mSVC&dlA'-iLi i -?'"' sssxs RwPHHHIBI ip PAGT3 4. TIIR IIRXII BULLETIN, DKNII, ORE., AyEDXESDAY.UNn 2.1, ir15. "j5ifr-.Mwrc'l H II 'J 1 N WATER IS LOIR FOR YEIIII5 LIGHT SNOW FALL ! CAUSE IS of i Deschutes Ik Jfmv Running Only hrcoiFotirthi of Xm-mal Flow . CHittt (2t-kntit f 3 fi I tin- Other Strcnnn Hlmw Orcnter Do. llclcncy Sllter Lake In Dry. ..That tho wnter In tho lakes anil streams of Oregon Is lower this yoar than nt nny tlmo slncu exact records hnvo licen kopt and at a point not reached slnco tho famous low water of 1880 Is the Information Riven out by Fred F. Honshnw, district ciirI ncor, wator resources lirniicli, V. 8. Geological Survey, who has been In towiTfor tho prist few days. HecaiiHo of tho dependenco of this section on the Deschutes for wnter power nnd Irrigation purposes tho Information Is especially Interesting here. According to Mr. Henshnw, tho present Btngo of most of tlm rivers tuid streams In the state as compared with normal Is about ono-lii'f. Oy hoo'rlvor nnd Silver Creolt, howovor, now being only ono third of norninl. 1,110 Deschutes Is carrying about threo fourths of Its avorngo amount. That Hi should fall off only ono fourth when other streams fell off from ono half to two thirds Is a vory good In dication of tho steadiness of Its' flow. ' Completo records of tho flow of tho Deschutes liavo bcon kopt only slnco 1003. Scattering records exist for previous years. No no of them show lowor wator than at presont nnd the evidence Is that this year's mark is tho lowest slnco 1889. In that year Silver Lake went dry nnd crops worn harvostod on tho bod of tho lako. According to Mr. Hen Hhnw tho lako will probably dry up agnln this yoar. Othor'cvldonccs of tho lowncss of tho water this year appears In tho Doschutcs Hanger, u monthly publi cation Issuod from tho local Forestry Ofllco, In tho June numbor, extracts from which nra glvon In this papor, It Is stated that this your there Is no wnter (lowing out of Llttlo Iavn Inko, a condition not known to exist bnforo. 'A doflclnncy of snow fall during tho past winter Is given as tho causa of the present wator conditions. i water and In ono hour repeat tho dosn. To drench c critter put a rope around the neck nnd tie about 2& feet long to a monger or fence, let It back Into It, put your qrm over tho back of their head nnd your tliUmb in their mouth and loft hand Angora on their upper gums. IT6lil their head up and op .si tholr mouth. Another person tip tho bot tle up and give them a mouth full nnd time to swallow it nnd then re pent. If' you give It nil to them at once It Is apt to go down tho wind pipe add causo death. It Is n good plan to have a couple pounds of salts and a small vial of pconlto on hand for thero will bo no time to go after remedy, for the sick ii ess will develop In one to four hours after eating It. r ROLES AREJDOPTEO Ladle Lihrniy Club Make Itrgnlii tloiiM for Coming Khmer Show. At a mooting of tlm Ladles 'Library Club yostordny afternoon rules for tho coming llowor show were adopted (is follows, 1. All exhibits must bo In by 12 o'clock on tho day of tho bIiow. 2MiOno to six stems may bo Iticlud rd Jn each slnglo exhibit, hut not liioro than six Atoms, 3. Each exhibitor must liuiko his own selections for exhibition, 4, No Unworn, plants or vegetables not Includod In tho published list will lie ullglblo for n prize, oxcopt ns n part o( tho "gcnoral display" of (low. ors, for which tho lOmhlem Club cup U otTereU. 6. Xn exhibit tnay not ho entered lor mora than ona prim. 0. Unless ntherwlio requested, tho Library Club will offer for sale How- cm, plants, nnd vegetables entered. Any entry not to bo sold should bo marked to that effect. 