L?kw-1 SSlfSSi' P I I II ssHlllM ssHlllllllM foZhiCimU&AaiiVtsm-n&xs: A ttik ,nF.xriAtfii4rtur,kKD, ona, wbdnksday, junk3,ioi8. TAOB H. I 1 """ ' ' ''- -"- ' ; f ' 1 , (1 1,11 HgO . fl, .v$; ' & If, 1'! Ir I t ft; FREIGHT (DUG TOSUMMERLAKE IS J. MOORE TO BEGIN " WORK? J'speclal election on the petition will ;ii, pdllcd by the council at Its next uiequag. 1V1LL HKLL HKH'HKB. William Arnold will sell 30 head of young cattle, ono Aberdeen Angus liiill and a pony nnd colt at auction a( tho railroad stock yards, llond, on Saturday, Juno 19 at 1 o'clock. Torms fruh or olx months bankable note. I'or cash, 3 per cent discount allow od. Adv. 13c Itcporto Aro That Mutcrlal Will lie Delivered Hooii Doubt In Impress ed no tf llullilliig ripe Mno to .Moil 111 of DcM'lmtcrt HU it. (Portland Tologram.) ILVKIl LAKK, Juno 1. Tho ar rival of cl hlg,n,tinntlty of material for the construction of u temporary ro ll n In g plant at Summer lako appar ently confirms the report received here last week that tho syndicate headed hy Jason C Moore will start "work at once on a plant for the sop- nrutlon of salt and other minerals from tho waters of Abort and Sum jnor lakoa. Overland freighters hnvo unloaded piles of material at tho south end of Hummer Lake, whoro, It Is presumed, tho preliminary work will start. Sov .. oral loads of lumber, machinery nuil wagons nlrendy nro on the ground, nnd Uioho who frolghted the material from (ho rr.llroad terminal report that much more Is to follow Imme diately. Persons In chnrgo of tho present work uro reticent regarding- tho much advertised plpa-llno to ho built from Humniur lake to tho mouth of tho Doschules river. Disinterested rnglncors still regard tho ptpo-llno talk with considerable skepticism. From an economic standpoint, It Is unld, the construction of a railroad from tho proscnt tormlnnls, cither at iLakevlow or llond, would havo a big itdvnntago over tho plpo-llnn plan. Illghts of way already havo boon sur voyed from thoso places. Deforo tho Iosbpob of the lakes can reach tho most valuahlo doposlts of tnlnornl tlio deposits In tho bods of 'tho lakes It will bo necessary to di vert tho flow of Anna river, a stroam that now omptlos Into Summer lako nt tho northernmost ond. A now clmnnol that will carry Anna rlvor nround flummor lako to tho oast has (icon surveyed, and the changing of tha'coarsc of this stream Is said to 'present no 'dffllcult engineering task, Anna river has Its source only a fow miles to tho north of tho lako. 'It bubbles from the ground In tho biggest artesian woll In tho world, cutting Its way through a (loop chan nel across a sea of sago brush until It readies tho head of Summer lako. oaimhinh am: rmowixa. Although tho cold weather has tended to retard growth tho gardens which are liolng cared for by tho children hnvo dono well n.ndt hoy nro now ready to supply radishes, grcpn onions and lettuce. Orders should bo loft with Mrs. Davidson nnd de livery will bo mado any morning. open and while outside picked up the poison, , I'JtOPKUTY IH HOfAh.; Various parcols of pfdperty on which tho special street and sewer as sessments hnvrv not been paid were sold by tho city on Friday to the per sons offering to rccolvo tho lowest rate of Interest on the amounts duo. The owners have a year la which to redeem'., LUMIlKIt IS OKDHItni). With the signing of the leaso for tho council room matters have been arranged for tho completion of the rest room which Is to occupy tho rear end nnd lumber for this has been ordered. It is hoped that .tho room may bo ready for uso within the next 10 days. undar discussion at the meeting f tho sottlers on the project at th6 Orange hall this afternoon. JRTI PORTLAND MEN t COME FOR TROUT (Continued from pago 1.) OATTMJ AUK POIHONIM). John Swlger reports tho loss of four head of cnttlo hy poisoning, pre sumably caused bv eating poison put out for Jack rabbits. According to Mr. Swlger, his cattle got out of their pasturo when somcono left the gato noAtii) wiMj iii:aii imiotkst. Next Tuesday, Juno 8, has been sot by tho Dosert Land Hoard as tho tlmo for hearing tho protests of tho Cen tral Oregon Irrigation Company against the Issuance of the Dubuts roport 00 the project. Tho Issuanco of this roport Is ono of the matters ((Hlc-K-K-K-h-li-K-" Uso Descliutos fiprny. Whiter and 'hotter than over.