liner Interxlpw.
In tbo yielscner Intorvlow It wns
ssted that tho need of a rnllrnrd
moro dlrectlv connecting JJamali
l'nlls nnd Portland wi" brought
promlnon'lv to thn attention of tho
visitors by thp southern Orogon oeo'
nip. Mr. Klolschner was quoted as
"Durinc rov brief visit nt Klnmnth
Tails, I wns gre.Vlv surprised 'to dis
cover the wonderful resources of tnnt
region. I won vcv pleased to learn
of the ro'dlnl feollng of Its poanlo
toward Porllnnd and their strong de-
(Contlnuod nn last page,)
" ft
AVItli) combo l;xprcse5 Appreciation
for Itcccptluti GlVcn Li Tiinuilo,
Kred N, Wnlbtco, manager of tho
Tumalo project, has recchod a vory
npproclntlve letter from Governor
With) combo thanking tho Tumalo
people for tho reception given tho
otllclal party on Juno 25. Tho gov
ernor writes.
Salem, Juno 30, 1915.
".My Dear Mr. Wallace:
"Through you, to the settlers of
the Tumalo Project, I want to express
my sincere appreciation for the
splendid recoptlon nccordod me nnd
mombors of tho DeBort Land Board
party when wo wer.o nt Tumnlo last
Friday. Tho splendid spirit of op
tluilem nnd co-operation ovldoncod
In your community hall wns n ravo
latlon and n ory great pleasuro to
me. nnd I want to congratulnto you
and your people upon tho way you
nro working together. Your com
munity spirit has done much for you
in the past, nnd will do moro for you
In the futuro.
It wns oxtromcly good of all of you
to entertain us so hospitably, and
noedlcss to cay my gratltudo Is espe
cially deep to tho good Indleo who
cared for us bo bountifully. It Is my
hopo that a least- some of, us from tho
SUato Houso will bo nblo to partici
pate In tho enlortnlntncnt thoy are
arrnnglng for Septombor.
"With host wishes to yourself nnd
nil the good people of tho Tumalo
Project, I nm,
"Pnlthfully yours.
Now Count) s Attomoy SajH Dltlslon
HiiccosfnI Predicts Another.
SALEM, July 3. Dlatrict Attor
noy W. P. Mojors of Jcffornon county
Is horo today confarlng with tho At
torney Goncral concerning matters
affecting tho ponding sottlomoait with
Crook county.
"Our new county Is getting rlong
lino," said Mr, Myers. "I bollovo nil
our pcnplo nro sntlslledi Kxponscs
aro well bolow our estimates, nnd wa
expect to show conclusively thnt tho
division Is good business nil r.round.
I ioo no renson why nnothor division
of Crook county, which Inevitably
will come unless by chnnco tho coun
ty soat should bo moved, would not
nlso bo good business for ovoTono
concerned. And all of us expect to
sco tho division movement success
ful next tlmo to tho south cf us."
Mr, Myers nddod thnt Jafferson
county, whllo kconlnir dowiiiextiinsis
ban nlso dono mriroToad IntproviSutunt
work than ever before. This Is ac
complished, ho says, becauso money
enn bo mndo to go furthnr when It Is
spent wbcro It originates and under
tho close watch of thoao who put It
Cheivniirntt Pros Sn)s Tlmo Comlns
Ij.nirr for Ilrnliiitorms,
Now com os tho Chowaucnn Press
aud joins the chorus ngnlnst the new
Bam Hill highway It aa)i tho new
mid Is not needed but It rpml build
Ins In begun, nccordlng to tho Press,
"Palsluv hns somathlng to nffor which
Is absolutely tho shortest nud best
route of all,
6a) b tha Press:
"Look at your map: this routo
plncos thtt toad from Prlnovlllo to
I.aUevlow nn absolutely a straight
lino nnd Is ten miles shorter thnu to
go around Abert lake Tlion If this
Is n ohorter nnd more fcnslblo route
rviry efr Vf "7 ySy? "fjVY? y ""Qiy cTtt TjEiC
The First National Bank
U. C. COB, l'loldent K. A. BATHKU, Vice- I're.ldent
C. S. HUDSON, Cnililer
Capital fully puld K.V00O
urlus - 2fi,O)0
iikaij iunki.vo fiiiuvici:.
