Kasucajnz,i -it jmsmk. v.-. 1 1, jCvSaBaaiuwwmwKr trsi., .Kjnks3fttHMrvv J Vol. XIII. m:xi, oukoox, wkdxksday aktuiixoox, .hxk 2, ii.-. K xo. in. Vm WW iiiimwm. JEjtas.s-A-c.;-m THE BEND BULLETIN : in OHM BUG BEGUNFR DAY DANIELSON HAS CREW AT WORK Thirty or Forty Men Will lo Em ployed lor Two Months on Job liinxl Clearing for Slievlln Mill Is Making Good I'i ogress. Construction of tho dam ncross the Deschutes nt tho Shovlln-Hlxon mill slto began on Friday. With men working nt tho dnm on both sides of tho river and n crow cngngod In clearing on tho bench land adjoining, n scone of nctlvlty Is presented glad dening to nil beholders. Other work In connection with tho enterprise Is going on in tho woods. The dam building will take nbout two months and 30 or 40 men will bo omployod continuously. A coffer dam tins first to be built nnd tho con Htructlon of this Is now well nlong, tho crow working from n temporary brldgo which has been put ncross tho rlvor. The work Is being (lone by M. J. Danlolson, who built tho dam nnd powor houso for tho Ilend Wnter Light & Power Co. So far ns pos slblo Mr. Danlolson Is giving prefer once to locnl men tin tho work. Rock for tho dnm Is being hauled on each sldo of tho river, that on tho west side bolng obtained by blasting on a hill sldo In tho neighborhood. Work on tho clearing Is progress ing. A Inrgo tract hnB been cleared on tho bench nbovo the river where )hq lumber yard will bo located nnd work Is now going on along tho rlvor bank nt tho saw mill slto nnd above wlioro tho logging road will run. Building of tho spur has not yet bogun but a crew from tho Oregon Trunk Is expected nt onco to rush tho tracks and brldgo through. VISITORSJJKE BEND I'lirty From Ifooil Itivcr Attracted Ily Local Developments. After spondlng threo days In fish ing, tip rlvor. a ljnjity.,of.HoQd JUvcr men returned to town Saturuny night, loavlng on their return- to Hood Itlvor by auto Sunday. Ono of tho party, P. Ij. Tompkins, was a formor rosldont of Ilend, nnd another, C. D. Ireland, hns been going through town twlco n year for tho past threo years on his wny to California... Iloth wore enthusiastic over local develop montx. Mr. Iroland being especially nttrnctcd by tho town. With them woro Allen Hoed and D. M. Dickin son. The party lrr.d good luck lu fishing, taking G25 trout In three; days. Other nuto tourists who havo been hero In tho past weok' were A. U. Vnn Ornum, K. 13. Van Ornum, G. V. Jlaro and J. F. Coulon of Soattlo. Wlton nsk'bd for his Impressions of tho town Sir. Coulon Bald. "Mako it ns strong ns you like. You cannot any too much." AVOOIjUIiK HATH CHAXfiKI). T'ue dnto of tho Horn! and Hod mend wool salo hns been chnnged to June 17 according to A. C. Kgan. traveling agent of the O.-W. K. & N. INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST YOUR OWN CARELESSNESS Even though you might never have n fire or thieves enter your home, a paper mislaid is often'times lost just as irretrievably as if it had been burned or stolen. When your valuable papers are in our vault you KNOW where they are and you KNOW they are safe. You can lease a steel box m our vault with a non-pickable Yale lock big enough to contain all your private papers, for $2 a year Can you afford to be without this insurance? The Deschutes State Bank COUNCIL PASSES FRANCHISE AT MEETING ON SATURDAY Grade of Alder Stiect Is Kstubllshert Heady For Spur lliilldliig Lease of Council Itooni ItnttllfMl. Meeting on Saturday for tho nur pose of passing tho franchise giving tho Oregon Trunk right to build its spur in to the rlvor nnd tho Shevlin- Hlxon mill tho city council found consldeiablp business to bo attended to. Tho frnnchlso was pnssed by