The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 23, 1915, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Preparing Farm Crop Specimens
for Agricultural Show Exhibits
Hy County Agriculturist A. K. Ij O V K T T.
4.0rtJn nl Crop Bpcclmens Prepared
k. Manner Make Heit Exhibit.
r? There will bo at least thrco agri
cultural fairs in Crook county this
"(!'. n" ,l snouiu " laa amDiuon oi
ry farmer to havo nn exhibit ot
' m grama ana oinor crops at oacn oi
ilkese fairs. A good agricultural fair
H of Croat vnluo not only to the
' (owns or localities In which they aro
teld, but aiao 10 every larm ana io
tlty from which tho oxhlblts aro
.rahtilned. Tho man who wins a prlxo
fl any farm crop either tins bettor
Md than his competitors or no has a
"jrlter mothdd of farming and propar
K his exhibits. Practically nono of
tie farm crops can bo gathered only
Me or two weeKB nior tne lair nna
tt made a Number 1 exhibit. Speci
mens must bo gathered when In the
rltht atago of growth, treated In a
jyoper manner, miu proparca propor-
?U to rnnKo tno oest exnimt. it win
T only a ahort time until many of
oar grains and grasses particularly
r,tte ready to harvest In this section.
-SoeclmonB for show purposes must
fte gathered either nt or beforo the
time oi Harvest, uurtiau ii nil larm
crops of all kinds must recolvo the
nine attention.
Grain for show purposes should bo
fathered when Just starting to ripen.
Slnglo atnllts may bo solectod from
the field and gathered togothor Into
a bundle for exhibit, or a bundle or
ktinch of grain may bo cut togothor
Mid best specimens selected after tho
tunch or bundto has become cured.
It Is believed that norao advantngo la
ulned by dipping tho butts ot grain
Jfilks In salt water or brine Immcdl.
Mely after gathering. Tie tho bun
dle or bunch securely at tho butts
and hang In n dark,- cool placo with
leads down until cured, Tho grnln
wilt rlpon somewhat after gathering,
end It Is bellovod that tho brlno In
the straw will tend to provent shat
tering of tho grnln In tho head. Af
ter the samplo has been cured, tako
It down, untlo tho bundlo and strip
the leaves from tho straw. Lay the
Mlcctcd plants with heads evon In n
Vlpdcn form tho slzo of tho bundlo
dTlred. Show specimens of grain In
bundles should bo nt least four In
cites In dlamctor. When tho form Is
filed tie securely with cotton cloth
rr a ribbon and cut butts oft square.
CoTor with a newspaper or sack and
hang again In a dark, cool placo un
til date ot show. Grain samples treat
ed In this manner will bo clean and
bright and If tied with dark ribbon
'ally make a very attractlvo ex
hibit. Alfalfa or clover samples should
be gathered at tho tlmo they will
make tho best showing. Tako at onco
to a cool, dark place nnd hang with
leads down until cured. Fruit must
V gathered when a little under ripe
and hnndled carefully In order not to
bruise or break the skin. Peas,
boans, and crops of this naturo
should bo handled as advised for al
falfa and clovor. Hoot crops can .not
bo gathored until ripe, or noarly so.
Caro must bo tnkon whon harvesting
ror snow purposes that tho roots aro
not broken until tho specimens are
cured, and usually a better showing
win no mauo u an roots Hot detract
ing from tho appearance of the ar
ticle are left nn thn niulmnn tin.
tatoos or other root crops, If gathered
ueiuru ripe, win oo injured by handl
ing bOCaUSQ Of thn fnnHnrnAu r. t.M
Bklnj will usually shrink badly and
"in oo scored low by tho Judge of
Exhibits. Whnrn itvn ntr mrrn .n..l.
mens must bo Included In an exhibit,
unuormity is ono ot tho very neces
sary Items for a successful exhibit.
It Is better to have all tho specimens
In the exhibit of tho same slzo, color,
shapo, etc., evon though this neces
sitates lfiAVlnt? nut nnn nn mnm Am.
peclally good specimens, than to
havo an exhibit containing specimens
not uniform.
