IWfSSS, The bend ii oULLii f-1 vy-i-- - lu". -LmiA ?b -. t A k ir m f 5T IE Pi ; WORKJFiNISHEO K L ' t ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " '. ' ' ' I ....,,.,11 , t , ., , i , i ,, , , , , i . . hkn, ouimjox, vi:dni:hiay afti:rioon, jiwij so, ii5 NO. 17. BRIDGE .BEING RUSHED TO COMPLETION " To Ho In Ums by August 1 Horn l'ro. grossest Horn OcU Contract for Otcr Half Million HHck mid .Starts up Yard-Hall nro Laid With every phase of the work con nected with the 'Ehovlln-Hfxon mill ing operations being pushed as rap idly as possible and with ho w activ ities being added more men nro now employed hero than for many months past and results In completed work are boglnnlng to appoar. So rapidly has the bridge building been carrlod on that It Is now expect ed to have the completed structure ready for HBO on AuBUst 1. or npnrlv niree weens sooner than first hopod, irestordoy concreto pouring on the mat pior on tho enst side of the river was finished and n start on tho west sldo made. From the completed pior n BO foot span will cross the center of tho river to the last pior on tho west sme winch will soon bo in place Sixty two men aro now employed on tho bridge work. At tho dam, Just nbovo the hrldgo, the timber work is two thirds done end by the end of thu wook tho cof fer dam will bo changod and tho oast end or the dam begun on. Hero 37 men are nt work and, according to M. J. Oanlelson, who Is building tho dam. everything is progressing satis factorily. Still further un river the unload ing dock has JuBt been completed, as Is also the case with tho railroad spur, tho track having been laic WITHYGOM (Contlnuod on last page.) PROGRAM FOR CHAUTAUQUA WEEK. Junior Chautauqua, 9J00 A. M. Afternoon Concort. , .2:30 Kvonlng Concert. , . .7:.10 Afternoon Lecture. . .3:00 Evening Lecture., . .8:15 FRIDAY. Afternoon Address ot Welcome.-Itov, II. C. Hartranft. 'fl,-.r Response-"Getting Acquainted," Superin tendent, j . Opening Concert Adelphtan Male Quartet. , 'Admission 2Gr. livening - Popular Concert. . ..Adelphlan Male Qur.rtet Community Lecture, "The Neighboring City," Colonel W.illlnm Hamilton Miller Admission, GOc. SATURDAY. Morning Organization ot Junior Chautauqua. Afternoon Prelude The Adolphlans Patriotic Lecture, "The Hobble Skirts of Freedom" , . . .Col. Mlllor Admission, 25c. KicnliiK "Old Homo" Concert Adelphlan Quartot r Chnlk Talk "Kwber Karactors I'vo Known" Marlon Unlldu Flsk Admission, COc. SUNDAY. Aftcnioon Sacred Preludo i . . .Wltepsklo's Itoyal Hungarians Illustrated Lecturo "Cap'n Tommy" Admission, 3Gc. . . .Mrs. Flsk Oenlng Sacred Concort.. Royal Hungarian Orchestra Sacrod Selections .Charlotte Horgh, Lyrlo . -'.,t Soprano with Itoyal Hungarians Accom panying Inspirational Lecture "Tho Matchless Book" ,'.,,, Arthur A. FranzKo Admission, GOc. , . MONDAY. 'jSfornldK Junior Chautauqua Play Hour. jp '. ' Afternoon Frelude-WltepskIo'sJtoyat Hungarian Or- s ch.ostra. - t v -. - Leciure"Tho Spirit of tho 'Rockies" Admission, 35c. , .Arthur A. Franzko K fill iik -(.'rami Concert . . Witopsklo'B Itoyal Hungarian Orchestra Dramatic Headings ...;,..." . . . .Marietta J-n Dell, Child Impersonator Operatic Selections . ... ..Charlotto llergh, - " With Royal Hungarian Accompanjlng .Admission, 75c. -.JiL' TUISI1.W. Mjrnln -Junior. Chautuuqun Play Hour. AftrmooH Prelude Ruckner's Jubilees - V ..Humorous Headings , Marietta La Doll Admission. 