The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 02, 1915, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    msLnflMM 4vi
HMftd r-MIMA A.i
Next Sunday services will bo ns
follows: Sundny school at 10:00 a.
m. Prenchlng service ot 11:00.
Preaching service at 8.
Church of the Tlrctlircn.
Services each Sunday in the brown
building next to high school. Sun
day school at 10 a. in. Preaching at
11 a. m. Thonio for Sunday, "Life."
Ira H. Fox, minister.
Blulo school at 10 a. m. Preaching
nt 11 a. m. Young peoples' mooting
at 7 30 p. in. Preaching nt 8 p. m.
prof Thomas Shaw will preach both
nicrclng and evening sermons.
(Continued from pago 2.)
jew days at Bear Creok.
'TMrs. A. D. Morrill and Mrs. u. A.
Patterson wcro visiting In Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Blair woro
Redmond visitors Thursday, Mr.
Dlalr taking In n load of posts, and
bringing bnck grain and grass seed to
do considerable seeding on tho Whit
man "80."
Davo Travis was a visitor at tho
homo of E. F. Archer Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Warnor woro
Redmond visitors Inst Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dealy of Al
falfa visited Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pat
terson last wcok.
Bessie Culver Is out from Prlno
vlllo visiting her father for nwlillo.
(Special to Tho Ilullctln)
PINEHUKST, May 31. L. H.
Hoot was n business caller at tho
Snyder homo Tuesday forenoon.
A Ohns. Spaugh haulod a load of hay
M' in Tlflml nnn ilfv Mild wnftlf
Mr. and Mrs. ltowoll and children
of eastern Washington havo moved
Is on tho old Green plnco.
Ivy Snyder cnlled on Edna Tloot
Wednesday afternoon.
D. W. Dlotrlch was a huslnoss call
er In Bond Saturday.
DcsrIu Snyder, Esthor Dlotrlch and
Mrs. Hnzol Dlotrlch woro visitors at
Spaugh's Friday r.ftornoon.
Ruth Dayloy spent tho wook ond
with Miss Carol Dayton.
L. II. Root was a Bond visitor Sat
urday. Nelllo Snyder Is homo on a threo
week's vacation.
Miss Ruth Dayloy was e. Tumalo
visitor ono day this week.
Ruth Dayloy was a visitor In Red
mond Saturday.
A Mistake, Mudo by Mnny.
When you suffor pains and achos
by day and sleep disturbing bladdor
weakness by night, feol tlrod, ner
vous and run down, tho kldnoys nnd
bladdor should bo restored to honl-
thy, strong and regular ntclon. It Is
n mlstnge to postpono treatment. Fol-
y Kldnoy Pills put tho kidneys In
sound, healthy condition nnd keep
thorn nctlvo nnd strong. Pattoroon
Drug Co. Adv.
(Rnoclnl to Tho Hullotln).
PLAINVIEW, May 29. Chcrlos
Thornthwnlto and family pneced
through Plolnvlow last Sunday In
tholr now car.
Molvln Knickerbocker Is hnvlng his
car overhauled this week. John
Llchtonstcrn Is doing tho work,
Robert Davis Is laid up ngaln with
tho rheumatism.
John Colvorly loft oil Sunday for
Hay Creek whoro ho expects to rldo
for cattle for Chas. Klklns.
Geo. McCnlllster li expecting his
ulster, Mrs. Hnnnnh Foss. from Con
ualln. about Juno 1. Sho oxpects
to bo horo about a month.
Mr. Scott was a business visitor In
Redmond last Saturday.
Tho directors of tho Slstors Fair
Association hold a very Interesting
k 'moetlnK Inst Saturday nnd nrrnngo-
l monts woro mndo to build shed room
of stock. Also a now exlblt hall will
bo built. Tho dates for tho Slstors
fair this fall aro October 14, IB, nnd
Sam Durgess Is expecting hU two
sisters from the cast In Juno.
