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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1915)
Wt " t'" it-1 HHs&aJ PAGES. THK TH3X1) IJUMiETIN, HUNT), OUR., WEDNESDAY, J USB 10, JOJB. vURfefc '.it 1 JH'I 1 j J Ll I . RQWN OPPOSES NEW FRANCHISE ARRIVES TO ATTEND MEETlNCi I'rcsldeiit of llonil Water Light & 1'owcr C'o. Oners Statement o "J-VniJchlw Grant lliw Extension . of Hystwii under Consideration For tho purposo of attending tlin Annual mooting of tlio llcnd Water Light & Power Company and to study at first hand tho local oloctrlcal fran chise situation Charles A. Urown of Chicago, president of tho company, Arrived In town Sunday night. Sir. Drown, who Is a prominent at torney lu Chicago, was last hero In 1912 just hefore tho purchase of tho company by himself nnd nanoclates from Tho I loud Company. In con versation Monday ho spoko In a com lillmontnry manner of tlio changes that havo taken placo In tho city Hlnco his Inst visit, mentioning es pecially tho Impression crcntcd by tho now brick business houses that havo replaced former wooden buildings. As was to bo oxpoctod Mr. Ilrown's chlof Interest centered on tho pond ing frnnchiso nuostlou and In this coinectln he offered tho following statement of tho position an tho mat ter tnkou by him In doing this ho ngrecd that (ho public might tend to discount his arguments becauso of IiIh Interest on ono side of tho ques tion hut ho nisortcd that ho said on ly what it disinterested person, nc quulntod with the economic aspect of tho mattor, would Bay nnd that his knowledge of coming local devel opment gnva him tho right to bo heard as thuf rlend of tho town ns well ns a representative of his com- any. Mr. Ilroiwi'H Statement. Mr. Ilrown's statement Is as fol lows: "1 havo personally Invostod con Hldornblo money In tho llend Water Light & Tower plant. I saw this Iilnnt before my associates and I mado tho purchaso but sluco that time, wo havo Invested half again as much as tho original price "of tho plant In building, now machinery, lino oxtcnslpns, etc, Keports lndl rato thnt further largo sums nro go ing to bo required to supply tho de mand In now territory und for now -onterprlseii, No doubt tho donimid for oxtonslons Is going to bo tho most llnportaiit uud prosslng factor In tlio future conduct of tho business of tho company of which I am president and tho lnrgont stockholder. "From tlio standpoint of tho city nnd pooplo of lloud thoru Is uu ques tion In relation to tho supply of wot or, light nnd powor for the into of tho town and Us Inhabitants thnt np jiroachoH In liuportuucu tho qucstlcti of securing udequato oxtonslons of tho water, light and power nurvlco now tlut tlio city Is on tlio ovo of expansion. ' lias ,u ol for IIvti'liKliiiiN, Tho llcnd Wutor Light & I'ower Company haft taken caro of exten sions adequately I bollovu up to tho prosunt. Thin covers n porlod of comparative Inactivity, huwovor. nnd Is not n criterion uf what tho ile um mis for u.ipltul are going to bo in tho noar fyUiro according to present imlleattunit. No doubt tho city uutliorlilort of llund are alive to the sltimtlmi and huvo cUmly In vlow tho necoMlty of iieelng that tho re quired largo amount of capital for taking euro of tho uxtoiiHlcvis Is pro vldod. Wo also nro nwnrn of thlH iiucuwUyA Wo havn had It In mind and uiUiUha nblo to Hupply tho cop IIhI if conditions warrant. It Is ini io)lvlu to farotnll -with any certain ty how imieli capital will be required 1m t wo have aonslderud tliut It would not bo into to count on less than 450,000 far extensions In tlio uoxt yr. Hi um y bo that much more than (lilt- -amount will bo needed Whan my associates ami I bought thtt plant w,o know from our oxpor Imico nnd thn oxperlonco of others uewhro Hint tho oilglnnl luvost mwit would bo low Important than the tuvosiuont required for growth nnd that wo sould nut, expect to draw anythlnit out An tbo onterprlso for yours. V,o havo not boon disappoint ed. Wo havn msilo considerable lu elmont In addition to ht wo put In originally and huvo not taken out a toat. "Anyone who think ft liydro-elao trto sstom for suppltiiK a town uonsliu .simply In the dam, powor boue. iiuclinory and orlgliinl rlr milt uJ pp not provldo for oxten. slous will go bruko and bo a dlsap potutmeut and injury to tho town ho itttempia to Buppiy. OuovtKm Awprorril by Commission. 