--Adv. Building Material LUMBER, SHINGLES The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. $ 1IUHY AT HALKM. Whon tho now; I'IbIi and Oamo Commission mot In Salem last week, (J. P. Putnam of Ilend, Secretary to (Inventor Wlthycorabo, was elected secretary. Tho (lovorunr Is chnlrninn. While tills fclves Mr. PiiVnnm no vot ing power, as ho la simply to keep ""nl of tpwMngH, It moans Hint ho will be brought Into close contact with II tho Couinihslon's activities. X'nrtVr the now law. Mr, Putnam Is nl o a mqinliui" of tho Pnrolo board. nliMi nets upon all pardons nnd pa uiifM ut tho tt tat pnnlltiiltlnry, ami Hornt vlsllora to the Capital say ho is b ulor Jhqn, Um piuvurblul ono iirminl paiior hangor. Lots olooo n SCO to 9'il. Has) P incuts. J. A. Kustes. Adv. wim.hiiuvi: IIKAU MKAT. In cuiioootlon with tho visit ut Professor Thoinns Shaw nnd other rnllioad and agricultural uxporls to t.a Pine up. Hiturday tho people of that section plan n community gath ering to which tho whole south west em seel Ion of tho county Is Invited. Plans aro being made for n dinner nt which tho big black bear Ullloil by W, P. Vandovort will bo servod, nd also trout from tho Deschutes. A number nf llond people plan lo go up for the day. Sea I M wards for good houso paint I lift Adv. YIHITOKK WIN MATflHHH. A pirty of four from Itodmond plAVCil tennis with local men Sunday Morning whining four out of the six mutches played. The scores were as follows: IIohcIi and llurdlok vs. Koj-ps unit Hproat, fi-1, 0-3. 7-0, 0-0 j Ilrnko and Harr vs. Stover and Kuilolt .(J. 6.3, 7-r; Iludell vs. Drake. 6-4, 76: DjvIs and Parr 1-0. 0-4, -3; llljch s. Hnroat. -4, C-li Ilurdlck vs. Stover, !, 0-3. II I I Make us rlht price on your land ond wo can do the ret. Lover ctt & Flsch. IU"nd, Orogon. 13tf WHNANI1V IX l01lTiaXI. That J. JI. Wonandy la now In bua- hwtt In Portland Is Indicated hy tho following from tlio Portland Tele- urnnf of May 80: "Horses for the tuo of tha'KnRlUh Kovernmcnt for - nrtll)ory and wvalry purposes will o purchased1 tomorrow nt tho Modem few! bJrnv, Rlxth ami Fast II streets. by J. II. Wenandy. who has a con tract to furnish such animals for the war." , H' itiMiiiuKMtUM nrriTiox vh.ki. T4ie general cloctrlo (ranchlso re- tpnfly granted to Steldl and Twee! U to l8 rofened to th people, a, roN rrejtttum ptltlou on the mer.suro.1 "having bociuaiod with tho city roc' ordrr otedy. Tha petition Uf T tdnbt'A Ppw'or Co., and teir tont 135 panics. It la understood, that , Bend-Silver Lake and way points A Seven Passenger Touring Car Each Way Each Day. RIDE IN THE EASY CARS Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck. Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVEKV CO. Freight Trucks in Addition returning from n three day's fishing trip abovo nenham Palls. 