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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1915)
The bend bulletin. j v ' v vJ llKSil), OUKGON', WEDNESDAY AFTKII.NOO.V, JUXK 10, ii15. VegSlH. $ ,hrl NO. IS. :j i r ') 4 sr x7 1KE1ALE 10 open ion W Itvvo TEAMS ARE COMPETE TO , MrrnnKCincnls for (ho llend Clinutau. . qua nro Itoliifc Itnpldly Completed f Camp Ground on Itlrrr to Iks X Provided Many .Coming Hero ; With tho date of tho Bend Chnu- Uuqua drowlng near arrangements re being complotod to mnko the I event ns complotoly successful as posslblo. iiotit in tne mnttor or en tertalnmcnt and convcnlenco of- vis t Itors no detail Is being overlooked J which will ndd to tho enjoyment of ' the occasion. Through tho nutomobllo committee of the Commercial Club and by tho courtesy of The Hend C6mpany, nr rsnEoments havo been mado to pro vide a camping ground on tho river near tho Hoy Scout lodge where those .who wish may pitch touts during 'their stay. Use of tho camp ground will Iju without charge and fuel will bo furnished by tho Commercial Club, In arranging for this unmptng priv ilege tho purpoeo of tho club Is to provldo a placo for automobile tour ists ns well aB for the Chautauqua visitors. Tho Commercial Club Is also giv ing Its nsslslnnco In the matter of ticket soiling, a motion having been passed at the meeting on Saturday to appoint capiains 01 iwo uckoi soiling rf1eam3 from tho club, theso captains 10 BC1CCI lllOir1 UBBIBIUIUV. 11 IB UA- pocted that' soma sort of forfeit will be agreed upon to bo paid by tho los ing side. Tho captains salected are P. C. Gnrrlcon and D. M. Davis. Tlckot selling will begin tomorrow. To add to tho Interest In tho sale buttons boarlug n numbor will bo xlvoa with each ticket.) Thero aro several duplicates and tho two 'per sons having dupllcato numbers, If they And each other, will each bo given anoiner treo uckoi or nave I tholr money refunded on tho ones I alreadv purchased. I , , Striking window cards, advartls V frig tho CuttutB,WR"hv iceri lilaVM I J In storo windows bi town and sent to r all tho neighboring communities. I From tho Increasingly frequent ro- I quosts for progrnms and other Infor I mntlon about tho entertainment It Is I evident Hint much Interest Is being taken In othor towns besides ncna and Indications now point to n largo attendance From Sisters 100 peo ple ore expected on Saturday, July 3 -. and assurances from Prlnovllle point flf to a ;aro delegation from there. Tho program has been announced and presents n crcdltablo array of talent. Tho chautauquii-opens ulth'nWit for his old homo Wellsvllle, a concert by tho Adolphlnn Malo; Missouri, where, It una nlood, lie n..a,.. .,rt ni.M win. nnnrn nml I will bo married. He will return to Jublloo songs by tho lluckncr Jubl UM..WV .. "I"0"'. ' "I" ' lee Singers. Ilotweon theso will corao addresres by such men ns Col. Wit Ham Hamilton Miller, nnd Senator R. J. nurkott. There will be six dayi. o oratory, lectures, music, cartoon- Inp nn,l Alilnrtnfnmnnt. A change In tho location or tne just uoen maue, urooK couuiy recuiv Chautauqua tent from that orlglnal-l Ing f 874.31. Tho county Is giving ly propoaodjhas been decided upon, l support this year to tho fair at 81s the present plan being to put It up tors, the potato show at Hodmond on Wall atroct on tho lot between the and tho countyvfnlr at Prlnovlllo. ..