'Tho question whothor or not It would bo hu ndVAtitngo to thu city of Umul to glvo mother electric power grounds. Mr. Steldl has, 1 believe a plant which Is Inoxponslvo tor a lim ited amount of power lor a timo, but for any cbnalderabld 'nnitoint Is im practicable because of expenrfo of construction and operation. "Itegardless of this, however, my vlow Is that Mr, Steldl can find mar ket for all tho power continually he can produce without any city fran chise, and without entering Into com petition with tho present company for city and commercial lighting. 1 see no unfairness to hlirr therefore, In refusing him a franchlso. "As It Is distinctly Injurious to tho city to have tho competition which Mr. Steldl propoBos, it follows that it would bo unfair to thu city to grant the franchise. Will I'rotlrio Market. "I will Bay. howevor, thnt If Mr. Steldl enn give any ndvantngo to the city by reason of low cost in produc ing current I am In favor of catting thnt advnntago for tho city nnd I will do what I can to secure that ad vantage. No city franchlso Is neces sary for that end. I will undertake to .'provide Mr, Steldl a market for all tho electricity his plant can con tinuously and reliably produco ct a rnto based on tho samo calculations as are mado by tho Commission in fixing tho rates of my company, so that If ho has any advantngo In the way of original low Investment or of low operatln; cost ho will got It all. ''Thus everybody will bo trratod fairly and no ono havo any cnuso for complaint." OPTION ON ILL SITE RENEWED SCANLON COMPANY TO BUILD HERE Lots closo In $00 to $125. Easy Payments, J. A. Bastes. Adv. Soo Bdwards for good house paint ing. Adv. Work Will llegln As Soon ns Condi tion In Lumber Market Wnrrnnt Appreciates Volo on City lioundary Given by I'ooplo. Dr. D. F, llrooka and H. B. Glp Bon, of Minneapolis, arrived in town Monday morning to attend tho an nual meotlng of The llend Company in which thoy represent a third In terest. Ilesldes their participation In tho meotlng of tho company, which took place on Monday, a portion of their tlmo whlla hero was occupied in considering plans for tho milling development by their own company, tno Hcnnion-uipson Lumber Co.. of Minneapolis. Tho Scnnlon-Qlpson Co. and tho llrooks-Iloboitson Co,, alllod com panies, aro tho ownors of a large body of timber extending to the south nnd cast of town and for n long tlmo havo had undor consideration tho erection of a bow mill nearby for tho purnoso of milling their timber. In Bpcaklng of their plans ycztdr day afternoon Dr. Brooks B.ild that Inst July nmwgetnoaU were prrctlc rlly completed to go nhcad with the mill and Burveys wcro made for the mill location. Then the European war Bprang up, markets bsc.'.me de moralized and It was thought-beet 'to postpone, construction. At tho prcs- ont time, no said, plans woro again under consideration to begin tho worn. Doth Dr. Brooks and Mr. Olpson were coneervativo lii their Btatemonts urging that they wished nothing said which would give the people of Bond a false; impression ns to .their plans and at tho same time agreeing that ultimately thoy expected to mill here. In this connection Mr. Olpson stat- rd that at tho meeting of The llcnd Company pn Mondny tho option on tho mill tlto on the east side of tho river was rcnowed and that as Boon ns conditions In tho lumber market warranted work would bo begun. Tlio only uncertain thing In tho wholo plan was tho exact dato of beginning. In glvjng their Interviews to the representative of The Bulletin both gentlemen ngreed that as full state ment of their plans nu possible wns due to the people of Bend in return for their friondly nttjtudo shown In the recent city election wheroby ar rangements woro made to exempt their mill slto from city taxation. . Mrs. Brooks accompanied her hus band on the trip, visiting while hero at the homo of her brother, J. P. Koyes.- Tho party left Tuesday night for Vnncouvcr, D. C. COM.INS , HBNKLE SALTZMAN ' "OYT UII1BLB 'i UODSON Bend-K!amath Auto Stage Go. AND Bend-Burns Auto StageGo. RATESi ItKXIl UAItrKK - 9 1-BO JIKNU IjA 1'IXB J & 2.S0 HKNI CItKSCBXT ..,-.,.'.. -1.00 1JKSI) liOSOHOTIt . ...... m 0.00 JIHNU KOItT KLAMATH 0.00 lIBNIt CIIIIXIQUIN '10.00 1IBSII KLAMATH FALUS 11.00 1IBM IIUUN8 10.00 Cars Leave llcnd for Klnmnth Falls Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday after .Morning Train. 