tho unanimous vote of tho councllmen prosont at tho meeting, nnd Mayor fliinor immediately nlllxcu his slgnn turo to the mensuro and to tho aa conipanylng blue print. In connec tion with tho franchise nn ordinance was passed establishing tho grado of Alder streot along which tho lino will run for a part of Its course. Other matters taken up IncludoJ tho city's fire fighting proporty, tho coming city election and an nllcgod nuisance In Park addition. City At torney Forbes was directed to tnko proper steps to see that tho nuisance was abated while Recorder Ellis wns appointed to mako nrrnngoments for tho olectlon. Councilman Knutseii offered to nttend to the lire property. Tho council formally ratified the action of tho mayor nnd tho recordor Is signing a lenco with J. P. Johnson for tho council room nnd tho lease, duly signed by Mr. Johnson, was put on fllo. BALL TEAM IS ORGANIZED Mont O'Donncll Captain Again Single Men IJent IlcnedlctH. Ilend Is to havo a ball team again this summer, organization having been porfected at a meeting Sunday afternoon, T. M. O'Donnell wns re elected cnptnln of tho team and El inor Ward, mnnagor. According to tho plan decided upon at tho mooting support for tha tenm will bo sought in monthly subscriptions from tho business men of tho town until tho team becomes solfHsustalnlng. Following the business meeting a gamo was played botween teams m a do up of married and single men, respectively. Tho single men won tho gnmo by a scoro of 13 to 5, tho victory holng duo In a great moasure to tho efforts of pitcher Davis. Tho players wero as follows: Married nion Enstcs, r. f., Spring er, p, Vnn Mntre, c, Hanson, 1 b., Stnnts, 2 b Whlto, s.s., Mlllor, 3b Hozell, c. f and Smith 1. f. Single men Muzynskl, r. f., Dav is, p., O'Donnell, c, Hudell, lb., Sproat, "2li'., E&ve,r, b. b., Huswoll, (Hunter) 3 b., Urnndenburg, c. f and II. Johnson 1. f. Tho team will play Tumalo hero next SundaJfgJ'rccodlng tho game tho on mi win give n cuncun ui lown unu then march To tho grounds. CUSS IS GHADl'ATKD. Tho J graduating exercUes of tho senior class of tho Hond high school waro hold at tho Presbyterian church Sunday night, the church being filled to ovorllowlng with frlonds nnd rela tives of tho graduates. The two chlof numbers on tho program wero the oration by Claude Kelloy on "Sec tionalism In tho United Statos" and the address by Prosldont Ackorman of tho Stuto Normal school nt .Mon mouth on "Standards." Ilutli Cald well and Robert Inncs playod two musical numbors nnd thoro was sing ing b tho girl's glee club. Chairman McKny of tho School hoard prosented tliq diplomas to tho graduates. Med als wero also given by Principal Shoimo to tho leading scholars of tho grado school. PORTLAND IN CHE Rill TROUT ANGLERS SPEND TWO DAYS HERE Arc Delighted Willi Town mid Itecep tlon Clvoii Them Party Is Arrang ed by Fred 8. Stnnloy Dinner Given nt Tho F.mblcm Club. Travelling In two prlvnto cars at tached to tho Oregon Trunk train, n party of Portland nnglors arrived In Hond Saturday morning to try tho fishing in tha Deschutes nnd neigh boring streams and to soo tho town and tho country. After spending two days horo thoy loft on tho Mondny morning train filled with enthusiasm for Ileud and deeply appreciative of the reception given them. Tho party was organized by Fred S. Stnnloy, president of tho Contral Orogon Irrlgntlon Company, nnd In cluded associates, of his who woro fnmlllar with Centrnl Oregon, tnd n number of friends who hnil novor been horo before Of tho party tho now comers wero especially enthus iastic over tho beauty of tho country, tho timber and tho water powor wealth and tho development possi bilities, All congratulated Hond