Wo havo had some vory good ex
hibits nt all of our fairs In this coun
ty In tho past, but tho number of ox-
hlMtH In flfian linn I. nnn 1111.1!..
than It should be. With tho crops
that wo can rzrnw In Itilo cnMInn It
should requlro buildings throe or four
times as large as any wo now havo
at nny ot our local fairs to Hold theso
ftft hi li! tit. Prnnnrn n In (era mint lint
of exhlb'tB for each class, so that if
ono oxninii is destroyed or injured
nttnthnr mnv 1n mtf In Ita nln. m
If mnrn ilinn nnn avTilMt ni HArann
- --- wv wn-uw I'ui J IUUII
Is nllowodyou may bo ablo to win
not only first but also second uml
third prizes. I would suggest that
every farmer In tho county hnVo ono
or moro exhibits nt all ot our county
fairs this fall. Theso fairs aro val
uable to all ot us, but will prove ot
greatest valuo to those who take an
active pari in mnKing mom asucccss
Ufo Deschutes Spray Flour. Whiter
and bettor than over. Adv.
coasod bidding. Tho person making
tho highest bid will be required to
Immediately pay to tho Itocclvor tho
amount thereof.
Any persons claiming advorsaly
the abovo-descrlbed land are ndvlsed
to fllo their claims, or objections, on
or beforq tho tlmo designated for
H-18p. Ilcglster.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May 10, 1915.
NOTICE Is hereby given that.Mary
F. Donn. Of Ilnnri. Ornirnn whn nti
Septomber 29th, 1911. mado Homo-
sieau. isntry, No. 09518, for N,
Section 20. Township 17 South.
Range 14 East, Wlllamotto Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to make
mat Tbree Year Proof, to establish
claim to tho land above described,
boforo H. 0. Ellis, U. S. Commission
er, at Dend, Oregon, on the 6th day
of July, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Doano Freeman, Harry E. Aton,
Pfioebo I. Klnlsoh, Milton A. Palmor,
all of Ilcnd, Oregon.
12-16p Itoglstor.
Department ot tho Interior, United
States Land Office, iLakovlew, Oro
gon, May 26, 191S.
To Karl F. W. Koch, of G28 Arling
ton Place, Chicago, Illinois, Con
testco: Vou aro hereby notified that James
Itynn, who gives Ilox 213, Hond, Ore
gon, as his post offlco addross, did on
April 12th, 1915, fllo in this ofllco
his duly corroborated application to
contest and securo tho cancellation
ot your homestead, Entry No. ,
Serial No. 07843, mado Juno 24th,
1911, for EV4 NWVi. E SW,i.
Section 8, Township 25 3, Itange 9
E., Wlllamdtta Meridian, and as
grounds for his contest he alleges
that Karl F. W. Koch has failed to
establish lila residonce on snld tract!
thnt he hna failed to cultivate said
tract ur any part thoroof; that said
entryman has abandoned said tract
for, upwards ot six montliB last past
and that Buch failure and abandon
ment was not duo to his employment
In tho army, navy or marlno corps of
the U. S. In tlmo of war or otherwise.
You aro, therefore, further notl
flbd that the said allegations will be
taken by this ofllco as having been
confessed by you, nnd your said en
try will be cancolod thereunder with
out your further right to bo heard
therein, either before this ofllco or
on appeal, If you fall to fllo In this
offlco within twenty days after the
FOUIITH publication of this notice.
sb shorn below, your answer, under
oath, specifically meeting ngd re
sponding to these allegations of con
test, or it you fall within that tlmo
to fllo In this offlco due nroof that
you have servod a copy of your an
swer on me said contestant either In
person or by registered mall. If this
sorvlco Is made by tho delivery of a
copy of your answer to tho contestant
In person, proof of such servlco must
bo either the said contestant's written
acknowledgment ot his receipt of
the copy, showing the data of Its re
ceipt, or the atlldavlt ot tho person
by whom ,tho delivery was mado
stating when and whore tho copy was
delivered; If mado by registered mall,
proof of such sorvlco must constat of
tho affidavit of the person by whom
tho copy was mailed stating when
and tho post office to which It was
mailed, nnd this affldavlt must bo ac
companied by the postmaster's re
colpt for the letter.
