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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1915)
rAon a. Tire nuxn bulletin', ijexd, orb., Wednesday, juxe 2, ibis. 4 CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. --- TL'MALO. (Special to The tlutletln.) TUMALO, May 31 The program Riven liy the Fairview school chil dren Friday n'Kht iroxed a financial Buccefw an SS.75 wan taken in. The aUfte decorations and costumes were BPttroprliUo for th rdarlet of the children of Hiawatha which the chll rlron rendered II (Widen the program of recitation by the children the follow!.!; mimical j numlmre were Kien: piano aolo, I Kraacta Hall, vocal nolo, I.enore Mock, piano duet. Kuth and Dorothy Dayton, quartette, Mrs. Cady. Kay OwklHJt. Ignore and Margaret Mock. Mtoa Rtl Jam left on Saturday morntriK for M-ximqutb where sbe will visit friends for neveral weeks Wore KOlng to her home at Coo Bar The hall game with Slater, which was to have lnen played yesterday, u culled off on account of the ni ne of one of the Sitters team. The local hoys Indulged In a practice game to help take out a few of the kinks. lira. Hlchard Kllckenger left on Wednesday night for the east where the Intends to ajen4 the summer vis Kins friendH and relative. She will go via Spokane, where she will visit a few day. i Mrs. Thompson went to Bend rrl .MIL LI CAN. Special to The Bulletin) MILLICAN, .May 30 Mr. and Mra. Gllmoro went to Il&nd Tuesday. Mrs MUs Estclle Humphrey, who has position and every thing ready for been staving with Mrs. Agco for the the actual delivery of mall which will past couple of weeks, Is home again, begin Juno 1C. The young people are holding a Guy AHIngJiam. Prajik. McCaffery weekly choir practice at Wilson nd Mr- W urxwollor nutoed out from school house on Friday evenings, Redmond Sunday In the former's car. with Miss Ebba LlndquUt as leader, t Mrs McCaffery accompanied them Following are the names ofsomc I f d M J j chapman d of the applicants for the Position of f d M nnd M A' Inrnl ma I carrier who will take the ' .. ,, ,.. .." '" returned tudav. ! "i-.,rn -.n pnv k-il.r. H.l "" ""'?" ro umner five months I E. L.Waldron will go to The Dalles S a tn n,.Pt. Karl Satin- "ue nt tne Truesdalo homo Monday 'poor showing, Is coming up nicely' Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of Sisters ac 1 now, and It looks as though alfalfa companled by Mr. and Mrs. Carson, I might be a fair success here, ' were flshfng on the Deschutes FrI-, ioca mall carrier who will take the I ir. v acKavucn nas his home here after a Ollmore left from there for Alaska vacation speot In Chicago with a son. the middle of the week, having re-don!i j. k. Warner, Harold Cooke, evening. whero she will visit for some time. Miss Maggie Hooney left for Port land Monday. She has been visiting iistr mninnp mts unrr ifiHinur ifir , n a pleasing manner, i "j- "" - ;' - atoad here. ' Hen Roodman was helping Frank Hurwltz cut fence poets the past week. I Mr. and Mrs. Tbew. .Moffett called ' at the Davis home Sunday afternoon. J Mrs. John Holland called at the ' Davis home Tuesday. ! Mra. Oeo. Mllllcan visited at the Iteatson and Holland homes Satur day .Mrs. iierwuz lntenas to tencc nts'ceivea wora or tne serious nines or. f entire claim this summer. hl brother there. Mr. and .Mrs. Uarney Conoway and Rev. Towne conducted services at family and Mrs. Geo. Mllllcan drove the school house In honor of the old to Rend Sunday. ' soldiers Sunday. Three were nres- L. V. Sell marl and family are re- ent. Mr. Durnslde of this commun siding on their homestead now, after ity being one. Music was furnished having spent the past Ave months In . by a quartette, Mrs. Templeton. Mr. the Willamette valley. i and