The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 16, 1915, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Cultivate Your Crops to Increase
Profits on the Farm.
lljr Countjr Agriculturist A. i:. IiOVBTT,
After a enrdful study of tho con
dltlons In this county, I ftnd that tho
formers Eonernuy, ns Is truo in prac
tically any farming section, undnr.
estimate the valuo of cultivation for
obtaining best results with practical
ly any of tho crops which wo grow.
Many of tho pooplo In this section
have objected to my statements to
the effect that thoso with Irrigation
water aro using too much water. This
atatemont has' bean made as a general
one, and Is true 1 boltevo when op-
piled gonorniiy. I Know, however,
that thoro are a numbor of farmors
who do not uso n,n excessive amount
of water. Too little water, especial
ly on alfalfa, will sometimes glvo
poorer yields than too much wator.
t do not, howovor, bollevo that there
are nearly as many farmers using
too little water ns there aro of those
using too much water.
For obtaining largest yields, Intel
ligent cultivation Is necessary on al
falfa as woll as all other crops which
we grow in this Bectlon. 1 believe
that Intelligent cultivation of pota
toes and root crops will often moan
tho doubling or trebling of tho prof
Its from thoso craps. Grain crops
should bo harrowed inot later than
when the plants are woll In Bight In
the field. If the ground bocomes
baked or caked aftor this time, tho
crop may bo harrowod after It has
roached (ho height of about flvo In
ches. Potatoes should bo harrowod
threo or four times after planting
and bofora thoy have roached a
height of fqur Inches, After this
time, thuy should bo cultivated with
a corn cultivator or other similar in
Women Who Mske Living Dearer.
Woman's abuso of a shopping privi
lege adds tremendously to the cost of
operating depnrttneut stores, and
pliicef il needle burden upon every
buyer Ono of the large merchants of
.Sen York city I authority for the
Mntrroi'iil tbut 'a per cent of the or
Clclex xoiit out in charge put roup are
returned, not owuloually, but bnbtt
uslly Wo lire not thinking of the wu
iniiii who returns garments tbnt have-
l tieen worn uun declare they have
C ticter been used. Hhe tielong In n class
by hernelf uud demand Hpeelal treat
incut. Itut the woman who orders
good sent home without considering
whether she needs them or not nuuht
to be nuieimhle to reason. Francis
c'retir In Ia-hIIo's.
Drink Plenty of Water.
A Roumanian scientist claims that
any one m llro to bo 100 years old,
barring accident. If ho drlnksiennugb
water. IIo declares be bus discovered
that old ago Is duo to a decrease- In
the amount of- water In tho system
ii nd that I'athcr Timo may be check
mated by systematic water drinking
during mlddlo ago.
First don't dol ty. Second don't
experiment. If you suffer from back
aches; or ditty spoils; If-you rest
poorly and nro languid in tho morn
ing; If the kidney secrotlons are Ir
regular and unnatural in appearance,
do not delay. In such cases tho kid
neys often need holp. Doan's Kid
ney 1'llls aro especially prepared for
kidney trouble Thoy nro recom
inendod by thousands. Can residents
deslra moro convincing proof than
tho statement of a cltlten of this lo
cality? J. P. .Montgomery, West Oro
gon City, Oregon, says: "I was troubl
ed by kidney andblndder complaint.
1 had a dull pain in my back across
my kidneys. While I have used only
one box of Doan's Kidney Pills, I
appreciate their worth. After I took
thera, tho pain loft mo and my kid
neys nnd bladder were In much bet
ter shnpo,"
Prlco SO cents at all dealors. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mr. Montgomery hnd. Foster
Mllburn Co., Props., Uuffnlo. N. Y.
Vso Deschutes Spray Flour. Whiter
and better than ever. Adv.
A Mlbtako Made by Jinny.
When you suffer pains and aches
by day and Bleep disturbing bladder
weakness by night, fool tired, ner
vous and run down, the kidneys and
bladder should bo restorod to heal-
Ihv atmnff niiH rttflmlar nfftn.n. It Is
a mlstage to postpone treatment. Fol
ey Kinney t'llis pui ine Kinney in
sound, healthy condition and keep
them active and strong. Pattorson
Drug Co. Adv.
(Continued from page 2.)
And Raymond, left Wednesday for
their new homo near t'ortuna.
Miss nertha Goodsell has been
away the past two weeks.
Tdrs, A. D, Morrill spent Sunday
with I. W. Blair.
Mr. Walker of Alfalfa has taken
home 18 head of bis cattle that were
In Grant Illalr'a herd. This leaves
about 49 In the herd yet.