,You should, state 'in your answer
tho name of tho post offlco to which
you deslro future notices to be sent
to you.
JAS. F. I1URGE8S, Register.
Date of first publication Juno 2,
Date ot second publication, Juno 9,
Building Material
The Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
Dato of third publication Juno 16,
Dato ot fourth publication June 23
Department ot the Interior, U. S.
Land Offlco at The Dalles, Oregon,
Mny 10, 1916.
NOTICE Is horoby given that Wil
liam D. KIgcr, Jr., ot Bond, Orogon,
who, on January 20th, 1912, made
Homestead Entry No. 09868 and on
October 9th, 1913, mado additional
Homestead Entry, No. 012176, for
NHi Soctlon 3, Township 20 South,
Range 14 East, Wlllamotto Meridian,
has fllod notice ot Intention to make
final thrco yoar proof, to establish
claim to tho land above doscrlhed,
boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commis
sioner, at Ilond, Oregon, on tho Cth
day of July, 1915. ,
Clnlmant names ns wltnosaes:
Otis C. Henklo, Henry H. Ford, Aaron
D. Norton, Louis H. Glass, all ot
Ilond, Oregon.
12-Up Register.
Dopartmont of tho Interior, U. 8.
Laud Offlco at The Dalles, Oregon,
May 20, 1915.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
Frank Miller, of Bond, Oregon, who,
on May 29th, 1912, made Homestead
Entry, No. 010371. for WH SEW,
8octlon 8, NWU NEU, Section 17,
Township 20 Bouth, Rango 11 East.
Wlllnmctto Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final Three
Year Proof, to establish claim to tho
land above descrlhpd, boforo II. C.
Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Dend,
Oregon, on tho 12th dny of July.
Claimant nnmos as witnesses:
Martin J. Main. Inar T. Tholstrup.
John Peters, William J. Ushor, all of
Ilond, Orogon.
12-16p Itoglstor.
Lots close In $60 to $125. Easy
I'aymonts. j, a. hastes. Adv.
Not for Men Only.
Women suffer as much as men do
from Indigestion and constipation
and requlro the snmo scientific rem
edy to koep the stomach sweet, tho
liver actlvo and the bowels regular.
Folov Cathartic Tahlnts urn whnln.
some and cleansing; do not gripe or
cause nauaoa. Stout pcoplo say this
Is tho one cathartic that takes away
that over-full and cloggod-up feeling.
Patterson Dru6 Co. Adv.
Department ot the Interior, United
States Land Offlco, Lakovlew, Ore
gon. June 12, 1915.
ity Edgar W, Moaher of unknown ad
jr droas, Contcatoe: c
You aro hereby notified that Frank
' A. Stevens, who gives Dend, Oregon,
aa bis post office address, did on May
:5th, 1915, Me In this offlco his duly
corroborated application to contest
and aecuro tho cancellation of your
Homestead Entry, No. , Serial
No. 04829, made July 14th, 1911,
forNEH NWtt: NWW NEW: Sec
tion 29; EH SWK: WH SEVi and
8WU; Section 20, Township 21
South, Range 18 East, Willamette
Meridian, and as grounds for his con
teat ho alleges that H. W. Moshor
baa failed to establish residence upon
aald tract, and has failed to cultivate
Mid tractor any portion thereof, that
Mid entryman has abandoned said
( land tor more than one year Iaat past
nu noxi precoamg inn appucauuu,
and that said abandonment was with
out leavo or legal excuse.