36c. ladling Jubilee Melodies. . Ruckner's Jubilee Hlngors Oration "Tho New Woman and tho Young Man" . . .Senator Elmer J. Rurkett of Neb, " Admission, GOc. WKHMi.SO.VV. Morning Demonstration of Play Ground Work. , Informal Talk to Mothers, Junior Supervisor Afternoon Prelude -..... Ruckner's Jubilees " ' Lecture "Government Ownership of Ilall- roads" . . Senator Rurkett AdmlMion, GOc. Kvwilng Grand Jubilee Concert , . Admission, GOc. Iluckner's Southern Singers ERECTS TIIUO Wlthesert Land Board and Fish and Game Com missioners Governor Spends Friday on Trip of Inspection Meets Alany Settlers -Emblejm . Club Gives Dinner to Party In Evening. Traveling In tho prlvato car of President Oilman of tho S. P. & S. railroad, Glvernor Wlthycombo with Attorney General Drown and Secre tary of State Olcott of the Desert Land Hoard and the members of the State Fish and Gamo Commission ar rived In liond Friday morning en an official trip of Inspection of tho Tum alo project and of tho nawly estab lished state flsh hatchery at llend. Aftor putting In n strenuous dny which ended with tho banquet given by the Embloth Club In tho ovontng tho governor and other membora of Friday's entortalnraent of Gover nor Wlthycombo and other visiting Btat6 officials was brought to a glow ing end In tho evening by a banquet Riven In their honor nt tho Emblem Club, the largest slnco the dinner for the Portlnml Ad men for which tho club halt was built last September. Ucgun at an early hour on account nt tho necessity for the doparturo of some of the guests on tho night train tho nfTalr last until 11 o'clock and during Its course Bpccchcs wero heard from most of the visitors whllo tno ciun wont through Its full pro- tho commission left on Saturday forgram 0f songs and i ells. Klamatn Fails with Hoprosentativoj ia the banquet room tho speakers Wosloy O. Smith and others from thoj wftre seatod at-n long table across ono southern town. Attorney aancraUendI'v.hIlo don tho centor ran nn Urown and Mr. Olcott with Insurance othejr at which. Bat tho members of Commissioner Wells and Commls-, tho .Emblem .Club and tho order of aioner Carlo Abrnms of tho Industrial.,; tbe I Honey Uee. At small tables Accident Commission loft on Friday Vfotlnd tho roouiworo other guests, night. G. P Putnam, secretary tot dmllng parties from Prlnevlllo, Governor Wlthycombe, spent Satur- Sisters. Tiimalo, Deschutes and Klam day and Sunday hore, leaving for.Atli Falls. Salem Sunday night, N,o sot subjects wero assigned to Resides carrying out tho progrnntheprakqra of tho evening and their ot Inspection tho party took tlmo to icnrarks wore on a varloty of topics, visit tho Bcene of tho Shovlin-HIxon AU.jlionevtr, Included congratulatory saw mill development and also to-woiMa on the spirit ot Rend and on meet the settlers on the JO. O. I. proifthe development activity now nppar Ject for a, short contoronce at tho 'ent here. Orange hall. C. S. Hudson acted ns loastmaster, At breakfast the party wrb enter- introducing drat V. C. Wilkes of the t - (Continued on last pagoi) (Contlnuod on page 3. Yr, 5 INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST YOUR OWN CARELESSNESS Even though you might never have h fife- or thieves enter your heme, a paper mkkkl isTofteu times lt just as irretrievably as if it had been burned or stolen. WJven your valuable papers are in 'our vault ymi KNOW wltere they are hikI you KNOW they are safe. You caw kaw a tMt kox i our YwU wkh noM-picksM AYI lck W MOHsk to cotMU yoitr Kivflt pajrrs, for $2 a yaw Can yu afford to be without this inaurafMe? The Deschutes Slate IBPjaBaHmilllllllllMk fg JtffMMnMnwMiSBBBnwiBBlBBBBBBBBl IlilHlsillBlBiHBIiSlBSBllliSlllllllllV 1 KOKKm. JJgwiWBilPilWWWfn'' . .Jurat--" ir f . w -- 0. T. IKES CHANGES IN TRAINS IN ANOOUT OF BED Night Train tamos Hereafter nt 7 nnd Motnlnj: Train Arrives nt 8::0 