Lots closo In 100 to 125. Easy
Payments. J, A. Eastes. Adv.
Not for Men Only.
Women suffer as ruich as men do
from Indigestion am? constipation
nnd require tho samo scientific rem
ody to keop the stomach sweot, tho
liver active and the bowels regular.
Foloy Cathartic Tablets are whole
some and cleansing; do not gripe or
cnuse nausea. Stout pooplo say this
l the one rnthartlc that takes away
that over-full and cloggod-up feeling,
Patterson Drug Co. Adv.
ONE CENT A WORD Is all a little
fWant Ad will cost you.
Issued by Crook County Abstract Co.
nend Company to Rend Park Co.,
1t. 4. blk. 51, It. 4, blk. 56, Contcr
addition to Rend.
John E Conroy to II. M. Abbott it.
4, blk. 13, Rend View, J 200.
E. J. Merrill to Resale A. Morrill
It. 4, blk. 1, Larch addition Rend.
John O. Fry to Shevlln-Hlxon Co.
tract In It. 3, section 5-18-12.
Margaret F, Rates to same tract
tn same.
August Dreyer to Shevlln-Hlxon
r" Co, tract In same.
Bv r,i'inv tn Thomas L. Shov-
lln tract In It. 4. section 5-18-12.
Rend Company to same, f'oas
tracts and easements In Bend,
sin. nnn.
W La PUo Townrita Cowpaaj to Elte-
Cut This Out and Send it toJYour Friend Who is
Planning an Auto Trip to the San Francisco Fair
i til k Jr Ar&Zv
I Jeorm&t C Jy
' ' fo a Rare s Yrli
I S I 6f.f&
a f ) I nftrt"i&irr kock
I r ,Jta.Mer MBJtriMc
) '"'' u-avfo 'A. I
- ymMmr -aa-kr r$zr"!Sgfl ir f
) " WCCIT MT SM3TI i'aiNBY1'3
frrvr MLLOWS oHOfU.C
lay jozc
nboth M. Story lt.s 1 to 18, blk, 21,
Its. 1 to 0, blk. 22; Its. 1 to 12, blk.
17 nnd Its. 11, 12, blk. 1G First ndd,
La Pine.
Samo to same Its. 1 to 4, blk. 21;
1L 18, blk. 12, La Pine.
Mary W. Gideon to Bond Tlmbor
Co. ne 15-17-11.
Bond Company to Shovlln-Htxon
Co., 2.14 acres In It. 3, coctlon 5-18-12.
Lots closo In $G0 to $125. Easy
Payments. J. A. Eastes, Adv.
Seven room Iioubo with good baso
ment and nil modern conveniences In
Rend. Address E. W. Richardson, La
Pine, Oregon. 12tf
Department of tho Interior, United
States Land Olllco, J-akcvlow, Oro
gon, May 20, 1915.
To Karl F. W. Koch, of 62C Arling
ton Placo, Chicago, Illluols, Con
testee: You are hereby notified that James
Ryan, who gives Rox 213, Bend. Ore
gon, as his post ofllco address, did on
April 12th, 1915, file hi this office
his duly corroborated application to
contest and secure the cancellation
of your homestead, Entry No. ,
Serial No. 07843, made Juno 24th,
1914. for E NWV4. EV4 BW.
Section 8, Township 25 S, Rango 9
E., Willamette Morldlan. and as
grounds for his contest he alleges
that Karl F. W. Koch has failed to
establish his residence on said tract;
that he has failed to cultivate said
tract or any part thereof; that said
entryraan has abandoned said tract
for upwards of six months last past
and that such failure and abandon
ment was not due to his employment
In the army, navy or marine corps of
tho U. S, In time of war or otherwise.
