c ia.jjkAJ-.j..TirrT77. .t- "- ujjjT "iutuiT-JwvyawataAit. .....mmn. AI$.m.. ...... PAGE 4. TIIE IJENM IJUILETIN, JIKND, OltE.f WEDNESDAY, JUNE IB, 1018. fsaWaMsnaHMMsMsWHHltettlststaM wtohbwmwriiiimb r 5VH p-v l . rffife. BEN D BULLETIN 1 J?.0..1? ' TJ00'1 p"0 ln wU,ch w (llllhcl Every Wednesday) OEOIiaE PALMER PUTNAM Publisher UOHERT W. SAWYER Mnnnglnff Editor An Independent nowspapor stand ing (or the square deal, clean busi ness, clean politics nnd the best In- terests of Bond and Central Oregon. J-frT WEDNESDAY, JUNE IG.,1915. te THE DU11U18 REPORT. .Thero scoms to huvo been n tomp- 01 In a teapot over tho Dubuls re- Itibrt. That document Is tho rosUlt -fvof-an Investigation of tho project of ,', tho Central Oregon Irrigation Com pany made by on onnlncor acting un- 'dor tho orders of tho Desert Land ' Board. As wns to ho oxpeetod, the com pany objected to It. Tho report con- ,4vm bo mo truths about the project which nro uncomnllmcntary to It. They nro not tho Rort of thing which the management cares tho settlors to seo. Especially they aro not tho . sort of thing which It Is desirable for prospoctlvo purchasers to see. v, Apparently tho compttny's objec tions havo been sustained, nt least ln a measure.' Tho form of tho report Is" to be altered somewhat before It "1 circulated, llut wo have tho ns- miranco of tho Governor and thero U'good ron3on to 'jollevo the innjor , lty of tho Hoard will sustnln him that tho actual findings of tho engi neer will not ho BUpressed. The .dovarnor thinks thnt It Is fair thnt 'JtliD settlors should havo tho benefit I of this Information, which wan pre pared at tho oxponso of tho taxpay ers. Ho nlso believes thnt It Is ps poclally unfair for tho Hoard to pub ' llsh nuythlng official which goes out of Its way to elnborato facts, and tnclc on to tho legltlmnto engineer ing findings, gratuitous condemnation of tho project ob n whole. i In both contentions Governor WIthycombo Is right. Tho settlers aro entitled to tho Information, nnd tlridor tho administration of a Gov ernor wlui has been n good deal of a i- real "sottlor" himself, wo nro confi dent tho man on tho land win nover ,ECt tho short end of any dcnl In 'which tho Executive has a controlling -hand. Conversoly, however, It will .nld nelthor settlor, Investor or Cen tral Oregon resldont, to dlstrltmto'un askod for and unncodod criticism of -'our neighboring Irrigation project. Certainly It would bo real Injustico to disseminata such criticism unless It woro nccompanlcd by n comprehen sive description of the many good points ot tho project, which really nierlt condemnation. lhe llullotln sympathises with tho settlors fully: It will help thorn to tho utmost of Its ability to get nil tho truth about the system they will In htrlt shottly, for hotter or for woroo. Whllo wo liavo hnd our dlffuron rwwlth tho company, nnd moro par ticularly with Its management, which nt limes wo havo folt has operated for far from tho best Interests of cither tho Hottlors or thoso who havo supplied thi finances, wo gladly tostlfy oW deslro to seo tho hlg In vestment represented got a wiiiaro deal. And thoroforo It seems to us hnd-bdHlnoss, for all concomed, to oncourngo hoBtllo criticism of many phases of tho undorUklng. Especially lot us try to bo fnlr. Mnttors aro not ns bad' as they woro. They will io hotter. Fundamental ly It Is n good projoct, nnd whon tho kinks nro straightened out all hands will lo reasonably satisfied. start Industries. 