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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1915)
tarn .. B?wjflri'. TUB 1113X1) IttTiiMTriX, IlKNM), OltK., WKDXKSDAY, .U'XH 2, lfMfS. VAOR It. fcamu . ! ' v H BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. llOUKUT II. GOULD Civil A Engineer ja a llClKl Oregon V. W. FAULKNER., D. M. D. I) B X T I S T Offlpo Over Postofflco Bond, ... Oregon 1)11. B. KHA XOIUCIS l'liytdciim nnd Surgeon Omco Satucr Uulldlng Microscopic and X-rny work Tol. Black 271 Hours: 10-12 a. m.; 2-4 i. m. 7-9 p. m. WILLAR.D H. WIR.TZ L A W Y v. II Prlnovlllo, Oregon. H. C. J3LLIS Attonieynt.I.nw United Stntes Commissioner First National Dunk Building UEND, OREGON H. H. Do AllMOND LAWYER Oregon Street. IJcnd, Oregon Dlt. J. H. CONNARN I) EKTI8T omco In Sather llulldlng. Houru 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays and ovcnlngs by Appointment. 0. S. DENSON Attorney At Low Douson Building, Wall Street Dend, Oregon. VERNON A. FOIIUES h A W Y B It First National Dank Dulldlng Bond, :-: :-: Oregon C. P. NISWONQER, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Bmbalnicr, Funeral Director. Phono. Lndy Assistant. Dlt. It. D. STOWELL Xnprupatlilc I'liyslciaii Omco over Millor Lutnher Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to 5 PIiodo Had Gl QEOUaE S. YOUNG Civil nnd Irrigation Engineer. U. 8. Mineral Surveyor. Room C First National Bank Building J. B. Boll A. W. Sims CItOOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J, II. Hnnor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstrncts Insurance Representation boforo tho Des ert Land Board and State Engineer ROBERT CECIL. WYOANT Attorney at Imw Irrigation Masonic Wator Rights Building Dcsort Land Salem, Engineering Law Oregon J. E. Engebretson . Plumbing and Heating Uend, Oregon 117 MIXXBSOTA STREET ESTI.MATKS CIIBBRFULLY FURNISH ED JOBBING PROMPTLY DOXE COLONEL MILLER INTERESTED IN COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Clmutnuqim Lecturer n Man Who Houses Cltlcns to Sense of Re- sponslblllty for City Airnirs. With simple diction Col. W. II. .Mil ler, speaker, tendero his elevating Ideas of character nnd com munity development to all his listen ors. Tho crlspness of his thought depletion has won him a place In tho hearts of hundreds of chautauqua boosters who will have an opportuni ty to hear him In tho west tills sum mer. A man of Imposing structure, carrying a mind of sterling make, this graphic lecturer puts within tho grasp of every citizen of tho city In which ho appears tho greatest ideas of tho age. The citizens, tho basic elements In tho community they are tho units In whom Col. Miller is interested. With tho whirl of a mighty turbine, tho mind of tho humorist forces out nl stream of community pegs. Ills hear ers nro compelled to nccept them and stord them away for future- use. Swamped by tho magnltudo of tho vision of llfo of tho speaker, audi ences need months of good, stiff work In community building berore tho ef fects of the summor dclugo nro ef faced. When tho last word leaves tho lips of Col. Millor his hearers aro yet un satisfied. They aro transported into a now realm of llfo by him and nro unwilling to return to tho former drudgery which was theirs. As tho thoughts of tho lecturer become more clear with deliberation they And that they havo learned tho wny In which to keep their community in tho other world for all times. This Is one of tho greatest achievements of the speaker. Hundreds of cltlzons hnvo awakened to tho fact that they are responsible for the stato of affairs existing In this city. They hnvo sot to work and tho old time conditions hnvo been swept away. Prosperity now ropiaces uoiit, and happiness trips hand In hand with progression. CI. Millor showed thorn tho "wny nnd tho light." 