-. . ..... ...,.... INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST YOUR OWN CARELESSNESS Even though you might never have fire or thieves enter your home, a paper mislaid is often times lost just as irretrievahly ns if it had heen burned or stolen. When your valuable papers are in our vault you KNOW where they are and you KNOW they are safe. You can leate a steel box in our vhU wkh a noH-plckaWe Yale lock Mg eouih to contar'aJII your private papers, for $2 a year Can you aiTord to be without' this insurance? .". - The Deschutes Slate f' i vBank B, FERItlLI, . PMuUant -i " THE 1JKST WAY, (Portland Telegram.) until such time as tho Colum- bla boulevard up tho Columbia river Is completed, tourists from the north should ship their cars - to Tho Dalles by boat from Pnr. . land and then drive via Bend, Crescent and Kort Klamath to Klamath Falls. This Is a much lienor and faster road than the i-acme nignway south of Port- land. . ----. old bank building and tho Johnson building. This location Is nearer to town and will be easier to keep free from dust( while the proximity of tho new rest room, which will bo ready for uso soon, will be an advantage. Season tickets to the number of BOO will be cold for 3.50. with high school tlckots nt fl.SO nnd children's at 11.00. After tho orionln dav. season tickets wilt cost .$3. 0.1 R. & N. CO. WILL EX TEND MLE-RIVEflSlOE LINE llnlli-onil Eventually Intended to Itiilltt to Ilond IlcglnK Work nt Present Western Terminus. SALEM, Juno 16. This morning's Orcgonlnn carries tho following news story of Interest locally? "Two Important development pro jects aro provided for by two Oregon railroads in their plana for tho re maining months of tho present yenr, one each by the O.-W. It. & N. and by the Southern Pacific. "Tho O.-W. It. & N. Company will build a 30 inllo extension to Its line recently complotod from Valo to Riv erside. J. D. Farroll, proMdont of tho O.-W, It. & N., together with F. Pell, assistant to tho president, J. P. O'llrion, vlco president and goneral manngor, J, It. Holman, chief engi neer and Frank W. Robinson, assist ant tradle manager, left yesterday tor Vnlo whence thoy will proceed over tho newly completed lino through Juntura to Riverside They will travel from Kivorslde over the routo of the proposed line In automobiles. "The western tormlnus of tho pro posed extension will bo Crane Crook gap near tho northern shoro of Mal heur lake, In Ilarnoy county. Port land contractors liavo bcon askod to submit estimates on the coat of this work, and several of them now aro sending men Into tho Interior to look ovor tho ground. It Is understood that Mr, Farrell nnd his party will continue through Central Oregon and return to Portland -via elthor Condon orll?(l(T-'.Tie-Jiw..llna noy. Is bolng operated from vaie to itiversiao, a dlstanco of 80 miles. It connects with tho Oregon. Short Lino at On tario, nut is a part or mo u.-w. u. & N. system, It Is lntendod even tually to extend the lino across tho 8tnto to a connection with tho Des chutes lino now terminating at Ilond. "This routo then will ofTer tho ctfmpany a new main lino botweon Portland and tho east " IjJAHNKY O'lMirfXKrAj TO MAIUIV. Harney O'Donnell loft Monday ),..., ...lit. ,rt Hend with his bride by way of San Francisco, where thoy will visit tho exposition. I ' l-'A HI MOXKY AITOHTIOXi:i. The state apportionment of fun da for the support of county fairs has ... " . . ... ,.. E. Mf'LARA Cfaekkr USISS TO CENTER IRE INDICATIONS NOW POINT TO THIS' Un Usually Imrgo Amount to bo Han dled In lk-ml This Year Many Now Clips Coming Hanking Ah elManco Is Provided Growers. After two changes tho date of tho Dond wool sale has been finally sot far the forenoon of Juno 23, a salo being held at Redmond In tho after noon. That tho Bend sale will, bo one of tbo most Important of the spring Is now definitely nosured, white financial arrangements on bo half of tho wool growers rocontly made by tho Flrat Nntlonnl Dank should bo tho means of centering the wool industry at Hend, C. 8. Hudson, cnBhlor of tho bank. nnnounces that through banking connections tho First Natlonnl Is now prepared to loan money to tho sheep ownors nt 8 per cont for either 00 days