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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1915)
TttftJiKtH) WJfaLKTIJ. BHJTO.'OttBiI "KlXKAY JCXE tt, J01BM PACK 5. I "a . 777-- , - - W' I US , ,, M ,M,ln,lMlwtw,MJ H ' ft HAVE YOU EVER TRIED " l J ii-ivvj-i My Store fort Groceries?; , If you havn't you should because , I only handle the BEST of quality and "QUALITY IS POLICY" BUY YOUR GOOD EATS FROM Bert Shuey The Cash Grocer "5Uj3mMte9mlakm; (Ohio, arrived in llend Saturday ovcM 1 log to visit bor dnughtor, Mrs. Geo. a. Jones, v Tha dance glfin by the ball team' at Satliera Halt on Saturday night J tv "I K. G. R. COOPER Manufacturer of all kinds of SS.O FT DRINKS ' ' 4 f - Ofllce lit Cold Storage Works , Next to nenci naraware to. warchouso . Uend, Oregon was well taken )n LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 1' J. D. Iludoll Is now living rt Mrs. Frame's. ii J. II. Wonandy bns boon visiting in town this wook. J, N. Williamson was over from I'rlnovlilo n Saturday. El J, Rogers camo up from ,hla Tunmlo ronclyestcrday. J. W. Elklns came In from his Crescent homestead on Monday. J Forest IlanKor II. U. Smith camo In from Mt. Pine ovor Sunday. F. V. Swlshor of Tumalo,,was In town yesterday buying supplies. Miss Etta now assisting wlth'-tho work In the American bak ery E. il Clark camo down on Saturday to attend to somo business matters here. , PauI'Henderson Is now running the picture "machine at tho Dream Theatre. Robert Horner was liutown yoster day attending tdVomo oT his father's ousiuess, Vbusln H Allan went to Redmond on ustneM'for The llend Company on, IT. J. I.abrle of Silver I.nko and Monday morning. II. Speor of Cliff. Mrs. Ada II. Mllllcan camo In from her Mllllcan valley homo for n short visit on Thursday. C, J. Mock M'os up from Tiunalo for n few hours yesterday looking after soma, business. Mr. and Mrs C. S. Hudson and W D, Cheney spent Sunday at Tho Tules with Mrs. John E. Ilyau. Mr. ntid Mrs. Prank Hlklns en tertained rolatlvcH from I'rlnovlilo and I'orllrnd 011 Sunday. Tho llutlotln Ims received n copy of tho 1014 year hook of tha United Btates department of agriculture. J. A. llrlnkloy Is assisting tho poo. pio or La l'lno In. laying out n new road to Hast lako from La tlno. O. W. Arnold expects to leavo for Portland about tho first, having fin ished his duties at tho flour mill. Porost Hanger Karl Austin Is plan ning to leato shortly for n six month's vUlt with his parents In Claro, Mich igan. Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold 'loft Monday night for Vulcan, Alberta, whoro they will liako their future homo. Oeorgo II. Hoover Itasjecontly sold For a cars to c. J. Mock of Titmalo, Hi m I TON Till: HIOIlTNIIHS OP OUIl PIUCISJ VK RIMT OCR CA8E. WE CAN 8AVE YOU MONEY AND WB AltK WILMNO THAT YOU SHALL 1113 TUB SOLE JUDqB AS TO OUR A11ILITY TO MAKE THIS 8AV- -1 INO. YOU KNOW WHAT MEIICIIANDISK 18. YOU KNOW ;' WHAT YOU HAVE HEEN PAYING. JU8T MATCH TI1BSIJ piuqHsyji wjth ouns. compare the, prices with ,1 THE VALUES,; i . . f'r ' i J v "e - u ?. f) ' "iuii.sDend's Best Grocery tC. McCUISTON attended, over $3fl being f " . Tho W. C. T. "U. entertained tho ministers and? their famlllea at the residence ofrtore. C P. Nlswongqr last mg&t. 4$. v Cort Allen came down from his ranch onTuesday to got n load of shingles) jXvhlch he will ubq on hh nert house. H. 11. Ford took Mrs. Ford to Port land Saturday night, wbero Mrs. Ford will bo tofcon core of by Dr. B. A. Pierce. II. D. Moore arrived on Monday from New York City to take tho po sition of ttrao keepor for Tha Snovltn Hlxon Company. Mrs. Nottla StevenBon entertained nt an Informal luncheon Saturday evening In honor of Miss Mryme Howard's birthday. Ilruco Deyarmond, who has been living at Dallas, Oregon, tor tho past year, returned to Uend on Friday to spend tho summer hero. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Patterson left on Monday, Mrs. Pattorson going to Walla Wall to visit her mother and Mr. Patterson going to Beattlo, Forest Supervisor Morrltt and Ira A. Williams, of the Stato Uureau of Mines and Geology, wont to Paulina lako on Monday for a short stay. John Sather returned from San Francisco on Saturday, whero he has been with tho Oregon Agricultural College band, attending tha Panama Pacific oxpOBltlon, Mrs. V. A. Forbes returned on Sun day from her homestead In the Mll llcan valley, Mr. Forbes going out for her In bis auto. Mrs. II, H. Do Ar mond was tilth Mrs. Forbes during her slay. Dr. P, C. Coo returned from Port land yosterday morning nftor a week's trip. Whllo there ho was purchnsbig equipment for tho nev;' hospltnl which will open about tho ICth of July. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cooper of Hen- kleton ara In town to spend ,tlio Fourth horo Mr. Cooper will help his brother 0. H. Cooper, In tho lnt tcr's bottling works during tho Chau tauqua week. TlTo ball grounds ara being Improv ed preparatory to holding a scries of games during Chautauqua week. Tho backstop has been moved back and more room has been provided for spectators. Itevt II. B. Ulackman, Sunday school missionary of Pendleton Pres byry 1 passed through (own on Tues day on his way from Imperial, whoro he organized a Sunday school of 32 members on Sunday. . M. O. Urban, an old'frUnd of J. Eastes, spent Friday heroMin a-visit-Mr. Urban Is one of tho oldest engi neers In tho employ of the O.-W. II. & N.i having been In tho yards at Portland ovor 30 years. Mr, and Mrs. J, A, Eastes, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Keyes and Miss Coleman spent the week end at llelslng s on tho Metollus. Tho Judge reports good nshlng, having returned with a basket full, twcrjty of which were over a foot long. fe ben sola InuedmonuV """ T il f. IlFord ro turned from Portland 1 hhi son Robert this morning. M FMrs. Jitartln Knuteon and Bon Ford r turned from Portland and ScaBldo this morning. At J. 30 this afternoon tho thor raomctcpnt the local station stood at: 99 degrees, tho record for tho year. jiMleg Lambert, who tins boon nurs Ing at tho Ovorturt home, returned to her homestead at Slstero yestcr- ay. iP. Mi Hlnkhouso. of Clarketon, Washington, arrived here Tuosday. nigut to taice a position in ir.o 11111 lotln ofllce. Mrs. II. J Overturf's, sister, Mrs. P.' h. Tompkins, camo up from Hood Illvor .Sunday night bringing "Juno" Qverturf who has been Visiting with her. County Agriculturist A. B Lovatt uijd Prorcssor W. L. Orlflln of the 0. A. 0. arrived In town this noon for Professor Griffith's canning demon stration this afternoon, -A (and classification party under the! leadership ot W. J. Sproat leaves tomorrow for work In tho foront ad joining the Mllllcaff valley and neigh boring points Mr. Sproat will have asi assistants