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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1915)
THE BEND BULLETIN 2 to vol. xnr.j III2XD, OIIKdO.V, WKDXKHHAV AVTHItNOOX, dCXK 0, 10 13. X NO. H. J "I A t IDIM r T GAN BEGIN ON L CONTRACTOR IS READY TO GO AHEAD l&Mno Will Him Along I!nnk of Log ging I'omi .Mill mil uisclim-go Into 300 Foot Sorting Shed Turd "Split" to Prevent l'Irc. With the completion of arrange ments for tho construction of tho spur and brldgo to tho Shevlln-Hlxan mill It becomes posslhlo for tho com pany's contractors to procoed with operations that up to tho prospnt tlmq hftvo been dependent .on tho railroad work. Tho particular mat ter Is tho construction of tho logging road for which y. J. Ward has a con tract. According to tho company's plans the logging road Is to inako connec tion with tho railroad company lino at a point on tho north sldo of tho mill yard In order that supplies and other mntorlal for the woods may ho takon right through without transfor from ono lino to tho other. Until tho bridge and railroad line woro definitely settled upon It was Impos sible for the company to locate Its own logging rdnd. , Tho lOKKlnc rond will bo bIx miles Ions' and will run up to a point 06 6 near tha old ico houso on tho rlvor. On tho north side of tha mill slto a (" ravine runs down to tho rlvor and tho road will como down It and passing under tho railroad bridge and tho mill slip will run up rlvor on tha bank of tbo logging pond ns far as may ba necessary to placo tho logs In tha water. In tho past 10 days Mr. Ward has bcon omploycd In getting camps pro pared for his construction crews and Is now roady to go ahead. Tho saw mill will bo on tho low land between the water and tho bench land and it canal wilt be dug Into It to float logs In from tho rlvor. SavVid lumbar 'will bo discharged) rrom tho mill onto the bench In the rosr whero aJ&j)(i fj;oLjartlsg,Ud. . will be located running north toward ' the railroad bridge. The yard Is planned to pllo from 0,000,000 to 75,000,000 feet or lum bor and will bo In two suctions, or what Is known as a "split" yard, for the purpose of lessening tbo tiro risk A slight knoll, brought Into sight by tho recent clearing will mark the di vision. In t hn northwest corner of tho yard, straight In from tho railroad bridge, will bo placed tha planing mill with Its noor on a level with tne car floors. Tho rfaw mill will bo oporatod by steam and the planing mill by elec tricity. It la probablo that an elec tric lumber, stacker will be used In tho 'yards, Tho work of clearing tho yard and building tha dam Is progressing rap Idly, at the dam slto oxcavatlon for final work having begun. Doflnlte line for the plant will bo laid out soon, a. party from Minneapolis being expected this week for thq purpose. Other activity causod by the new mill construction Is the starting up INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST YOUR OWN -CARELESSNESS Even though you might never liuve h fire or tlrieres enter your home, & paper mislaid is often times lost just us irretrievably as if it had been bui nei or stolen. When your valuable papers are in our-vault you KNOW where they are and you KNOW they are safe. Yort can Imw a steel box m owr V4wlt wkh a non-pickaWe Yale lock H8 enough to contain all your private papers, for $2 a yeer Can you afford to be without this insuranee? The Deschutes State Bank of tho Orlfl(n saw mill cast of town. Mr. (IHflln ll!M n mntrnxt In oilnnfv ' 20,000 tics for tho logging road nrid a largo quantity 0f othor lumber for structural purposes. Ho Is now run ning his mill on full tlmo and em ploying over 20 men. MORE TROUT EGGS RECEIVED XT HRGHERVraT FEH HflTS Shipments of 270,000 From Drivls, Otloll anil Cultiw