wwwSJI lfT' r l'AQK 2. TUN IKNI IIUM-Hf IX, I1KNI), ORK.( WKINTKSI)AY, JUNE 10, 10IU. w k- ?' ill -- 4 - CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. ---- - Tl'MAIA), (Special to Tlio TlullMtn) TU.MA1.0, Junu 14.- Though a umallcr crowd than usual attended tliu monthly meeting of thu Tunlnlo Improvement Club Inst Bnturday af ternoon probably nioro good was ac rompllHhed thnn at nay previous meeting. Tho gubject of Rotting rid of tho n number ly intorent In tho triple. Tho bent methods of raising root crops and weed pests wan taken up and " ' "' f'J"'A"' her of members showed a live- r,8n ." I.. II... (,.l Tim I. not I Al lOWO OI O on an additional ICO Tuesday boforo Commissioner Fogs. J. I'. W'flfjuct and son Arthur and A. T. Iframo Bpont Sunday with J, li. Owen. Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Harrison called on Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harmon Sun day nfternoon. Floyd Phillips, Uurr niack, and Dan McArthur dined with W. T. Har- Stauffor passed throiiKh hero ono day last week en route to i.M, .he"; !L,.rl"g.1.' U,m'n!:ai:i Hurler How. Joe Simmons and ea proved of Intorost. Will Lover cm gavo n splendid talk on tho grow ing of alfnira and rye. Wi I). Ilnrncs and John Cunning ham went up to Crane I'ralrlo last week for a conplo of days. Thoy cnught a number of 20 Inch Dolley Vnrdons. Anotlior party of Tumalo sports men killed a 300 pound black boar over on tho Mctollus. Tho ImyB went over last Monday for a week's out ing trip. Thoy wore Carl Marlon, (leorgo and Rnlph Norcott, Hogor I'llckongor and Malnn Couch. Mrs. Uago and daughter of Prlno vlllo spent tho week end as the housa Kiiests of Mrs. Fred Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Horner wont to Ilond Thursday on business, Chlldron'H Dnv oxorclsos will bo observod next Sunday, Juno 20 nt tho church horn, A good program Is being arranged. Kvcry body Is In vited to coino, Bring jour basket ns later a picnic lunch will be en joyed olthor on tho Island or In tho hall as tho weather pormlts. 1'. W. lloosloy, formerly head draftsman In tho Tumalo projoct olllce, nud Miss (lortrudo Mnrknl of llond, nro to bo married June ID. at IiIh homo In North Yaklmn, Thoy will reside In Sunnysldo, Washington,! whoro ho In now employed In tho U. H. Iteclaniatlon Korvlco. Tho poaplo of tho I'nlrvlow school district havo organized a I'nrent Toaclior Association. Tho following oWcerfl hnvo beon olocted: Mrs, Frank Dayton, pros.; Mrs. John Parks, vice pros.; Mrs. J. A. Thomp son, secretary nnd Mrs, Charles Ilnrr, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Hornor loavo for Hprlngflohl, Waduosday whoro thoy "will attend a confarenco of tho Ilnp. tlst church. Thoy will mako tho trip by auto and will bo accompanied by Harvey Day ton who will go on to Ornnts Pass. Flvo of tho Tumnlo boys wont to He ml Sunday to tako In tho ball name. Mr. and Mm. John Cunning ham also attondod Homer Stunrt left for Washington to hunt for work. Mrs. Julia McNctt will leave soon for Kathdruni, Idaho, whero sha will bo gono for several months, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Fogg spont Sunday with Mrs. Lucy Hicks. HAMPTON 11UTT13. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON BUTTE, Juno 0. Harold McFadden was a Loot Creek visitor last Friday. C. C. Hlnmann has moved his fam ily to Buck Croek, Al Lowp, who has beon visiting his sister, Mrs. Overall, at Stauffor pass ed through hero last Sunday on IiIb way to Ilond, J. M, Ilrlikny ; doing no mo fenc ing for his dnughtor, Kate. Clydo Nlcodcmus has gono out for his (lvo months lenvo of absence Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Miller, Mr. C. W. Ashbaugh nnd Mr. Ilornco Brook ings attended tho agricultural meet ing at Hampton last Friday. Miss Allco Brookings who has been visiting her brother Ilornco tho past wook roturnnd to lior homo today. Bert Mcoks has purchased a black smith outfit from C. M. Smith. F, C. Ewlng left for Bend last Sun day morning. Mrs. Fred Miller called on Mrs. Brookings last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hort Mcoks and chil dren and Miss Elva McFadden visited' at the homo of M. S. Brown last Sat urday. Jim Brown returned to his homo after bolng out to Bond sovcral days. Miss Elva McFadden nnd V. P. Wray took supper nt tho Mcoks' homo Thursday. Several loads of wool passed here today onrouto to Bend. V. Schroder and O. A. Johnson havo gone to Maury mountain for a load of lumber. Marvin Porry of Surprise Valley passed through here on his way home from Bend. Henry Menzler spont several days on his homestead this week. Kred Mlllor mado a business trip to Hampton today. Dave Dunn of Imperial passed through here last Thursday on his way to Surprise Valloy to transact business. Mrs. J. M, Brlckoy loft for the Wlllametto Valloy today, bolng cnll od by tho death of her mother. Miss Eva Michel and Mrs. Bort Meoks and children visited with Mrs. Frod Mlllor today. tercsttng program given. They re turned home at six o'clock, tired but happy. Mr. and Mrs. Ben DeWltt havo gono to Egll for a stay of several weeks. Mrs, DoWltt Is under tho caro of Dr. Potter. Tho dance at Curran's hall last Saturday night was well attended and all had an cnjoyablo tlmo. Kenneth Helms and Lloyd Forbes, who hns been working for "Bill" Brown, are at home again. Robert Young hns gono with his father on a trip to Warm Springs. Jimmlo McKwan came homo from Buck Crook Thursday. Jimmlo Curran and Qoo. Mohror started for Bend for a load of sup plies, the latter part of this week, A largo crowd went over to see tho round up last Sunday. CLOVUIUULI LOST CRKKK. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) LOST CHEEK, Juno 3. Miss Al lco Brookings closed n successful school year last Friday, A number of friends met with the teacher nnd pupils nnd had n picnic dlnnor up In tho buttes, After a bountiful dln nor gum os woro playod and an ln- 8TAIIITKR. (Bnonlnl to The Bulletin). 8TAUFFKU, Juno 11. Mrs. Mc Loutll nnd sons wont over to Twnlvu mile ranch tho latter part of tha Nveok. 3'. II. HnsHler nnd wife, Mrs. Los- . )ernnco, Fred Overall and Mrs. Stnuf- Vfur and family spent Sunday at tho ' jlrown'a homo In Pleasant Valloy. I Charles. Dnvls and Tom Cownn vis ited tho lluckaroo camp Sunday. C. J. Rtmirror wont ovor to Ilonja mln I.nko Monday. James Ilrlckuy nnd Earl McFadoa Avoro ovor from Pleasant Valley Frl tlav. ' MIsb Mary Stauffor was ontortalnod by tho Misses Itrowu tho foro part of the week. I Jriiioh MaKwnn has roturnnd homo after spending n fow wueks out at "work. I Perry llnrtoon nnd Miss Inns Mer cer woro ovor In Hurprloa Valloy on Sunday. I Autonn Schmltz of Butto passed through Saturday. ' Al Lowo, who has beon with his Mister, Mih. Overall, has luturned to Bend. , i. i Allco Brookings spont tho wook or.d with hor brother Ilornco. Mrs. WnHhburii and tho two little Best girls drovo ovor to Itolyat on Friday. I llecy Smith nnd Jamr-a McEwan vUltcd O, J. Htauffur Sunday. HAMPTON. (Specln. to Th Bulletin.) HAMPTON. Juno 10. Mjsa Klor unco Hunting spont Friday with Miss Durle Burton. Him Mo Arthur left hero Tuosday for Flrdnlo, Wushlngtun. Mr. aud Mrs. A. S. Fogg called on Mr. and Mm. C. II. Harmon Friday liftornonn. Mrs. il.llllau Pock and children. Ilnrr Black and Floyd 1'hllllpa spent Hunday with Mr. mid Mrs. J O Whltlnkcr. Low Bennett spent Tuesday In Hampton. Mabel Htroelor has returned to her homestead. Mrs. Mattlo Grow nnd daughter Hv