;mv-v' m VAC.K '. Tin: hkno ijcllhtin, m:Nn, orl, WhpnksDay, junk m, ioib. timin -i- , I, I H4 1 ) ' --- " -... -- . CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. --- -------------- TUMALO. (Bpocln'. to The Pullotln.) TU&tALO, Juno 21. Children's Dny exorcises given at tho church yesterday worn very well rendorcd and n great deal of credit Is duo to Mrs. nyrori Cdy, Mrs. John Coen and Mrs. Ida Lunhurg for tho time and tntlrlng efforts spent In training tho children, Two vocal duots wero also Ki ratty appreciated. Mrs. John Coen composed Mm heautlful words of ono of (heso. Tho church was prettily riecorated In manzinlta, lerns ana daisies. Boveral of tho ladles nro rehearsing for a llttlo farce to ho given next Wednesday at the V. 8. L. Club meeting. Plans arq being made to entortntn tho Governor' and his party at lun cheon next I'rlday Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wallace and Mr. and Mm, Charles Mock went over to Prlnevlllo Monday to present a io tltlon to tho County Court for funds for tho annual Tnmalo fair to lio ltold noxt fall. They wore dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, T, H. J. Duffy vhllo thero. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hansen enter tnlnod W. D. llarncs at dlnnor Hun day. Mr. and Mrs. Qhauncoy Decker Moro also tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. J'rnnk Dayton tho samo day. Mr, nnd Mrs, John Cunningham fipont Sttmtnv on the Motollus. They lirought back an auto load of moun tain Milton ami fine trout. Tho Tumnlo people aro taking n jiront deal of Interest In tho Uond tliautauo.ua and nearly cvoryono Is planning n taking In tho ovonts on enp or two dnvs. A big crowd enjoved n picnic 8un Onv after tho completion of tho pro Kram nt tho church. olovuhpali:. (Special to The nullotln). CLOVEIIDALE, June 21. Arthur fJriibo arrived homo from Antelope Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Welse wero visiting at the Tempteton homo Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs, Andrus and family were ugests of Mrs. Kelley's Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kruchek wero callers at Tompleton'a Sunday. Thoso attending tho Council social from Sisters wero Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Gist, Mr. and Mrs Lester 01st, Messrs, Altken, Smith, McReynolds and Misses Cyrus, Smith and Taylor. Tho net proceeds realized from tho social for the benefit of tho Council waft $13, MIbs .Hazel Tompteton Is otlll quite sick. VornHkclton Is homo after a flvo weeks sojourn in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Carson and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cyrus wero callers tt tho Vnn Motor homo Sunday. A largo crowd attended tho lawn social at tho B. L. Waldron rcsldenco Friday night, It bolng the last meet ing of tho Council until such tlmo as tho furmors aro .not so busy. MILLICAN. LOST CIUXIC. (Special to Tho nullotln) Mil LICAN. Juno 20. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II, McAdow drovo to Ilond Monday to nrrango for making final proof on their homestead. Mrs. Powers and daughter went to Jloml Wednesday Mr, nnd Mrs. W. If rtnpm woro Ilond buslncsa visitors Saturday. Mr Ileam Is plowing 10 acres on the Hazuka homestead. P. II. Johnson nutocd to Hend on Wednesday. Mrs. Italin returned from a trip to Prinovlllo Monday and expects to ro- turn thore to work somo time the coming week whofo ho will be em ployed In tho harvest field. L. P. lloonoy visited friends bore Sunday. A. T. Shaver pnsaod through hero enroute to Hend Tuosday, roturnlng Wednesday. Geo. Mllllcnn went to Uend Wed' nosday, returning Thurrdny. Ho was accompanied homo by Mrs. Mllllcan. Mrs. Moffett called at tho Mllllcan Inn Tuesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Norton drove to Prlnevlllo Wednesday, returning Thursday evening. Mrs. H. B. Davis visited with Mrs. Thomas Moffett Monday. Mrs. Renins called at. tho Moffott homo Wednesday. Mrs. Parney Conoway visited with Mrs. A. D. Norton Saturday. " POWKLIj iiutth. tSpeclal to Tho nullotln) POWELL HUTTE. Juno21. Ouy Ecars was a Prlnevlllo visitor Mon day. Cut worms nro doing considerable damage to crops In this section, most ly gardons. However, they nro work ing on tho alfalfa and clover In aorao Instances. Mr. Cornett of Prinovlllo has a crow of threo men and nlno horses clearing his Irrlgnted land adjoining tho Cross placo. Tho land Is bolng put Into first class shapo to receive seed for the first tlmo. Almost without exception tho first crop of olfalfa and clover Is very light m (Rpeclnl to Tho Ilullotln) LOST CHEEK, Juno 11. (Joorgo Mehrer has gono up In Washington to work In tho harvost fields. Tho many frlsnds of Dr. Herd ten dered her a surprise party Inst Wed nesday evening. All hnd n vory on Joynblo tlmo. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A, Darrnh, Mrs. Perry nnd Cecil Hubbard went over to Norvnl Prawn's last Sunday to see thn round nn. Pen Ithndcs has gono to Ilond for a load ot supplies. Jlinmlo McEwnn has gain over to Puck Creek to work for "Hill llrown." J. Hosch, Wllllim Helms nnd S. J, Hubbard loft Thursday morning for Pond. Messrs. Iloach and Helm will bring In a load of lumber and groceries. Mr. Hubbard expects to bo gono In definitely. Marvin Perry has purchased n welt drilling outfit, and expects to go to work over nonr Silver Greek at once. We nro sorry to noto thnt Mr. iowo's health dnosu't Improve In our cllmnto nu oxpoctod, GMMATK. (Special to Tho nullotln.) HAMPTON, June 17. Mrs, C, P. Harmon, spent last Thursday with Mrs. I). II. Dunn ot Imporlul. .Miss FloroncA Hunting spent Mon day nlnht and Tuesday with Miss Darin Hurlon. Tho friends of Mrs. Plack hnd son Purr gavo them a surprise party Sat urday evening. A good crowd at tended and all roport n pleasant even ing. Mr. nailMra, J. O. Whlttnkor spent Monday with Mrs. D. It. Dunn of Im perial, Miss Eva Crow left Monday for Prlnevlllo where sho will tnko teach ers' examination. J. P. Wllnnot loft Saturday morn ing for Woodburn. Oregon. Mrs. J M- Hrlckoy rocelvnd a tolo gram from tho Willamette vnllov on Wednesday nnnounclny tho death of her mother. Mrs. Hrlckoy loft at once for Pond Whero sUa took n train for tho valley. Itnv. Lorna prenrhed here Monday evening. Ho nnd bis son David woro unrouto to Hums. A. B. Fogg inula a trip to Hold on Monday. Low II. rtnett spent Tuesday night nt 0. P. Harmon's. Mrs. I). It. Dunn and daughter Hannah spent Sunday at tho Btrcoter home. Montgomery and Conn of Imperial ninilo proof bo fore Commissioner Fotg Monday. Flovd Phillips and Hurr Hlack worn Hampton visitors Monday. Mr. Hiillmnror nt Prlnglo Flats niado proof hero Wodnosday. HAMPTON IIUTTIt. (Special to The Ilullotln) HAMPTON HllTTE, Junn 16. Lcslo Smith la out to Hend for a load of siiniilles. Jlniiuto Hrlckoy was a business visitor horo yestcrdty. Pert Meoks and Harold McFadden IokhihI tnicu brush on Mtas Klvu Mc Fadden s homostoad. MIh Bv Mlehol mt several ilnvH with Mrs. II. ProoklugS. Mrs. MclCoown and children visited at the llrooUlnRu and Meok'i homes last Monday. Mr Hasslor anil Page Stauffcr of Rtnuffor ronUtored at the Hnwklngs Hotel last Saturday Plght, being; on their war to Washington to work through harvest. Mrs. Hassler nnd Miss Alice HrookliiKS accompanied them as far as Urooklns-, roturnlng to Slnuffer Sunday. Win. Hoist built a cabin on Ills ho'nostexd nnd will soon build a bam. Pert Meoks traded oft hit year old calf. This section wm visited by gentle -hewer-i hmt