Fall rye Is well headed out now,
and alfalfa will be ready for cutting
from about July 1st.
Melvln and Ora Foster have trad-.
d with Frank McCaffery for his auto.
' (Special to The Dulletla.)
MILUCAN, June 14. A little
daughter arrived at the Cllftoa Kvaas
ome Thursday. June lMh. Hoth
,., I.... ..! k..t,v am AALmr waII. Mr.
Md Mm. KraM are luteal la
strument usually threo to flvo In
clics deep tho first cultivation, gen
erally lossenlng tho depth of cultiva
tion until soil Is loosened two 'and
ono half or three Inches dcen. Culti
vation with tho cultivator should be
Btarted as soon as potatoes linvo
grown too largo for tho uso of a har
row and continued after every rain,
nftor each Irrigation, or whenever
sman weeds appear In the flold. This
method will apply also to practically
all root crops. Not only will this
method of cultivation kill out tho
weeds and loosen tho soil so that air
may reach tho roots of tho plants,
but also will senscrve tho moisture
in tho Roll and thus lossen tho
nmount of wntor necessary to apply
for best growth of plants.
Excessive use of water Is detri
mental to any of the grnln or hay
crops wo grow, but too little culti
vation Is probably Just as detrimen
tal to practically all of theso crops
and moro detrimental to somo. Tho
amount of water leaving a packed
or bakod soil through evaporation Is
not appreciated by tho average man.
It may bo roughly calculated by fig
uring that ittt least a ton of water
per day passes out of tho soil when
thus packed during our summer
months. Cultivation is valuable for
preventing this evaporation, nnd also
for allowing tho nlr which practical
ly nil crops roqulro to roach tho
flTo prove tho valuo of cultivation
on your soil, try a fow rows of tho
crop with tills cultivation In tho Hold
which Is treated as usual.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ilnuser aro
caring for tho Evans homestead dur
ing tho absonco of Mr. and Mrs.
Evans, Mrs. Ilnuser Is a slstor of
Mr. Evans nnd lives at Fort Hock.
Sarah Davis was a week end guest
nt tho Holland homestead.
About 2000 sheep watered at John
son's Tuesday and Wednesday of last
Thos. Moffett loft for Rond Wed
nesday, going from thoro to Prlno
vlllo Thursday.
Mrs. I). E. Davis visited with Mrs.
Moffott Monday.
Mrs. James Ocatson was a shop
per In Dond Tuesday.
Mrs. Oaks went to Dond last week.
Earl Powers was a business callor
In Dond tho past week.
William Spencer was shoarlng
sheep for CUR Iloam Thursday.
Mrs. Holland visited tho Ueatson
homo Wodnesday,
Mrs. A. F. Hansen called at tho D.
E. Davis homo Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Kllngen gavo a danc
ing party at tholr homo to a largo
numbor of tholr friends Thursday.
Itofroshmcpts pf co cream nnd enko
woro sorved and a very pleasant tlmo
A son of Q. E. Hcathmnn camo
ovor from Terrobonno with his fam
ily for an ovor Sunday visit with his
paronts horo. On his roturn his
mother and sister, Mrs. McCrackon
accompanied him.
I. I.. Owen, John Holland, John
Davis, W. A4. Ilahn and P. II. John
son went to Prlnovillo in tho John
son car Sunday. s
Geo. Hnupt and family motored
through horo Sunday.
Mrs. Louis Schmorl visited at tho
Conoway homo a few days tho past
Mrs, James Ueatson Is housekeep
er nt the Mllltcan Inn during the ab
sonco of Mrs, Mllltcan, who la In
Portland at present.
It. S. Stussup and family and Geo.
McFaddon and family pasaod through
bore Wednesday enroute to Dond.
where thoy Intend to llvo for tho next
flvo months.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Norton and
children visited with friends' In the
west end Sunday.
Mrs. I. L. Owen, nnd Mrs. Charlntto
Gat Slav Convtmtnct with Ktrttene
Cooks tlie Cooking
Not tlie Cook
A good oil stove concentrates all its heat at
the cooking point. That avoids an over and that means comfort for
the cook even on hot, sweltering summer
New Perfection
Oil Cook-Stove
For Bo t Rmiultt Utt Ptarl Oil
An oil stove brings the convenience of gas to
homes without gas. No heavy fud to carry. No
dirt and ashes. And yet it cooks anything. a big
coal or wood stove does. It is clean, convenient,
economical. No odor. Does not taint the food.
Ask your, dealer. Sec exhibit, Palace of Maaufao
tures, Panama-Pacific Exposition.
Owen were nt P. B. Johnson's Sun
day. Andrew liathbitrn hnd family
passed through hero enroute to Burns
Clifton Evans arrived homo from
Dond Saturday.
