; ''"iiwiB"wiiiaMw iWR"? PA'GB 0. inr. bbnb bullbtin1, bexd, que., wbbnksdav, juse at, mis. A REMINDER P I TO THE PEOPLE OF BEND: We respectfully ask you not to forget that since the present owners of the Bend Water Light & Power Company purchased the property in the fall of 1912, they have done the following things: - - -- , -i - - , . , ,,. i.m...n,. - - t ,t i i i . - 1 1 , ,-, - . . .1- i T " " -" j ' -" '? A!i!"gW?M'BPBIWglWHMBMlWMMlMliiliMajBmwiw t diM' "WB 41 : ill t t L 'i :. -. K Tlicy linvo built n modem power plant of brick and reinforced concrete, equipped with hydro-electric machinery of the moot ndvnnccd typo. It In a plant to which any city linn the right to Klnt with pride. They linvo extended the polo Unen for distributing electricity for pouter and lighting far beyond their former limit, so ns to cover three times tho area formerly rcncl.cd., They linvo also extended tlio water mains to the very oubdclrti of the town, instead of nerving only the central district. They hnvo Increased the cniwclty of tho pumping plant and linvo added n now reinforced concrete reservoir, having scleral times the capacity of tho old wooden structure. IN VIEW OK THESE FACTS, PKHMIT US TO ASK A FEW QUESTIONS. They have built nn Ice plant nnd have given Ilend and Central Oregon cheaper and purer Ice. Thli has helped to make possible tho present creamery. l Twlco slnco purchasing tho property they havo voluntarily reduced tho water rates. Tho rates for current have, at the request of tho Commission, been kept undisturbed, awaiting tho action of tho Commission, , So far not n dollar has been taken out of llend as Interest or dividend on these Investments or In any other way by tho owners of tho Ilend Water Light & Power Company. i. WAVE NOT ALL OF TUB ADVANTAGES WHICH HESULT FBOM A WIDH'DfSTIUIIUTION QF PUHE WATEIt AND OF ELECTB1CITV FOIl LICHIT, HEAT AND POWBIl MADE THE TOWN MOItB ATTHAOT1VE IN APPEAKAXCK AND A IIKTTEK AND MOBK COMFOBTAHLE PLACE IN WHICH TO LIVE? Wllilj THE CITIZENS OF KENWOOD, DESCHUTES, CENTEIt ADDITION, OH AVIESTOBtA, FOB INSTANCE, DENY THAT THEllt PBOPBIITV UAH HEEN ENHANCFDIN VALUE IIV THESE IMPHOVEMEXTS? , DO THE PEOPLE OF 11END BEALI7.E THAT TIIEV HAVE PBOBAULY THE SIOST EXTENSIVE KLECTBIC AND WATEIl SEHVICH OF ANY CITY OF SIMILAB 8IZIM.V THE UNITED STATES? DOES IT NOT APPBAB THAT THE CITY HAS ALKEADY OBEATLY IIBNEFITTED HY THE POLICY OF TUB COMPANY, WHILE THE COMPANY UP TO THIS TIME HAS RECEIVED NO BENEFITS? 1IOW LONG! WOULD BEND HAVE HAD TO WAIT FOB THESE 1MPHOVEMENT8 IF IT HAD DEPENDED ON LOCAL CAPITAL TO PBOVIDE THEM? '"t ' Bend Water Light & Power Company THE DESCHUTES RANGER u& jr FOR JUNE j j With Its recently Issued number Tho Deschutes Hangar begins on Its second volume This number has as a frontlspteco a vlow of Hacholor llutlo showing Fall Creek flowing througli tho meadow land In the fore ground. Extracts from Tho Hanger follow; Supervisor Drown of ILakovlow went through Ilend on May 13, en routo to Portland, returning May 27. Bo drove through from I.nkovlow In Ids car, taking the train at Hand. Forest Banger Elder of Fremont ac companied him on tho trip. Mr. Morrltt wns In tho Metollus Illvur country onrly In Juno going over tho ttmtior In thai region with some prospective purchasers. Tlia 11 rot fire of any linportnnco this season occurred May ft, when 30 acres south of I'lno Mountain, In Section 20, Towushlp 21, S., It. 10 B., wero burned over. The cnuco of tho tiro Is unknown. Hanger Mnhn has spent moot of the past month working nn tho Crescent-Davis Lnko road nnd on other roads In that district. Tho extanslvo In ml classification report, on which Mr. llrlnkloy has been working for most of tho time during thu pest year, has Just been completed and sent to tho District Forostor. The Ice Cave telephone ltno, 20 H miles In length, connecting the Pino Mountain lino and Hanger Hnrrl- man a headquarters, was completed during May so that Mr. Harrlman now has telephone communication with both Fort Bock nnd Bond. Tho first call over this uew lino came through to llend on May 29. Supervisor Morrltt was In tho Crescent District May 16 to ID, go ing over work with Hanger South. Whllo there two ranger statlono and two Juno 11 arena were examined nnd manned. Bangor Ouey tins bean doing snmo grating reconnalsuanco on the shoep range In lila district during tho past month, In co-operation with tho people living In and near Crescent tho For est Service has repaired tho road lending west from Crescent toward tho West Deschutes river, for a dis tance of OH miles. Tho road was straightened,- roots and rocks taken out, one culvert was constructed and two nils made, placing tho. road In good condition. Co-operating with tho ranchors living near Dig Marsh Crock, the Service has built two mtloa o( ow road from uear tho Military road at Big Marsh Creek, to the wot foot of Odoll Butto where tt Intersects the old road leading to Crescent. N. 0. Jacobson of the Fremont For est went to Portland about the mid dle of May to take n nosltlon ns In spector under tho Weeks' Law for Oregon. This law Is that passed by Congress which provides for Fedorul assistance In tho patrol of forest lands outaldo of the National Forests A co-operatlvo agreement tins Just boen mado with tho Paclflo Telegraph nnd Telephone Company by tho For est Servlco covering the Slstora-Eu- gone telophono lino which followu the McKentte road. According to this agreement tho telophono company takes ovor tho handling of this line so far as Its uso by the