Friday but mom rata l BMiled to tiiiiure wd In this community arid farmers aro cutting early In the hopo of getting good second and third cuttings. Mall was delivered on our now It F. a. for tho first tlmo Thursday. Hms Hlissett Is serving as temporary carrier until an appointment Is mado, J. E, Warner purchased a bunch of sheep near Prlnevlllo last week, driving them out Friday. Mrs. John Klssler of Redmond enmo out Thursday for a few day's visit with her sons Geo. and Frank rud their families, returning homo Sunday. i An average attendance of tho Pow. ell Uuttte Sorosls turned out Wed nesday to enjoy Mrs. S. D. Mustard's hospitality. The ladles wero much pleased to have Miss Mabel Allen with thorn again attor an eight month's absence. Miss Alton return ed from Pear Creek last weok whore she tins had charge ot a school. Tho noma of Mrs, John Lucky, who was also a guest, was submitted tor membership. Following refreshments tho lndlos adjourned to moct with trs. Morse on July 14th. N, P. Alloy and son Roy went over to Opal City Thursday whero tho for nior has charge of somo carpenter work. Mr. Cornett, with a forco of men Is located on his placo near Powell Putto station for a short tlmo. M. A. Lynch and Prof. Nash of Redmond spent Thursday In this sec tion, taking up tho matter of Red mond's proposod district high school which qur pooplo aro to voto on this evonlng. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Warner and small daughter woro Prinovlllo vis itors Thursday. A heavy rain, amounting almost to a cloud burst, visited parts of this Bcctlon Monday, doing somo damago to gardens and berries and In ono instance drowning n number of young chickens. Miss Paulino Trucsdolo visited Mrs. S. D, Musturd a couplo of days last weok. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen WHIcoxon, who have n nlco patch of strawborrlos, picked their first rlpo ones last week. They expect to sell borrles on tho Pond market this week. Mrs. N. P. Alloy received word on Sunday of tho death ot a brother liv ing at Tillamook and left In tho even ing for thnt plncc. Mrs. Alley has tho sympathy of a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Chapman nnd family woro guests at a Sunday din ner at tho John 'Lucky homo. Tho many friends of Mrs. E. L. Iverson will bo pleased that she has recovered sufficiently ns to bo ablo to got around out of doors. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery took a load of hogs to Prlnevlllo Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Reaves WHIcoxon woro dlnnor guests nt tho Allon WHI coxon homo Sunday. Molvln Foster and Miss Lucy Sho hert visited In Laldlaw and Redmond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pattorson and family wero guests at tho Ooo. Haven homo for dinner Sunday. Jess Shobort and MIbs Hollo Mont gomery visited In tho Dutto vnlloy district Sunday. Road Supervisor WHIcoxon nnd crew havo bocn doing soma nooded repair work on tho Powell Hutte Ilond road near tho Frost place re cently. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Foster wore business vlsttoVa to Prinovlllo Mon day. , Mrs. L. J. Alloy, mother of N. P. Alloy, camo over from Opnl City on Saturday evening to bo with tho Al loy children In their mother's ab sence. Mrs. Pearl Hodson who has bocn visiting nt Portland, returned Inst weok, Fred llrown accompanied hor homo. Putto valley, two directors and a cleric will bo elected. Tho present board Is N. 13. llcacti, chairman and A. D. Morrill directors. 