8KJ.NH FOR SAM'!. "For Rent," "For Sale," "Rooms to Let", "Housekeeping Rooms," "Xo Admittance," "Xo Smoking." etc., etc.. Placards printed In largo tjpe on heavy hrittol board, 1ft cent" eneh, loss in quantities. COLONEL V. H. MILLER, Editor and Lecturer TO THE RESCUE PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER AND CONTRAC TOR WORK GUARANTEED H. P. SMITH WHO fSIJ 1 ST 'gnargn- - jagspi? MSHH- -- -.- ---Jm Hal ? HpHSB.' t. t ' i ' M Wnfft -,'- 9k$-smMP , lbsS sf ai GOOD NEWS. Many Bond renders hnvo hoard It nnd prolitcd thereby. "Good news travels fuMt," and tho bad back suf ferers In this vicinity aro glad to loam whero relief may bo found. Many a lamo, weak and nchlng back Is bad no mora, thanks to Donu s Kid ney Pills. Thousands upon thous ands ot people o fplllnq; the good news of their experience with this tosted remedy. Hero :s nn oxamplo worth rending: Mrs. J. S. Klsor, 1111 Eighth street, Hood River, Oro. gon, says; "Heavy work while on tho farm caused mo to stirrer from kid ney trouble. My back seemed to glvo out nnd tho pain nnd lameness extended down Into my hips. My while body was lamo nnd soro mnrn- 1 Ings and action of my kidneys wasn't ! light. Bonn's Kidney Pills helped ( me right nwny nnd eocn my back mid i kidneys woro In good slmpo." Prlco 1 fio cents, at nil dealers. Don't slmplv I nsk for n kidney remedy get Dunn's i Kidney Pills-- the same that Mrs. 1 lind, Fostcr-Mllburn Co., i Props., Buffalo, N Y Adv. Fraternal Societies I. O. O. V. nend Iiodgo Xo. S18. Regular mooting ovory Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Salt er's Hall. Visiting brothois cordially wolcomo. L. II. GLESS, N. G. GEO. P. GOVE, Secretary. rotrMv, OMem COME TO THE ROSE FES-TIVAI-Tlm MultiMinmli uHll bo the Mecca of tho ejustcrn visitor. .Meet your (rlrnds lierc. Servlco mid accomo dations bettor Rales no higher. RATES TO YOU no Rooms , 91 no 100 Rooms with bath. .Sl-to 100 Rooms with bam. .if 2.00 "00 Largo outslilo itioms, ""CI a.OO Extra person In room, .81.00 niblltlonal 3 JkZfMMtdJGL V? will say your linen, but you mutt not wait much tlin celt Inn our ractii band t work LOWPRICOS, BETTBRSGRVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEAXIXO This man Is well known In the weRt. Ho Is n community development worker. Just what this and other communities need. Ho Is llvo and enter taining and will spenk at the assembly. For Spring WEAR got a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES WE also hnvo tho agency for NAP-A-TAN Shoes for men nnd boys. R. H. LOVEN The Shoe Repair Man Bond Stroot Bend, Ore. 'ut Your Duds In Our Suds' THE WHITE IS KING DRAYINQ Bend Hauling Co. R. X. PALMEHTOX Wood for Sale Olllco with It. P. Mlntcr Olllco Phono Black (10 Hc&ldcnro Black 4'JXi PLOWING DOXE. j J. A. MacCLOSKEY Rooflnfr of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. Tho BEST nil-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Mnde In both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful 11. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 519 Merchants National Bank Bldg San Francisco, California MASONS JHEET BRISTOL Largo Delegation Ooe to Prluevlllo To Attend MoctlnK " .Monday. A largo party of Masons wont to Prlnovlllo Monday night to attend a meeting to bo addressed by Grand Mastor W. G. Bristol of Portland. Delegations woro nlso prcsont from Redmond and other points. The members ot tho Bend lodgo who made tho trip woro II J. Over-' turf, Paul C. Garrison, It. N. Poln doxtor, G. W. 8hrlnor, K. O. Minor,' J. 11. corijott, J .N. Hunter, C. M. McKay, II. E. Allen, G. S. Young, B. M. Thompson, J. D. Davidson, J, Inncs, L. A. W. Nixon, E. M, Lara, John Stoldl, Stove Steidl, A. O. Wal kor, J. E. Ralnoy, A. J. Kroonort, E. Rea