or sK months on tho nhecp's backs or In tho warehouso nt Hend or Portland. According to Mr, Hudson this U a distinct ndvantage to tho wool men of this section ns heretofore thoy havo been In the habit of selling their fleeces at tho regular snlos, and In many cases woro compollod to take whatever price wns ottered, This ar rangement enables thorn to either sell or hold their wool ns tholr Judg ment Indicates Is bost. Mr. Hudson returned last week from a 9Q0 automobllo trip through tho Silver Lako. Paisley and Lnko vlew districts taken tor tho purposo of getting In touch with tho shoep men In theso districts and pointing out to them tho ndvantage of mak ing Rend (heir storage and shipping point for their wool. As a result a largo numbor of clips In addition to thoso already received at tho local warohouse have come in and nioro nro now on the road, mak ing tho total amount of wool to bo handled hero this year many tlious ands of pounds In oxcess of previous expectations. , A list of known shippers wns-nub llBhcd In Tho Bulletin sovernl wouks ago. In nddltlon clips aro now In or on the rood from O'Keofo brothers, til uunno vailoy, Nevada, T. H Brennnn, of Pnullnn, Isadoro Moyors of Prlnovlllo. Harden & King of Sil ver ureeK, AiecK i.ouglilin, of Fife, Bnrry and Ahearn of Bllver Lrko, Cbarlos Houston of Prlnovlllo, Alock Mackintosh of Bend, nnd six clips irom uutuio vnuoy, Nevada. A num bcr of theso clips were handled In for mer years at Mndrns, Rodmcnd and Ontario nnd now comd to Ilond be- cause of tho Inrgo amount of wool be. ins cared for hero thlv year. WIIBII HQMK DHSTHOYHD. Fire starting from nn unknown ouso deBtro)ed the homo of R. B. Wobb In Keuwood Monday night. Nothing was an ml from tho burning house nnd Mr. Wobb, himself, had a narrow escape, being asleep when the I blaze started. Tho lioimo and furni ture wero Insured for GO0. Mrs. Wobb and her children are visiting her parents la Pcntwater, Michigan, I L LAWN MOWERS AND Grass CatcKers Hose and Nozzles GARDEN AND Garden Deep "Well Farming' Implements AT: Bend Hardvaire Co. Th Company llt put iho &&W9f(Jli9fc SPUR IS CREW STARTED LAST v - THURSDAY Oicr 1,000 Feet of Itnll on Lino to StioYlln-Hlxon Mill Xow Laid ISridgo Contract Is Let Com pany OfKcils Arrive In Bond. In accordance with tho announce ment In The Bulletin last week tho Oregon Trunk began on Thursday tho construction of tho spur from Its main, lino to tho Shoyllu-Hlxon Baw mill to be built oiifiio wost sldo of tho Deschutes. EnglnoorJ). M. How ard Is 5n chcrgo of tho work nnd thoroi'la now completed 1100 foot of track' nnd 1000 feet of grading. At present about 20 men nnd n numbor of lean. aro employed nnd tho work Is being pushed as rapidly as possible In order to reach tho alto of tho bVldgo nnd mnko posslblo the delivery of brtdgo material on the ground. Tho contract for tho brldgo has, been lot to Ncttloton, Bruco & Ksch of Soattlo. Other Work Started. Othor work to start up ns a result of the railroad snd brldgo construc tion has beon at tho sand end gravel plant of Bolton, Ruetenlk and May In the field across from Tho Bend Company mill. Frank May, 'tho lo cal manager for tho firm, hns rocolvcd a contract to supply 1,000 yardc of grnvel tor tho bridge and Is getting li)i plant in operation, omploylng several men nnd loams. Referring to recent local dlccus slons concerning tho wages paid -to the men omployed by tho railroad on the spur Mr. Howard stated to n rep resentative) of Tho Ilullotln yestor- day that tho company was paying fiva dollars per day for teams, and standard wages for blacksmiths nnd powder men. For common lnbor, ho said, the rogulnr railroad wago was 11.40 por day nnd whllo ho ngroed that lrwas low, no said that tho -torn pnny might havo brought In nil the men It required at that