Mrs. Skelton and Mr. Beyers. A. Miller and J. J. Chapman. Miss Ha Knox, who has been at tending C. C. H. S. Is visiting with Miss Pauline Trueedale previous to returning to her home In Fossil. .Miss Una Moore and Gladys Ilayn POWELL, I1UTTE, May 30. Oscar Prlckett Is preparing to plant sev eral acres of potatoes. Mrs. J. I. Jones Is getting ready to move to the valley near Portland. .Jnm,,aniui i,v HnrnM rvinif wrnt to 1 where Mr. Jones hns bought n ma- PrinevlIIe Sunday whore the young cume sm.. .i. juues luit buiiib umo ... ...... I wt t fnn nttU a. Mr. and Mrs. Cook drove to Hend ' There were also songs by Lillian and 'ladles win remain over to nttena tne s "" -"".."..", l".'.V ,l". Sunday. 'Marlon Van Matre recitations by ' summer normal. ' "" '" "u "" '"'""' ,"' Jm ! G E. Heathman, wife and son. Dona CyrXshema'n Johnson. Orva. Miss Pauline Truertale and her him as they have d .l.pood of such , Harold, and daughter. Mrs. McCrack- Kelly, Geneva Rlvetts and Mrs.'K" Mlsa Ha Knox, titertalncd goods as they will not ship. ' en, were visitors at the Braun home- Kruchek. Paul Cooke a"d Clyde Moore at lun- Mr. and Mrs. C, L. Frost nnd fam- stead Sunday. Arthur and Floyd Grobe spent Sat-. cheon at the former's home Sunday. My expect to leave Boon for Cros- Pen Goodman visited Frank Her-'urday and Sunday In Bend. I Mr- nnd Mr- IlMVM Wlllcoxon en-! well, having traded their farm nnd I wltz Sunday. ! The Sisters school closed with a ' tertalned Mr. and .Mrs. Allan Wlllcox- stock hero for one over there. Mr. . I.. Heathman went to Bend on intm hih. ..i.i.,i c-..nn.. ., .. .. .. i..i. o-...j.. ednetMiay to bring out hlc brother-, franels Holland homestead. Prof. Harden left for PrinevlIIe, In-law, Sherman Mccracken for a vlttit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Loffette were visitors at the II. K. Davis home Tuesday af ternoon. . MIha Selmr. Braun called at A. D. Xorton'a on Wednesday. Mr. and Mm. Harney Conoway ar rived homo from Bear Creek Monday. Mrs. Thos. Moffett was calling on friends In the valley Sunday. Mra. Martha Forgoy drove down day. franco and Wendall who have to oast nnd of the valloy Monday, bn attending school at Bend re tnrned with her. Several homesteaders from Mllll can leave for Bend the coming week to work. A. L. Smith, wife and son, passed through hero Sunday with a load of lumber and groceries enroute to tholr homestoad near Imperial. Horace White was burning brush on his claim tlio past week. CLOVHHDALi: B. Johnson went to Bend Mon- KTAI-'I'FKi:. fHfMwIsI to The ItalMln.) 8TAUKFMK. May 2S.T. A. Fulg )mra and It. II. Wallace of Culver thla morning filed on homwtttfldH In the Butte. I Jfllm I'mif was given aaurprlse dinner Sunday. ' Page Hls'inr spont the week end In Pleasant Valley and Brookings. The Snuffer family whs entertain ltd at the Mrrcer home Sunday. W. N. Brown's bueknrcKMi are rounding up horses In 'he valley this week. i Mtirry Sinlih. who ha been awav for the past two years, la in the val ley lookliiK afipr his property. - Lloyd Mtirrer anil Percy Hartoon Mro plowing for llonry Klnsmnn. j Henry Klnaman atarted for Hpnn away, Washington, Friday to look nf tor hiiHlnoHs. Mrs. Kinsman will re turn with Mm. 1 day. Frr.nk Herwltz wont to Bend on Thursday, coming out Friday with a load of groceries for P. B. Johnson. (Spocle: to The Bulletin.! CLOVEKDALH, May 31. -Mr. and Mrs. Abby aro spending a week In Redmond. Dean Van Matre went to Bend on W. II. Klgor spent Saturday visit- Thursday, returning Sunday, Ing at the A. D. Norton home. Many campers passed through Alfalfa whlfh was planted on the I Cloverdalo the past week on their II. K. Davis homestead last summer way to points of Interest In the moun and owing to the dry season made n i tains. Hood