W5rfMfa J!J JIUIU t!5W WJa The bend bulletin. I .0-" ., t' t 3. Vol. XIII. iiBNii, oauoox, VKii:stAr AfrraitNOox, JifiK a:t, jinn. f NO, 10. . tf ife a S? PANNING WITH GOVERNOR MANY OFFICIALS WILL TAKE TRIP TSEttEMmm WON IS NEW Majority of Druoit Tmm Ilonrri nml all of I'lsli nnd fjnme Commission to bo Hero Frlilny rraiKO menu for Iny Now Completed (Special to Tlio nulletln.) SALEM, Juno 22, It Is now defi nitely nseurod that tlio following: State officials will make the Central Oregon trip, loaylng hore Thursday afternoon and reaching Ilcnd Friday morning: James Wlthycombe, Governor; lien W. Olcott, Secretary of Stato; Goo, M. Drown, Attorney doncral; Harvey Wells, Insurance Commissioner; Carlo Ahrams, Industrial Accident Commissioner; I. N. Flelschnor, Fish and Game Commissioner; Frank M. Warron, Fish nnd Gamo, Commie, slonor; Marlon Jack, Fish and Gamo Commissioner; C, F, Stono, Fish and Gamo Commissioner; 0. P. Putnam, Secrotary to tho Governor. Through tho courtesy of tho S. P, & S. Dallwny, tho President's car. No, 09, will bo placed at tho dispose! of the party, w. c. Wilkes, assistant Gonoral Freight & Passenger Agont will accompany the omclnls. With tho exception of Messrs. 01 cott, Drown and Abrams tho party win go to Klamath Falls Saturday. Total Coit of Work Nearly 2,000 Commercial Cluli Olvcn l-'lgurw Warrants Will Ho Mnllctl Hoon. ltoportlng oi tho work done on tho Powell Butte rond H. J. Overturf, treasurer of tho roads committee at the Commercial Club luncheon Sat urday, stated that tho total cost of tho labor on tho rond was $19X3.16. Tm value of tho labor doiiated Waa $437.90 and tho monoy donated by mo ciuu amounted to ?00D. Tho bal ance of $870.25 wfta paid by the county. Powder and Incidental ex penses wero paid for by the county. Tho rond constructed beganr at the ond of the cindered road cast of Dond, thonco ran north ono fourth mllo (the next half mllo being con ntructed by P. H. Dencer) thonco two miles oast, thence ono mllo north, one muo criBt and one mllo north with a half mllo strotcb to tho center of section 20 making the total six and a quarter miles complotcd. C. S. Hudson ronortod that within a short time warrants would be mnll od td nil who subscribed for tho pur chase of tho aero tracts needed for tho flowago abovo tho Shevlln-Hlxon dam. Tho fund having beon over subscribed, about 1G per cent of each subscription will bo returned. With tho Warrant and check thcro will bo sent to oach subscriber a statomont of the expenditure of tho fund. The next luncheon will bo hold at tho Wright hotol on Saturday, tlio breakfast to Governor WIthycombo being hold at the Pilot Duttc Friday morning. ARE H E TODAY GROWERS HOLD FOR BETTER PRICES J. H. lloxno Oct over SU Cents for Hninll T,t Offers Itnng, From i.-j to 1! Cent With Majority Around 18 Ilcdmond Today. Local plans for tho ontertnlnment of tho visiting stato olflclals are 'com plete. From tho tlmo of tholr arrival In tho morning every moment of tho day Is occupied, tho nrrangomonts completed by tho Commercial Club deferring to tho wishes of tho visi tors and nt the samo time giving an opportunity to sco somo of tho coun try and local development work. Thus, following tho breakfast giv en by tho club, the party wiy go to tho flsh hatchery taking In tho work ati tho-.SliQrllniUlxondnrav anjl nil Li site on mo vmy wnue on tneir way iq tho Grango hall they wltl see tlio re-! suits of local good roads activities. A broakfast for tho visitors will bo Riven at thn Pilot Ilutto nud all nro Invited to attend whether members of the Commercial Club or not. II. H. Do Armond will act as tonotmas ter and J, P. Koycs, as president of tbo club, will welcome the visitors. Oovomor WIthycombo, will rospond. It Js nxpectod that nil of tho party will visit tho fish hatchery nnd that somo will then go on up rlvorfor ft day's fishing, wlifo'th othorsMnfclud Ing all members of tbo Desert Lund Doard, will Jeavo for the Grange Hall tp meet tho C. O. I. Co. settlors thnrq nt 10:00. Following this mooting the pnrty will run over to Tumalo for lunch and after tho speaking Is con cluded will go over tho project, re thrnlng to Dond for tho Emblem Club dinner In the evening. HANI) PlHXJltAM Fit I DAY NIGHT. Tho following program will ho ren dered by tho Dond band on Friday night In tholr now stand on Oregon streot, beginning nt 7:30. 