on tho now Industries starting hero. Tho first day was spont In fishing on tho Deschutes, tho party being taken up rlvor In care furnished by local frlonds. Ilocnuso of wonthor conditions few fish wero caught but on Sunday, on the Motollus sevoral got their baskets woll filled. Dinner' In Given. Saturday ovcnlng tho party was on tortatned at dinnor nt tho Emblem Club, there being presoit aU.? a num ber of flood Hlver men who wero just (Continued on Inst page.) ROAD SIGNS ARE DUE Commercial Club lleai-s' Ciimmltteo ltoKit and Addrens from Visitor Tho only business to como up nt tho Commercial Club luncheon on Saturday was In connection with tho plan to plnco signboards on nil roads in tho county. J. A. Eustos, for tha committee, reported that It .ojepected to liavo tno signs, which unvoJioon promised by a tiro compnny, horo In 1 fow daya. Manaccr Do Armond statod that n.u effort was bolng made In Portland to obtnln bulletins on the condition of i'-c roads .this summer and that u reqvuit had been -rrelvod that tho roads lu this section bo re ported on. Lewis M. Elllrt of Ann Arbor, Mich igan, was Introduced by President Kye ns luting btiro on n study ( f tho olectro-chnmlcnl pofisllillH'os of the Hocilon. Mr. Kills spnko In n complimentary man nor of the spirit and entorprlso he found In tho wwt and told of tho nctlvltlos of onstem commercial bodies of a Blmllar nntoro to thoso found horo. Doputy Lnlir CommlBHloiier F. W. Dolzell spoko of the administration of tho lal or liiws and naked tho co-operation of all In seoing that thoy woro enforced. The next lunchoon will bo nt tho i Cozy Restaurant. ' mmikmi&im&mmj LAWN MOWERS AND Grass CatcHers Hose and Nozzles GARDEN AND Garden Deep Well Farming Implements AT: Bend Hardware Co. j& Tho Company ihot put tho "Woor" In Hartlwaro JJn (a! GUT FIRE DESTROYS SHOP ADJOINING BUILDING IS GUTTED Miu-Nml Ai Tweet Loo Contents of Smithy Deschutes Cafe Is Di-imit- ed Out Damago Amotintti to Nearly $2,000 Insurance. Flro starting In tho Mustnrd & Tweet blacksmith shop at tho cor nor of Hond nnd Minnesota streets, destroyed that building and gutted tho Thorbjonson building adjoining yadn8day night. Aside from tho owners of tho lmlldlngs" Uio honvlcst losers woro Mustard and Tweet and Gcorgo Davis, proprietor of tho Des chutes cafo In tho Thorbjonson building.- - Tho flro was discovered in and around tho blacksmith shop nbout 13:30 o'clock nnd nu alarm glvon nt once. Huforo tho first hose could bo brought up tho shop was destroyed with Its contonta, nnd tho wind had cnrrled the flames across to the Thor bjonson building. Tho volunteer flro fighters workod hard to save tho second building, hav. ing four lines of hooo In uso nt onco. A very strong prossuro aided In drowning tho flro but It was not fully extinguished before considerable damago was done, especially in tho uppor part of tho building. In tho lower part, whoro tho restaurant wan Bltuatcd, tho chief damago was from water. Tho building occunled by Mustard & Tweet as a blacksmith shop liolnhK1-' oil to Hunter & Stnnts and formerly stood further down Minnesota street whore It was UBad by Hrunkn & Har dy as a garago. Its contonta, belong- Ing to tho blacksmiths, wero Insured for $400. Tho Thorbjonson build ing was Insured for about $2,000 nnd was damaged nonrly that amount. Tho Mustard homo In Deschutes addition was destroyed by flro on May 8. KLKCTIOX TO HE HELD FHIDAV. Tho olectlon on tho question "f ex- tondlryr tho llmltB of the city will bo helif on Friday. According to tho ordor of tho council calling tliu olec tlon tho voting places will lib In tho coupe,!! chnmhor and tho ofllrn or tho Mlllor Lumber Co. ynrd. Tho polls wllirtjo oiioii botween 8 n. 