River and the San Francisco fair. Miss Waldron leaves Wednesday for Walla Walla. Miss Templeton was a guest at Waldron's Thursday night. We have had many light rains this spring and crops nnd gardens are looking unusually well. Miss Bertha Goadsell Is visiting a (Continued on page 7.) w POWELL Ut'TTE. (Sneclal to Tho Rulletln) POWELL BUTTE, May 31, Mrs. Frank McCaffery of Redmond visited at the E. L. Ivcrson home several dnvs the past week assisting In the care of Mrs. Iverson, whose condition , Is thought to be slowly Improving. I V. O. Humphrey was a business visitor to PrinevlIIe Tuesday. A. H. Rhode sold his wool last " Vl'nnl ilnlloAalnn I Ik T .. .1 1 At. .. t V ! ncrn, ucuicnuj, n in iiuuiuunu on over uio nowiy organizcu u. r. Wednesday. routo Saturday and reports boxes on and Miss Harriett at dinner Sun- Frost is at Crlswell now and will day. i send for his family rs soon as nil ar- Friday and Saturday saw the fol-1 ranKements are made. lowing young people, students at tho Crook County High School, returning home for their summer vacations: Miss Gladys and Hazel Ilayn, Orlsa Sears, Fay Burnett, Gladys Pauls, Paulino Truesdalo, Messrs. Ray Skein, IlHlph Jones nnd Roy Mofflt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards nnd ' family, E. A. Bussett, Ross Bussctt, Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon, Mrs. A. W. . Ilayn, and Mrs. P. Pauls, attended ' high school day at PrinevlIIe Wed- nesday. Misses Ada Sears, Cella Mnnccau and Grace Pauls visited in PrinevlIIe for commencement week, returning home Sunday. Rev. Pnttcn Hall, resident minister for the Baptist church nt Prliievlllo, ( delivered a sermon nt tho Wilson i school house Sundny. Postmaster Johnson made a trip Silfct GET OUT of tho rut. It's only a habit to do nil our trading at the larger towns. Let us spend our money at home whero It will do US the most good. IIEMKMI1EK a 26 cent phono messago will transact a lot of business nnd save DOLLARS. P. B. Johnson MILLICAN, OREGOX. fS T HAMITOX lU'TTK. (Special to Tb Bulletin) HAMPTON IIUTTK. May "JR. Mr. and MrH, Jnko Brooks hnvo gonu out to I io go no several mouths, I Harold McFnddmi has returned from Terrebonne whero hu visited with his pnronta. ' Pago Rlnuffur of Stnuffer visited vltli friend i anil rutntlves hero last Saturday nnd Sunday. ! Wllllutn Hoist of I .a CrosHo, Wnnh fiKlnu, immn In last Monday to his now honuMiluAd. Ho drovo n four horse tinim mid had ihhiiii dllllculty, crowing Hid mountnliia owning to i considerable hiiow. . L. (!ook loft Tunwlny for Bend to be gone several mouths. I Jimwh) Monro (i Iihh koho to Buck Urcck to work for W. W. Brown. I IIIbh Klvu MrFitddHii of Ploaiiniit valley spmit Thursday night with Mr. Bert Meeks. I MIsh IOvii Michel vUlled with Mrs Brook Uir several days last week. Henry Kinsman registered at the llrooklHga hotel last wek. IihIhk on Ills way to SpNimway. WHsliltigton. to briag hit taiiuiy out to lliwlr now, ttottiesteail near Stauffer. Mra. Frixl Mlllnr ralleil on Mru. ! liorare Hrooklnga last Wednesday A bear was killed last Sundny, outb "f Yreka butlK by one of tho Itucearmttt j C M Hmllh of llnuenek, Minn.,1 came In Thursday to go t bis homo HtMil near HlaufTi-r. Mr. Smith will illsiHM uf inoft of his furulturu and Mhlp wiiiie back oast. Owiir llbtck Iiiih gone out for llvo iHAntha Iww'o of uImkiiiuo. I Kaitt Hrlekey ha kuiio to Prlno il to work. j I'rwl Miller itut la SO acre of BrulM fur llva Mlohwl. MIST (tltHHIC. (SfHV-lcl in Tlu Hulloln l.nav nttaidv. lur i:.