With Freight Scnrlce Dally. On Sunday night n change In time on tho Oregon Trunk lino became ef fective under which tho night train which formerly loft hero nt 8 30 leaves at 7 o'clock and tho morning train in arrives at 8:30 Instead of 8 Under tho new schedule the former watt of two hours at" Fallhrhlen Is eliminated. Tho object of tho change Is to consolidate tho freight and pns sengor service and ns n result freight will bo carried every night each way Instead of every other night ns here tofore. T At tho local post o 171 co the only ef fect of tho chnngo will be to mako It necessary to closo the.nlght nmll out earlier, the now closing tlmo being fi o'clock P. M. Instead bf 0:30. The general delivery window will con tinue to opon at 0:1G a, nt. Tho train schedule, under tho now nrrangomont wilt be nsjfollows No. 103 will leave llend at 700 p, m., Redmond nt 7:C8, Culver, 8 DB, MotolluB O.rili, Madras 10;0G, Mec ca 10:55, Mnupln, 12:40 d. m , Slinr or, 1:10, I'allbrldge, 4 a. m. No. 104 will loavo Fallbrldgo at 10:40 p m. Shornr, 1:10, a. m Mnupln, 1 30 Mecca, 4:10, Madras, 5:15, Mctollus, 5:30, Culvor, G:53, Rodmond, 7:05, and will arrive In Uend nt 8:30. Sleeper and coach will lenvo Port land on tho S. P. & S. No. 8, at 0 p m., westbound from fallbrldgo. Sleeper No, 3 and coach oh No. G, al so No. 103 and 10 4, will bo mlvd trains. Nos. 304 and 308 O, T, 300 and 307, Will bo discontinued. NTS OF NEW i HOPE IS TO INTEREST STRAHORN " Speech nt Friday Night Itniiquct Snjs Ho is Looking ,Kor NeV' 1'rtiject FolloilnK Ills llenlgiintlo'n From "P. K. i:. Necilel In Oregon CHAMBEBLAINJDEFEt DS EELF Says Oicfton loglilnturo at Fault In Not Appropriating for litigation, Tho tlmo worn corttrovofay ns to tho rights nnd wrongs ot tho 4S0, 000 reclamation appropriation had an airing Monday night when Vernon A. Forbes, in Introducing Senator Cham berlain to an audlonce at tho Com mercial Club room, asked for somo Information why tho Oregon fund had (tot been matchod by tho Fodoral gov ernment. Sooator Chamborlaln, who was on his way to Paisley nnd Ilurns, nftdr spending tho dny on tho Tumnlo nnd C O. I, Co. protects, assorted thnj; urogon a original appropriation wob never intention to bo on a co-opor-ntlvo basis and that if tho state leg islature had mndo nn appropriation In 1015 Congress! would havu match od it. Oeorgo V Hnlloy and Sonator Chamberlain s partner. Otto J. Krn mor also spoko. llx-Govomor West nnd Dr J. C. ICnkabccko, a Holland 'tankc, v,ho had spent tho day with i tho part, weat out on tho night t train. -L3aks--- OOVlIIlNOIt JA.MIi4 WITIIVCOMIli:. it; U - , ' - Dank ( I B,FKRRELL E. M.LARA F 1 Ji-'- ' --J - ' - Tit. -W -w , 1 NL' V i ., S, &&te!&&&i)l!iktT Hay Carriers . jj JacKson Forhs jj Wire Rojae Manila Rope Pulleys and Forhs co'mpanv nrvs uifjnixo r.vits. Twohy Hros Compnny, railroad contractors, report tho onlo of 40 logging earn to Ilia Shovlln Hlx & Compnny for dollvery nt end, Or. This salo amounts to approximately $35,000. Shovlln Hlx & Company-ts a largo eaatorn lumber Arm with headquarters In St. Paul. Recently tlioy have boon establishing Interests In this country. Tho cars sold aro manufactured by tho Twohy Hros. Company In Portland, That Central Oregon toiay'hnvo on opportunity In tho near Xiituro to seek, with somo prospoct -of success, for railroad extensions which tho in terior towns hnvo' been fpoklng for tor jcara Is suggested by recent otato monts on the suhjoct mado hero and nt Klamath Falls. At tho latter4 city, n'c'cordlng to nowspnpor roportB, ,tho occqRon of Oovornor Wtthycombo'a visit was tak en to point out tho noed of addition al railway