'in. nnd 8 p. jrf. The clerks for tho ulty of ll.in.l ttr.1 Prtniin fitnntn mill .1 .1 1 Klein, nnd. tho Judges sre 11, J. Ovor 1 turf, Frank Gllbort nrnl J. P. John son. For tho proi'WiAd ndilltion the otlcers ere: clerks, Wlnfleld L. Grif fin, nnd Mrs. A. L. lioff, Judgo, A. I. toff, Tom Kern and II. M. Itnn dolph. HIKTMKK COM I NO IX I'OHCIi. Further ovldonro of tho succeeH of tho ooinlng'clinutuuqun hue Just p peared. In tho news from Sisters that a party of 100 from thoro will oomo over on Saturday, July 3, ninny of whom will stay for more than ono day of tho program. The report of tho SlHtora plans comes from It. ',. Davis, prosldent of tho Slstors Fair Association. Largo delegation will nlso bo prosont from Terrebonne, Tiimnlo, Prlnovlllo nnd La Pino. SEEDS Tools Supplies ID MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED BY CEREMONIES AT CHURCH Stoics (.lose for Period In Miirnlni; Addivss DclUcied by Itev. A. S. Hliiek Soumi Veterans Attend. With Memorial day falling on Sun day tho general observance of tho dav In Ilend occurred Monday. Hy direc tion of tho city council Mayor Miller Issued a proclamation calling on all business houses to cIobo during the tlmo of tho memorial (services and tho request wns generally followed. Iloth banks nnd tho post olllco remained closed all day. An aiidlcnco comprised chiefly of women attended tho services nt the Hnptlst church. Hev. A. S. Hlnck dollvored tho memorial address eulo gizing tho men who had died to nave tho Uiilon. Ho spoko. nlso, of flon ornl Logan who conceived tho Idea of forming tho Grand Army of tho Ho pulilic following tho close of tho wnr. Six members of tho G. A. It. and ono Confederate veteran marched In tho parade to tho church which was led by tho Hond band. Tho G. A. H. men wero O. W. Shrlnor. O. H. Norcutt, J. H. O'Xoll, J. M. Hyrnm, Thomas Tweot nnd J. C. Thorp. Tho Confedornto votornn wns G. W. Trlplett. FUND ISJJOW S7144 Hieelc for RIOJ) Is ltecclted Plans For Itebnte Under Consideration, Tho warrant subscription fund rnlBcd Inst weok to purchaso proporty wanted by tho 8hovlIn-Hlxon Com pnny wns Incrcnsed by the sum of $100 wiion n chock for that amount wns received from a. P. Putnam on Ftlny. Tho fund now amounts to ?7,iu or 1,124 moro than was re quired. As yot no flnnl plan for tho pro rata roturn of tho surplus subscrip tion hns boon workod out. The sug gestion hns been mndo, howo'vor, and will probably bo followed, that ro pnyment bo mado on- the bnsls of $1 for evory G subscribed. In this man- nor tho fund will bo mostonslly dealt with nnd nil frnctlonnl nniounts avoided. Some of tho larger sub scribers havo Indicated their willing nous to Increnso their subscription Biifllclently to mako tho repayment on this bnBls possible In connection with tho present purchnso of theso threo rlvor front parcels tho fact hns como out that n number of years ago when John Stoldl wnn Interested lu tho town slto ho forsnw tho necessity of ncqulrlng tins property and did buy himself an adjoining pnrcol In order to romovo any possible dllllculty. Mr. Stoldl cousldorn tho purchnHo of tliat tiact, for which ho paid $1000, hla contri bution to tho cniiBo. m ' MOPE OFFICIALS WILL VU&T. It Is lenrnml that, In nddltfflfi t(i tho statu officials whose visit to the Tumalo projnet and Heud was an nouiired Inst week, two more will lie members of the party. They nr In surance Commissioner Harvey Well slid Adjutant (lenernl Gnorge A. White. It is umlemtood that both nf them will nccompnnv Oivomnr Wllhycoinlte ou his trip to Klsiiiutli Fall and Crater Uikn. HIIAW SI'KAKS TOXKIUT. . I'rof. Thomas Slmw, aKrlculturlst of Hie Or oat N'orthorn Knllwsy, will speak lu the