Clyde A. Heals, Hen A. Eddy, F It. Moffat, It. F. Wendovor and A. F, Mauser. ThO NoW Uend Flour Mill Co., Is now manufacturing Deschutes Solf Italslng Pnncako flour, ABk your gro cer for It, Adv. Just opened. G1V0 us a trial. A new meat market. Gilbert & Son. Adv Photos . X7Ehnve all the late and best views in and around Bend also post cards of tilings of interest. We repair, buy and r sell second-hand Ko daks. Bring us your Kodak Finishing Ve do it right. See ds for enlargements ir.from your Kodak .J films. BE PREPARED FOR. The 4th k-K-k.- -( K-X-K-X-K-K- ) Just Received a New Shipment of NECKWEAR and Auto Capes. NEW "QUAKEir COLLA1W Priced nt 50 Cents NEW COLLARS OP OHOANDY Priced at 25c, 35c, 50c . ' 1 JiPiAUTO CAPS IN PALM IUUCII CLOTH AND SHEPEIID CIIIX'KH Priced at . , '50c and $1.25 NP.W SUSLMEIt I'ATTEIt.NH IN MENS' NKCKWKAK Priced at 25c and 50c , ANOTIIRH HHIPMEXT OP WASH HKIUTS IN NEW DESIGN'S Priced at j $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Get jour Fourth of July ltniitliig nml i'lafis here nt ' ' loncit prlioi. WWW Stop and Shop at Mannheimer 's V D. U. Huntor wont to Portlcnd Inst night on business. W. D. Chonoy left on his return to Beattlo last night. v OThefEIite, . Studio jusii 1 1 We buy, sell or exchange real es tate anywhere In Canada or tho Unltod States. No deal too large or too small for us to handlo. Levorott fc Finch, llend, Oregon. 10-17o i Biff! Bang! Boom! pyTTHE FOURTH orJULY is rounding towM vh& ck fcrate wkh tke coniHS Ckwti at BMi, July 2 to Juiy. Thomson wI ctirt )yf hokfeg A SIX-J)AY SPECIAL FURNITURX SALE. Don't mks it. Make your headquarters at leiul's LeMiiiig FurnUre Store Airisijc.CHAUTAUCiUA week l 1 i L BUY FLAOS BUNTING JAP LANTERNS NOVELTIES POPULAR PRICES PREVAIL, AT Warner's TUB VAKIKTV STORK 'Cobb pbotoornpbu f iW-X) Ian to take your meals at the ; cozy restaurant during the week of the Fourth ' TIRES GASOLINE , OILS ' THE BEND GARAGE;' . .We make 11 specialty of J'ord repairing but you will Hnd our work ilrs class on any iiinke of automobile. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Doonar & Thornbrue FORD SPECIALISTS 4LMMMMHM G C Horstman CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR PfsM and SpfClflcstlons furnMied free, ntlmtl cheerfully furnlihed. Bend Oregon Housewives $2.50 SAVE YOUR SLIPS FR0A1 McCLINCY'S COMMKXfLVO MOXP.W AND KNDINO aiTUKDAY AXV OF YOU PUHCHAKINfJ Till: iaHOKisT AMOUNT CAN OCT T1IK CASfl. PRICES SLASHED DURING Chautauqua Week We are offering the following values in Ladies' ' shoes and waists for one week only. LA DIBS' TWO BTKAP CANVAS; rt . g s PUMPS. Itoduced Knim ... ..&. UU IO tj 1 ,JJ LINKN CANVAS SHOi: IN (lOOI).. j rti-t . tK. Yi:AH WKIT, Heduccd From . f J.UU lU I6.UJ OUN MBTAIj MAIIY JANI3 ( . a n PUMPS, Itoduced From ...... 2.3VJ lO &, if COIXJNIAL PUMPS, Ci- X-. CI .CO . Itoduced From f J.JU IO 6.07 Itoduced From ,..$330 tO $2.39 SUKDR COLONIAL PUMP8, 1 Kf 4- C Lt Heduccd From i?J,D) IO .DV Ileduced From . . . $3.50 lO $2.0V r - . 1 LADIES WAISTS. All the following are good values in cool Ladies white waists. $ 1 .25 Reduced to $ .79 $ 1 .75 Reduced to $ 1 .05 $2.25 Reduced to $ 1 .35 $2.75 Reduced to $ 1 .65 t'TsH :' J-.3 1 -T" E! M: THOMPSON TBk FiAir Mm it j if tt E. A., Sather 'The Store With a Jteputation TR. McCLINCY OurvMtt:" Hiceoinmodtion." -. .... i? t m r . m y l A , rt 'L. . fiaa.-j. ml:.