Use Deschutes Spray Flour. Whltor
and better than over. Adv.
Lots close In ?G0 to $125. Easy
Payments, J. A. Eastes. Adv.
Not for Men Only.
Women suffer as much as men do
from Indigestion and conctlpatlon
and require tho samo scientific rem
edy to keep the stomach sweet, the
liver actlvo and tho bowels regular.
Foley Cathartic Tablets nro whole
some and cleansing; do not gripe or
cnuso nausea. Stout people- nay this
Is tho one cathartic that takos away
that over-full and clogged-up fooling.
Patterson Drug Co. Adv.
ONE CENT A WORD Is all a little
Want Ad will cost you.
Isolated Tract.
Public Land Salo.
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
ll.and Ofllce at Tho Dalles, Juno 3,
NOTICE Is hereby given .that, ns
directed by tho Commissioner of the
General Land Ofllco, under provisions
of Section 2 45S, It. S-, pursuant to
the application or Emll Anderson,
Sorlul No. 014175, wo will offor at
publlo sale, to tho highest bidder, but
at not loss than $4.50 per aero, nt
9:15 o'clock a. in., on tho 20th day
of July, 1915, next, at this ofllco, tho
following tract of land: SWtt SEW.
Soctlon 14, T. 17 8., II. 11 E.
The sale will not bo kept open,
but will bo dcclnrod closod when
thoso present nt the hour namod have
coascd bidding. Tho person making
tho highest bid will bo required to
Immediately pay to the Rocolver the
amount thereof.
Any parsons claiming adversely
tho above-described land nro ndvlsqd
to fllo their claims, or objections, on
or beforo tho tlmo designated for
14-18p.. Register.
Department of tho Intorlor, U. S.
Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May 10, 1915.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Mary
F. nenn, of Dond, Oregon, who en
Soptembor 29th, 1911, made Homo-
stead Entry, No. 09518, for N,
Soctlon 20, Township 17 South,
Range 14 Erst. Wlllnmette Morldlnn.
has filed notice of Intention to mnko
Final Three Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land nbovo dcscrlbod,
beforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission
er, at Horn!, Oregon, on tho Gth day
of July, 1916.
Claimant names as wltnossos:
Donno Freeman, Ilnrry E. Aton,
Phoebe- I. Klnlson, Milton A. Pnlmor,
all of Ilcnd, Oregon,
12-lCp Rogtstor.
Department of tho Interior, United
States Land Ofllco, Lakovlew, Ore
gon, May 20, 1915.
To Karl P. W. Koch, of 020 Arling
ton Place, Chicago, Illinois, Con
tostce: You are hereby notified thnt James
Ryan, who glvoa Box 213, Rend, Ore
gon, as his post offlco address, did on
April 12th, 1916, file in this omco
hU duly corroborated application to
contest and secure tho cancellation
of your homestead, Entry No. ,
Serial No. 07843, mado Juno 2-4 tit,
1914, for EA NWU. KM BV.
Section 8, Township 25 S, Rango 9
E., Willamette Meridian, and as
grounds for his contest ho alleges
that Karl F. W. Koch lias fatlod to
establish his residence on said tract;
that ho has failed to cultivate said
tract or any part thoreof; thnt said
entryman has abandoned said tract
for upwards of six months last past
and that such falluro and abandon
ment was not duo to his employment
In tho nrmy, navy or marine 'corps of
tho U. S. In 'tlmo of war or otherwise
You nro, thcrofore, fnrthor noti
fied Mint tho said allegations will bo
tnken by this omco ns having been
contossod by you, nnd your said en
try will be canceled theroundor with
out your furthor right to be heard
therein, elthor beforo this ofllce or
on appeal. If you fall to file In this
omco within twenty days after the
FOURTH publication of this notice,
as shown below, your" answer, under
oath, specifically meeting and re
sponding to these allegations of con
test, or If you fall within that tlmo
to fllo In this oulco due proof that
you have served a copy of your nn-
swor on tho said contestant either In
person or by registered mall. If this
Bervlco is made by tho delivery of n
copy of your answer to the contestant
In person, proof of such service muBt
bo ulthor tho said contestant's written
ncknowledgmont of his receipt of
tho copy, Bhowlng tho date of its re
ceipt, or tho affidavit of the person
by -whom tho delivery was made
stating when nnd whore the copy was
delivered; if made by registered mall,
proof of such Bervlco must consist of
tho affidavit of the person by whom
tho copy was mailed stating whon
and tho post omco to which It was
mailed, and this affidavit must bo ac
companied by the postmaster's re
ceipt for tho letter.