7,AII exhibits must bo kopt Intact until, (ho ovoulug of tho show. Flow its or vegetables sold must not be removed before that tlmo. 6. No award will be glvon for In foilor (lowers or vegetables, although they may bo tho only ones entered for contest. U. Each slnglo ititry must benrjho nanio of the vegetable or llowerwrlt ten on a card furnished by tho Li brary Club. 10. No prltcs will bo glvon out ut tho flower show. 11. Flowers will bo Judged accord ing to color, form, slo, and length of stems, """" Any llowers or vegetables entered for exhibition only and not for prices will bo sold during the day of the show and can bo taken as soon as sold, hut exhibits entered for prltes cannot bo removed until tho cvonlng of tho show. Any ouu desiring to enter n Conor nl Exhibit far the Kmblom Club cup must notify the secretary, Mrs. K. M. Thompson, at least one week before the (lower show, so that spuce may liu reserved for It, OX PROVIDIXH PASTURE. To Tho Kdltor: Several of the questions which for mers of this county hnvo been nsklng me and which I could not Intelligent ly answer as I had not tried them In this section, were token up by I'ro fessor Shaw during the agricultural campaign by tho Great Northern nnd Northern Pacific Hallways. Somo of theso suggestions I consider of es poclnl vnluo to tho fnrmurs of this section, and should like very much to recolvo roportB from farmers who will try them, both for his own good nnd the godd of the many farmors on the farms In Crook county, I am ospeclnlly Interested In tho pastures for stock which wero sug gestod by Prof 8haw. For dry farms his suggestion was fall ryo sown In tho fall: fall no sown In tho early spring; and fall ryo sown In tho late Bprlng, which should mako n good pasture for tho ontlro pasturing seas on. I hnvo already suggested sweet clover for pnsturo on dry farms, and ho recommended this grnss very strongly nlso, Tor Irrigated lands, ho recommends the following mix ture: two pounds of nlfalfa; two pounds of red clover; ono pound of Alslko clovor; ono half pound of whlto clovor; two pounds of orchard grass; two pounds of perennial rye; ono pound of Kentucky Illuo Crass; nnd ono pound of timothy, per acre, lie assures us that this mlxturo will not bloat cattlo and sheep If n good growth of all tho grasses Is obtained. Tho growing of livestock on, farms In this section Is nlmost absolutely necessary for realization of groatcst profits, Tho great handicap In live stock production has been tho pro duction of a pnsturo suitable for It. Other suggestions nppllcablo to our farm lands wero mndo by Professor Shaw, but theso pastures nro, I bo llcvo, of greatest Importanco to us, and I am very anxious to seo thotn tried out as early ns possible by far mom who are Interest. I shall bo vory glad to co-opornto with any far mor or farmers In Crook county who will undorlnko the growing of pas tures according to theso suggestions, A. E. LOVETT, Crook County Agriculturist. Do You Evinrude ' ? Get ona of these little Motor for yourrow bout or canoe. T. M. O'DONNELL Arfent I Spend Your Summer on tb Wter r IRRIGATION FACTS TOLD Committee Hears Our Xccds While TraielliiK Through Willamette. Tho needs of Central Oregon In tho way of Irrigation funds wore laid before tho Appropriations committee of the national Houso of Hopresonta lives while traveling through tho Willamette valley on Monday. Tho committee spent "Sunday on the Klamath project nnd was on Its way to Umatilla by way of Portland. At Grants Pass tho Committee was met by a delegation of prominent Orcgonlans including Senator Cham berlain, Ex-Governor West and J.N. Teal who presented facts and figures touching on tho situation In Central Oregon Ex-Oovennor West went par ticularly Into the history of the $450, 000 appropriation nnd tho require ments of the North Canal unit. No Intimation was given by tho commit- tco as to what action .might bo ex pectcd of It. 3 Ur lis 1 Crochet nnd Tnttlng Thread Whlto mill Ecru, All num ber, 2 fur .2.1c l'OUIt STRANDED. Embrolileiy Thieml, AH Col din, per bull 15c NILKIXlCS.S F.MHKOIDKItV TIIHKAD. All Color, l! skeins Oc popular piiici:s prevail Warner's THE