11. O. LAMHKltSOX, Agent, llcnd. Oregon. Catholic Chapel Car 'Q t. Pet er j will arrive in Bend SATURDAY, JUNE 19 A course of Lectures on the Teachings and Practices of the Catholic Church -will be given, beginning Sunday evening and ending the fol lowing Sunday. MASS: ,A SUNpAYS-10:ao A. M. WEEK DAYS.8:00 A. M. - LECTURES 8:00 P.M. " Questions placed in the "Question ' ?, Box" will be answered before cne L-eciures. EVERYBODY WELCOME' JUST AimiVJ'.l). A now porter who will take care of all your wantB, nt tho loading harher shop In llend. The Metro politan. Adv. avi I,!, hi:m iii;iki:iw. William Arnold will soil 30 head of voting cattle, ono Aberdeen Angus Dull and pony and colt.nt nuctlon nt the railroad stock yards, Bend, jn Saturday, Juno ID, nt 1 o'clock. Terms cash or six monthn bankable note For creh, 3 per cent discount allowed. Adv. IBe 1IOUKK KGIt HUNT. Sovon room houso with good base ment nnd nil modern convonloncs In Bond. Address B.'W. ltlchardcon. I.a Pino. OroEon. lBtfc itKiinKAiis oivk rrav. The Itobekah Lodgo of the I. 0. O. P. rondorod n very amusing farco comedy entitled "Popping the Ques tion" nt, Sather's Hall on Prlday night. Mrs. Itudow and Mrs. Klom Ing pored as "mnlden Indies" In fine shape whllo Margaret Thompson act ed tho part of n model ward and much courted young lady, her main suitors being her pseudo-guardian M. A. Palmer and a rich bachelor, who was rocognUod as, J. B, Engft- hrotBon. Bend-Silver Lake and way points A Seven Passenger Touring Car Each Way Eacli Day. RIDE IN THE EASY CARS ; Walter Coombs, L. D. Fox, Pioneer Autp Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. Freight Trucks in Addition NO FACTS WILL BE SUPPRESSED (Continued from pace. 1.) llovod thoro would boaio complaint on tho part of settlors over tho, final report, provldod tho Hoard voted to publish It with only tho omlslBons from tho original copy ho would sug- jicat. I belloVa absolutely the settlers should bo ablo to get all tho facts and A largo nudlonco attended, tha results of tho engineer's Invest!- . . I gallon, so rnr as I am concerned, Lots closo In tdO to J1'25. Easy thoy will havo thorn. Hut there Is Payments. J. A. Eastes. Adv. no use going out of our way to lo- llttlo unnecessarily a project In which hundreds of thousands of dollars aro Invested, and a project which I per sonally know has many merits and can be made highly successful." HTltAYKIi. Bay mare, six yoars old, loft hind, leg whlto half way to knee, the oth or a little whlto above hoof. White spot on forehead. Weight about 1000 pounds, nranded on loft stifle 7.1, Also bay horse six years old, weight about 1050 pounds, branded on left shoulder. Doth havo manes cropped. Anyone having Information of these animals kindly notify W. II. Johnson, Ilrothors, Oregon. H-lGc Vter&StilsrA&mstf & & tttT i 5, iilant an opimruinny to compout ior UhsIums, l poania to mo. baa been unsweroil by tho Oregon I'tllltlos JouMUlw)tu, tho answer being In tho nogutlvo. it has been uiuswerod In iho nogatto overywliero that at. tmuptBd cdimi'lltlou In n jmbllo utlU lt has ba trtJ. Whuro thoro is rato renulaUan" Uo'fi. tUr can bo no doubt that competition, whether It bonellt or injure anyone olse, Is rertatnly tujurlou to the city. 1 1 uw that it la argued that tho eltu nlldn la dlUVfwt hero because Mr. Rtcldl hi imWer plant which lias tstmt leisu than oura and oan therefore tvffonl to furnish electricity at a loss urit-A than wo can. Hit my Infunnttloa that tulwar. gutucnt retls ujion ermuooue Pi Pi Pi pi ?i i Pi Pi pi pi pi Pi 7i ' J.Ryan & Co. ft ft .ft ft t i ft MX?iS7$?7?X 7H J3L77dUHUWVii !L : 1- lKi '.i'-Pl' 9BBI WSSKv I i Hfc.,.'7:icMJ.' ) .itamM mm'XEvmmLe' oil m YT--F:miMWrr.ijati, ,., iibkuiv: . iKisas .shlzdwjw. na wmmmMMmmjjfwmm i rr m wnmoKwam' t nftrtfi itM afcumpir ti ft B 1EP; Is1 ? il 't ITT ii ' 'WmmTWr-' t t 'tSi MiHdHDMiiiiBBHiHIHKHBPif-.l 4.11 iirmil GOVERNMENT LAND TIMBER LAND IRRIGATED LAND AND CITY PROPERTY Exclusive agent for Kenwood and Kenwood Gardens Also cloe in krisated Acreage in One to Five Acre Tracts THE BEND COMPANY lumber, shingles, lath fir and Maple flooring MILLWOOD $2.50 Per Load DELIVERED TOWN LOTS AND AgREAGE "4 i "i '. t j. I 4