You are, therefore, further noti
fied that the said allegations will be
taken by this office as baring been
confessed by you, and your said en-J
try will be canceled thereunder with
out your further right to be beard
therein, either before this office or
on appeal. If you fall to file In this
oSce within twenty days after the
FOURTH publication of this notlco,
as shown below, your answer, under
oath, specifically mooting and re
sponding to theso allegations of con
test, or If you fail within that tlmo
to fllo In tills olllco duo proof that
you havo served n copy of your nn
swor on the said contestant oltlior in
person or by registorod mail, If this
ccrvlco Is made by tho dollvory of a
copy of your nnswor to thu contestant
in person,' proof of such sorvlco must
bo either tho said contestant's writton
acknowledgment ot his receipt of
the copy, showing tho duto of Its re
ceipt, or the affidavit of the porson
by whom Jtfio delivery was mado
stating when and whoro tho copy was
delivered; If mndo by roglstored mall,
proof of such sorvlco muBt consUt of
tho affidavit of tho porson by whom
tho copy was mailed stating when
and the post olllco to which It was
mailed, and this affidavit must bo ac
companied by tho postmaster's re
ceipt for tho letter.
You should state In your nnswor
the name of the post ofllco to which
you desire future notices to bo sent
to you.
JAS. F. RURGESS, Register.
Dato of first publication Juno 2,
Date of second publication, Juno 9,
Dato of third publication Juno 1C,
Date of fourth publication Juno 'iZ
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office nt The Dalles, Oregon,
May 10, 1915.
NOTICE Is horeby given that Mary
F. Benn, of Rend, Oregon, who on
September 29th. 1911. made Home
stead Entry, No, 09518, for N4,
Section 20. Township 17 South,
Range 14 EfBt, Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of Intention to make
final Thron Ynr Proof, to establish
jclalm to the land above described,
before II. C Kills, u. a. uommisBion
er, at Bend. Oregon, on the 6th day
or July, 1916.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
Doane Freeman, Harry E. Aton,
Phoebe I. Klnlson. Milton A. Palmer,
all ot Bend. Oregon.
12-16p Register.
Department of tho Intorlor, U. S.
Land Office nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
Mny 10, 1915.
NOTICE Ih horoby given that Wil
liam II. Klgor, Jr., of Ilond, Oregon,
who, on Jnnunry 20th, 1912, mndo
Homostend Entry No. 098C8 nnd on
October 9th, 1913, made nddltlonnl
Homestead Entry, No. 012170, for
N4, Section 3, Township 20 South,
Rnngo 14 East, Willamette Meridian,
ban (lied notlco of intoutlon to nitiko
flnnl threo yenr proof, to establish
claim to tho land nbovo described,
before II. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commis
sioner, nt Ilond, Oregon, on tho Gth
day of July, 1915.
Claimant nnmos as wltnossos:
OtlB C Henklo, Honry II. Ford, Aaron
D. Norton, Louis II. Glass,, all of
Rend, Oregon.
12-lGp Register.
Department of tho Intorlor, U. 8.
Land Olllco nt Tho Hallos, Oregon,
May 20, 1915.
NOTICE Is horoby given that
Frank Mlllor, of Ilond, Oregon, who,
on May 29th, 1912, made HomeHtoad
Entry, No. 010371. for W"4 8E4,
Section 8. NW NEU. Section 17.
Township 20 South, Rango 11 Enst,
Willamette Morldlan, has Illod notlco
of Intention to roako Final Three
Year Proof, to establish olalm to tho
land abovo described, beforo H. C.
Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Bond,
Oregon, on tho 12th day of July,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Martin J. Main. Inar T. Tholstrup.
John Peters, William J. Ushor, nil of
Bend, Oregon.
12-1 Cp Reglstor.
Deportment of tho Intorlor, IT, ,8.
Land Ofllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May 20, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given that Al
bert D. McNeal, of Bend, Orogon,
who, on February 3rd, 1911, made
Homestead Entry No. 081C9, and on
November 11th, 1913, made addi
tional Homestead Entry, No. 012232,
for Lota 3, 4, B NWK. Ntt SBK,
N SWU. Section 1, Township 20
South, Rnnga 14 Enst, Wlllnmetto
Morldlnn, hns tiled notlco of Inten
tion to make Final Three Year Proof,
to establish claim to tho land abovo
described, before II. O. Ellis, U. S.