VAIMRTV STORK PRAISES 1IKNI) 11AXIC. (Silver Lake Leader.) Tho First Nntlonnl Hank of Bond Is offering to furnish money nt a low rata of Interest to tho sheep men who nro desirous of holding their clip of wool for bettor prices. This movo la certainly ono to bo commendod In tho Horn! banking Institution. Be sides an offor of assistance it shows push and onorgy worthy of splendid results. HOYS AHK APPOIXTKD. SALEM, Juno 21. Oovornor Wlthycombo has appointed three boys from ench county In Oregon ns dele gates to tho Universal Corn Conven tion which will bo held In Han Fran cisco on August C and 0. In each case the county school superintend ent nominated thu boys. Tho three from Crook county are Glenn Stan ton, Prlnevllle; Ilnrry Tucko, SIB' tors; Sam Dates, Redmond. For sign Adv. painting bco Edwards. TAYLOIMIOECII. Miss Caroline Taylor of Mitchell, Oregon, and Charles Hocch of llend wero married at tho homo on tho hrldo'a parents on Sundny, Juno 20, Mrs. Hocch Is n sister of Mrs. Wil liam Hates. Mr. and Mrs, Hocch ex pect to mako tholr homo In Uond. IN ROBERTS BLAMES LARKSPUR Handier Offers Remedy for Cattlo PtiUontiiK In Xt'lgblKirlioiMl. Hoferrlng to recent reports that cnttlu In tbo neighboring country hnvo boon poisoned, tho Inst coming from John Hwlger, l. U. itoourts. president of tho local creamery nnd a prominent rancher living east of town has written The Hullotln giving his experience with cattlo sltnllerly poisoned. Mr. Hoborts hollaves that tho trouble comes from larkspur and ad vises the following remedy! "Tho tlrtt thing to da Is to take, from, ona to two quarts of blood from them nnd a light dose, of tchnlae Is a good remedy. 1 would rather have from 13 to JO drops of aconite, to mi quick action on tho heart. Next test tt a teaaip of Epsom salts la a KENWOOD Lots 60x114, Sidewalks, City Water and Electric Lights Uuy your seed oats at tho Now Ilcnd Flour Mill Co. Adv. TEACHERS EXAMINATION. A teachers' examination will ho held In tho county court room, Prlno Vlllo, Oregon, Juno 30, July 1, 2, 3, 1915, beginning 8:30 it. m. V. E. MYEItB, lS-lGc. ' Superintendent NOTICE OK ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETIXH. Notlco Is hereby given to the legal voters of school district Numbor 12 of Crook county, Stnto of Oregon, that tho annual school mooting of sold district will bo held nt tho Held school, to begin nt tho hour of 0 o'clock n. m. on the third Monday of Juno, being tho 21st day of June, A. I)., 1915. This meeting Is called for tho pur- poso of oloctlng ono director for threo yoars and ono clerk for ono year, and mo transaction ot business usual nt such meetings. Dated this oth tiny of Juno, 191b. Attost: II. J. OVEHTUHF, District Clerk. 14-lflo C. M. McKAY. Chairman Hoard of Directors SUMMER SUITS Just arrived a new shipment of light weight summer suits. Just the thing for the hot summer days. Coat and pants for only Buy one now because our stock is limited. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING LEARN THE: WAY FOIl BALE Good fresh cows. For Information inqulro of It. M. Hatch, Tumalo, Oregon. 14-lCp FOIl SALE Team horse, weight 3000 pounds or will trade for 2400 pound team. Nixon. 14tt FOR SALE Two relinquishments In tho famout Summer Lako valley, fine Boil, good cllmato, Ideal alfalfa land. Tho tondereat fruit nnd vege tables grow hero In abundnnco. Good floows ot artesian wator from 70 to 400 feet. Surfaco water 8 fcot. Prlco $400 each. Call or wrlto A. U. Oort son, Summer Lako, Oregon, 14tfo FOR SALE Farm, southwest side Powoll Huttd, 320 acres, 1G0 under cultivation, ns much moro can bo cultlvntedi 80 fruit trees growing on place. For Information Inqulro nt Al fnlfn poBt ofllco. 3-19 p LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Drown marc, about four years, old, whlto stocking hind legs, branded E on tho right shoulder. Owner cm havo snmo by paying costs. Apply Uulletln olDca. 