spent Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. J. M. Brlckoy. Hiram Hoguo was In Hampton on Wednomliiy. Jus. U Curran of Stauffor pnwiHl through Hampton Saturday en route to Bend The speaking on Juno 4th by Mr. Arnay and Mr. Graham of the Hill llo, A. 15. Lovett. our county agri culturist, Addison llunhutt of Tho nreaoultin nnd Prof. Thomas Shaw of 151. Paul, was well nttended nud on Jowl bv tho farmers In this section Burr Black lost a ulvo young maro Juno 2 . Tho vctiool meeting will bo held hero Juno SI. lluv. Loroo of Redmond will preach t H Fikk'h residence on tha evening of Juno 14. 'v i.f Mit hnimRt8ndci In thU vicinity will celebrate July 4th at ....iK, iu link's south ou July 3rdv A crowd from Stauffer will ramp mi (Has Butto from Saturday till Mwiday. A. T. Frame went to Imperial on Tuesdav. Mr, Wntttaker of Dry Lake filed T ITHH EUnOPEAN CONSUMER Is tho most scientific huyor of foods on earth. Ho has, from necessity, boon forced to buy that which gives tho greatest return for tho money. Ho Is tho world's greatest user of flour. Flour, and yet more Hour, hns been tho cry of stricken Bolglum. England and Franco consider It relatively tho cheapest food at $12 por barrel. Don't subscrlbo to popular fallacies. Fnco tho facts. Meat contains CO por cont water, potatoes 7G por cent, milk 80 to 00 por cont, Hour 13 Vi por cont. A pound of mont costs 20 and 25 cents, flour 4 conts, nnd yet there Ib moro energy In a pound of flour than a pound of bcof. HEAL KCONOMV MUANH THE USE OF MOIIE FLOUR. 1 (Special to Tho Bulletin) CLOVEBDALE, Juno 14. Mr. Beard has gone to Bend whoro ho Is running tho englno freighting logs to tho mill. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. CarBon fished on tho Motolluo Sunday. Mr. Cyrus, Sr hns sold his farm to Washington parties and will retire from farming. F. O. Cutllp has moved with his family on his Clovordalo farm across from Clyde Johnson's. Mrs. Van Malro nnd children re turned homo Sunday after spending a wook In Bond visiting relatives and frlendo. Mr. Hondrlx and family arrived on Wednesday and took possession of their now homo, tho Howor placo. W. Van Matrc has Just recolved some full hloodod Poland China hogs of tho largo typo, which he shipped from his farm In Missouri. Miss Tcmpleton Is still quite sick. Tho commlttco for tho council meeting next Friday evening hnB ar ranged nn Ice cream, enke nnd straw berry Boclal at the K. L. Waldron homo. Thero will bo contest games for old and young. POWELL BUTTE. (Special to Tho Bulletin) , POWELL BUTTE, Juno 14. Mrs. W. a. Mustard and chlldron return ed to their homo In Bend last Monday after a fow days visit with Mr. and" Mrs. S. D. Mustard. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parr of Ter rebonno wero buslnoss visitors at tho John Tuck placo Tuesday. . Mr. Bonson, who has beon over In the Bear Creek country for tho past week, returned Frldny. W, T. Smith, who Is farming an eighty of tho "Billy" Wilson placo, is fencing agnlnst rabbits. Miss Gladys Bnyn and Llna Moora came out from Prlnevllle Friday for a week end visit with homo folks, Tho girls nro attending summer nor mal. O. C, Truesdale Is rabbit fencing the north slda of his place. Mrs. William Nanny of Deschutes camo out Wednesday for a vUlt with Mrs. Allon Wlllcoxon, returning homo Saturday. . Mrs. E. A. Bussott, teacher for tbo young men nt tho Wilson Sunday nrhnnl nntnrtntnnd her cIarb at & pleasant pnrty at hor homo Friday ovenlng, Tho young ladlos class was also present and nil report nn ex ceptionally good tlmo. nofreshments consisting of Ico cream and cako wero sorved during tho ovenlng. About 35 young men nnd women wero pros ont. Mrs. Mary V. Charlton nnd sons, Harold and Chaa., Jr., nro out from Prlnevllle for tho