J"' fl tl w A I. A iMon . tiii: in:.vi) bulletix; nn.vi), oitn., Wednesday, may so, 101s. WILL ME UN'S m ARRANGEMENTS COAT PLETED LAST WEEK VHy Tillies l.en.so (if Council Chamber Itonr HtKl (i Do Partitioned oir for Host Itooni Commercial CI11I) U Piotldc (lie I'uinlliiio be pro rated ba k to the subscribers, 1 Tlio full Hat of suiiscrmcr! Is us 1 follows: 1 Kenwood Pro. Co. 200 The Hand Co 1000 First National Honk 1000 The Demi Bulletin 25 Mannhelmor Dro 100 . II. Kord 100 O'Donnell Dros 100 I'loyd lament 100 I). M. I)hvI I.on I... Kox . J. A. Hunts , Quo. S. Young r. Hates 1000 Co. 2fi 25 20 K. A. Sather 280 A rost room for tho ubo of visiting vomon, and especially for tlio wives of tlio farmers) In tlio neighboring country, In to ho provided hero through the Joint activity of tho Com mercial Cluli and tho Parunt-Toachor Association. Tho city also lina a liart In tho work by providing quar ters In the roar of tho room occupied ns tho council chamber In tin) John- Hon building. j According to tho plan worked out by tho directors of tho Commercial Club and Joint committees from tho club and tho association tho club will uupply lumber with which to build n partition In tho mar of tho council chamber, thus sotting off a room lGx 20, A door will be cut In tho south wlda of tho building ntul n walk run back from tho street so that tho room limy bo reached without going Into tho council chiiiubor. Tho club will hIso furnish tho room and supply linoleum while the association un dertakes to euro for the room. In order to Justify tho nocossary oxnonsti It was thought best to obtain u louse on the promises. This was ilouo through tho council which ob tained a le.'iHo until January 1, 1917. 'In consideration of tho amount to bo expended by tho club tho council has iigroed to assume tho full amount of tho rent. Tho desirability of providing such n room bus long been recognized hern but tho matter was never seriously considered until tlio Parunt-Tnachur Association took It up with the Com mercial Club several weeks ago. In tho present loom tliero will bo com fortablu chairs and couches whom women may rest or take their lun uIich when shopping In town. Toilet facilities will also lie provided. The room Is oxperted to bo a great con venience during Chautauqua week. The Metropolitan GO It. M. Smith Clothing Co. ... 109 J S. Smith - ... '.'' II. W. Skuse J. I'. Johnson . . . . Miller Lumber Co. C. S. Dcnson Bend Qarngo Henry L. Whltsott A. 13. Edwards . . United Wnmhouso 100 J. II. Corbett, secy 25 Frank Hiking 10 t oo. V. Iloovor CO William A. Hf.t.'S and .Margaret (' V. Stlvls . II. W. L. & P, L C. Itudo- It. J. Todd J. II. Connarn K. It. Non-U .Mm. s. Mcintosh . . . Itolwrt V. Sawyer . . Jackion 1). Hudell . . Ralph Spencer " A. L. Mackintosh . , . U. C. Coo II. K. Allan S. E. Uoborts Cora A. Hrosterhous Will J. Sproat H. A. Stover C. !. Ilurns J. Kdw. Larson .... II. II. Davles It. II. Gould J. H. Stanley S. C. Caldwell Lovorett & Klsch . . . 5 M. L. Morrltt Hievcn u. steidi . . , J. II. Minor S. L. Fowler I- E. Dick P. C. Garrison , 15 500 10 5 5 5 9 5 5 5 25 100 5 R 5 5 5 5 25 50 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 it-K-K-K-K-K-K-K--K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-Kc-Kt-K-K-K-K-ft-K-K f Building Material I ! LUMBER, SHINGLES I it n A V ill ri I The Miller Lumber Company J Bend, Oregon. J , wwxxxwxxxm.mma jf y o D. Ferroll . . 7??F. 100 Ll'iid Clour Mill 500 The Warner Co 23 W. W. Fnutknsr -.,, 25 Shrlner & lluey GO Datchutos State Hank 101 E. M. Thompson 50 A. L. French 50 L. A. Shaw 25 A. S. Collins 20 Tho Owl Pharmacy r CO Carmody Pros. . . . .' 50 w. c McCulstoir . .". . .;-. :. . . 