You aro, thereforo further notified
that tho aald allegations will be taksn
by this office as having been confou
ed by you, and your said entry w.ll
be cancelled thereunder without your
further right to be heard therein,
either before this office or oa appeal,
It you fat: to file In this office with
la twenty days after the FOURTH
Publication of thhi notice, as shown
l below, vouf nnawer. usder oath. SD6-
lUCVcauy Riveting ana repe-fiaing 10
rnese allegations of coateet. or It you
(ail within that time to flla in tnis
effice due proof that you bave servnd
a copy ot your answer oa the said
contestant elisor In person or hy
registered mall. If this service la
made by the delivery of a copy nt
Tour answer to the contestant In per.
sou, proof ot such service must be
either the said coftteetaat's written
Mnnwliliiiu4lt of hUt rse&lnt of tho
copy, showing tho data ot Its receipt,
or tho a CI davit ot the porsoa or
hom the delivery was made stating
irhen and where the oopy was deliv
ered: If made by rettred wail,
roof of such serylce nitsi consist
fit the atndavlt of the per by whom
.Hi copy was mailed stating ws-wi
fa ml the post office to which It was
'nailed, and this affidavit nmat e
'accompaakd by the poetmarter'a re-
!' nipt for the letter.
, Yon should state In your answer
' nam ot the post office to which
' yea desire future notices to be seal
Je jou.
L JAB. F. BURGBM. Kettter.
if Date at 8rst trabllcatioa, June 23,
f Date of secoad paWlcatlos Jsae 36,
Date ot third pubHet!w, July 7,
Bate of fourth miVIImUm, July 14,
In the matter of tho Estate of Wil
liam R. Wylle, Deceased.
NOTICE la hereby given by tho
undorslgned, tho duly appointed,
qualified and acting administrator ot
the oatato ot William R. Wylle, to the
creditors and all persons havlny
claims against said doceased, or
cald estate to present thorn, verified
as required by law, within six months
after tho first publication of this no
tice to tho said administrator at tho
offlco ot his attorney, Vernon A.
Forbes, In the First National Dank
Building, Bend, Orogon; tho same be
ing tho place for the transaction ot
the business of said eatato In said
county and state.
Dated this 23rd day of June, 1915.
Administrator ot tho Estate of Wil
liam D. Wylle, deceased. 16-20C
"For its work ,
and its policies"
In tho matter of tho Eatato ot Net
tle Harmerson, also known as Net
tle H. Cole, Deceased.
NOTICE Is hereby given by the
undersigned, the duly appointed,
qualified and acting administrator ot
the estate ot Nettle Harmerson, also
known as Nettle II. Colo, Deceased,
to the creditors and all persons hav
ing claims against; the deceased, or
said estate, to prescat them, verified
aa required by law, within six months
after the Srst publication of this no
tice to the said administrator at the
office ot his attorney, Vernon A.
Forbes, In the First National Rank
Building, Iiend, Oregon; the same be
ing the placo for the transaction ot
the business of said estate In said
county and state.
Dated this 23rd day of June. 1915.
Administrator of the Kutate of Net
tle Harmersoa, also known as Nettle
H. Cole, Deceased. 16-20c
IoItHl TnHt,
Publlo .Lend Sale.
Department or the laterior, U. S.
iLand Offlco at The Dalles, June 3,
NOTICE la hereby given that, as
directed by the Commlwloner of the
General Land Office, under provisions
ot Section 2455, R. 8.. pursuant to
tho application ot E!l Anderson.
Serial No. 014175, we will offer at
public sale, to tha highest bidder, bnt
at not lees than $4.59 per acre, at
9:15 o'clock a. ., ea the 20th day
of July, 1915, next, at this oce. the
following tract of land: SW BE,
8ect(oa 14, T, 17 8.. R. 11 E,
The sale will net be kept open,
bt will ha decVtred elosod when
those pret at the ba-ur Mated have
The Standard Oil Company (Cali
fornia) has been awarded many
'honors for its high grade products
' exhibited at the Panama-Pacific
International Exposition, but the one
it prizes most the one in which
it feels the deepest sense of gratifi
cation is the special award "for
i its rwork and its policies" k
Gold Medal ' -of
This means that its treatment of its
employees, its dealings with the pub- ,
lie, its attitude toward competitors,
its service to its patrons, its methods
of producing, transporting, and re
fining petroleum-in short, the com-"
pans business morals and practices
, have been found worthy of the ,
special praise of a great national jury
of awards.