summer, having moved out last wook, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bayn ontor talnod at dlnnor Friday evening In honor of tho lntter'n birthday. Plates wero laid fqr the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon nnd Harriett, Mrs. William tfanny and J. A. Itlggs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ora Fostor and ba bies moved Into their now bouBo on tholr ditch land Saturday. Mrs. E. N. Hull and Infant son left tor Portland Saturday evening whore thoy will vlalt relatives for bouio tlmo. Mrs. Ulcs of Redmond returned to her home Saturday nfter n two week's sojourn nt the Geo. Klsslor home. Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon nnd daughter Harriett visited In Bend Saturday, returning homo Sunday, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Klsslor and family were dinner guests at the E. U. Agen homo Sunday. POWELL BUTTE, Juno 14. Tho ball game playod yesterday between tho boys of Butto Valley district and Shepherd district was 18 to 13 in favor of Butto Valley. C. F. Blair and W. A. Foscer went from here to play with tha Alfalfa team at Bond yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Davidson vis ited their homestead Sundiy. Mrs, J. I. Jones and nous, Ralph (Continued on pago 7.) w flET OUT of tho rut It'i only a habit to do nil our trading at tho larger towns. Let us spend our money at homo whoro It will do UB the most good. REMEMBER n 20 cent phone raossage will trnnsact a lot of bUBlnosa nnd save DOLLARS. P. 8. Johnson i h MILLICAN, ORKaON. iJffl WHEAT FLOUR Chenpcftt nnd Bst Food. U. 8. Govern men t TentN Prove It. Articles Enorgy 10 Cents Will Buy Eggs . 385 mm Beef, sirloin 410 sjsg ' Mutton, leg 445 sjpj Milk 1030 Pork, loin 1035 'Chceso .1185 Butter 13CC Breakfast foods 1489 Rico 2025 Potatoes 2950 Beans, dried 3040 WHEAT FLOUR C540 (U. S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin No. 142.) I.'NEIKiV MiikcIo nud Strength Hiving QunlltloN. Ono-pound of Deschutes Spray Flour, costing 3 to 4 cents, will go ns far ns two pounds of moat containing 20 to 25 conts por pound. New Bend Flour Mill 4 Bend, Origon Tho cleanest flour mill In the State of Oregon, All flour tested In our own laboratories. The public Is Invited to Inspect our plant. EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND MMMMWsMMsssssMMMMMMHHWBMaMMSs STAYS HERE Brick is tho MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product arc satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. Portland lt(IM IVhtl. vnl Excur sion Fnren Dully June 0 to 10. DELUXE TOURS to CALIFORNIA Expositions LOW l'AREH DIRECT OR CIRCLE TOUII8 EAST. Oregon Trunk Railway Ami thn Trlple-Scr? w, Six Deck Pulnco of the Pacific SS "NORTHERN PACIFIC" h.MLS Jl'XK I, 8, 18, 111, 20, 21, 2H. Special HttMiner Train luon Portland t) a. m, Arrhra I'lnwl t'JiilO Liinrhtsm on Ship. Ktrniiikhl An-ltm San FriincKt-o :i;o p. m, Xt Dy. ROUND TRIP FARES TO SAN FRANCISCO I'Ytuu Rem, 110 Day Limit (ill, 10 Ninety Day Unlit , 915. ir, Corresponding low raten to Han Uleuo mid Ios Angi'len. Choice of routec, rail or ktcttiiuhlp. Particular of Agents SMWiie, Portland X Scuttle, Orcgou Trunk or (Jr?Mt Nor thern or Northern PwclHc Rallnay It, II. CR04T.R, J. II. CORRKTT, A. (1. I'. A., Agent, Portmiid, Or. Head, Ore. 7r7r fJLarifcS immmbm BEND PARK COMPANY ' - ' -, , m , ' ' ' " -ii m Real Estate We Control and Have For Sale, at the Be3t Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All : Its Branches in World Known Companies LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Offices and Agents Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants. . BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building; Seattle, Wash. 4 . 'I J. t 1 :!