Commercial Club room this evening nt eight o'clock on ag ricultural subjects. With I'rof. Slmw are n number of other iiKrleulturnl experts. A largo attendance Ih expected. The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON l. C. COK, t'loslilent K. A. HATIIKIt, VIco- I're.Ulunt C. H. HUDSON, Ciuhlur rnpltol fully paid - - - M5.000 NuriiliM W.OOO FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! If your house should take fire you aro apt to bo so excited that, oven though you havo plenty of titno, you will rush out and loayo behind, to be burned up, YOUR tylLL, othor valuable papers and jew elry. Tho best way is to put thom into ono of our SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES In our fire and burglar proof va,uU?. A private box will cost you only S3.00 and up, per year. We also solicit your BANK ACGOUNT. TEb FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND ------- --- DIRECTORS -- ; - U. C. Cob I-. A. Patiikk ". H. IIhibon O. M. I'ATl'KUSO.V BUSINESS HAS GREAT IMPETUS ACTIVITY IS SEEN MANY LINES IN Light Company Puts In 1." Xcw Mct ei-s In a Week Many Culls for Telephones Xiiinerous Heal Fa-?' tato Traiisfei-s aro Itepoitcd. Tho nctual starting of work for tho Shovlln-Hlxon saw mill has caiiBod'n lovlvul of business activity In Ilend extending Into all branches. Stores aro being lonscd, ronl cstato Is chang ing hands, morchniits are putting lu now stocks. Tho Impetus Is bolng felt ovorywhore. ; "A good barometer of business conditions Is tho centrnl station," snld Frank T. I'nrltor, of tho Ilend Wntor Light & Powor Co. this mom Ing, "nnd our orders show that thliiKS aro Btnrtlng up horo llnoly.' In tho past week wo havo put In 15 now oloctrlc motors. Thoro havo boon calls for Bhort extensions of our water lines nnd wo nro now working on 1111 extension on Hawthorne nvo nuo." Mniiniror Popo. of tho Pioneer ToloRrnph nnd Tolephono Co., who wns in town yostordny. snld tint is company's business wns picking up rapidly in uetid. Ho now has onlara for tho Installation of Hi now tele phones and oxpects n grontor domntid In tho near future. Now Instruments will bu suppllod, nccordlng to Mr. Popo, ns fast us supplies can bo pro cured. Locnl hotols, rcstnurnnts and rooming housos nlso roport greatly Increased business which ,ls looked upon ns moroly n foro' runner' oC what Is to bo oxpectcd during tho coming months, 8tores huvo boon rontod by I). D. (Jrocnwold nnd M. II. SymoiiB, both, of whom nro Jowolers. Mr. Oreon wold, under tho nnmo, Hond Krult Compnny has taken tho room In tho Fulks building forinorly,occuplnd hy tho Jones paint shop and Is putting In n lino of fruits nnd vegetables. Ttin (lllliort storo, nt tho corner of Hond nud Oregon streuts Is being mndo brmdy for occupancy. .Snles mo Iteporled. A Inrgo ntimbor of real ostnto nnlos Is roportod by .lames Ilynji, tho list (Continued on last pnKO.) KLHMTHMa TO CORE DIsIIiikiiInIiciI I'aily From .South Will Meet (ioei'iiiii' Wllhyeoiubo Horo. SAI.K.M, Juno 'i. At the masting of the Fish nnd (lame Commission here Isst week, which was attetitlod hy ('. I.. Alone of Klanmth Falls, ono nf the members of the CqiiimiIhhIoii, plans were completed fur (inventor Wltliyeomho's Central Oregon trip Into this month. Klamnth Falls peoplo, Including Mr. Sfono nud Heprosentutlvo Wojloy O. Smith, will come to Hond In aiTtftfl, nrrlvliigi;ii tho ovuiilng of Friday, Uio Sfith, nnd pnitlrlpatlng In tho Imn niiot which will be glvon tho (lovor- nor hero. The next morning thoy will start out with him for Kliimuth Fulls. ygp tsy c!jx "x-if 'omy tsovp' (C13 H. (. Kf.i.ia I r 6. B. FERUELL President E. M. LARA Cr shier XSP dDSS ?&& ? "WKf,,IIT3 C!!P Q25p Qff4J P tiP XPHZi lc