The company is justly proud of this
signal honor as a recognition of the
fundamental policies under which it
has operated from the beginning. -
. s
Dopartmont of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Offlco nt Tho Dallos, Oregon,
May 20, 1915.
NOTIC13 Is horoby glvon that AU
bort I). McNcal, of Ilond, Orogon,
who, on Fobrunry 3rd, 1911, mado
Homentoad Entry No. 08109, and on
Novombor 11th. 1913, mado addi
tional Homostead Entry, No. 013232,
for Lots 3, 4. 8 NWH. NH SB,
Ntt BWH. Soctlon 1, Township 20
South. Range 14 East, Wlllamotte
Meridian, has fllod notlco of Inten
tion to mako Final Throo Year Proof,
to establish claim to tho land above
doscrlbod, boforo II. O. Ellis, U. S.
Commissioner, nt Rend. Oregon, on
tho 12th day of July. 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank J. Olnder, Otis O. Honkle,
David O. Rogers, John E. Johnson,'
all of Ilond, Oregon.
"P Register.
Maymo Kookan, Plaintiff, vs. Charles
M. Kookan, Uefondabt.
To Charles M. Kookan, Dofondant:
OF OREOON, you are hereby requir
ed to nppoar and answer tho com
plaint fllod against you In tho abovo
entitled suit In Court on or before
the 30th day of Julv. ifliK n,i ir ,
ran bo to nppoar itnd answer, Uio
imuiiiiih win appiy to tho court for
rellof prayed for In her complaint
horeln. to-wlt: thnt Ihu ImM, r
matrimony now existing between you
and said plaintiff bo dlssolvod and
that snld plaintiff be relieved or all
oblgotloiis arlalng by virtue of the
mnrrlago contract now oxlatlng bo
tweon you and said plaintiff, and for
audi othor and furthor relief as to
the Court may seem equitable.
This summons Is publlshod by or-
dor of thn Hnnnrnliln T M r T..r.
Judge of the Circuit Court of tho
mmo oi uregon ror crook county,
which said order was dated tho 9th
day of Juno. lDlfi. ivmi wiiMi ki..
prescribes that this summons be
puiUlMied in Tho Ilend llullntln, a '
weekly nowsnunnr iiiihll.lm,! .'n,i
printed In Ilond, Crook county, Ore
mm. iur a penon or six successive
weeks; the date of tho first publica
tion of this summons is Juno 10.
15-21 c. VERNON A FOR11KB.
Attorney for tho Plaintiff.
Ry virtue of an execution In fore
closure duly Issued by tho clerk of
tho Circuit Court of the County or
Crook, Slate ot Oregon, dated this
9th day or June, 1916, In a cortalri
action In tho Circuit Court for the
aald County and State, wherein An
na llrosterhous, administratrix or the
Estate or George llrosterhous, de
ceased, Plaintiff, recovored Judgment'
against Goorgo F Harris, Defendant
for tho sum of Nino llumirqd Ninety
and no 100 Dollars with Internal at
tho rata of 10 per cent per nnnutn,
from the 7lh day or December, 1913,
tOKCther With (Inn Hnmlm,! Ilnllnra
attorney's reea. nnd the further sum
of Thirty Three and CO-100 Dollars
costu, and accruing coats
Notlco la hereby git en that I will,
On BalimlflV. thn 17lh ,lv it Tiili,
11915. at the North front door of tho
cuurwiouge in frinevllle. In said
cuiiiuy, at lo o ciock in Me rorenoon
nt said day, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder ror cash, all right
nnd title that the abovo named do
rindant Goorgo F. Harris have or
hod rt dstu or said judgment In the
following described property, to-wlt:
ai numunrea it aim 14 or mock
27, of Ilend, Crook county. Oregon.
Sheriff or Crook County,
Dated at Prlnevllle, Oregqn, this
10th day ot June. 1915.
Ry Floyd A. Rowell.
15-19 c. Deputy.
. Mi
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