public Is con cerned, making regular charge for all private calls. Deputy Supervisor Barpham Is nt present working In chargo of a crow of three men and ona toam on tho Sparks Iako road, continuing the work which was done Inst fall. It Is expected that the road will bo put Hi Hiiano lor auto travel as rar west us tho Tumnlo Banger Station with t ne runus at nnnu. Nearly all ork on tho Pine Moun tain Banger Station house has been comploted oxcept tho Inside and out side finishing which will probnhly not be done until the lumber drlos out thoroughly. Tho construction was done under tho supervision of Btvn , gor Vincent assisted by Moasrr. Smith and Austin. I Bangers South and Harrlman havo each purchased Ford autns during I the past month, This makes soven, I Iirt.l tmrm iinti. nwnml (ml In nan liv I ft ... U V.IP -W ".V.. ... ... . 'rf the Deschute? forco. Beports on experimental grass I seeding work on four areas at Crano Prairie have Just been received from Bnnger Oney. Those plots wore sow. ed to tame grass several yeara ago I but all ro reported as failures. The fence at the Alllngham Banger Station Is being completely overhaul ed nnd rebuilt by Mr. Zumwalt and Bnnger Vincent. Almost every flold man on tho For est has been doing a great deal of work during the past month repair ing roads, trails, telephono Hues and other Improvements. W. D. Johnson, topographer from tho District Office, has been working on the Deschutes for some time past doing plane table trlaugulatlon work. Although delayed by cloudy weather, a great deal has been accomplished. Tho primary control for tho north end of tho forest and much of that for the south end has been completed. ( Air. jotmaon iuii uu juna 14, iuiiiiiiki the work over to Mr. Sproat who has been with Mr. Johnson the entire j time, inn worn, in auumon 10 lo cating the mountains correctly, will give their altitude very accurately. Forest Appeals Officer Sherman, for' the office of the Secretary of Ag riculture, accompanied by Mr. T. L. ilarvoy of tho Washington, D. C, of flco of Lands and J, Boy Harvoy of Portland, wuro at Davis lake on May 21 where thoy mnde nn examination' of tho llouoo claim. Mr. Sherman held a hearing In La Pino tho noxt day at which Mr. Houso presented all fnctB which ho desired to present nnd which ho wished to bring out by tho testimony of othors. Mr. Harvoy remained on the Des chutes until May 27. Whllo here ho went over tho oxtenslvo land classi fication report, suggesting changes and Improvements. Ho also took a trip over tho High Desert project that has been authorized by tho District Forester. This projoct Includes a strip of land having an aren of over 43,000 acres along the oast boundary of tho Forest which It Is proposed to examlno by a party of four men In chargo of Forest Assistant Sproat. Work will begin July 1, An Interesting report has Just boen received from Bangor Oney regard ing snow condition", around the head waters of tho Deschutes river during tho past winter. Ho says that tho first snow on tho prairie fell Novem ber 2C to a depth of threo Inches, nf tor which thcro was little tnerenso un til Decombor 20 when It wns Increas cd to 12 Inches. After that It In- creasod gradually to 36 Inches on January 22. Tho snow remained about this same depth during Febru ary but kept settling during March and was practically all gone by April 13. The total fall on tho Prairie was 42 Inches. At Lava Lnko tho first fall, of four Inches, occurred November 20, In creasing to 18 Inches on December 20 and gradually Increasing to 4 foot 10 Inches on January 14. On January 26 It had settled to 3 feet 8 Inches. Practically all wns gone on May 1. The total fall measured at It first fell was 7V4 feet. The snow on the divide between Elk Lake and Horse Lake was entire ly gone on May 28 except a strip about throe miles wide and four feet deep on tho west sldo of tho divide. On Juno 8 thcro was no water flow ing out of Llttla Lava Iako Into tho Doschut'ca, a very unusual occur ranco; this Is the first tlmo of which thoro Is any rocord when this has oc curred at this time of tho year. A personal lettor received from Bangor Curl, who Is at present work ing near the Paclfict Coast on tho Siskiyou National Forst, brings tho Information that his wife's eyes are Special Subscription Offer The best family daily paper in the state and your own weekly paper for The Daily Portland Telegram and The Bend Bulletin . both one year for $3.50 This oiler will be in force from now until July 15, 1015, and may be taken advantage of by new as well as old subscribers. Subscriptions are for one year cash in advance. Old subscribers to The liulletin in order to participate in these rates .must pay up all arrears due and the 18.50 in addition will pay for both papers one year in advance. GOOD ONLY UNTIL JULY 15, 11. The United Warehouse Company II v i ! i in very greatly Improved. Supervisor Merrltt nnd Fdret Clerk Clark went to J.n Pino on May 22 where tho lattor took shorthand notes nnd wroto up a report of alt testimony takon In tho Houso caia hearing boforo Air, Sherman. Suporvlsor Hops of tho Ochoco For est was In Ilend tor a few hours on. Juno 9 to seo Mr. Haner In regard to co-operative fire patrol. Forest Clerk Douglas of tho 6cho ro Forest was In Bend on May 30, IK Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants h WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD T United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. BHd, Oregon I r i 'iii- ,!U &- w.iL: .-J3fci&7