50 C. W. Thornthwnlte 25 It. J. Ovnrtnrf s. 25 ! Anton Anne 100 Glen Kyro M. J. McCJrath Myers & Wllkey S. McMurtrlo T. It. McCllncy Will P. Downing Hend Hrlck & Lbr. Co Geo. P. Jones i . . . . Ilert Shuey M. E. Coleman II. C. EK.B J. N. Hunter 125 W. II. Crawford 10 Chns. Iloyd 50 II. II. Do Armond 10 25 25H 25 10 30 25 25 10 10 5 50 THE SAM1TAEY LS&Ei? This Hi jst -a J n shows our new removable, non-rusltnjr liner for tho bowl chamber of t. e 1914 model U. 5. Cream Curator. Milk now necr can touch t'.o iron bo 1 chamber of tho separator. 1 his liner can be ta';cn out easily, nnl washed with ot'ierpart3. It has a unique bat s'nvle lxking devko which holds it rigidly in place v. hen in the frame of tho separator. rittj riTBD 'By.ilxWi;i i rfH ,1'L'J' ms till only separator on tha market eamppd with such a Mnlwry feature. It make! tha U. S. the aafttokeep la dean and tweet condition. Tho U. S. Cream Separator hold! tha World'a Record for clean aktmmlns In filty consecutive runjwlth ten different breeds of cowl durlne a period of thirl days. Call on us for our new cream separator to you, catalogue. We will ba glad to demonstrate this better Let us out It In your dairy-room on trial at our risk. It there's no U. 8. Cream Separator dealer In your vicinity, write to our nearest office. FOR SALE BY SKUSE HARDWARE CO. DEND, OREGON HKTTMillS TO MICHT. Tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company's Water Users' Association will meet at tho Orango hall on Tucs day, Juno 2. A bnskot dinner Is plnnned with discussion nf matters of Interest Including tho Dubuls re port on tho project. Prof. Thomas Shaw will lecture during tho nfter- noon. All nro Invited to attend. UUHAIi IIOLTK r.STAIUiISIIi:i). THE DAM,ES, Mny 22. Repre sentative Nick Slnnott was notified today by tho post odlco department thnt rural route No. 1 hns been es tablished out ot Powell Ilutto, Crook county, Oregon, cffoctlvo Juno 10 provided tho required number of pa trons qualify. This route was peti tioned for by n. H. Williams, Frank Klsslor, Earl Saunders, l A. Miller and othors. Lots clouo In $00 to $125. Easy I'aynioiitM. J, A. EuhIoh. Adv. i i Sco Edwaulrt for paper hanglnK. Adv. A fow houiH at n nlco classy, cloan ip.todnti) placo especially prepared Tor Kcuitlomon, wilt rutnovo all worry )iud iroublt'H Immediately. Tho Met ropolitan. - Adv, MILS. MII.MCAN ll()N()lti:i). Mrs. Ada II. Mllllcan has recently been appolntud on tho soolal commit ten of tho local board of tho council of tlm (Umernl Federation of Wotn nn'si Clulw which convenes In Port land on May 111. In receiving this MpiMtlntiuuut Mrs. Mllllcan fuels that n III Kb compliment Is paid not only 1o herMlf but lii this section of Oro (ton. Him will probably attend tho blotting. I' DoHrbutiMi Spray, bettor than over. Adv. Whiter and Ho Hiiro and oall at Thorson's Jow oliy stniD and lot Drs. l.nuo & Tur ner, tha wull known eye HpootnltstH of Purtluml, hIiow you tho Kryptok ilouldt vInIum uliimnh. which have no unslithtly llni -r vitauis to catch dirt, strain the ye or ooiihi apurt. One light Btilld plcett of Klaus whlrh looks Ilk a aliiKlo pHlr, nt iinsuerH the purHK of two. HiiablliiK you to road Hud do eloo wmk and see distant objects iMrfei'll. Ho sura and sen them. Pre dmnoiutrutlon. satlx tnctloti gimrsnteed. Ill's, l.owe ,i Tumor havj bti located In Portland for 20 yvHi-s. ThKjr do not ko from liauBM) tu botitw Thny ImvH no iiKonts At ThoraiMi's Jnwelry wtore. Tuesday Hud WoilHtfsday. Juno 1st and Snd.-Ailv. Bend-Silver Lake and way points A Seven Passenger Touring Cur Each Way Each Day. RIDE IN THE EASY CARS Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDV LIVERV CO. Freight Trucks in Addition 50 LOTS IN AUBREY HEIGHTS $150 $125 $200 $250 CTT TO $ (10 $ 7.T $100 At IjtIlM M CASH AND I?.". .MO.Vllll.V, (I I'lllt CENT Oil $10 CASH AM) $10 MONTIIIiV, XO INTKItKST J. A. EASTES, Affent VlVTyVfy? VT? VfVf Vrf S.Tf WS vTrTT'r fcC '--- : -im -a m-. a'a aw'a m--a X'US :'b a'a (' '&'& rr Vl n CLHARINQ MILL SITE (Continued from pago 1.) which arrnnemnitH wore inmlw to iaais witrruiits itayablo at u later date to bo taken up by tho