facilities, 'wKlfd' In Rend tho remarks made by fa,' I1'. .Putnam at the dinner to tho governor, on Fri day seemed to havo a hint ot posslblo development In bts Una,, Mr. Putnam said, in' par,t ns fol lows: "Central Oregon needs rnllroadn today Just as much at It hnS hereto fore. It's groatost future develop ment will bo through thehli Agricul tural development Is siro. Now I should ltko to point out n ulgnlflcnnt fact. You will romemhor that Robert i: Strahoru was n guest at n brinquo nt tho Kmlilom Club lni( year, Very recently Mr. Btrnhom rcirignod ns president ot tlfo Portlnild Kugeno i Eastern. He was tho bulldor of tbn North Coast road, ho built tho 23 million terminal at Spoknno. Ho has been tho wizard ot Wostorn railroad construction, "With tho general financial situa tion as It Is, with tho development of tho Central Oregoti country In tho condition It Is, with the earning en- ,u' pneity ot the railroads crippled It In' . orty going to ho some man of gonluit r and tromendous capacity like ltolmrt' UVfStruUornwipj0S8)UiU,VP'5."l,,,t Krnpplo with thu problem and mako something out of opportunities which wait tho right man in Central Oregon. "I know that Mr. Btrnhom la look ing for something clno to do. Ho wnntH srmo other attainment to put through In tho next 10 yraro Ho hart been pvor tho Central OroKnu coun try and It has appealed to him might ily. "Oregon It vnrv dear to hint nnd, the chances are that Mr Biruhorii will tnko up an Oregon project If uvallnblo. What will Influcnco him most In making his rolectlon Is a proper public opinion. pntliunlnfUa ofiers of co-operntion nnd real evi dences of appreciation. Kvnry man hero Is able to do something, and wo nil want to do what wo can," Tho nbovo Is reprinted Just as It appeared In tho Portland Tologritm, TO HI.IMI.VATi: lNI. Announcement Is oxpcctddtor row of tho signing by ProsldonfWJI son of n proclamation eliminating ap proximately 113,072 acres from tho Paulina National Forest. Tho lands are understood to bo of the somo gon m al n at tiro as those eliminated from the forost a year ago, Mowing Machines ,- Cinders and- - Reapers and Binder Ir"wme Bend Hardware Co. Th'rCemjwny tl pmI ll?o "Worn-" In IIorUwi.ro IF YOU DJD NOT OET A CATALOG jj CALL FOR ONE j The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON n 1 1 , ii ' ' l' C COB, President I'. A. HATHLIt, View l'relihnl I H HUDSON, (nxbler f 'opltnl fully paid M 000 Suipliw 1'.').000 KKAii jiANKi.vd Hinivici;. Regular bank loans: Wo are prepaied at nearly all times tq make advances to reliable parties for their requirements,, Woo) and shoop loans: Wu aio NOW prepared to loan money to sheep men for the purchase of sheep. Wo aro now prepared to. advnncp you 10c par poun'd , on all wool you storo In tho Wurehouse at Uefld, nt V per cent for either 90 days or six mouth. Bha?p men do not havo jo sell nt present prices unless they wlfh. The money Is ready for you. . We are NOW prepared to make Joans on cattlo ftjr six months, for feeding purposes, but nut on range or ,' she stuff. Wo are NOW preparod to make loans on good farm,, lands, with good water rights, no mutor wjioro lofotod , in Central Oregon, the bigger tho loun the'letter pro viding the proposition Is ugood one and will stand closi est Investigation us to value and title, Write us for Information. Rank by mall and securo our services, TE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND -- DIRECTORS r- V (..('or. K.A.Pmmi r H IH-iiN o M rAiTKiis.o,v ii r i:m,is iviy &! tv S2f zy "mtt msh0 g2t a3Br xtsy"vc?Sf IfA rW (rh rjy (7jy (nf OP pp WsVfrW' ti- MMt.wtmwm mfltjkv -jfei-l S.L-JL. v c. o