6tf. LOST Party who found n pair or pint Thor;nos' bottles In blnck lonther caoo please return to Mrs. A, M. Lara, for roward. 15tf LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN' 1100 to J100O amounts. Address Dox 2CC, Dend, Oregon. lGtr CLASSIFIED ADVEHTISIXO. WAXTIMI. $100 to $225 TERMS: $10 Cash nnd $10 Monthly. Special Inducements to parties who will build homes J. RYAN & CO ., WANTED Listings ol Irrigated or dry land, stock raoenca or grain ranchos for Portland or Wlllamotte valley proporty and cash, commission from ono to flvo pore out. John Fer guson, C01 Oei linger building. Port land, Oregon, :3tf VOll KENT. FOR RENT Throe room furnish ed house with light and water. In qulro nt tho MetrniKilltan. lOtf f FOR RENT Small houso pnrtly furnished. J-ow icnt. S, R. 1 lo gin. 1G-1G c FOR ItKNT Threo urnlshejl rooms for light housekooplng. Close In, Inqulro O'Donnoll'a Mnrkqli jipf FOR RENT Three room furnish ed houso with all modern Improve ments. Apply tho Metropolitan. ICtfc IXH SALE. American Rakery WALL STKUUT 1UR PASTRY AND BREAD is always good. We also have Fresh Fruits ami Vegetables. Ice Cream and Confec tionery, Our goods are fresh daily. Let us care for your wants. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices right. TELEPHONE 1LACK 41 1. mm iv Shriner & Huey ? UOND FOR SALE At a bargain. 1915 S passenger Ford, ran 3S00 miles. Looks good Ilox 380, llend. IGp FOR SALE Team for all purposes and work harness, ono a good rell ahlo family borso. L. S. Rlcknrd, pnono mirai ii&g at noon or 6. p in. 16c FOR SALE Eighty acres of land 8 miles east of llend, under Central Oregon canal deed by State. Clear ot mcumorances, co acres irrigable, 60 acres cleared, 45 acres In alfalfa. Remainder In other crops. Price $3600, part cash, balance to suit Purchaser. For particulars Inqulro Uulletln office. I0p FOR SALE Forty acres 4 miles north of llend under Contral Canal. Duded. Clear ot Incumbrances, 30 acres Irrigable, nearly all cleared and fenced. Price J 1200. nsrt cash. In- qutre'ltulletln, IGp , FOR SALE Piano In good condi tion for less than half pr'.ca to trade for stock. Call on or address C. V. Sllvls. Bend, Ore. 10-1'Jp '''VOR SALE Match team, gray geldings, full brothers, four and five years old. Weight about S400 lbs., sound and well broke. Price $300. II, Cavauaugh, La Pino, Oro, 16p FOR SALE Five room modern bungalow, new and complete. Easy terms. II, U. Abbott, P, O. box 91, Bead. istf , FOR SALE 1000 pound. wre. Wefa4 rt for !. "Bead Garas, le KG BALK OoW ore tad bag gr. Apply Aiaertca Bkwy. $tfc OUR SPECIALS Covemor's Day, Friday June 25 i A HOME PRODUCT. .1(10 Ioutm of Ilrcnil ut -I Cents per Loaf. Largo Comtlgnfuciit of Chcirlcs for Cuming ut IreutLr '' , Reduced Priced. VKHirr.lllLKH AND FRUJT. CONFECTIONEKV AND SODA FOUNTAIN BEND FRUIT CO. JEWELER IN CONNECTION. Wall Street Jfil-H' I l ""' J Us Wf SUPERIt APPOINTMENTS In tbo way of plumbing that Is our specialty) We can lond olo ganco and sanitary precaution to the home. Our open work plumb ing Is an artistic accomplishment In Itself thatc onforms with good tnste entirely. It costs no moro to beautify tho. plumbing work, nnd It Is a sourca of pride ever after. J. E. Enffebretsoh Plumbing mill Heating Mliincnotu Street llend, Oregon fflj'il wit tp'''2tro r Floors Like New i Marred and worn floors are hard to clean and hard to keep clean. Half an hour's work with the paint brush changes your old shabby floors into new floors tliat,ar easy to keep clean and hard to wear out. KMEQUALITY FLOOR PAINT f GRANITK) P ? is tlic beit. floor paint to use. It is made especially to b walked upon, is ready for use, easy to put onyou can do ityoursclf and dries quickly. A quart will cover about 7S square feet, two coats. Ask for a copy of our "Home Decorating" booklet. It tells you all about the risev0f pkitits. enamels, pons and fiaislws in the home. nHmmsm'w, hw.qx&xu w Kl rtl J 4 1.4 n m i.