--Mr. nnd Mr. 8. i. Hubbard HUlnrtuluod Mr i aad Mr. Wlllluui O'llrlun or Kvnus vlllf. IndlHiia. several days the .i( wek. TIimv had wild their proncrtv In ladlitim mid wero on thlr wuv to wattle wburo I liny mpi-ct (o go Int lwslaMM. Dr. (" Iteod haa bmn on the slik lbvt during lh imisI week. II. Kinsman haa gonu to TaiMiun tt traitsnc' b-isltea :' o bring bl family In In it short time C. M. Smith baa Iteeti slmViug baudn with old friends In the vullcv lln came In to iwck his hiinlmll BmU prior to shipplug thorn nut Mr. uud Mr 8 J. Hubbard iitr talMsul sJhmiI thlrtv guests last Thura tlay evaoluK, lit honor of th litir h brother, Charles Wbtt of ltkevlow MnIo nnd card wuro tho chief feat ure of iHitrrtslumeut. At uildniflit M dainty luTbwm was rved Tlu gueatn dniuirted at an mrly hour de claring Mr and Mra. Hubbard rHl onl Halnsi-H. .1 it l'oTv lins tuovtxl his house ilowtt utktr the rwil and he U drlllliiK h veil for himself. I. M. On mill wits lielldiiK Mr Per r durleg tho imt wcuk. Tho Hiauy frlondrt of Mr. Pratt and c.ta Jnhu met nV tholr home last HuHttay and gitvo them n furvwell urtv. The PrulU lupotst In Wave tuut Thursday to bo gono Inilollnlloly C. J. SUtifTor uud Perry Hitrtoon aro IokkIuk somo sago brush for II Klutmau. Mary titauffer was qulto sick dur ing tho past week but Is again able to attend school. i , THE EUROPEAN CONSUMER Is the most f.clentlflc Inner of foods on earth. He has, from necessity, been forced to buy that which gives the greatest return for tho money. Ho Is the world's greatest user of flour. Flour, and yet more Hour, hah been tho cry of strlckon Belgium. Englnnd and France consider It relatively tho cheapest food at $12 per barrel. Don't subscribe to popular fallacies. Face the facts. Meat contains GO pur cent wntcr, potatoes "" per cent, milk SO to 90 per cent, flour 13 Vi por cent. A pound of meat costs 20 and 25 conts, flour 4 cunts, nnd yet there Is moro energy In a pound of flour than n pound of beef. HEAL KCONOMV .MEANS THE USE OF MORE FLOUR. WHEAT I'LOUR Clieiipent nnd Best Food, V. S. Government Tct Provo It. Articles Energy 10 Conts Will Buy Eggs 38C lltcf, sirloin 410 pgj Mutton, leg 41S aj Miik 1030 mm Pork, loin 1035 Cheese 1185 Butter 13C5 Breakfast foods 1489 Itlct) 2025 Potatoes 29G0 BeaiiH, dried 3040 WHEAT FLOUR 05 40 (U. S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin No. 112.) II.VIvlKiV Miioclo mill Strength Ghlng QuiillUc. Ono iHiunil of DosrhutoH Sprnv Flour costing 1 to I c 'Is, will go as far as two pounds of meat tntnlnltig 20 to 25 cents per K)UII(1. New Bend Flour Mill Bend, Oregon The cleanest flour mill In the State of Orogon. All flour tested In our own laboratories. The puidlc is Invited to Inspect our plant. EVEKY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. I'ortluml llo-e Fend. vii I rxatr- klon I "i rts Dullv June (I to 10. DE LUXE TOURS to CALIFORNIA Expositions LOW 1 Hi:s DIRECT Oil CI1U l,E Ml HS EAST. Oregon Trunk Railway And the Trlde-Scu, Six Deck Piilnco of the PhcIHc SS "NORTHERN PACIFIC" NAILS Jl M: I. 8. IS, III, -JO, , iH. Nptt'lal SliMinor Train Uih Portland U n. in. Arrht Fliuel rJ::ii Luurlicou on Ship. Kuiiinlili ArrUcx San l'mmUio il;:io Xext Day ROUND TRIP TARES TO SAX FRANCISCO 1'niin lleiul, IK) llji) l.lmlt $11,10 Ninety ly Limit , tl.l5 mwxiidlng low rale. to Snn Diego nutl I,oh Angelcv.. Cliolttt of niuttvi, nil I or teaiiLsblp. Pnrtlruliin. of Agents SMikune, Portl.iml .V StMttle, Ort'gou Trunk or (Ireat Nor tliern or Nortlieru 1'itrlllc Italhxnja. ?'lt5'7r It. II. CR07.1FR. J. II. COUUKTT, lhX A h&3 A. tJ. r. ... Agtnt, lf-" i Portland. Ore lk-nd. Oro. 11 """iiu'Xi V- BEND PARK COMPANY Real Estate We Control and Have For Sale, at the Be3t Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World Known Companies LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Offices ,unl Arrntc Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. A a , s- v1" . 3w. - -JMT:;!TTTr;T)T1S,',,in ,J