'In tho sneaking which followed the dliinor Mr. Slnnlcy described. some of his early experiences Id Ucnd, tolling of the affection ho still retained for the town. W L. llolso urged that tho dltforont Boctlons of Orogon bo forgotten as sections nnd that here after thero bo known only the whole state. Frederick V. Holninn. president of tho Oregon Historical Society, spoko entertainingly of his oarly fishing ex werlenros In tho vlclnltv of Portland, Jesting about "fish stories,1" and his own prowess as a fisherman. In a more serious voln Mr. Holman des cribed his surprise at the conditions he found horo, admitting that al though tho nr.n of nn Oregon plon?cr nnd the president of the historical Eoclotv, it was his first trip Inw Cen- trnl Oregon. He was especially en thusiastic over tho sceniry. tho sit uation of tho town on tho river nnd over Its advantages as a place to live In. Other Bpcaknrs Included J. P. Keyes, who said a fow words of tho resources of this section, aId H. J, Overturf, who offered a few remi niscences qX oarly days. John Steldl told his trout story. Sunday night tho visitors enter tained a number of locnl men nt din ner on their car. Those making tho trip were: Dr, A. K. Rockoy, Ssndford Hlrsch. Ous Simon, W. Ti. llolso. W. H. Hurlburt, P, H. Holman. P. 8. Stanley. R. Gar rison. J. M. Derry, D. C. Lewis,1 R. W. Hallos. A. P. lilies, D. ,C. O' Reilly nnd Dr. Gcorgo Wilson. : Uso Descliutos Sprav. bettor than ovor. Adv. Whltor'and BUSINESS HAS GREAT IMPETUS 50 LOTS IN AUBREY HEIGHTS 12G $150 1200 j:ro Ct'T TO ll t!0 9 75 $100 i?ii:.i- (.1 aSH AM) 9,1 MONTH liY, tl PKIl CUNT Olt 91( CASH ANI 910 MONTH IY, NO INTKHIIST J. A. EASTES, Affent (Continued from page 1.) being ns follows: Lota 11, 12 and-13 In block 19, Park acalticn to II. H. Do Annond, lota 2, .1, 4, and G In block 14, Park addition to Charles C. Prlngle. Lots 4 nnd 5 In block 3, Deschutes addition' to Prank Mil ler, lots 3 and 4 In block 40, Park addition to A. M. Prtngle, lots 8 and 9, In block 13, Park addition to E. T. Gerrlsh, lots 13 and 14, block 2, Larch addition to Prank Le May. Prank Drown has purchased a lot In Kouwood Gardens. Tho property pur chased by A. M, Prlnglo Is Improved, IfHllllIRnHBHM&il HI? l!!''""!!sVinHlHinilBin ' Irl f&iiill 1 iimn'!j Hill ciL r ' y- w hin wasssKk II ill I I WILL COW (3cowaUUiiO.S.asgjwd wfrr I MAKE tho greatest proflta for the zqbffipjr: I I SAVING l!io most Umo and labor for HJi 1 fli. S flnimf enticnn III Biw7 I 1 We aould be pleased to ect up or.e CVs.'V I i I of these separators at your home and '''ysp I J I you be tha judge. ,! FOR SALE DY SKUSE HARDWARE CO. DEND, OREGON COLLINS JIENKLH SALTZ.MAN "OYT DIDDLE " HODSON Bend-Klamath Auto Stage Co. AND . Bend-Burns Auto Stage Co. RATES: 1IKNI HAHPHK '. .8 l.no JIKNH LA 1'INi: S.SO IIKNH OIHSCi:NT -4.00 HL'ND LONOHOTH OJfl i;i; IOKT KLAMATH 0.00 lllINI) CIIILOQUIN 10.00 IIMND KLAMATH FALLS ,.,.s ll.UO m:ni iiuuns io.oo Curs Lcnvo Ilend for Klamath Pnlls Tuesday, Thursday and Hntimlny after Morning Train. It. O. liAMIlEIltoN, Agent, llond, Oregon. .. V '(I Fl thoro bolng a houso on each of tho lots. Other activity, not caused hy the mill construction, has been tho pur chase and shipment of largo num bers of horses recently, lluyors rep resenting Spokano and Grand Island, Nebraska firms havo been hero for some tlmo picking up horses and It Is roportod that a shipment of olx carloads has been purchased farther south which will bo brought to Doud for loading. Most of theso purchases aro for foreign governments, Comto do Pontenllllat and Dr. Austin, who nro buying for Franco, passod through town this morning on their way to Lakovlaw for horses. rrwr!,sr v v:& v4 : i Vi c C c V V V fl s A J. Ryan &Co. GOVERNMENT LAND TIMBER LAND IRRIGATED LAND AND CITY PROPERTY Exclusive agaat for Kenwood and" Kenwood Gardens Also clow in Irrif eted Acreage in One to Five Acre Tracts ) s l1 Sf. IS W&6&6$ttjX&t a 7K&?X&s&Kfl I siiiHHBssCsraflRs&tisnsy t r Vtjito YrKssiiiiiiiitfssliiMMsstffliissiiiiH a THE BEND COMPANY LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH FIR AND MAPLE FLOORING TT '1 I MILLWOOD$2.50 Per Load DELIVERED TOWN. LOTS ANDCREAGE -. 4 . t w n ik I I v (. j4- fiiri''sm "4 X i