1. Invincible Eagle Sousa 2. Ghost Dancers Patrol ...Gastou 3. Chinatown My Chinatown I, Undor Southorn Skies Wnltt Carlton C. Pythian March Morrison Waltz Dreaming ,Cpuch Drass Quartette . 8electod I Want to Llngor Two-step . . . Serenade Ilockwell Show Doy March Flllmoro 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Careful bidding on tho part of the buyers and on tho port of tho soltors n desire to wait for hlghor prices markod tho wool sale hold horo this morning. Only four of tho 20 clips at the rarohou8o wero sold. Tho highest prlco paid was 20 ?i cents per pound. Over 250,600 pounds of wool remain at tho warehouso unsold. Of tho flvo buyora present, '.Living stone roprescntnlng tho American Woolon Company, took the most wool obtaining tlio Atkinson clip of 3488 pounds at 20 cents, 11,394 pounds irom i. u. .Myers nt zo4 conts ond tho Doguo clip of 1001 pounds at zcftt corns, nils last was coarso wool and clean, tho sheep having ucon pastured on meadows in tho vi cinity of La Pino. Durko nnd Angel took the Mcintosh clip of 20,080 lbs. at 19 conts. Thn bids which wero not accepted ran irom is cents to 22 H, tho ma jority being botweon 18 nnd 19 conts. Some of theso may bo rloscd boforo tonight, according to A. M. Prlnglo, manager of tho United Ware houio Co., who had chargo of tho salo today. Following tho sale hero the party of buyers left for Kodmond whoro a sale will take place this aftornoon 11 HER ELECTED DIRECTOR IN DISTRICT 12 Defeats O, M. McICny iu School I. rector Overturf llc-IUoctcd Clerk Over Fnrnlinm mid Minor Un. usual Number Cast Votes. .BEND LOSES TO LA PINE Local Nino Defeated for First .Tlmo on Sunday. The Dend nlno met Its first defeat of the year In tho game played with La Pino at La Pino an Sunday, tho toore,.Jielus-3 ,Jo 1. As the figures Indicate the game was a clone ono, tho suporlorlty of tho iLn'tPine pitch er, Clow, brlnglng.vlctory to bis team. For Dond Davis pitched a good game and was well supported in tho field. Except for Spront, however, nono of tho Dend players seemod nhlo to connect with ClowV delivery. Ho hit tho ball four fines out of flvo nt bat, Davis got two hits, ono bolng a three bagger In tho second Inning. Tho Dend players nro enthusiastic In tholr pralso of tho troitmont giv en tliem by Mnnccor Carmlchacl of the m Pine tonm. Tho next game will be played with Itedmond on the Dond streot grounds. J. Edward Larson was oloctod di rector of school district 12 and H. J. Overturf ro-elcctod clork nt tho an nual election held on Monday. Un usual Interest was shown Iu tho oloo tlon, 137 votes being cast, as against 32 at tho election last year. Tho polls wero kept open until noon. Dunning against Mr. Larson was C. M. McKay, who has Just finished a threo year term on tho board. Ho rocclvod 0C votes to his opponent's 09. Two votes wero cast for F. O. Minor for director who was In nomi nation for clerk. With Mr. Larson's oloctlon tho board for tlio ensuing year I11 be made up as follows: J, N. Htintor, chairman, It, M. Smith and J. Edward Larson. For clerk tho candidates wore tho prosont clork, Mr. Overturf, Iloss Farnham and F. O. Minor, ond tho voting resulted ns follows: Overturf, CI; Farnham, DO: Minor. 25. Ono voto was cast for J. E. Larson as clerk. Tho meeting, which was held In tho auditorium of tho Held school, waa called at 9 o'clock with Chairman McKay of tho board prostdlng, Dy the tlmo tho voting began evory seat In the room wns takon nnd a num ber wero standing outside. On motion of J. A. Kastos, amended by V. A. Forbes, tho vltlng coutlnued until noon, Instead ot ending ns soon as thoso preient had voted. D. M. Davis acted ns Judge of the lection nnd II. B. Alloh and C P Nlswonger as tellers. Preceding tbo election Mr. Over turf rendered his annual report. Ac cording to lt the school census on November 25, 191 L, euonrd 4C3 per sons between the ages of four and 20 living In tho district Fiftoen teachers havo been employed m tho