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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1915)
WTM SWgfcWLa5BASWiiimiiMtt- 1 L hi f I l L PAGK 2. Tim IJKXI) HULLKTLV, IHJXI), ORR., WKDXKSDAY, JUNK 0, 10IB. CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. --- Tl'MALO. --- - I visitor hero ono day last wcok. , J M. llrown of Pleasant volley lias TUMaLO, June 7. Tim nnrty ot no to Pom to xiotK. rnllrond olllclnls wlio aro conducting I I'nul Brookings wns n Pleasant val nn agricultural campaign through ley visitor yesterday. Central OiK"U vlsltod town lust, C. W. Smith was tlio guest of IJort Tuesday, Tiioy woro cnioriaincu m Meoka last Saturday. u'flBli and chicken dinner, at the i,orn to .Mr. and Mrs. Corliett of Hlvorview hotel, by the comnilttco of lloniamln Lnko a 0 pound daughter, thq, local liovplopment Leaguo and , That Mr. Corbett Is a firm believer Improvement Club. In tho evening n tno Hoosovolt doctrlno Is evidenced u large audience attended tho lecturo ty ti,0 fnct that the little miss Is his by Prof. Thomas Shaw. Fred V. Graham. C. K. Arnuy, Addison Uon nctt and A. M. Lovntt woro tho otltor Hpeakers on the program. Tho daiico glvou lor tho licnoflt of tho local bnsobalt team last Friday night was very wall attended and so proved a big financial gucccsa. A largo number of tlond and Hcdmond people attoudod. Tho monthly meeting of tho Tum nlo Improvement Club will bo called for noxt Saturday afternoon. Juno 12. Tho Club lias gotten out flomo new Btatlonory on tho back of which Is shown tho Oregon-California auto roads. Tho newly organized liond ball team proved too much for tho Tum ulo boys yosterday. They wero de feated by n 3 to 9 score, tho gama being played at Bond. Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. John Coon and Mrs. Hymn Cndy will bo tho hos tesses for tho next W. S. L. Club meeting Friday nftcrnocn, June 18. Miss Oortrudo Mnrkel of Bond spent Saturday at tho Mock homo. In tho afternoon n fow frlonds woro entertained In her honor. Miss Hazel llrown loft for Port land on Thursday. Sho oxpocts to tako In tho Hose Festival and spend the ronmlnder of her months vacation visiting rolntivcs In tho city. At tho mooting of tho Stock JlrcederH Association Saturday after noon arrangements woro mado for ponding tho cattlo up Into tho rosorvo for tho summer. Miss l.onoro and Margaret Mock wero dlnnor guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. PorhoB of Hond on Sunday, Mrs. Mot Couch rcturnod from tho Ht. Vincent's Hospital at Portland last Tuesday. Sho was accompanied by bor daughter, Mrs. Jess llnrtor, who linn been visiting friends thero for Bevcrnl week. 18th child of which 16 aro living. If. children wero boiM to him by Ills first mnrriago and thrco by his second marriage. HTAUFFKR. (Special to Tho Bulletin) BTAUFFEIl, Juno 1. The school picnic wns well attended last Friday, about 40 people wero present and a big, flno spread was served and every body bad a general good time. Pago Stauffor and Frod Overall ppont Saturday and Sunday In Pleas ant valley Pert Mceks cama over Thursday and took Murry Smith's furniture out to Hond to bo shipped to Iowa, C. J, Stauffer Is doing some sage brush dragging for J. II. Hasslor. T. C. Kwlng and A. T. Shaver of Hampton wero In tho valley Satur day on business. Two four horso loads of pcoplo at tended tlio round up at tho Lost Creek corrals Sunday. Oscar Snavely, who lias beon out for some time, has returned to his homestead. Den Do Witt and family moved to Paisley Sunday to bo gono a few months. Lloyd Forbes roturned horao from Fife, where ho has been working for somo time. Allco Ilrooklngs and Grace Hnsslcr called on Mm. II. F. Rhodes Monday. John Pratt and father loft for Condon Thursday. Mrs. Ilest and family, Mrs, Wash burn and son, called ontDr. Iteed Sunday. HAMPTON. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON, May 3:. A. S. Fogg has gitno to Held today. Mrs, Snyder and daughter I'dna woro In Hampton InBt Thursday. Mr. Kins of Dry Lako was In Hampton ono day laBt week. Ethol Streoter has gono to Port land for a fow months. Hurley Hoguo has his windmill In operation. C. II. Harmon went to Dry Lako on Sunday. W. T. Harrison mado proof on his homestead before Commissioner Foes Saturday. Burr Black and Floyd runups wore in Hampton Saturday, Miss Iluth Hunting of iurron, IHnh, Is visiting her Bister, Miss Flor enco Hunting. Mrs, w. T. Harrison has had la crlDTio tho nnst week. C. II. Harmon has moved his buildings out to his well. Mrs. K. M. Peck and children spent last Saturday with Mrs. Lucy II. Hicks. Harrison, Black and Phillips holp- ed John Whlttaker brand 31 head of cattlo Tuesday. Mrs. Luclnda Black spent from Sunday to Tuesday with her daughter Mrs. Harrison. A. T. Shnver found 100 foot of wator in the 190 foot welt he drilled for Mr, Petors, Vho recently filed on Mrs. ('rasters desort claim. A. S. Fogg bought n now horse one day last week. POWKLIj iiutte. GLOVKHRALK. MILL1UAN. . (Special to The Bulletin) M1LLICAN, Juno ;1. A large crowd of homosteadoni gathered at P. II. Johnson's Friday ovonlng to hear Interesting and Instructive talks by tho agricultural oxperts and mil road representatives who woro tlioro. Matters of vital Intorost to tho liomosteaders woro dlscussod and ways suggested whoroby thla volley enn bo mado a productlvo area. Prof. Thos. Shaw, A. 13. Lovott, Fred W. llraham, 0 K. Arn.oy and Mr. Ben nett woro members of the party. A Sunday ichool clnBS wns organiz ed hero on tho Oth at tho school Jiouse. Quito u largo crowd attend ed. P. II. Johnson, Fred Klgor, A. I). Norton and Mr. Hastolaud. wero In Bend on Monday. Mr. Molm and Francis Holland woro In llotid Tuesday. W. II. Itoam nnd William Todd planted 30 acres to potatoes In tho low doert. Mr. Owen, M.r. Moffott. John Da vis, and Mr. Holland went to Prlno vllle In tho Johnson car Tuesday. Mrs. Mnffett called at W. H. Benin's Saturday. (leo. Itnbortn camo out rrnm nonu Sunday to spend tho day at ljls homo hero. Mrs. Hoberts and Mrs. Clovongor! iro onjoylng a visit from a slstor of. theirs. . Mr Johnson. Mrs. Schmorl nnd Mrs. Couowny vlsltod at tlio Norton homo Sunday. M Hnpv llnnnnv nnd Mrs. Acnes lloonfty looo for a visit In Portland Monday. .. , Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mnffett cnlled nt tlio II. I'J. Dh-vIs homo Sunday. Ben Goodman left for Bond Sun dnv Mrs. John Holland visited with Mrs Bavin Wednesday. Mls Selina Brnuu nnd V. L Honthinii wero caller nt tho A. 1 Norton homo Saturday. Marv llollnud Is spending a fow i:i a at flie Rnvla homo. The illiocior of school District N Ii. mot Mnmlnv nftornoon to pi i iiu a budget of expenses for tho i "MiiiiK which will bo posted up 10 diMt btfnrp tho annual election ih .miI'ihI by law. Mm Powers and Burl Powers rodo (.' t tn .loht'on' Sundnv nfte'iioou i tm llivls Mtiul with W. A Rutin Krlda' 'ir MrP.tup1''! cs"il nt tho liriuii liniiiHHtuiid Thursday. I) Norton nnd V. G. KUor ar rived hoirn from llend Fr'day. c F Mnstuller brought out n larro losd of unptille ft" homestead- r atonic tho roulii tiuudny. T' I TUB KUIIOPKAN CON8UMRR Is tho most scientific buyer of foods on earth. Ho has, from necessity, been forced to buy that which gives tho greatost return for tho monoy. Ho Is tho world's greatest usor of flour. Flour, nnd yet more flour, has been the cry of