Lake Arrived Last Week Hoof Is Painted. With tho recent nrrival of tin addi tional large number of trout eggs at tho local hntchory Its capacity has nearly bcon reached and from now on all the efforts of tho caretakers will bo to soo to tho successful hatch ing of tho eggs and the development of the young Ilsh. Tho latest shipment of eggs In cludes 200,000 from Odoll and Davis lakes which arrived on Friday and 70,000 from Cultns lnko which camo In Saturday, Tho first shipment, re ceived some tlmo ago, Is already hatched and In about four weeks will ba removed from tho troughs tn tho pools which aro to be built in tho meantime To care for tho fish A. A. Olden burg has recently joined Lloyd Wil son at the hatchery. Later a cottago will bo built nearby for the usa of tho men In charge Tho hatchery It self Is completed, tho painting of the toot Doing nnisncd last Friday. HANI) TO OIVK CONCKIIT. Tho first opon air concert of tho Bond band will be gtvna Friday night at the corner of llond and Orogon sf roots, Jho ton tntlvo program bolng as fallows: 1. March -"Koh-I-Noor" . .Guptlll 2, "Twilight Echoes" Serenade Millar 3. Ono Stop "Tho Mississippi Cabaret" t . .Ouroblo 4. "Visions" Alio Trio ..... Hays 5. "Poet nnd Peasant" March... 0. Sercnado "Summor Ilroexos" Mncklo-Ileyor 7. March "Tho Hoostor" ...Klein 8. "Tho Meteor" aollop .nichards 0. Waltz "Kenwood" .... Guptlll JO. "It's a Long Wny to Tlpporary" Two-Stop . , ( , 1'ATKXT LIST IS BKIXKI). (Special to Tbo Ilullctln.) SALEM, Oregon, Juno 0. At a meeting of tho Desert Land Hoard this morning O. O. I. Co. patent list numbor 10 wns signed by all the memberstoxcopt Engineer Lewis and forwards!'- rij "Washington with recommendation for execution and Issuance of patents, List nlno alroady Is there, similarly signed. Lists six and eight, as previously reported, have bean recommended by tho com missioner of tho general land ofllco for patent and patents probably win ho issuod by tho department of tha interior shortly. List 10, signed to day. embraces 15,272 acres In tho Powell Butte section, XI'.W THACHKHH CHOSEN'. Duo to resignations since tha first appointments woro mado it has boon necessary for tho school board re cently to make new appointments to teaching positions lu tho local schools. These are ns follows; O, C. Crawford of Emporia. Kansas, has been elected principal of tho high school to succeed Eunice Cowles, nnd Lucllo D. McKay, of Handon has boon elected to teach tha sixth grado In placo of Katherlno Ilyron. Miss Nolr Ho Pattlson succeeds Miss Ilolth In tha second grade. Tlloro In still a vacancy In the second primary grado. SETS I1UIL ELECIMTE PEOPLE WILL VOTE ON FRANCHISE Itcfcrcmlum (if Ktcldl-Tweot Measure To Ito Up on August O City May OH StrccU-Long Session of City Council Held Laflt Night, . The rogular monthly meeting of the council last night was one of tho longest held for soma tlmo, many routine matters coming up for ac tion nnd tho untisuallf largo amount of naw business, Among tTio moro Important matters attended to was tho calling of a spo- cioj "lection ror .Monday, August 9, oa tho referendum of tho Stoldl Tweot eloctrlcnl franchlso ordored by a petition men last week. Consld orable time was spent tn discussing wnotnor the election should ba held on July lu. aB provided In tha rnso. lutlon covering tho matter presented by tho elections committee? or not until tho later data, as ndvlsed by City Attornoy Forbes. Messrs. Da Armond, Kroenert and Steldl spoko in ravor or tlio original resolution To ha certain of the legality of tho action tho council finally choso tha August date. Tho oloctlon, according to tho res olution will bo helcrfrom 8 a. in. to 8 p. tn., In the council rooms. Tho clerks will bo Prlnco Stnats and O. M. Guptlll