'A rdputntlon of that kind Is worth more to a community than much flno gold, if wo permit ourselves to be come shortsighted and heckla capital Invested here, Wo aro cutting oft our noso'to splto our face, and In tho end we will be left holding an empty sock, for peopjo who havo money to Invent can find plenty of opportunl tlcat'o Invest It elsewhere. Din TO OIL STREETS Council Onk'iH Pmclinso of Hprlnut Ina Attnrlituent Will bo Economy The cindered streets of Ilcnd nro to be oiled ns a means of preventing dust, the council having taken action to this effect nt a meeting on Friday. Tho regular city waterlog cart will bo used for tho work, an oil attach ment costing $225 being placed on It to Insure proper distribution. The oil will he heated In tho tank by steam colls and with the now attach ment will be distributed under pres sure Prcsont plans contemplate oiling Greenwood avenue from tho viaduct to town, Hond and Wall streets and tho Intersecting Btrects from Novnda to Ohio. Tho oil will bo put on from curb to curb, It Is estimated that ono application will bo summient for tho summer nnd that It will mnko a sav ing over the cost of street sprinkling with water. It .Is hoped that tho work will bo complotod before the opening of the ChautnuMUn. Do You Evinrude 9r Got ono of those little Motors for your rcw bout or canoe. ? T. M. O'DONNELL Arfent 1 Spend Your Summer on the Wtlei 1 PROJECT IS FEASIBLE Engineer's Report on SultlcM J.nt;o Kiiturprlxn In Filed. RALKM, Juno 12. According to n leporl mndo today by Engineer Goorso 8. Young, of Ilend, to Htnto Engineer .Lewis uioro nro between 10,000 and in, 000 Irrigable acres In tho proposed Buttles I.nko Irrigation district nnd tho project Is cntlroly rcnsiiiio. Tho district Is located at Grand vlow, Jefferson county, nnd water for It can ho obtained fiom Suttles lake, Who lake and Clear creek. This water munt bo carried n distance of 25 miles nnd will bo good for domes tic as woll as Irrigation purposes. Tho engineer estimates that cost of completing tho project would bo SG17.500. The settlors will form nn Irriga tion district nnd propose to proceed with thotinprovomont Ihomsolves. LEWIS INSPECTS PROJECT., On a trip of Inspection of the Turn nlo project. Stnto Engineer Lewis wns In town on Saturdny. Mr. Lewis spent tho greater part of tho day on thn project, coming to Ilend to tnke tho evening train. Ho reported that tho Tumalo projoct affairs woro In good condition. Spoaklng of tho Co lumbia river highway around M Itch- oil a Point, botweon Hood River nnd Tho Dulles, Mr. Lewis said that It wan progressing. An 80 foot section of n 210 foot tunnel, the longest high way tunnel In tho world, has boon finished. The whole work will not ho completed until lato In tho sum m or. WILL PRODUCE ALUMINUM. h. M. Ellis, of Ann Arbor, Michi gan, who has been making n study of various mineral deposits In this sec tion for tho past few wcoks, yester day authorized tho announcement that It is the expectation ot tho In torcsts ho represents to build nn ex perimental plant for the ftroduclon of aluminum at Ilend In tho near fu ture. According to Mr. Ellis his com pany will produce aluminum by a new process. Until tho experiments nro completed only a small force or men will bo employed but It results are favorable u largo plant will bo estab lished here, tho combination of raw mntorlal, tho availability of elect -lb current nnd transportation nt this point lending to tho establishment of tho plant nt Ilend. BEND NINE DEFEATS ALFALFA . iN;HlTERESTlf!G GAME , . ' tflnal Scoro.ilH to.fi Heavy Hitting lj Dnvto Ifml HiirJiigci-'h- Pllclilnjr Contribute to Result. Tho hltliotto undefeated Alfalfa base ball ulna