You should state In your answer
tho name of tho post omco to which
you doslro futuro notices to bo sent
to you.
JAS. F. IIURGE9S, Rcglstor.
Dnto of first publication Juno 2,
Dato of second publication, Juno 9,
Dato of third publication Juno 10,
Date of fourth publication June 23
Department of tho Intorlor, U. S.
Land Ofllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May 10, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given that Wil
liam 13. Klger, Jr., of Dond, Oregon,
who, on Jnnunry 20th, 1912, made
Homestead Entry No, 09808 and on
October 9th, 1913, mndo additional
Homestead Entry, No. 012170, for
NV4, Section 3, Township 20 South,
Rango 14 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notlco of intention to mnko
final threo year proof, to ostabllsh
claim to Uie land nbovo described,
beforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commis
sioner, nt Dond, Oregon, on the Cth
day of July, 1915.
Claimant namos as witnesses:
Otis C. Henklo, Honry fl. Ford, Aaron
D. Norton, Louis II. Olass, all of
llcnd, Orogon,
12-lCp Register,
Department of tho Intorlor, U. S.
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May 20, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Frank Miller, of Rend, Orogon, who,
on May 29th, 1912, mado Homestead
Entry, No. 0103T1. for W SEW,
Section 8, NW'.i NKM, Soctlon 17.
Township 20 South, Rango 11 East,
Wlllamctto Meridian, has filed notice
of Intention to make Final Three
Year Proof, to establish claim to tho
land abavo described, before II. C.
Ellis, IT. S. Commissioner, nt Rend.
Oregon, on the 12th day of July,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Martin J. Mnln, Innr T. Tholstrup.
John Potors, William J, Ushor, all of
Rond, Oregon.
12-lCf Register.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Ofllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May 20, 1916.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Al
bcrt D. McNcal, of Rond, Oregon,
who, on February 3rd, 1911, mado
Homestead Entry No, 08109, and on
November 11th, 1913, mado addi
tional Homestead Entry, No. 012232,
for Lots 3, 4. 8 NV. NH SEW,
NH 8WV4. Soctlon 1, Township 20
South, Rango 14 Eust. Willamette
Meridian, has tiled notice of inten
tion to m,ake Flual Three Year Proof,
to establish claim to tho land above
described, before II. O. Ellis, U. S.
Commissioner, nt Ilcnd, Oregon, on
the 12th day of July, 1916,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank J. Olndor, Otis C. Henkle,
Dnvld C. Rogers, John E. Johnson,
all of Rond, Oregon.
12-1 Op Register.
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
I and Office at Tho Dalles, Orogon,
May 13, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Jauiu U. Smith, of Rend. Oregon,
who, on July 16th. 1913. made Home-
plead Entry No. 011893, for sw K.
oecuun ), uya uw)i, an uu A, pec
.mu a4, lowiiatup ill south, range'
16 east, Willamette Meridian, has'
filed notlco of Intention to mnkej
final three year proof, to establish
(lalm to the land abovo described, be-
fore If. C, Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, i
at Reid, Oregon, on the 25th day
of June, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Peter I). Johnson, Otis C. Henkle,
Robert Russell, Maurice Hunter, all
of Rend. Oregon.
11-15 p. Register
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, J. N. Hunter, has been
appointed administrator of the Es
tate of John Mom, deceased, by the
County Judge of Crook county. Ore
gon. All persons having claims
against said estate must present
awe, properly vtrMod, to at at my
The Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
ofllco In tho Bathor building, or to
II, H. Do Armond, In Rend, Oregon,
within six months from the dato of
tho first publication of this notice,
to-wlt, the 19th day of mny, 1915,
J. N. HUNTER, Administrator.
11. II. Do ARMOND,
11-lGc Attorney for Administrator.
Notlco Is hereby glvon thnt the un
dorslgned, C. L. Evans, has been ap
pointed ndmlnlstrntor of iho Estnto
of T, T. Evans, deceasod, by tho
County Judge of Crook county, Oro
gon. All persons hnvlng claims
against said tato must present
same, properly vorlflcd, to II, II. Do
Armond, attorney for tho Administra
tor, nt his office In Rend, Oregon,
within six months from tho dnto or
tho flrBt publication of this notlco,
to-wlt, tho 19th day of May. 1915.
C. L. EVANS, Administrator,
ll-15c Attornoy for Administrator.