stricken Belgium. England nnd Franco consider It relatively tho chcapost food at $13 per barrel. Don't subscribe to popular fallaclos. Faco tho facts. Meat contnlns CO por cont wator, potatoes 7G per cent, milk 80 to 90 por cent, Hour 13 V4 per cent. A pound of moat costs 20 and 2G cents, flour 4 cents, and yet there Is moro energy In a pound of flour than a pound of beef. ItKAL ECONOMY MKAXH TIIK U8K OF MORIS FLOUR. WIIKVT FLOUR ClionpCNt nnd Best Food. U. H. Government Tents Prove It. Articles Energy 10 Conta Wlll'Uuy Eggs 386 M Beef, sirloin 410 gig Mutton, leg 44G fggf Milk , 1030 Pork, loin 1035 Cheosa 1185 Iluttor 1305 Breakfast foods 1489 Illco 2025 Fotntoe s 2960 IleanB, dried 3040 WHEAT FLOUR 0540 (U. S. Department of Agrlculturo Farmors llulletln No. 142.) EXEIIGY Miiiclo nnd Strength flllng QunlltleH. Ona pound of Deschutes Spray Flour, costing 3 to 4 cents, will go as far as two pounds of meat containing 20 to 25 cents per pound. New Bend Flour Mill Bend, Oregon The cleanest flour mill in tho State of Oregon. All flour tostod In our own laboratories. Tho public is Invited to inspect our plant. (Spcclat to The Bulletin.) CLOVEKDALE, Juno 7. Arthur Orube has gono to Antelopo to work, Mrs. W. E. Abboy Is visiting her son nay and her daughter Mrs. C. S. Branton this week. Mr. and Mrs, Gist, Walter Boyd and Elvln Van Mntro went to tho ball frame In Dend Sunday. Earl Orube Ib homo for a visit. Hazel Templcton Is on tho sick list. Tho young people of tho Orubo family and their cousin, Pcto Hawk, of Bend, mnde a fishing party Sun day on Squaw Creek, C. A. Ilurnslde had his team badly cut in wire last wock. The council discussed etymology at their meeting Friday night. Messrs Tuckc, Gotter, Slmer and Mrs. Tem plcton taking part. There followed music and songs by Mrs. Templeton and daughtor. Hazel, a talk on the European war by B. Cyrus and Tat tlor by W. P. Slmer. Mr. Henderson, who bought tho Hewor place, la expected to arrive to tako possosslon today. He Is driv ing across tho mountnlns from Am boy, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Orube wero In Red mond Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Slmor woro guests of Mrs. Wnldron Monday. Goosoberrics aro plentiful In Clov ordalo. E. L. Waldron returned from Tho Dalles Saturday. (Special to The Bullotln). POWELL BUTTE, Juno 7. Gra Foster, Allen Wlllcoxon and Chris Seltz are local MasonB who nttended tho Masonic blowout la Prlnovlllo on Monday evening. Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo. Klssler on Monday, May 31st, a daughter. Miss Ila Knox, who vlsltod Miss Paulino Truesdale several days re cently, left for Prlnovlllo Tuesday. Mrs. LlndqulBt is staying at tho Ivorscn homo during- tho Illnoss of Mrs. Iverson. Quito n crowd turned out to hear Prof. Shaw lecture at tho Wilson School houso Wednesday morning. Tho Professor'B talk was along n lino of good, practical common sense. Thnt his talk was not longor Is tho regret gcnernlly heard. Miss Hello Montgomery wont to Terrebonne Thursdny for a visit with friends. E. N. Hnll and Allen Wlllcoxon mnrketed hog In Bond Friday. Mr. Wlllcoxon bringing a load of grain out on his return. Powoll Butto Ib fortunnto In having Bend for n mar ket both for buying- nnd Belling; Mr. nnd Mrs. Vornon Sears of Prlnovlllo wero visitors in this sec tion Thursday Tho Junior Misses Sunshlno Club which furnished pleasant seml-wcok-ly meetings for Its members last summer Is being revived. Tho girls will hold their first meeting with Miss Ada Sears Tuesday afternoon. Thursday ovonlng tho Powoll Butto Improvoment Leaguo hold a meeting at Wilson school house for tho pur poso of discussing the