wns beaten by the Rend nine In an. uninteresting game on Sunday, tho score being 18 to p. The heavy hitting of Davis and Springer's pitching contributed ln large mcasuro'to tho result: Alfalfh scored. JtB first run In tho Initial inning, and In tho samo Inning Uend mndo five tallies, The flaying from then on was fnlrly even until the end of tho firth vhon with three men on bases Davis knocked a two bagger to long cantor, which cleared tho Rftcks.v After" this everybody hit tho ball arid It. was not until Rend had scored 10 moro runs that Alfalfa was able to go to bat. Moody, tho Alfalfa catcher, was tho visitor's biggest asset, making two hits nut of four times nt hat and scor ing two of their runs, tho third being mad by first tmtiemnn Foster, through Bproat's error In tho first Inning. Tho lie ml nine plays La Pino nt La Pino on Sunday, TOM MURPHY 1.4 RACK. Senor Tomas Murphv returned to Hond from Seattlo on Thursday, hav ing turned hack from thero on his trip to Alaska. Senor Murphy acquir ed his title In Now Mexico whore ho spent tho winter bossing n gang ot Moxlcanos on an Irrigation project With his winter's ixporlonco he feels fully competent to discuss tho Mexi can problem In nil Its phases. If you want to mako It right with Tom say "Huenos dies, Senor," when'you meet him tomorrow morning, or "Huenos tardes," If It Is after 13 o'clock. Ho says Ilend Is tho best piaco he has seen botwocn El Paso nnd Sonttlo and ho has been everywhere In between. TEACH Kits' EXAM I.VATION. A touchers' examination will bo hold In tho county court room, Prlno- viiie, orogon, Juno 30, July 1, 2, 3, 1915, beginning 8:30 a. m. J. E. MYERS, lfi-lCc, Superintendent . TUB FRAN0H18B FIOIIT. As ordered by thn people tho coun cil has roforrod to them tho question whothor dr not competing electric utilities are to bo permitted In Ilend. Tho olectlon on tho question will tako placet on August 0. Hotweon today nnd tho duto of tho election argument for nnd against tho proposed now frnnchlso will be heard on nil sides. In all local controversies The llul lotln has hlthorto taken no part, bo llovlng thnt they woro so small nnd of bucIj tompornry character ns to bo unworthy of partisanship. It has be lloved, too, that to tako sides In pet ty quarrels was not for the hoot In terestH of Hond, end It U to thoso interests that this paper Is devoted. Ilocauso of this devotion and be cntiBo It bellows that thn grant of tho competing frnnchlso Is not for thn Intorosts of the people Tho Hullctln ts agultiBt It. Hocausa tho question In not moroly tumporary but has In it tho possibility of future nnd per manent harm to tho city It considers It Its duty to mako Its opposition known In thin manner and to sny what It can ou tho subject hereafter. In doing this The llullotln feels that It Is performing ono portion ot its ilnlv ns n nowsnnner. Tho other portion lies Hi opening Its columns to all parties of tuo controversy iuiu In reporting the events ot tho cam jmlgn with fairness and nccurncy. This portion will bo performed alto. No boast Is mndo that here alono will be round the only fair discussion of tho matter, hut tho promlso Is gtvon thnt to tho best of Its ability Tho Hul. lotln will dlBciiBS (nlrly and report faithfully tho facta of tho frnnchlso campaign. WBhli DONH. Tho overwhelming vote tit favor of surrounding tho Hrooki mill site with city property, so as to sarejruaru mat mill from municipal taxation nnd thus make more dwlraule Ita estab lishment clooo In, shows pretty woll the plrlt of tho people ot Hond. And n ceuplo of week ago, In twenty four hours