wago. That It did not do so waa simply liccr.uso It wished to glvo all tho work It could locally. Mr. Howard furthor said that It wns not true (lint all the men nora forced to board on tho company car, married man with families living horo bolng permitted to board nt home. For unmarried nion tho rule co to tho car was uccessnry In order to protect tho company from claims of various sorts. Hum YVoik ProgrMen, At tin etto of tho dam which U bolnc built Just up etronm from tho btldifo locatlL", tho record for fast work Is bolng kept up. In tbo past veek the water of the river hr.s been completely turned nnd oxcavntlon bo gun for the j.nrmnnont dam (structure. Timber laying for tho crib vrork wns ntnrt"d on Monday. Many nddltlon- al men havo boon added to the crew there being now over 25 nt work. To furnish power for mo ronciotn mixing nnd othor work nt tho dam the Bond Water Lluht & Powor Co. begun work this morning on a Una SEEDS Tools Supplies "Wr" In i . 3 1 BEGUN from the foot of Bond street bvor to tho dam. Clonring lnnd for tho mill yard continues. Olllcluli Arrive ,Hctt. Coming to Bend to make hU per manent homo Noll A. Southwlck, clishlor of The Shevlln-Htxon Com pany, arrived In town on Saturday. Mr. Southwlck's wlfo and two chil dren, who ore now Visiting her par ents In Salem, aro expected shortly. Mr, Southwlck has opened n tempor ary ofneo In tho First National Bank building. Later an oCTIco building will bo built nt the mill. Othor ofllclals of the company who will arrive tomorrow nre B. II, Don, genoral superintendent, and J. A. Nichols, general logging superintend ent. Thoy nro oxpocted to bilng plans with them and will innke final nrrangomontn to go ahead on all matters or construction. Both Mr. Doa and Mr. Nichols wero hero with Mr. Shevlm nt tho time of his visit In April nnd Mr. Doa returnod for a short stay a few weeks ago. MM 0FFIGIM.S COMING Members of I'lili nnd Onmc Conimls. nion llcro With (Jovernor. 8ALK.M, Juno 14. Whllo uncer tainty still exists ns to exactly who will muko tho trip to Bond next weok, It Is fairly suro that tho fol lowing offlclnls will go: Governor Wlthycombo, Sluto Treasurer Kny, Socrotary of Stnto Olcott, Attorney Ooneral Brown, Stato Knglnoor Low Is, Insurnnco Commissioner Wclbi, C. II. Stono of Klnmnth Falls, Frank M. Wnrron of Portland and I. N, Flolschnor of Portlnnd, all thrco last namod bolng members of the mow Fish and Clnmo Commission, and (1, P. Putnam, tho Governor's secretary It Is posslblo one or more may bo de tained, nnd It Is also possible that Adjutant Gonernl White may bo nblo to go. Tho mombors of the Fish and Commission nnd Mr. Wells will ac company tho Governor to Klamath Fans, inspecting a hatchery ncur thero as well as the ono at Bond. Plans for tho entertainment of tho party of state ofllclals who will' bo here next wock Friday now contem plate a breakfast by tho Commercial Club and n dlnnor nt the Kmlilom Club fn tho evening. It Is understood, also, that Govornor Wlthycombo has been Invited to meet the Water Us ers' Association of the C, O, I, Co. project at the Grange Hall nt 10.30 In tho forenoon aftor tho visit to the fish hatchery nnd boforo going to Tumnlo, Fred N. Wnllnco, manager of tho Tutnalo project, and the. Bend nrnr inerciai Club nro co-opornting in making nrrnngoments for tho day, Mr. Wnllnco having met tho directors of tho club hero lnrt ovonlng. Lun cheon for tho party win io served at Tumalo and aftor tho speaking, tho project will bo inspected, tho return to Bend being mado In time for tho ovonlng dinner. IIAXI) COXCntT l'lUDAV. Tho Bund band will .give Its nee,-, ond opeu air concert on Friday night beginning nt 7:30, nt tho corner (it, Orogon nnd W'nll streots. Tho pro gram will bo as follows: 1. Amerloa. 