Nprrls, W. Saunders, II. C. El. lis, V. C. Albeo, C. M. Redlleld, J. C. Rhodes and Claudo L. Mannheim-, er. For sign painting sea Edwards. Adv. THIS PAPER ncPrtESEHfCD FOR FOKCIU, ADVERTISING DY THE SPSS!!! atHKffln OCNCRAL OFFICCO NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES FOLK'S" The Wrig;ht Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It Is n fireproof bulldliiK It Is thoroughly modern It Is comfortable, commodious, clean- ROOMS PROM no CENTS UP Tho wnnti of nil nro sathtllcd well at THE WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles (o ail Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL ----------- t I lieodqunrtcrs for Commercial Alen t i-lcctrlc Llehted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL HUGH O'KANE. MANAOKM i Oood Rooms BEND. OREGON Good Alenls Pree bus to and from trains All nrrangementn'mnde for persons desiring to go south and east of here ---- ---"- --- - OREGON anrt WASHINGTON f Business Directory m A Slrecttrr of each Cltjr, Town &nd Villne. (Ivtnr ducrlpllve Vtch of I each place, location, population, tele- rrapb. ahlpplna and banWInr point) alio Claulfled Directory, compiled br ciuineaa ana proreiiion. 1 n. z. rout co brattle O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET 1 ONE CENT A WORD IS ALL A LITTLIi WANT AD WILL COST YOU. Which? for . Easier Cooking Kerosene v$. Wood and Coal Heat concentrated on tlie Ilcatincr up the kitchen wlien cooking, not spread through me room. it's already 90 in the shade. Ready, like gas full heat in a minute. Uothersonie waiting for the fire to hum. Adjustable heat a slow fire or a hot one. Heat only as long as you need it. A clean, cheap fuel easy to handle. Difficulty in getting the right heat. Waste of fuel leforc and after actual cooking. dirt Wood and coal to lug and ashes. New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove For Best Rttutti Ute Ptarl Oil The convenience of jra: for homes without gas. No odor. Does not taint the food. Convenient sizes. Ask your dealer. See Exhibit, Palace of Manufacture, Panama Pacific Exposition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CiUfoioU) Bend I ill swap ven. juoot.oSKtT lor THE OK8T MEN FKOrrTOR f ,- 9 jaowe or tmkt wesu tobacco) yt ffyou'RE A rRiCND or mine! - , 1 j(f ftp n ro As roR 9omj jwinfr V "rj TMIHa TO BOOT, j vV J (THE CiOOU OUDCiL) p-rM I f JrP, ACCOMMODATES VrSi HERE'S the ready chew! You can get genuine comfort and tobacco satisfaction without having to grind nil the timet "Right-Cut" is the Real Tobacco Chew that tobacco chewers arc telling one another about. Pure, rich, sappy tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough. The taste comes along steady- and it lasts you longer than the old kind. If you like real tobacco by all means buy a pouch. Take a very small chew less than nne.quurtcr the bid kUc. It will he more aulialyiiijj limn a inoullilul of ordinary tobacco, Jutt nibble on it until you find the ttrrnilh chew that suiti you. Tuck it uway. 'Incn let it rest. See how easily and evenly the real tobacco taste comes, how it satisfies without grinding, how much less you have to spit, how few chews yuu take to lie tobacco satisfied, Thai's why it Is 'flu lUul TvUuta Chew. That's why it costs less in the end. Il I. rrady clicw, cut n tad .liort hrcJ to Ihit you wna'i h. to rmti va il witb your Uctb. GriaJiol cm vlUiutry uuJiiU lobcca uukt. yuu pll lo wucb. Tb Utlf of pure, rich luhieco dui not ntj la t tonttj up wiih ,iwl.s ul lUarus. Nunca bow lt. nil lrin(t out lh ntli iiei !. iu "Iliibl-CJui." One small chew takes the place of two big; chews of the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY CO Union Square, New Yorlc QltJY FROM OEAUR ORSEND-IQSTAMPSTOUS I HKmRfii n v.T' it XTT ' '"tpH" ?.l