past year. On tho financial side tho report snowed mat tnero was on hand nt tho tlmo of the last report S2C.496.14 nnd that receipts since havo brought tho total to $39,202.56. Disburse ments In tho pnst year havo beon $34,113.39, leaving n cash balance now on hand of $5,089.17. Tho roport gives tho estimated val no of tho school houses and grounds belonging to tho district as $56,000 and the value- ot taxable proporty In tho district as $1,363,525. GREWHASOEGUN GE W SI ' .J. J. Al'ItQKA flKK.V ON WEDNISDAY. An unusual display of tho aurora borcalls was visible lu the northern sky on Wednosday night. Lemon col ored streamers played over tho honv Arrnnirnmnntit for automobiles for ' ciib changing at times to a steady th'e day nro bolng mado by the auto- glow and finally ending with n rod mobllo committee of the Commercial doning of thq north west sky rarely Club. Plates for tho breakfast at tho soon In. auch displays. This was tho Pilot Dutto will be 50 cento oach. first aurora seen hero for somo tlmo. w&L. rWV3!i 'ILiiiiiiiiiiiiLn, UM-SMJTyEDDINO Dend Man MnrrlcU In I'hlladelplila Harly In Month. Tho following account of tho mar riage of E. M, Lara and Miss A. Hel ena Smith In Philadelphia on June G Is coplod from the Philadelphia Led ger of tho following day: "Tho Episcopal church ot St. Asaph, Ilnln, was tho scone ot an In teresting wedding Inst night, when Miss A. Helena Smith, dnughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Hornco Trumbauor, of 5122 Wynndold nvouuo, became the brldo ot E. Morris Lnra, of Dond, Oregon, son of 8. Morris Lara, of Staunton, Va. Tho coremony was performed by Ilev. Harrison II. Wright. , "Tho bride, who was given In mar riage by hor stop f nth or, wns attired In a suporb ijown ot Ivory whlto satin, omMro mod), with a court train of chiffon exquisitely embroldorod In silver. Hor veil of tullo wns ndornod with n band of silver (Hat. Sho car rlod n white satin prayer hook, with sprays of lllllos ot tho valley. Mrs, Georgo A. Month of Drooklyn. was matron of honor. Mlsn Jano Heath was flower girl and Master Ewlug Closo was pngo. "Tho host man was Edw. W, Wol lastan. Tho ushers woro II. Alan Dawnon, Win. T. Dickson, Edw. a. Closo nnd Fred S. Klrko. "A reception followed nt tho resi dence pf the brldo'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lnra will laavo tho mlddlo of the month for their .homo In Dend, Orogon," TO RUSH SPAN TO THE SHEVLIN MILL ' Clearing; and 0 null tin Logging Itond Also ritails DnlU on fjpur Lnld to Uonil Street Pnrty ot Hhovllii Olllclals Hero Lust Week. GOVERNOR JAMES WITIIYCOMBE, BROOKINGS WILL GELpMJE, Dend MorclinntN (intrlbuto to Prlzo LUt for I'oiirth. C. W. Aahbniigh of IlrooklngM, spent two days horo Inst wpok ro colv'ng contributions from local nier chantM nnd business houses toward tho prlzo list for the Fourth of July colobratlon to bo held ut DrooklngH this year. Tho Hampton, Rolynt nnd Stauffer neighborhoods nro to meet for tho day at Drooklngs and nn In teresting program oi gamos anu racoa has been nrranged. Tho list of donors Is as follows: First National Dank, Mannholmor Dros., Doscjiutcs Stntn Dank, Patter-) son Drug Co., It. M. Smith Clothing Co., Tha Dvnd Dulletln, Carmody Dros., W. C. McCillston, S. C. Cald well, K. A. Sathor, O. W. Thorn- thwalto. Skuro Hardware Co., Tho Dend Pi cm, A. L. French, Dend Hnrdwr.ro Cq., Owl Pharmacy, Tho Dend Milling Company, Consolidated Truck Lino. Geo. Hopkins, driver, H. O Fnrrls, Glqn O. Powers, Guy Furst, Ilelchel and Shaaror Truck Co,, J. It, Welmer. Dcglnnlng with a small crow oii Saturday the contractors for tho brldgo to the Shovlln mill ' elto havo now about 40 men at work and nrei proceeding as rapidly as posslblo with the expectation ot having tho brldgo open for traffic by August. 