hall building situation. Owing to tho small at tendance, howover, business was postponed, Chris Seltz left Saturday for a so journ In Jackson county. Iladcr Prewltt of Prinevitlo nnd MIbs Ortsa and Ada Soars wero dln nor guests nt tho D. A. Yates homo Sunday. Mr. Prewltt will leavo Wed- nesday for his homo in San Francis co, making the trip- overland on a A lilcycio. N P. Aliey made n business trip to 1 Opal City Monday, roturning on. tha- f ovonlng train. i Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Truesdale marl. I n trip to tho McCalllster ranch oa'jl Crooked river Tuesday, POWELL BUTTE, Juno 7.. Th ball gamo played yestordny betWten "' Powoll Butto and Alfalfa was 17 to 1 In favor of Alfalfa. .Work will soon bo begun on tha new stave flu ma across tha old river bed. Tlio old ono Is badly rotted un derneath where It was under ground, Tho cost of tho present ono was $10,000, tho flr staves being frlcght ed a long distance. U. F, Archer Is rebuilding his cow barn, and has moved it nearer the road. A. D, Morrill has potatoes that will bo ready for use in two, or three weekB, now bolng-ns largo ns marbles. Ora Foster is plowing, Frank Mc Caffory's "40" and will sood It later, Mr. and Mrs. Ci F. Blhlr visited . Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dcaly Sunday. J A. D. Morrill went to Bend hut ' Friday and gqt load of Bood oats. Mrs. Bertha Giiodsull roturned (Continued on pago 7.) w GET OUT of tho rut. It's only a habit to do nil our trading nt tho largor towns. Let us spend, our, money at homo whero it will do US the most goodi ItHJMWMIIKH n 26 cont phono moBsngo will transact a. lot of business nnd savo DOLLAJtS. P. B. Johnson fo MILLICA-N, OREGON. !$ EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is tho MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. ! Portland 1lno Festi val Incur sion Fnre Dally Juno O to 10. HAMPTON IIUTTIJ. HiwelAl to Tji Bulletin) 1UVPTON ptJTTR. Jiiin S- Ja. v P'lcksv ww n ylsltor ut tho iifwunm hum Sunday. William lloUl returned from Hond -iiv ulthjilofld of lumber nnd 1 ' v uions. wit id ilcladdti wa n business !' i i'r Ut M"ndv. Mt sawver and daiiKliter O'nco id V" Fnr nnd llttl daiiRb'er pr,. .its nt Ui UrooVlugs hotel n nniiiier f day Vast week. I'M Mik lin gone to Bend to ?., i a load of furnljuro for C. M Bmiih M( Kv Mlchfll who spent last week with Mr. Ilrooklnga returned to her home Monday, MU KIv McFadden Is out U ltpnd on business. Mrs. J. M. Urlckey wa a business DELUXE TOURS to CALIFORNIA r Expositions LOW nillM DlltlXT OR CIHCI.K TOURS IUST, A -r..ioM H wregon i runK jauway And tlio Trlpte-Sciew, bU llwk Palace of the Pacific SS "NORTHERN PACIFIC" h.ULH Jl'NK I, H, Vi, l(t. 20, 21, UH. Kpcrlal Hteaiiier Trnlii Ih-jhi Portland It n. in. Arrlu-ai 1' 12:110 Luncluvm tm Ship. Hteiuiudtlp Arrhe .Sun I'runrUcu itiilu p, in, .et Day. ROr.ND TRIP P.VRIM TO HAN FRANCISCO l'mm Rend, ito liny Limit , .311.10 Nlncly lUy IJmlt , . . , . $IS,I. Conx'spoiMlIng low rnteti to San Dlou nnd Ikx AnKelea. Itiolro ur mutes, rull or klruuuililp. Pnrtlculnnt of Agents KiHiknne, Portland At Scuttle, Oregon Trunk or Gmit Nor theru ur Norllieru I'avlHc llnlly. It. II. CItOZll-lt, J. 11. amill.TT, A. I). P. A.. Agnt, l'ortlnud, Ore. Itud, Or. If5-t' i.J a j ""? .IsUaBTA r MMmWIHJ BEND PARK COMPANY Real Estate We Control and Have For Sale, at the Begt Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World . v , - Known Companies ': - LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT - WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Offices and Agents Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. J I K rm ft kJ tn !5L. 8WHMiferMTftTiitfyiii