and tho Judges J. J. Klein Claude Kelloy and Frank Ollbert, Mr. Gilbert bolng selcctod In placo or Harrison Latham, who was named In tho original resolution. City Mny Oil Streets. Another matter to consume a largo amount of tlmo was a discussion of oiling tho city strcots. Iteports were presented showing, tho ostlmatod cost of tho supplies nnd a salesman present described a machine for dis tributing tho oil. Tho nrnttor was finally referred to n committee which Is to Investigate and report at onco. Tho council granted tho request of (Continued on last page.) BEHWLINSTER WEDDING Well Known Young llend I'eoplo Mar ried on Saturday (lueats Present. Tho wedding of Anna Llnster and Hay lleavor took place on Saturday nt tho homo of tha brlda'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Llnster. Ilesldos the relatives qf tho contracting par tins, who llva In this neighborhood, thoro wero present Mrs. Charles Lln ster, of Evnnsvllle, 111., Alphonso Lln ster, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Troy Heaver of Crescent. Miss Llnster's attendants woro bar sister May and her brothor AlphbnBa. Tho ceremony took placo In the pnr lor of tho Llnster homo, the bride entering on her father's erm to the wedding march played by Miss Mario Ilrosterhous. Fnthor Shcehan was the uindatlng clergyman. Following tho ceremony tho guosts sat down to a bounteous dinner. Among the many gifts received by the brldo was a lot In Aubrey Heights presouieu uy nor miner, i UUU M&rf!!!!. I LAWN MOWERS AND Grass CatcKers Hose and Nozzles GARDEN AND Garden Deep Well Supplies Farming Implements i AT: Bend Hardware Co, j Th Cempsnthal ut lh "Wtiir" In Mrilwr jj E HERELASTWEEK PRESIDENT OILMAN IN ? ON THURSDAY ? With Party of Ofllcluls Ho Inspects ' Ilrldgo Site and Spur locution 8uyn Development Menus In 'crooned UiisIiuwm For Ilcnd. -----.-----... Word has Just been received from Mr. Oilman's ofllco that work on tha spur and bridge - win rominenco at onco and bo rushed to completion. Tho Oro- gon Trunk will buljd tho spur and contract tho construction of the bridge General llond Mas- ter W. Connolly 1b hero today employing men for tho track work. To begin with 20 men , aro needed and more may bo added to tho crow later. Prof- cronco will bo given to local men. Tho contract for tho bridge will bo lot today. -- . -'" On a trip of Inspection and to look ovor tho Mtd of tho brldgo to tho Shavlln-Hlxon milt President L. O. Oilman of tho Oregon Trunk, with n party of ofllclals, arrived In town on Thursday morning. After spending tha forenoon haro they laft about two q'clock on Uiolr return to Port land. . Although ho took an opportunity to go ovor tho location of, tbo spur asid'to Btudy tho brldgo slto tho great or part of Mr. Oilman's time while hore was spent In calling on local business houses and discussing con ditions. As was naturally tho case ho ound much Interest being taken as to the time whon construction work on tha Miur and bridge might ba expected t 'begin and whlla ho was not abla te.nama tho oxact day ho said that K wsuia iio In a snort tlmo. Fafllowlne Mr. Oilman's visit ret) reWntatlvos of contracting firms casAe' In to oxamlne tho brldgo slto preparatory to making estimates on tho .work and It Is understood that b1da?tor tha 'construction ura bolng let today Last week's visit was tha first Mr. Oilman has mado to Ilcnd since ha was horo last August, otl his return from a trip through tho Interior. Ho was pleased, ho said, to find tho crop prospect b so good on tl'a farms of this section, whllo tha thill develop ments hero meant greatly Increased population nnd business for tho town. With Mr. Oilman on tho trip woro Ooneral Manngor C O. Janks, Chief Engineer A. M. Lupfer, Superintend- ant