2. Charlatan March Sausa 3. Wedding of tho Winds Hull 1. Brass Qunrtotto Sulectod C. Two-Stop On the r:lf. 0. Soronado -Land of Dreams Kockwol! 7. Aero Club March Mnckla K. Inspiration WnlU Miller 9. Vocal 8olo The Dixie Band . . . Fred Lucas 10. Bend Park March Boll 11. Stir Spangled Bannor, tttJ The First National Bank OF BEND, nEND.OR.EGON i i j. ii , , ,i . i . ii j U. C. COK, President K. A HATMKH. Vice- l'resldenl V. S. HUDSON, t anbler Capitol fully paid - M 000 Surplus 3.1.000 FIRE) FIRE! FIRE! If your house should tako ,firo you aro apt to bo so oxolted that, oven though you have plenty of time, you will rush out and loave behind, to bo burned up, YOUR WILL, othorvaluable papers and jew elry. Tho best way lu to put them Into one of oyr SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES In our flrd and burglar prodf vaults. A private box will cost you only $3.00 and up, per year. We also solicit your' BANK ACGOUNT. TR FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND --- DIRECTORS --- V- C, Wr. O, M. 2j t'ATTKKWN NO FACTS WILL S REPORT CHANGED ON LY IN FORM If Desert Lnnd Hoard Sustain Gov cnior, as I'rohnblo, nil Findings of Knglncer on O, O, 1. Project Will bo Available for Scalers. - SALEM, Juno 15 At tho - Desert Land Board meeting to- day the Immedlato publication V - of tho Dubuls report was order- - ed. No changes In tho actual engineering findings woro mado, the Governor stating It ns his ' conviction tho Bottlers nro on- titled to full Information con- corning tho physical condition ' of tho project. - - HALUM, Juno 14. It is now prac tically assured that tho re-cdlttng'of tho Dubuls report concerning the Contrnl Orogon Irrigation Company project will tn no wise suppress tho ' actual facts disclosed by Knglnoer. Dubuls. Tho detailed findings of tho Investigator will be thero, but oomo of tho more or loss gratuitous "knocks" nt tho Company will bo omlttod. At least, Hint wilt bo tho caso It tho ether mombors of the Dosort Lnnd Bonrd stand by Governor Wlthycombo. It will bo romembored that last weok mombors of tho Board objected to the form of tho report nftor hoar' Ing ofllcors of tho company. State Engineer Lewis, whoso ofllco fathered tho document, alone dofonded ttr Finally It wns voted to turn tho-re-port over to tho Governor to bo odlt od. It l known that tho Governor ' has gono ovor tho report with John Dubuls, tho engineer who prepared It, nnd both Dubuls and Wlthycombo ( stato that none of tho engineering Undines have been omitted In thn BE SU final copy which will bo submitted to , 1(rf tho Board at Its next meeting for re- ' publication and Immediate dlstrlbu- , ,s- tint) among settlers. ., .,( "Mv only objoctlon" said OovHrv5,T '' '-" nor Wltliycombe, when fluoatloned about tho much-dlscussod roport, "was to tho fact tliatjlnstend of being a straight forward engineering re port covering engineering details, It In a nieasmo, went out of Its way'to tell all tho bad features of tho pro ject and almost entirely neglected to cue any credit for good polnto. i dlilo't object to having tho full truth known about seepage losses nnd other mntters Investigated, but It dldnqt seem fair to circulate a docuiuont which seemingly pretended to cover nil tho project nnd which rontnlned nothing but adverse criticism. So 1 have suggested omitting tho llltin-tratloiiH- which wero universally of faulty portions of tho construction rnnd also some paragraphs comment ing upon flnanclnl dlinrultlos experi enced by tho company ami nrMn sugguntlons concerning conditions, nnd cures tbornfor, which seemed, Jo mo iinnecesiarlly tinrsli nnd uncalled for lu a roport of this kind." Tho governor added thnt ho bo- (Continued on Imt pnga) x tfjp xvzj v y? uyp aj xtj"C e5p K. A. fcATJIKIl r- H. Hl'ltoO.S II. (.. IXM8 .r .1'' 'I M 5-1! v -r ;i i Al II c"'"-WHrf5 -Ju