Commissioner, nt Rend, Oregon, on
tho 12th day of July, 1915.
Clnlmnnt nnmes ns witnesses:
Frank J. Glndor, Otis C. llcnkle,
Dnvld C. Rogers, John E. Johnson,
nil of Rend, Oregon.
12-lCp Register.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Olllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May 13, 1915.
NOTICE Is hereby glvon that
James C. Smith, of Bend, Oregon,
who, on July 15th, 1913, mndo Home
stond Entry No. 011893, for bw yt.
Section 2S, n4 nwVi. n4 noU. Sec
tion 33, Township 20 south, range
1G oast, Wtllametto Meridian, has
filed notlco of Intention to make
flnnl threo year proof, to establish
clnlm to the lnnd nbovo described, bo
foro H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner,
nt Bend, Orogon, on tho 25th day
ot Juno, 1915.
Clnlmnnt nnmes ns witnesses:
Peter B. Johnson, Otis C. llcnkle,
Robort Russell, Mnurlco Hunter, all
of Bend. Oregon.
11-15 p. Register.
Notlco is hereby glvon that tho un
dorslgned, J. N, Humor, has been
nppolntcd administrator ot tho Eh
tnto of John IIIohs, decensod, by tho
County Judge of Crook county, Oro
gon, All persons having claims
ngalnst satd cstnto must prcsont
samo, properly vorlflcil, to mo nt my
office In tho Snthor building, or to
II. II. Do Armond, In Bond, Oregon,
within bIx months from tho dnto of
tho first publication of thlB notice,
to-wit, tho 19th dny of may, 1915.
J. N. HUNTER. Administrator.
ll-15c Attornoy for Administrator,
Notlco is hereby glvon thnt tho un
dorslgned, C. L. Evans, hns been np
pointed administrator of tho Estnto
of T. T. Evans, docoasod, by tho
County J ml go of Ciook county, Oro
gon. All persons hnvlng claims
agnlnst snld "stnto .must present
snmo, properly verified, to II. II. Do
Armond, nttorney for tho Administra
tor, nt his offlcu In Bond, Orogon,
within six months from tho dnto of
tho first publication ot this notlco,
to-wit, tho 19th day of Mny, 1915.
C. L. EVANS, Administrator.
ll-T5c Attornoy for Administrator.
Department of tho Intorlor, U. S.
Lnnd Olllco at Lakovlow, Orogon,
April 24, 1915,
NOTICE Is horoby glvon that
Claudo L. Ronson, of La Pino, Ore
gon, who on October 23, 1911, mndo
Homestead Entry, No. 05079, lor W
ViSW'M. Section G, Township 21 S
Rnngo 11 E Wlllnmetto Morldlun,
Iiob filed notlco ot Intontlnn to mnkn
final threo yoar proof, to establish
claim to tho land nbovo described,
beforo II. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commission
er, nt Ilond, Orogon, on tho 3rd day
of Juno, 1915.
Claimant nnmes ns wltnossos.
R. II. Cnldwoll, of Ln Pino, Oregoi;
T. W. Vnndovort, Jr., of Ilond, Oro
gon; It. C. Rlchlo, of Ln Pino, Oro
gon; W. G. Fordhnm, ot La Pino,
9-13c. Reglstor.