Maymo Kooknn, Plaintiff, vs. Charlos
M. Kooknn, Defendant.
To Charlos M, Kooknn, Dofondnnt;
OK OREGON, you nro horeby requir
ed to nppoar and answor tho com
plnlnt filed against you In tho nbovo
entitled suit In Court on or beforo
the 30th day of July, 1915, and If you
fall so to appear and answer, tho
plaintiff will apply to tho Court for
rollof prayod for In her complaint
herein, to-wlt: thnt tho bonds of
mntrlmony now existing botwoon you
nnd Bald plaintiff bo dissolved nnd
that said plaintiff be rellovod of nil
oblgatlons arising by virtue of tho
marrlago contract now existing ho
tween you and said plaintiff, and for
such other and further relief as to
tho Court may seem equitable.
This summons Is publlshod by or
Cooling Wash
T not in half an hour not In
ten ndnutts but In S seconds.
Juit a few drops of that mllJ. sooth
ing, cooling waili. Ilia I). V. I), l're
ccrlptlon. tho famous our for Hciema,
ami tho ltcli Is Ron. Your burning akin
Is Instantly rollovod end you havo !
noluta protection from alt summer sktn
AFTER you use a pouch, you too
will know you have found tobacco
Just, tuck it away and let the rich,
satisfying tobacco taste come to you
steady and naturally. j
"Right-Cut" is the Real Tobacco Chew and
you'll know it all right and like it better than tho
old kind. Pure, rich, mellow tobacco seasoned
and sweetened just enough.
Tcko very small chew leu than ono-quirter tho
old ilzc. It will ba mors itlt(vin then mouthful
of ordinary tobacco. Juit nibble on it until you find
the strenglli chew that tulle you. Tuck It sway.
Then let II reit. Sco how raiilr and evenlv the real
tobacco tetlo comet, bow
much less you havo to
lie tobacco lalliBed.
Chtw. That'a why It
It la a ndy chtw. eul
(a triad oa il llk ,Dr
- flUlM re f pll loa lawtli.
The uh, f putt, rfeb lobweo dot. o ..J iv b tormd up "ltd jnolxm aa-i
Iweriea. Neilta bow lU. Mil bn. ul the ritb tubaaao lull U "UUbfCul.'
One small chew takes the place of two big
chews of the old kind.
BO Union Suau-, New York
der of the Honorable T. E. J. Duffy,
Judgo of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Crook county,
which said order was datod tho 9th
day of Juno, 1915, and which order
prescribes thnt this summons bo
published In Tho Rend Rulletln, tv
weokly nowspnpor published and
printed In Rend, Crook county, Oro
gon, for a period of six successive
weeks; tho dato of tho first publics-1
tlon of this summons Is Juno 10,
15-21 c. VERNON A. FORRE8,
Attornoy for tho Plaintiff.
Ry vlrtuo of an execution In fore
closure duly Issued by tho clork of
tho Circuit Court of tho County of
Crook, Stato of Oregon, dated this
9 tit day of June, 1915, in a corlaln
action In tho Circuit Court for tho
said County nnd Stato, whoreln An
na Rrostorhous, administratrix of the
Estnto of Goorgo Rrostorhous, de
consod, Plaintiff, rccovorod Judgment
ngalnst Goorgo F. Harris, Defendant
for tho sum of Nino Hundred Ninety
nnd no 100 Dollnrs with Intorest nt
tho rate or 10 por cont per annum,
from tho 7th day of December, 1913,
togothor with Ono Hundrod Dollars
attorney's fees, and tho further sum
of Thirty Threo nnd 60-100 Dollars
cost, and accruing costs.
Notlco Is hereby given thnt I will,
on Saturday, the 17th day of July,
1915, at tho North front door or tho
courthouso In Prlnovillo, In said
county, nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon
of said day, sell at publlo auction, to
the highest bidder for ensh, all right
nnd tltlo that tho abovo named de
fendant Gcorgo F. Harris havo or
hnd nt dato of said Judgmont In tho
following described property, to-wlt:
Lots numbarod 13 and 14 of Mock
27, ot Rend, Crook countv, Orogon.
Sheriff of Crook County.
Dntod at Prlnovillo, Orogon, this
10th day of Juno. 1915,
Hy Floyd A. P woll,
15-19 e. Deputy.
Stops That II ch
troubles. We can sivo you a good slia
trial bottlo of the uonulno V. V. IX
Prescription for only 28 cents.
Don't fall to try tills famous remedy
for any kind of summer skin trouble
wo know D, D. D. will give you instant
It latltfiet without frlndfn, how
iplt. how few cliewt you take to
I bat 'a why it la lit Hial Jttacw
coita lets in the end.
turn a.d .kArt .hr.rf .a f, .. ..-
Urladlal da Vljmuf cuuilid lbw
' r -
V "I
" - "yf"--
, ?
jtafbgt WyFU' '