0. F. Hlnlr, cleric. One director will be elected to fill the vacancy mado by J. I, Jones moving uway, A. D. Morrill began digging now potatoes Juno 1C, which Is about two weeks earlier than they aro usually fit to uso. The alfalfa In the river bad wilt soon bo ready for cutting. E. F. Archor recently sold two of his dairy cows to Geo. Kerns. Jim Grlflln Is clearing land on tho Frank McCaffory placo. J. P. Bowman takes a load of wood to Prinovlllo today. Miss Hertha Goodsoll hns gono to Prinovlllo, to bo away somo tlmo. Mr. and Mrs. Harvoy Whitman of Redmond were guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hlnlr's Sundny. A Mistake Mado by Many. When you suffer pains and aches by day and steep disturbing bladder weakness by night, feel tired, ner vous nnd run down, tho kidneys and bladdor should bo restored to heal thy, strong and regular atclon. It la n mlstage to postpone trcatmont. Fot ey Kidney Pills put tho kidneys In sound, healthy condition and keep them acttvo und strong. Pattorson Drug Co. Adv. w POWELL HUTTE, Juno 21. At tho annual nchool mooting today In GIH" OUT of tho rut. It's only a habit to do all our trading at the largor towns. Let us spend our monoy at homo whero It will do U8 tho most good. HEMKMDKH a 20 cont phono messago will transact a lot ot business nnd save DOLLARS. P. B. Johnson St MILLIOAN, OIUCGON. S TTHE EUROPEAN CONSUMER Is tho most nclentlflc buyer of foods on earth. Ho has, from necessity, boen forcod to buy thnt which gives tho greatest roturn for tho monoy. Ho Is tho world's greatest tisor of flour. Flour, and yet mora flour, hns boen tho cry of stricken Belgium. England and Franco consider It rolatlvoly the choapest food at $12 per barrol. Don't subscribe to popular fallaclos. Faco tho facts. Meat contains CO por cont water, potatoes 75 por cent, milk 80 to 00 per cent, flour 13 por cont. A pound ot moat costs 20 and 25 cents, flour 4 conts, and yot thero is moro onorgy In a pound of flour than a pound of bcof, HEAL ECONOMY MEANS THE USE OF .MORE FLOUR. WHEAT FLOUR Choniwt anil Host Food. U. 8. Government Tests Provo It. Articles Enorgy 10 Cents Wilt Duy Eggs ..385 mm , Ileof, sirloin 410 gj Mutton, leg , . , 445 ggg Milk . .,., ,.1030 hm Pork, loin .' 1035 Choeso .,.' 1183 Hutter 1365 Ilrcakfast foods 1480 Rico , 2035 Potatoes 2050 Deans, dried 3040 WHEAT FLOUR 6640 (U. B. Department ot Agrlculturo Farmers bulletin No. 143.) KNNROY Muclo nnd Strength Giving Qualities. Ono pound of Deschutes Bprny Flour, costing 3 to 4 cents, will go as tar aa two pounds ot moat containing 20 to 25 cents pur pound. New Bend Flour Mill Bend, Oregon 1 . AU I Tho The cleanest flour mill In tho Stato of Orogon. All Hour tosted In our own laboratories. Tho public Is Invited to Inspect our plant. EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. mS Portland Jtoie Fcxtl vM Excur sion Fnrw Dally June (I to 10. DELUXE TOURS to Expositions LOW FAKES DIRECT OH CIRCLE TOURS 1UST. Oregon Trunk Railway And the Trlple-frfcrow, Six Deck Tatars of the I'nclllc SS "NORTHERN PACIFIC" BAILS JUNE 4, 8, 12, te, SO, 21, 28. Hpcclnl HtvAiuer Trulii I.cat-a Portland 9 n. in. Arilvcrt FIjmcI Itiilto Luncheon nu Ship. Kt-nuuhli Arrie Sn FruiicUco unto p, ni. Next Day, ROUND TRIP FARES TO HAN FRANCISCO From lU'Hd, ill) Duy Limit ,911.10 Ninety Day Limit , $15. IS Uurnwpamllntc low ruto to Rati Diego anil Los AngfUyi. Cholco of routed, rull or fctcnuwhlp. Particulars of Agents Spokane, Fortlutul A Kettle, OrvtiOH Trunk or Grout Nor thern or Northern PnclHc Itnllnays. It. H. CRO.IKK, J. 11. COKHKTT. A. a. V. A., ARtnt, rortUnd, Ore Itond, Ore, BEND PARK COMPANY Real Estate We Control and Have For Sale, at the Beit Prices and Terms, the Largest- Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All : - ' Its Branches in World Known Companies v LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Offices and Agenls Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Orogon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wfth. K ri