Notlco Ih horoby given that on Fri
day, tho 4th dny of Juno, 1915, u
special election will bo hold at tho
council chamber in tho Johnson
building, City of Bond, Crook rounty',
Oregon; also nt tho olllco of Tho
Mlllor Lumber Co., In Its yard ad
Joining tho light of way of tho Oro
gon Trunk Hallway, south of Its stock
yards, for tho purposo of submitting
to tho legal voters of tho City of
Bend and to tho legnl voters residing
III tbn torrltory hereinafter describ
ed, tho following question, to-wit:
Whether or not tho corporate lim
its of tho City of Bond, Oregon, ns
now dollned shall ho altered nnd thu
following described territory Includ
ed therein and become u part there
of, to-wit:
Beginning at tho northeast comer
of tho NW'U of Section 6, In Town
ship 18 South of Rango 12 E., W. M.,
In Crook County, Oregon, ou tho
township lino between townships sev
enteen and eighteen; thuncu east on
the suld township llnu to tho north
east comer of said section live;
thenco south on the oast llnu of Bald
section (ivo to tho southoust corner
ot tho northeast quarter of said sec
tion live; thouco west ou tho quarter
section lino to tho center of said
section five; thenco south on tho
quarter section lino to thu southeast
corner of tho southwest quarter of
said section live; Ihuncu east on tho
section lino to the southeast corner
of tho southwest quarter of thu south-
cast quurter of said section live;
thenco north to the northeast cor
ner of tho southwest quarter of thu
southeast quurler of said section tho;
thence east to tho northeast oornor
of tlm southwest qunrtor of thu
southwest quarter of section four,
Township 18 South of Rango 12, E.
W. M.; thenco northerly to thu c'ty
limits of Bond, Crook County, Ore
gon at thu southeast corner of tho
northvuii! quarter of the southwest
quarter of Foctlon 33 In Township 17
Hoi'.ih nt itnnge 12 E. W. M ; thenco
west along city limits of said city
of Rend to tho northwest cornor of
southwest quarter of thu southeast
quarter of section 32 In Township
17 south of Range 12 E. W. M.;
thence south along tho city limits
to the point of beginning-
And the electors of the City of
Bend and the eloctori of tbt above
described territory nro Invited to voto
upon tho snld proposition nt tho
nbovo montloiied tlmo and places by
placing upon their respective ballots
tho words, "For nnnoxntlon," or tho
words, "Against annexation," or
words equivalent thereto.
Tho polls nt tho rcspectlvo polling
places nbovo named shall bo open for
tho purposo of voting upon thu said
proposition upon snld dato bctweou
tho hours of 8 n. in. nnd 8 p in.
Tho nnmes of tho clorks for thu
polling plnco within tho City of Bend
nro Prlnco Stnnts nnd J. J. Klein and
the Judges for such polling plnco nro
II. J. Ovorturf, Frank Gllhort nnd J.
P. Johnson.
The nnmes of the clerkR for tho
polling plnco within tho territory
proposod to bo nunexrd nro Win lie hi
L. (Irlllln nnd Mrs. A. L. Ruff nnd thu
Jmlgos for such polling plnco nro A.
L. Iteff, Tom Kern nnd It. M. Ran
dolph. Bono in pursunnco to nnd by vir
tue ot a resolution duly mndo nnd
passed by tho Common Council of
thu City of Bond, Oregon, nt n moot
lug hold on tho 4th day C May,
II. C. ELLIS. City Recorder.
Dnted nt Bend, Oregon, May 4, 191C.
Dnto of llrst publication, Mny 5,
Dnto ot second publication, May
12, 1915.
Dnto of third publication, Mny 19,
Unto ot fourth public uhn, Mny
2G, 1915,
Dnto of fifth publication, Juno 2,
1916. 9-13u
By vlrtuo of nn execution In fore
closure duly Issued by tho clerk of
tho circuit court of tho county of
Crook, Stnto of Orogon, dntod this
10th dny of April, 1915, In n certain
action In thu circuit court for tho
snld county nnd Stntc, wherein D. E.
Hunter ns plaintiff rocovorod Judg
ment ngnlnst Jamos Bonn, dofondnnt
for tho sum of Two Thousand Two
Hundred Dollars with Interest from
tho 1 1 til dny of Mny, 1913, at tho
rate of 10 per cont per nnniim to
gether with Two Hundred Twonty
Dollars attorneys fee, and tho fur
ther sum of Sovcntcon Dollars costs,
and accruing costs.