and at a period ot bard times. Hond folks collected ovor 17,000 In cash to remove tho last obstacle In the establishment ot an other big mill here. All ot which shows that.Hsnd Is . -,.! a,.rl nf tnWtl With BeOBlO WhO nrihle to see fV .! wo t tbolf noses find further ika Vlwifrly todt And especially such actions thu evidence that bit iRvectom bere.wlH get a square deal, and that I TO CLEAN THE CITY. Asldo from tho nrrntigomonts for tho Chnutauqua ticket soiling and tho camp ground reported elsowhero In this paper tho chief business com ing boforo tho Commercial Club ht Its last meeting was discussion o( n movement to cloan up the 'alloys of tho city and the places noar town which haVo been usod as dumps. J. A, Eastcs was appointed to tako the matter tip with tho city. Ho will act In conjunction with a rommlttoo from the Pnrent-Tencher Association. Tho uoxt luncheon will bo nt the Hond Hotel. CLANTON HERE SUNDAY, Stato Fish Wardon Clonton. spent Sunday here for tho purposo ,of In specting tho local fish hatchery. Fol lowing tils visit work was bogun on tho ponds to which the nqwly'hntch od trout will bo ronioved from tho hatching troughs. Thero will be 12 of 'these altogether. It la expected that a carload of oastern brook trout wilt bo brought In In tho next two wcoks tor development In tho ponds boforo their planting In tho streams and ponds1 of this section. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETINfl. Notice Is hereby given to tho legal voters of school district Number 12 of Crook county, Stato of Oregon, that tho nnnuol .school meeting of said district will bo held at tho Held school, to begin, at tho hour of 9 o'clock n. ni. on tho third Monday ot Juno, bolng tho 21st day ot Juno, A. U., l'Jlft. This meeting Is called for tho pur poso of electing one director for threo years and ono clork for one year, and tho transaction of business usual at such meetings. Dated this Sth dny of June, 1915. Attest: II. J. OVERTURF, District Clerk. 14-1 Cc C. M. McKAY, . Ch&lrmttn Honrd ot Directors '' '' - 3 Z 1 i Men's ; Clothing """fl1 l 'v llilr&r If vye can fit your fancy we'll easily fit your frame. R. M. Smith Clothing Company Ccrrri(U lltit fch.rncf lc Mm LEARN THE; WAY For sign painting boo Edwards,-Adv. Duy your seed oats at tho Nov Uend Flour Mill Co. Adv. In pockots. Valued as a relic turn to llullotln. Ro- lCo IXMNS. MONEY TO LOAN $100 to $1000 amounts. Address Hox 2S5, Hond, Oregon. lGtf TO TRADE OU EXCHANGE. TO TRADE Will trndo my oqul- ty In 80 acres of Improvod land '.a. Central Oregon' for neat bungalow In Ilend. A-l barn, smnll house, ono mile to thriving town, to good ' grnded school and on railroad. Havo put $3G00 Into' placo cash. Am 'a womaa nnd not nhlo to carry on tho farm work. Will tnke JCUO.cash to haiidlo deal. Address P, O, Dox 1!2, Hond, Orcson. 15p B F1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. WANTED. ANNUAL MEETINO HELD; The annual meeting of Tho Hond Company was held on Monday. Dr. D. F. Hrooks and It. K. (Jtpsori of Minneapolis, W.I.. Mueller or Daven port, Iowa, D. M. McKay of Port land and D. E., Hjintc,r4camo pn for v- nd tho meotlng.,o)I but Mr,fHunteJl Inf. law. nltfht 1 !!. nrVtAttfi f.TI .. ... "inf.-,- ..w..j-. .,w' tho summer hojre. , WANTED Qlrl to nsslst with housework. Inquire Mrs. O, M. Pat terson. 13tf WANTED Listings) of Irrigated or dry land, stock ranches or grain ranches for Portland or Wlllamctto valley property and cash commission from one to flvo pore ont. John Fer guson, G01' Oorlliigor building, Port land, Oregon. 