Hogular bank loans:
We nre proparod at nearly all times to make advances
to reliable parties for their requirements,
Wool and sheep loans:
Wu are NOW prepared to loan monoy to snoop men
for the purchase of sheep.
We aro now prepared to ndvnnco you 10o- por pound
on nil wool you storw In tho Warehouse at Hond, nt 8
ier cont for oltber 90 days or six months.
Sheep tut n do not huve to roll at present prices unless
they with. The monoy Is ready for you.
We aro NO A' prepared o mako loans on Cuttle (or
six mouths, fur feeding purpoocs, but not on ratine or
sho stuff.
We aro NOW prtpnrud to make loanson good farm
lands, with eood water rlshts, no matter where located
In Contrnl Oregon, tho bigger the loan tho better, pro
viding tho preposition Is a good one aud will stand clos
est Invtibtlijatlm (is lo values and tltln.
Wrllu us for information. Dunk by mall and socuro
our services.
ft? 2 ".U'-' -'I--'1 a 11.. V '.I'l:
U. V. CVU! K. A. FATIIMt r:. fi. HUIISON
O. M. I'ArfEiiHOsr li. C. r.u.ia
m .
Party Is .Met With Ufliul nt Xortlif
Cmml and Icorleil to Town
Commercial Club Is Supper Host
to Visitors From Out of Town.
One of tbo moat sratljlng features
of tho Chautauqua has been tho largo
attendance from otnor urowt county
towns, from Slaters on the west to
Prlnovlllo on tho feast. Whllo com
pniatlvely few season tlckata work
sold In any of these places largo num
bers camn for tho onlcrtnlnmentB on
one or morn da)B, adding n-atarlally
to tho succeed or the nnnir r.n wen
no showing their good will toward,
Uend nud tho lccnl Chautauqua.
Perhaps tho most liotlcoablo ns
woll ns one of tho plcastntcst dis
plays of frlondllnoss shown by any
of tho visitors wns that of tho dele
gation from Sisters. Plans for corn
In; to Ilcnd during tho Chautauqua
had been undor consideration for
somo tlmo nnd recently a vote was
tnken to como hero rnthor than to
attend n Fourth of July colboratlontln .
n neighboring town.
On Saturdny tho Sisters visitor
camo tn forco each wourlng a Slstorn
badge Tho party was met nt tho
North canal dam by tha Hond band
nnd n nuirilmr of local nutomoblles
nnd tho principal streets wore pa
rndod. All tho automobiles wero dec
orlytod, Bisters and Hond pennants,
bunting nnd groen branchos predom
inating In the display. P. Hunting
ton, of tho visiting party, carried a
largo drawing showing saw mills or
the Deschutes at Pond and otherwise
complimentary to tho city.
Delegations from Tumalo wero al
so In evidence an Saturday and tbo
succeeding days, while a largo num
ber camo over from Prlnovlllo on
Sunday nnd Monday, Itcdmoml was
well roprefmtd on those days also
nnd several came up yesterday to
hoar Senator Durkctt.
All tho visitors wore the guonts of
tho Commerelal4Club at t,he Library ,
club supper glrentcirtho lawn. Hit,-,
urdaV ovonlng. TrecMlng- tbo "sup
per ns many n cured to lake tho
short ride wore glien nn opportunity
to seo tho bridge and dam building
nnd othor work now going on In con
nection with the now Shovllil-Hlxon
saw mill.
why should Sam Hill nnd othorn nook
to place n road entirely out of civi
lization nround Abort Lako. Tho
fret that they nro not ndvocatlng tho
shortest routo is proof that thero Is
eomo solnsh interest belilud tbo
"Now wo havo not montlonqjl this
bcon il no wo bcllovo a ronri should bo
built at prostnl along this now rout".
Tli ore Is ono good road from north
to south nctpss this county. It Is
pronounced n good road by nil who
trael It. It pnsfios through .cnltl
ntoi arons. It serves thoso who psy
Iho tnxes. Bo long ns tho coivnlyJs
sparaoly sottlcd wo hnd bottor dnvoto
our attention oud tho peoples' monoy
to improving this routo Plonty of
time later to hava brnln-slornis."
i . .3
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