public Mtibt-rrlptlou. Attr yatttttrdny's moliiK Mr. lflHiiies rHiioHtml Tlie llulletm to of fer the thanks of Ills coniwny to' Uo M"'u taktm. TIih nmouiit statwl nt tlio lutwtlitK to in iitMdud for tlm ntiroliatti v.s n idt ot tho following Ittuns ,uMit lryr, $1000. W. A. ItaiM. N'.niii John I'ry. $1US0 and travel-in- i-Mirnas. i0 Tim nrianKttmwnt villi Mr I'rv Included the momunt t. hi in or $600 mid tin solMtlnn of U in IVxrhuttH addttlou to make iOO front fat with $30 oxponsoa to i. inie t.i mako tho Ftiloctlou. Tluwe lots total In value $1160. mnkliiR bis v,!.'l. paviiixnt $1S0 The total mibucrltitlnn amounta to 51 lot I or ovor $1,000 tnoro than was . -. Mwrv. rilneo tut) rlnsInK of the lists offors of niUlltloiinl nsslstanco "i.ue ooaw In which would InltiK tlm tot.it wall up toward $8000. To bIiow bs tutore-it In Un mutter Mr, Hates has hlmseir ftibsoj-llicil 1000. q-lio iinlanao of ITSletlitlons'ovor tho uiuouut nccotwary to bo raised will Pi Vi 7k V yi ft ft ft ft ft ft J.Rya &Co GOVERNMENT LAND TIMBER LAND IRRIGATED LAND AND CITY PROPERTY Exclusive agent for Kenwood and Kenwood Gardens Also close in Irrigated Acreage in One to Five Aero Tracts r i5J '. i '4 & hi V Jfo&ZWtSZSJ&J 7, 77J777k iti:coitn nvs nv auto stage (Silver I.nko Loader. Nat Davis, driver of pno of tho auto trucks from Hend to Silver I.ako, mnde a record run on Monday of this week, reaching hero at C o' clock with tho mall and parcel post. This Is nn ovorland run of ninety miles, nnd tho Portland mail arrived boro In 23 hours. Davis Is ono of tho good enrnful company drlvors all right, If ho docs mako good time, ri s 1 1 1 iit.MH.v roMim A party of promlnont Portland men Is expected to nrrlvo bora Satur day morning to- try tho fishing In tho Deschutes. Arrangements are being made for their entertainment while hero. COLLINS SALTZMAN DIDDLE IIENKLE HOYT HODSON Bend-KIamath Auto Stage Co. AND Bend-Burns Auto Stage Co. RATESt ih:ni uarpku $ 1.50 jho.vd la i'i.vi-3 s.bo isi:ni chicscmxt -i.oo , JIK.M) I.OXOItOTII 0.00 IIKNII KOHT KLAMATH 0.00 IIKXD C'lllLOgi'lX 10.00 lUIXD KLAMATH I'ALUS 1 l.HO in:xi muhxs 10.00 Cni-M lc-ne llcml for Klaniatli Knlls Tuculiiy, Tliuixbiy and .Saturday aft or Mornlui; Trnlii. It. (I. JiAMIIEIlSO.V, Agent, llcml, Oregon., Drs. Lowo & Turner, tho well known eyo specialists, of Portland, will bo at Thorson's Jowolry storo Tuesday and Wednesday, Juno 1st n..l Qml nml ivn9 tin ilnwa l. . UIIU , .. UfU UU UHB l AU-I turo. Don't fall to consult thorn about I your oyes and glasses not wear out, but eyes do. Every part of tho body changes with ad vancing yoars, and tlfo eyes In com mon with tho rest of our physical bolng show tho offoct of nge. Wo must thorcforo meet tho changed condition of tho oyes. Tho glasses that you bought two or thrco years ago aro not giving your eyes tho prop er assistance. As your eyes nro wear ing out year by year your lenses should bo changed to correspond with your changing vision. Co mo nnd let us talk It ovor with you. Don't for got tho dato. Adv. Tiring your real cutato snaps to Lenses do Lovorott & Klsch, Dond, Oregon. 12c 1I6U.SK I'OIt SALE. Sovcn room hotiso with good base ment and all modern conveniences In Dond. Address E. W. Illchnrdson, La Pino, Oregon. I2tt Uso Deschutes Spray. Whiter and better than ovor. Adv. Lots closo In $00 to $12C. Easy Payments, J. A. Eastes. Adv. Sco Edwards for good houso paint ing. Adv. ONE CENT A WOItD is nil n ltttlo Wnnt Ad will cost you. WMmi'M 'IBi-' 1 TtttaswMaKIJfIiSaBaWIfyrfc- , (iMRjfJft'l -r.Tsf urC''fSf,t , .VI X HAaaSrnMKa2DtHQpz wKtflikffixi!' i i,aff rfrtf'W" Vii i ' mmmt'mmm ,m:tz,' MExm.n i wwm;mwsm& mm t M&m fA lB-XJRM r&jMBfX; .'JBWifi . fllM kS ntltl ioSPKi War X Wmlm&m t BittHUppi t.l 3-" - kS. :) THE BEND COMPANY LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH FIR AND MAPLE FLOORING MILLWOOD $2.50 Per Load DELIVERER TOWN LOTS AND ACREAGE is ,a . "rM-,