13tt WANTED Housd dresses, chil dren's clotbos, plain sewing done at nome. jcororencos. i. u. jiox 382. lBp FOR RENT. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables We have opened n new store in Bend, to be run on a new plnn. We mean to supply j'ou regu larly with the best Fresh Fruits and Vegetables the market allbrds. WE DELIVER. CONFECTIONERY AND SODA FOUNTAIN BEND FRUIT CO. JEWELER IN CONNECTION. Wall Street f ui( uhjnt small nouno partly rurntsned. low rent. a. it. no gin. 15-1Q o FOR nENT Threo furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Close In. Inquire O'Donnoll's Market. lSlf FOR RENT Three room furnish ed house with all modern Improve ments. Afiply tho Metropolitan. ICtfc FOR BALE. American ffrakery s WALL STRRI1T UU PASTRY AND BREAD is always " good. We also have Fresh Fruits ant) Vegetables. lee Cream and ' Confec tionery. Our goods are fresh daily. Let; us ... care-for your. wants. Satisfaetion guaranteed. Prices right. TELEPHONE BLACK 411 i Shriner e& HHS3i .' it U f BEND U J FOR SALE Five room raodorn bungalow, now and complete. Easy terms. II. M. Abbott. P. O. box 01, Ilend. 13tf FOR SALE 1000 pound mare, harness and cart for sale. Ilend Oarage. 10c FOR SALE Good horse and bug gy. Apply American Hakcry. Otfc FOR SALE Qood fresh cows. For Information Inqulro ot R, M. Hatch, Tumalo, Oregon. lt-16p FOR SALE Teem horse, weight 3000 pounds or will trade for 2400 pound team. Nixon. Htf FOR SALE Team for all purposes and work harness, one a good reli able family horse. L. S. Rickard, phone Rural 1156 at noon or 6 p. m. 11-15 o FOR SALE Two relinquishments In -the famout Summer Lako Taller, 3ne soil, ,-jood climate, Ideal alfalfa land, Tla; tenderest fruit and vege tables gro'V here In abundance Good floowa ot Kfteslan water from 70 to 400 feet. Surface water 8 feet. Price $400 each. Call pr write A. U. Gert son, Summer Lake, Oregon. 14tfc VOH SALE Farm, southwest side Powell Uutte, 320 acre. 150 unrt.l' cultivation, as much more can be cultivated; 80 fruit trees growing on place. For Information Inquire at Al falfa post office, ,3-19 p FOR SALE Seed poatoes, two cents a pound at Coty Restaurant. 15o Just Opened A New Meat Market Across the street from the Bend Hotel. We carry a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats Lard and Clieese , Our motto will be Honest Weights and Courteous Treatment GIVE US A TRIAL Phone No. Red 721 Gilbert (Sh Son -1 lJOX A FOUND. FOUND Browa mere, about four years, old. white stockist fclad le. branded R on tke right shoulder. Owfter cm kve acsae by aylr COt. Awly BulletU o4He, 6tf LOT Party who found a Blr of clskt TkrNN t4tla la klaclc leather can pieMe retura to Mrs. A. M. Lara neh, . . , . "tf Uemt-HtT esrf t Oak) sad Bd , Hat eet, eartrWtfe ec Use Good Paint A coat of pairit-good painteaves ten time its,criijt by protocting against weather and decay. ' " ' Paint your house, porch and lawn fence with Acrrio V...,,.ui. "i. iiicjrwm scana DetveentUi wood and the weather and protect and beautify jour r.uii.jf uun uu any otner paint. ACMZQUAujyr 'Tilrtdc,?arkonany.Paint or finish mean that i u.e ui. uiai ou,. poeaojy oe made for tlie purpo., 'We have paints and finishes for all surfaces houm barns, roofs, floors carnages. In fact, if it's a surfato b painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, wc have an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. .. 1 We will b gkd to show you colors whether you buy I & or uoc i. --il MC 2 . , -' Si a " 1 hi us iaii iifT - '" innsaaMasr sBi lalalalalalala M ,L'X . . i . i . Jbi&Mrw it to&NVtoUnHd yjpi,S8ft' .r T ' ' w