201 On Tuesday afternoon tho workmen? had tbo foundation for sovon piers uncovered nnd tlio preliminary tim ber work partly in plnco. Tho first concreto waa poured today. At tho dam Just abovo tho bridge, work Is going on under tho direction of M, J, Danlelson two thirds ot tho way across tho river. On tho west side a good startvhas beon ninc(o oil' tho timber work while tho oxcavatlon progresses boyond, tho river Itself being confined to a narrow channel on tho oast sldo. A lino from tho Dond Wntor Light & Power Co. haa been carrlod across tho river for tho concreto mixer nnd pump. Snud Is being washed nt thn dam, tho excavation from which snnd and gravol are being takon bolng plnn ned for tiso as the log slip to tho mill, In tho woods final location of tho logging lino linn boon mndq nud tho contractor, T. Ward, now has a crow at work cloarlng and grading. Thnro will bo about 8 miles ot trnck but only n portion will bo laid boforo tha bridge Is completed. Mr. Ward's brother, M. Ward, Is building an un loading dock on tho river above tho dam. Work on the railroad spur has now co mo to the foot of Dend street, rails being laid to hqt point. In the see--' tlon toward the river from thls-polnt about 800 feet of roek work will have . to bo done, a contract. for wbUhjhaa',' been lot by tho bridge ronirastera.,' Bhevlln oBlelal who'wera herellxit wrtkvoe-lnitMt'Ij, !J-v hMc.. J. A, Nichols; general Joiifffng Hh erlntondent, T. A. McCnnn, mananer of tho Shovlln plant nt Ltbby, (Mon tana, and E. II. Don, gonoral superintendent- H. J. Klopp of Spoknnn also accompanied tho party, Thoy spout Thursday hoio considering tho Pinal location of tho different units nt tbo plant, leaving on Friday by auto for Klamath Falls. TICKET HAMJ KM)W. Tho salo of season tickets to tho Chnutatiiiua began on Thursday, two toaniB undor P. C. Garrison nud D. M. Davis having charge of the salo. Although jnany plan to attand on dif ferent days of tho CltftUtnunua tlio snlo of sunrnu tlckols Is slow nod' It now teems apparent that tho guar antors of the affair will havuiulto a deficit to rnako up. JM HIM'OItTS ON FAItMH. Deports from tha demonstration farms for whloh eod was provided bv tho Dond Commercial Club glvo encouragement to tho belief thut tho oxporlmont will succeed. I INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST YOUR OWN CARELESSNESS Even though you might never have a fire or tliSeves enter your home, paper mislaid is often times lost just as irretrievably as if it had been burned or stolen. When your valuable papers are in our vault you KNOW where they nre and you KNOW they are safe. You can lease a steel box In our vault with a nox-pickaMe Yale lock big enough to contain all your private papers, for $2 a year Can you afford to be without this insurance? The Deschutes Slate Bank isn J rfjfe5f:l?5j:?tar:?rf Hay Carriers JacKson ForKs Wire Rope " Manila Rope T -Pulleys and ForKs Mowing MacKines Binders and .Reapers. AT Bend Hardware Co. Tlo Company tJot put th 'VVpur" lr llarilwarv -m (I "oI?S it n IF YOU DJD NOT GET A CATALOG CALL FOIV ONE The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OHEGON U. C. COB, l'reldont E. A. BATUMI, Vice I'ro.Ulenl V. K. HUDSON, Culiloi Capital fully pulil . - tii.OOO Hurflu rw.000 iiir, iiA.vitiNo sintvici:. Ilegular bank lonns: We nro ireparod nt neorlr all tlmo to make advances to reliable parties for their roiiulruinenti. Wool nnd sheep loanH: Wo are .NOW prepared to loan money to cheep men for the purchnne ot sheep. We are now prepared to advance you 10c per pound on all wool you More In tho Wureliouae at Dend, ut 8 par cunt for either 00 days or elx month. Bheep nit-n do not have to mil at. present prlee unloas thay wUh. Tho money I ready for you. We aru .NOW prepared to inako loans on oat Ho for fix monthi, (or feeding purjxwes, but not on range or sbe atatf Wm nre HOW prWred (o make loan on good farm Uodi, with good ur rl.sllj. '" matttr whnrn loanted In Ontral Oiegen, the liityfor the latin tbo better, pro viding the proposition, a good ono and will Maud olfl wtt iovefctiKatlcn w U) ralutw and Utl. Write u (or liiloriuiitluii. liunit by mull nnd xecuro our Mrvtot. 1e FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF BEND 3 .x- T - D RKCTO IS .'ar-- I'l.CoK fA.KATlir.il C. H. Ilrnsu ?4r. n k i K ft -vl E. ML LARA Cashier O M. J'ATTKitSON H f . I'.r.r.is N ft r I Sf9WJ?WJI1WW "crc 'ocv "scrv tew ftvv' mm' "orp1 txgr tr Tamsyrnn,f WWiW !v4- i t. i--mUMimHl nnilll UM,H iwm i' wil ifi1 '" " i sw B, FJERRELL President