Notlco Is horoby given thnt I will
on Saturday, thu 5th day ot Juno,
nt tho north front door of tho court
house In Prlnovlllo In said county nt
tun o'clock in tho forenoon of snld
day soil nt public auction to tho high
est bidder for cash, all right nnd tltlo
that tho abovo named dofandant has
or had nt dato ot said Judgment In
tho following described proporty, to
wit: Lot eighteen (18) of tho subdivi
sion ot block four (4) of Bend, Crook
County, Orogon.
E. 1). KNOX. Sheriff.
Dated nt Prlnovlllo, Orogon this
10th day of April. 1015.
9-13 c. Doputy.
' ' - "-
Anna Brostorhous, Administratrix ot
thu Estato of Goorgo Brostorhous,
Docoasod, Plaintiff, vs. Goorgo F.
Harris, Dofondnnt.
To Georgo F. Harris, nbovo named
OF OREGON, you nro horoby roqulr
od to nppcar nnd nnswor tho com
plaint of tho plaintiff Illod against
you lu tho abovo entitled Court on
or hoforo thu Inst dny of tho tlmo
proscribed In the order for publica
tion mndo heroin tn-wlt: tho second
dny of Juno, 1915, and It you full
so to nnswor for want thereof tho
plaintiff will apply to tho Court for
tho relief prayed for lu tho complaint
on (lie herein to-wit: for a Judgment
ngalnst )nu for tho sum of 990.00,
together with Interest thereon nt tbn
ratu of tun per rout per annum from
December 7, 1913, until paid, togeth
er with $100.00 ntturnoy fees and
the costs mid disbursements of this
action mid for a decree of thn abovo
entitled court that certain mortgnKO
bearing date of the 7th day of De
cember, 1912, Hindu mid executed by
you securing said hiiiii nbovo mon
tloiied, covering, conveying and de
scribing lots No. 13 nnd 14 of Illook
27 of Mend. Crook County, Oregon,
bo foreclosed and that said real
proporty described therein bo sold
by tho Sheriff or Crook County, Ore
gon, In tho miinnor provided by law
and according to tho prnctlcn of thla
court and that thu proceeds of suld
salo be applied:
First. In thu payment of tho costs
nnd charges of making snld salo and
Second: To thu paymuut of plain
tiff's Judgment, incluslvo of Attor
noy fees, Interests nnd costs and that
upon said salo being mudo thu plain,
tin may bocomu thu purchaser thero
nt mid that thereafter tho defendant
and all persons claiming under, by or
through him bo forever barred and
foreclosed of any right, tltlo or In
terest In or to suld property or any
portion thereof, saving nnd excepting
only tho statutory right of redemp
tion and thnt thu plaintiff have Judg
ment nnd execution ngalnst tho prop
erty of tho defendant, Goorgo F. Har
ris, Tor any deficiency remaining up
on said Judgment after applying thu
proceeds of tho salo of snld real
property properly applleahlo thurutn
and tor such other nnd further relief
ns to thu Court may seem meet ami
Mils summons Is served upon you
ht juil'!(iitlon thereof for six sue
(.st1 v.j v.ti)H lu Tho Ilond Ilullctln,
n weekly newspaper of general cir
culation, published In Bund, Crook
County, Oregon, by order of tho Hon
orable W L. BraiUhnw, Judge of thu
Circuit Court ot Crook County, Stnto
of Oregon, which order was dated thn
Uth day of April. 1915. the date of
Ih" first publication being the 21st
da of April, 1915, !d tho dnto of
the last publication being thu 2nd day
of Juno, 1915.
713 Attoruwy tor the Plaintiff.
i 11
"yyrT ,
MW At,l
tTiw(-CBiU.,L,j'j-; . iJ.