iMPAm'WM(rtjHtmMMft K(ewmMiSi mimiufnrr -aEaumasam "TTMHwi.M l'AOR 2, TUP. BEND BULLKTINi MIND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, JUNE SO, 1015. Z1 r ,5- rf' 5. ; : V! ;.-.' tw- ' rr CENTRAL TUMALO. (Special to Tho Bulletin). TUMALO. June 28. Over 200 guests- enjoyed the hospitality ot the Tumalo pcoplo at lunch Inst Friday. The affair was given In honor of the party of state officials who Inspected tho Tumalo Irrigation project that day. (Jovernor Wlthycombe, Secre tary of State Olcott, Attorney Goner nl Drown. State Engineer Lewis, 0, V. Putnam and three members of thojina lake where ho went for an out iisn ana gamo commission wore mo nonor Kuesis lium duioiii. ouvurni railroad ofllclal also accompanied tho party, while a largo number camo from tho neighboring towns ot Hand and Deschutes. A bounteous repast liad boon propnrcd by tho ladles to which all did full justice. Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. llrown and Mrs. Cocrrcntortalnod tho W, S. L. Club In a delightful manner last Wednesday. i IHIVV VV.I1.VU TTM.W.. 1H. 4ww,w off" by Mr. Ilyron Cady, Mrs John Coon, Mm. Arthur Flala and Mar Karot Mock provod a decldod success. It has been roquestcd that this play let named "Ho Was Never Known to Hmlte," bo given at a later dato for the mon's bonoflt. Tho town has been dry Indeed tho ltast week ns tho wator In tho Des chutes Ib no low that no water would run Into the town ditch. Sundny nf torndon a largo number of tho pro gressive citizens undertook to deepen tho channel and built a small dam Hear the hondgnte with tho result that every ono has an abundanco of, wator for lawns and gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Harter nro liv ing on their ranch again for n fow veoks. Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Dayton nro planning on going to Rodmond Tues day to attend tho demonstration giv en by one of tho O. A. C. teachers, on tho canning of fruits and vege tables. Fred N. Wallace. Frod Wilson, C. J. Mock and Frank Dayton, Sr., at tended tho hrnquct glvon In honor of novornor Wlthycombo and party at tho Emblem Club at Ilend Friday night. Tho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Decker died Inst Friday at Port- . land. Tod Docker loft Monday morning for Hood lllvor, Ho oxpects to bo gone all Hummer. Friends ot John Combs recolvod tho sad nows of tho doath ot Ills lit tlo daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Cunnlnghnm Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ilamon and son Raymond and Frank Wnllaco loft on Monday morning for the Metollus whore thoy expect to spend 10 days cnmplng at HoIhIiik'h. MILLICAN. (Bneclnl to Tho Bulletin) MILLICAN. Juno 20.--At tho an nual school election hold hero Mon day, .1. I.. Owen watt olectod clotki nr.d A. I). Norton director for thrc'q yearn both without nny opposition. An 8 mill tax was voted on and lost, throo votoa being cast for It and flvo against. The board for the en titling yoar will lie: I: I,; Owon dark, II, F. Dyor, chairman. Ooo E. Heath mnn nnd A. I). Norton, Mrs. Cloo. Mllllcnn entertalnod tho Junior Hiindny school class nt her lioino Thursday afternoon. Strnw licrrlos, cronm nnd cako wero served nil refreshments nnd each child was prfBcntod with beautiful puiuy plants nc souvenir of tho occasion. Bnrnh nnd Burton DavM woro HUi'ntn of Mnry and Joseph Holland Sunday. Mr. John Holland nnd chlldron were dinner gupat of Mm. Forbes nt her homestead Thursday. Mrs. Tlios. MofTott called nt tho Ileum homo Friday. Mm. Kollnr visited with Mrs, Hoi Sunday, Mr. Italui left for Prlnovlllo on Monday. Mrs, John Holland called at tho Conk homo Sunday. P. 11. Johnson was n Bond business caller Thursday of last week. A number of our homesteaders nro nrranglng to mnko llnal proofs on their claims this summer. Mr. Mid.Mrs.-McAdow drove down to Joliahoii's Saturday nfteruoon. Mrs,' W. 11. Itoam was calling on friends Saturday. Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Do Armond of Bond nro spending 'the woek at Mrs. Forbes' homestead hero. A. 1) Norton nnd family wero vis iting at Connway's Monday evening. llnrney Conowny returned from a week's visit In Bond Monday. Mrs, Forbes and Mrs. Do Armond wero calling on friends hero Satur day afternoon. Dr. HwIiik and wlfo of Eugene, nc- rompanlod by Mrs. draco George" nnd, Miss Qeorrjc. pawed through hero Inst woek on a pleasure and sight! eoolng, trip. Mr. and Mra.. HHen and children motored through here enrouto to Uurns Wednesday. Several very large loads of wool passed through hero going to Bend the past week. II, U. Keller went to Bend on bus iness last week, Harold Davis spent all day Sunday looking tor tils saddle horse that utrayod from heme Saturday night. Sundar school at tho school house tivery Sunday la usually well attend ed by the children as well as their older. Opal Koppor came home from Ilend Tuesday whore sua has been visiting frtyvtft for tno past few. vreoks, ' I Mrs, Thou. MoeU called on Mra. Ceo. Mllllcnn Saturday afternoon, Chaa. Hvinders and Albert Pren tiss passed through hero from near Imperial earoute to Dod from where Mr. Saunders will gl to Tacoma for vm extended visit with his parents there. , I Mr, and Mrs, Jolm Bohl and child-' Ton drcra trtvPBiJ Wednesday, com ing rout their etlm Mar StauKer, I OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. HTAVFFKIt. (Special taThe Bulletin.) STAUFFER, Juno 25. Mr. Mer cer Is setting fence posts for Miss Ilrooklngs this week. J. H. Hasslor and Pago Stauffor left Saturday for Endlcott. Washlng- luii, where they expect to work in the harvest fields, AI Lowe tins returned from Paul- nf- Fred Overall and Charles Stauffer were Hampton Butte visitors last week. Two petitions that are Intended to botlor our mall servlco are being cir culated, One Is for twice a wcok malt botwocn Hampton and Stauffor and tho other Is for a direct mall route l)otween non,t and Ilolyat. A number of government trappers nro camped near Mrs. Overall's plnco trapping coyotes. Mrs. Hasslor and Miss Ilrooklngs woro visitors at Horaco Ilrooklngs last week. Jim Smith went to Bond last woek. Clarence and Archie Smith havo returned from Olone, whore they woro employed In a sawmill. Mrs. Lespcranco has been on tho sick list. Mrs. McLouth and children wero nt Iluck Creek last week, whero Mr. McLouth Is working. A number ot teams from Dutte have pnssed through on their way to Dond. The annual school meeting was held Monday afternoon. Mr. Young was elected director, and Mrs. Dost school clerk. HAMPTON BUTTE., (Speolal tn The Bulletin) HAMPTON DUTTE, June 23. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Fogg of Hampton visited at tho Ilrooklngs homo last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Mlsory Flats wero business visitors hero last Saturday, C. W. Ashbaugh mndo a business trip to Bond Inst wcok. Jlmmlo Brtckoy was a Imolnoss visitor horo Inst Thursday. Elva and Harold McFaddon took dinner with Mr. nnd Mrs.' Ilort Meeks last Thursday. William Hoist hauled hay Inst Thursday which ho purchaBod from Earl Rogers. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Stauffor of. Stauffer visited with relatives and Harness Blankets Tents Wagon Covers HAVE A LOOK SKUSE HARDWARE CO. DEND. OREGON THE EUROPEAN CONSUMER la the most scientific buyer of roods on earth. Ho has, from necessity, been forced to buy that which glvos tho greatest return for the money. Ho Is tho world's greatest user ot flour. Flour, and yet moro flour has been tho cry of stricken Belgium, England and Franco consider It relatively tho cheapest food at $12 per barrel. Don't subscribe to popular fallacies. Face tho facts. Meat contains 80 per cent wator, potatoes 75 per cent, milk 80 to 90 per cont, flour 13 M per cent. A pound of moat costs 20 and 25 cents, flour 4 cents, nnd yet thoro Is more energy In a pound ot flour than a pound of beef. HEAL ECONOMY MEANS