V. A. llralnord nnd Ooneral Traf fic Manngor W I). Skinner. . PORTLAND, Juno 7. Following tho visit of President Oilman of the Oregon Trunk to llend on Thursday his trln wns reported In Tho Oregon Journal ns follows: President L. C. Oilman of tho North' Hank system announced yes terday that work would begin nt onco on tho spur track that Is to con nect tho main lino of tho Oregon Trunk railway at Hend with tho pro posed 8h6lln-HIxon Lumbor Com- SEEDS Tools pnny'sonlll. This track will Include I the construction of a brldgo, across i tho Deschutes rlvor. I "Tha mill Is to havo a cnpacltv of zou.qoo reet or lumber per dny, nnd Is to bo finished and rbndy for full tlmo oporntlon In tho early spring. The spur will he it Joint proposition with the Oregon Trunk nnd tho Dos chutes railway, an O.-W. It. & N. subsidiary. "The now track will bo about 1 miles long, but will be a rathor cost ly pleco of construction because of tho bridging roaulred. "Tha Shevlln-Hlxon Company has begun work on tho construction of n dam that will ompound water for tho floating of logs and men aro busy with preparations to got nt tho big tract or white plno. "It Is reported that tho llrooks- Scnnlon company Is also planning to put In a saw mill nt llend, though doflnlto plans regarding this nddod Industry hnvo not been dovolopod." l-'insT 8hi:i:p oo tiihouoh. Tho first band of shcop to go through town for the summer rnngo pasBod through thlB morning. Tim sheop bolong to Henry Pad Ions and were shipped In hero from Coloman. Thero woro 3760 In tho band. MHH1KU IS HUIIT. Peter Zimmerman, omployod by Tbo llend Coihpany In Its logging op erations broko his log below tho knee laBt Thursday. Ho was on a load of logs whon tho horses start ed and In somo wny a skid (low around and struck his leg, Ho Is being carod for at the Knotts bos pltat. STOCK HI 1 1 I'M ICNTH MADU. Hru-ses bolleved to bo for tho French or Hrltlsh governments were shlppod from llond on Friday, thorn being 120 head or four car loads In tha shipment. Tho horses cntno from the vicinity af Silver Lake nnd wore consigned to Helllngor &' Co., Sheri dan, Wyoming. Another Important stock shipment was made bv O. T. McKendrlo, of Lnkevlow, who Bent 17 cars or shoep tn Sacramento. PLATFOHM IS COVKItKI). For tho purpose of building a root over tho platform at tha warahousn In ordor that wool may bo stored thero a crow of 17 mon came tn Sun day night under tha dlroctlon of It, Eddy of tho Oregon Trunk. They flnlshod their work last night. Tho spneo covered Is -16x75 feet and the now root Is 16 font high nnd made of canvas, W, F, Hogors, of tha Oro gon Trunk commissary dopnrtmont wns In Tuesday to Inspect conditions on tho cars on which the building crow lived. TIM HUH CASH SUTTLK1H. ttj. O News of tho decision by tho Com.. mlssioner of tho Ociiornl Land Ofllro ngalnsL the united Staten In Its con test ngalnst H. I,. Crnbtrco for n tim ber clnlm wns received by Vornon A. Forbes, attornoy for tho timber own ers, this week. The case has benrr pending for over two years and Is tho last of tho Umber cases to bo heard horo. Tho first decision wns In favor of tho United States, hut Mr Forbes took an appeal with tho result stated. TIOKI7T HALM IS PLANNKH. Plans for selling tickets for tbo Chautaunua woro discussed at tha Commercial Club luncheon on Snt urdnv and nt tho next meeting n definite scjinmo will bo presntod. Ac cording to tho present Ideas two teams will be selected to compoto In the selling, the losers to pay somo sort of forfeit. The Club also con sidered means of getting the unoc cupied lands near town settled. Tlin next luncheon will bo hold at tho Wright Hotel. "SOy 'SH?' "5rf 'fSSf 'cyf ni'' ""Sif J3S cjj! tyQCiyvry rfJrnffs rfifw ?P rH? rss i? rT5?S r"MI? ufx juui5yfyygyu3Wj5vif! The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND,OR.EGON L - 1 U. C. COi:, I'rosulent K, A BATUMI, Vr. I'rosldeut V. H. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid 92.VOOO Surplus 23.000 FIRE! F1REI FIRE! If your house should take flro you arp apt to be so excited that, oven though you have plenty of time, you will rush out and leave bohind, to bo burned up, YOUR WILL, other valuable papers and Jow elry. The best way is to put them Into ono of our SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES In our flro and burglar proof vaults. A private box will cost you only S3.00 and up, per year. ' Wo also solicit your BANK ACGOUNT. IS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND rr-nrV- - DIRECTORS - V. 0. Oni; Y. a.'Kathui ". 8. Hmso.v HMD H0L05 UP DUBUIS REPORT FEAR PROJECT MAY BE DAMAGED w Study of Central Oregon Irrigation Co. System Said to llo Ono Sldod (lovcrnor llcllcic That flood Should Ho Told With tho Itail. (Special td'Tho Bulletin.) SALEM, Juno 8. Tho Desert Land Hoard this morhtng hoard tho objections of the Central Oregon Ir rigation Company to tho publication of tho roport upon Its project rocont ly propared by John Dubuls under tho direction of State Engtnoor Low Is, and publication was withhold ponding further Investigation by tha Hoard. Hoscoe Howard, and Jonso. Stearns, roprcsonted tho Company. nnd !:. 11. Williams, a sottlor, was also present. Whllo tho company did not. In can- oral, deny tha charges sustained In. tho report, which evidently wns most uncomplimentary to tho -project nnd Its manngomout. It did object to'lls circulation. Objoctlon was basod on tho assumption that tha report would ba very damaging to tho ontlro pro Joct as It told In detail only ndvorso facts, giving absolutely no credit .for anything good In connection with tha project. It Booms apparent that tho major ity of tho Hoard, Including tha Gov ernor, feel thnt whllo probably tho facts set forth In tbo roport nro cor toct, Its gunornl form la unwlso. It was further Intimated that Statu Kn glneor Lewis has porhaps evidenced direct animus In tho method of prep aration of tho roport. It Is probablo that tho document as now prlntod will bo withhold hut that a more completo roport, giving" the good as woll m tho bad foatures or tho project, will be Insisted upon boforo publication will bo permitted. Further, It Is bellevod sottlors will bo pormtttod to obtain tho facts sot forth In tha present report as thoy muy deslro. Clotcrnor Wlthyenmbo's Comment. ,- .Ill, commenting upon the Dubuls ,' lpitt Governor AVUM'om!ijstlilj( '' My nrii reoiing was to givo tlio re port full circulation nt onco. Hut nrtor Investigation nnd getting tho facts of .tho othpr sldo I am con vinced that tho report really works an Injustice It seems to mo extreme ly ono sldod. Thoro Is not a good word In It, practically, for tha com-, pany and tho project, It Is 111 led with nothing but adverto criticism. Now I am perfectly willing to admit that tho criticism may bo well founded. Probably tlio facts Justify tha find ings of the englneor. And cortnlnly tho sotlters nro entitled to gut thnsu facts, and tho bonoflts of tha data accumulated by tho engineer's olflce. Hut It does not snout to mo fair to glvo circulation to n document pub lished by the Hoard, olllolally, which doos nothing but condomn tho. pro- Joct. Thoro no doubt aro many faults but thero aro also good points,. , -If we publish any document It U only Just that wo toll tho good ns wall 'ns tho bad. If we don't, wa aro unfair- (Continued on Inst page.) -v j ' "m j;- ':M s ;. uA i'W. fll ft 4 i C'i t. II. FERRELL President E. M, LARA Cashier fi&?WK AT '" 4 I 4 '' r . , lsysWWsUW'iiiyMiiMSjjisiMi j'-f""" O. M. I'ATTKII&ON II. f . KM.!