THE USE OF MOUK FLOUR. WHEAT FliOUH Cheaptvtt aiiil Best Fowl. V. 8. Hovernmeut Tot Prove It. Articles Energy 10 Couts Will Buy Ugga 385 Mf Beef, sirloin .410 M Mutton, leg v.... 44C Msf Milk 1030 Hsst' ,.. Pork, loin Cheese Batter Breakfast foods Rico Potatoes Deans, dried , W11KAT FLOUR (U, 8. Department ot Agriculture KNHHnY Muscle and Strength Giving QuUtlj. One pound ot Deschutes Spray Flour, costing 3 to 4 cents, will go as far as two pounds ot meat containing 20 to 35 cents .. per pound, THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. ItKNI), OKECON ' 'The cleanest Hour will lit the State ot Oreon. ' All flour tested In our pwn laboratories. The publlo Is Invited to tftspect our plant. friends horo Sunday and Monday. A band of sheep passed through this vicinity enrouto for Douglas counly. A. T. Shaver and Mr. Denning passed through here today. County Commissioner Overturf and C. M. McKay of Bond were out last wcok to seo about the Duck Creek roatf which was not on the survey. Bert Meeks is breaking a colt. LOST CREEK. (Special to Tho Bulletin) LOST CREEK, Juno 21. Jim Smith returned from Dond last Sat urday. Oscar Snavely has gone out to Dend where he expects to bo employ ed during tho summer. Mrs. C. C. Washburn lost a valu ablo cow ono day last week, Mrs. J. Hosch spent last Wednes day night with Mrs. J. Perry. Clarence and Archlo Smith, who have been working In n mill down near Klamath Falls, aro homo for a short time. Fred Overall was around one day last woek collecting money for a Fourth ot July celebration at Rolyat. Tho many friends ot Mrs. Wash burn and Mrs. Young tendered thorn a surprise laBt Sunday. About 60 wore In attendance and all had an onjoyablo time. Jess Dunyard haa been logging somo sago brush for Dennis Mc Cough. J. Hosch and Dllllo Holms just returned from a trip to Bond. ' A great doal of Intorest was taken In tho annual .school meeting. Over twenty-voters wero present. O. R. Young was re-elected director and Mrs. Dost was olocted clerk. ALFALFA. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) ALFALFA, Juno 20. Mrs. Caro lina Pedorson of Wallace, Idaho, Is visiting her daughter Mrs. R. E. Lennard. Miss Ada Ferry has been visiting Miss Golodlno Stoner at her homo in Mllllcan valley. Miss Roso Smock of Buffalo, Now York Is spending tho summor with her brother, R. Q. Smock and fam ny. Frank Robarge and Denver fJood loft last week for Fort Klamath. T. M. Dealy has gone to Waltsburg, Washington, for tho summor. Tho ladlos of Alfalfa havo organlz Collars' Sweat Pads and 1035 1185 1365 It 89 43025 2950 3040 6540 Farmers Bulletin No. 143.) J ed a Wednesday Afternoon Club, Tho first meeting was at tho homo of Miss Lota Denn. This woek Mrs. Wooley was hostess. A. O. Walker went to Bend Fri day evening to nttead the banquet given by tho Bend Emblem Club In honor of Governor Wlthycombo and his party, .sr Gusta Derry has returned from his trip to Arkansas nnd Illinois. Mr. Drlce, who recently bought tho Ben Qotter place, haa taken up his residence here. Bort Powell made a business' trip to Bend Friday. Mr. and Mra. II. T. Dealy attended church services at Powell Butte on Saturday. James Hazard, who spent tho win ter here, has returned to his home In Washington. Fred Schmidt mado a trip to Bond Friday. Joo. Townsend spent a' fow days this woek at his homestead. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Walker and children spent Sunday at Tumalo, CLOVKRDALE. (Special to Tho Bullotln) CLOVERDALB, Juno 28. Calvin Burnsldo drove to Redmond Tuesday accompanied by his mother and fath er and W. P. Slmer. Mesdames Slmer, Lee, Moe, Doyors, Skelton, Kelly, Van Matro, Johnson and Cutllp woro gtooaoberrying at Wnldron'a last wook. Mr. Tucko and Mr. Van Matro woro olected as tho now metnbors of tho school board. Mr. Clco. and II. Cyrus, rofJrlng. Mr. fJottor was re elected clerk. Mr. and Mra. Frank Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Tucke, Mr. Geo. Cyrus and BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND ammmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmam STAYS HERE Brick is tho MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. WHY Bend Park Company Mr. Bettor woro fishing In the Red Hills on the Denchutes Friday nnd report a good catch, Mr. Cutllp and family visited at tho Hendrlx home" Sunday. Mies Hazel Tompleton Is convales cent after a severe sickness of several wcoks Mr. and Mrs. Howell havo moved back to BlBters. Mr. Beard was home from Bend over Sunday. Roy Reynalls had the misfortune of having his motorcycle blow up Baturday. He now rides on horse back to attond to tho ditch work. Win. Buckley of Redmond spent Saturday night In Cloverdate. Tho McAndrews boys left for tho outsldo hay fields Saturday. The Clovordalo pcoplo aro Invltod to meet with Sisters nt tho dam Just this sldo of Ilend at eleven o'clock on Baturday, where a procession will bo formed. Indications are a largo crowd from horo will partlclpato In tho Dend colcbrntlon on that date. E. Waldron nnd W. Van Matro wero In Redmond Saturday for re pairs, preparatory for haying. POWELL IIUTTII. (Snoclal to Tho Bulletin.) POWELL DUTTE. Juno 28. School election at Shepnrd district Monday evening resulted In the elec tion of Guy 8cars us director and J. E. Warner, clerk. Tho lattor was re-eloctod. Of tho 33 ballots cast 28 woro against tho district' high school movement, while tho remain ing 6 favored It. N. P. Alley was elected to succeed htmsolf as director at the Wilson school election while Mrs. O. C, Truosdalo was, choson clerk. J. J Chapman, former clork, declined re election, A count ot tho-ballots at this time showed n slight majority wero against the district high school. At tho recent school election In tho Twin Unites district Mr. Stone and Miss Ada Morso wero re-eloctod di rectors and clerk respectively and tho voters expressed themselves ns unani mously In favor of tho district high school. At tho North Dutto school three EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR PAY RENT? yW ,S THE PPrtune vl 11 $ me snce le avent f ?' J the railroads for you to build a home. Why delay construction until it will cost you 20 per cent more for the same building? The far seeing man is availing himself of the opportunity of securing labor and material very cheap. We have the largest list of Resi dence Property in Bend. Come in and let us quote you prices, and you will soon decide that you canr hot afford to pay rent any longer. OREGON STREET directors wero elected at tho school election which was held Monday af ternoon as follows: Messrs. Cornntt Edwards nnd Pauls, the lattor chair-1 man, while ueo. Morgan was re-elected clerk. Messrs. Lynch, Moore, Schneider i and Prof, Nash nttonded local school election hero (Monday ovenlng, tho ! former two visiting the Wilson i school and tho latter the Sheperd : school. Earl Saunders, who fished on tho Deschutes river a couple ot days re rently, reports a catch ot 180 fine trout. Mrs. Ross Buasott,- who has bean visiting frlonds and relatives near So- nttle, Washington, for the paBt two months, returned homo on Tuesday ovenlng. Frank Klssler, J. J. Chapman, J. E. Warner, Ora Fostor, Mr. Miller and Ross Bussott, local aspirants for tho Job of rural doltvory mall car riers took examinations In Redmond Saturday. N. P. Alley and son Roy returned returnod from Opal City Friday evening where the former has been doing carpentor work. Mrs. Elizabeth Truosdalo arrived Saturday ovenlng from Colorado for an extended visit with nor son G. C. Tiuesdale and family, Miss Linn Mooro camo out from (Continued on page 7.) GET OUT of the rut. It's only a habit to do nil our tradfng at the larger towns. Let us spend our money at homo whero It will do UH the most good. REMEMBER a 20 cent phono message will transact a lot of business and savo DOLLARS. P. B. Johnson - ,T ll III I I III I I , ill MILLICAN, OREGON. m SM