hi I if- m i e i PAGES 0. HEROIC VETERANS Napoleon's Famous Fighters, tho Imperial Guard. LIVED UP TO THEIR MOTTO. Even at Waterloo the Survivor of the Old Guard Fought Their Way on Their Retreat and Nono Surrendered. Their Shameful and Pathetic End. Probably no household troopi or bodyguards In tho world over achieved tho reputation of Napoleon's Imperial guard, und they liml their origin In u manner that show tlmt Imperial guards, like liMviitlutii', generally aro often mothered by necessity. It wiih during hh Milan campaign. In tho days if the republic, whllo Jsa jiolvon wiih Ntltl General Honnpnrte. that tho Austrian nearly captured tho l.lttlo Corporal. If the) had succeeded probably the whole hbttory of Kuropo would havo been dllTerelit und Water loo would bo mill waiting for ii reputa lion. IIo was passing along tlio bunk of n river with a small uMcoit lent twin tho dlvlnlous of Augiierouii and Minwuiin. An AiiHtrlnn corps wan liiiHtculug up tlio hanks of thu mime Htroam to Join IIlhiii lieu. After (lineral llniiapario had rid den some distance In company ulih All. cuoreou he then returned l NiiIokkIo. whulu ho stopped lie had In en suffer ing fioni headnrlie and li-llei-d that a foot bath would i-ITeu a cure. So during lilt stop he pulled oft hi I kio I H and sought ! balho hN feet at a limine In the village. While ho wiih Hum engaged tho Austrian1 appeared 'I'hey came mi rapidly that there wan Kean-ely time lo moiiihI an alarm. How ever, tho alarm was Hounded, tho gates of tho carriages ny cloned, and thu post began lo mako adefeuNe. Pulling ono boot on one leg and fear ing to spend tho time to licit the oth er, llonapnrtn rushed out through n Illicit way mid I hut made his escape on IiIh horse. IIo rushed as bard as his borne would curry him to Messina, nml, although his troops were at mess, they were quickly withered and start ed off ofler tho Austrian, who. when they were met. were foreisl lo Hoc. Hut the experience taught Napoleon n lesson, lie found that It was perfect ly possible for a commanding olllcer to ho talien prisoner with comparative cane, und lie noon found n way to mulie this morn dllllcult. 110 organized a rommaiid. nt first rnlhsl guide, whose pi Im-lpal duly wax to protect tho coinmaudliu olllier Ily 1 1 ok r cos this Issly was lucieased, and under tho coimulalo It was known as I he (lanle Coiisiilalre. tccclvlng that tltlo 111 lTP'.i. At that tlmo It consisted of H77." men and wiih a mere body of household troops, ulihough naturally wllh a man like Napoleon It wiih a eiiuibatiint force mid not for ornamen tal purposes. 111 IfcOI. with tho creation of the em pire, this body became the Impeilal guard. It grew In hIzo and Importance, and In I SOU It wiih divided Into the Vlello garde and the Jeuuo guide It was a place of honor. To be admitted the soldier must have itcrusl lu three eampalgus. Consequently It wiih known as the ellle of tho Imperial troops ev ery man wiih a veteran. It could k depended upon lo do Iih utmost In 1S1 1, when Napoleon abdicated for the llrsl tlmo, the Imperial guard bad been JncroMKod to I I'J. I.VJ inch or all brunches of sen lea It wiih ow'Iiik to the fact Hint this una), culled the Imperial guard, wiih (oniiM'd of wlcrans. men who had Mini service and were old eiimiuilgiieiH. that Nnpilcoii helleved them In lie mi eoiiqueiiible. Tho brunt uf buttle al wiijh hud to be lionie lji the Imperial giiaiil. They coiinsiiciitly weie al ways fisirfully cut up Only a rem nant of the guard icliirncd ftom Itiu bin. and at Waterloo their lauks weie cut down until few or the old guard remained. It was lliclr inoitu that the I1 guard never surrender, and those who were able to walk uwuy Horn the Iwltletleld at the fiHit tif Mont St. .lean fought their way on their retieat. and none surrendered. After Waterloo the obi guard wiih treated nhnmcfutly. Ah many an could bo caught were court iiiartlalcd, and the remainder weru regarded iih ho many banditti, (icncral lilleiiiand brought '-tH) of them to Amurlca and with them founded u colony lu Texas, then not Uultisl Stale territory ThU cettlcmeiit. which was unsuccessful. vm named Champ il'Aslle. or l-'leld of llefuge. Tho Mexican government ouipellisl them to leave, and they next nought refuge at (lalvertou, but ugnlu. Mire mndo to move oil. and Dually, after n few montlH. tho Al of the 'JOO that Niirvkfti nrilvcd lu Now Orleans. They camo hero lu ISI and It wan not until 1SL, when there were only it few Kimlvor, that a nun of MMHW fraiKH rvsicbed tho exllen. Kxclmuue. Dutltr and Dithop. ' A former liUImp of Until nml Well lou-d lo Improa nil Ida urdUiHtlou run illilMli! tho iiiNirtniH't of tUoroiiKlt Ktiitly of the "AimloKy" of Itlwlittp Hut. Iit. "lloodby, my donroun frloml." lie turn wild In tnkltiK bMo f '" dent nt tin rulnce door mul then wit-m-Htlv added. "Whatever you tin. don't forgot thu liutK'r." "Oh. my lord, 1 haven't." KtiimiiuTwl out tho youth. "I havo Jum Riven htm Imlf n crowu."-T. l'.'K London WeoUly Tomorrow will tw llk lodny. Life wimieii Itwlf while nre iirrrtartiut to lle, Kuiewon The Best Time to Cut Alfalfa Ily County Agriculturist A. K. h OVIJT T. Thnro Is n right tlmo to cut alfalfa for obtaining tho most hay during tho noaison nad for the good of tho crop. There l a certain stage of growth of tho plant when wo may cut the maximum reed ror anana nay anu Injuto tho growth of the crop of hay which follows least. .Not only win tho hay cut nt this tlmo mako bet ter feed, but nlso the plants will re main In hotter condition and make n larger yield for the entire season. When the crop Is cut too young, not only do wo get n larger percentage of water and a larger yield of shrlnkago in tho weight of the hay, but nlso tho plant 'Uei' Is set hack nnd weeds and will praaios obtain n foot-hold nnd mako a heavy growth while the nlfalfn Is regaining its stand. If wo cut tho crop too late, wo get a "stominy" hay, which Is not palatable for stock, nnd also lose valuable feed In sbnttered leaves and Injure tho crop which follows by cutting ofT tho now shoots nt tho crown. The first crop of hay Is seldom ns largo ns latef cuttings. tblH Is especially true In Central Oiegon. It Is of no ndvnn tago, hnwewr. to cut this llrst crop A .Seventy-Vein -Old Couple. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Carpenter, Ilnr rlsburg, l'a , HiilTored from kidney trouble for many years but havo been ontlrol) cured by i'oloy Kidney I'llls. IIo siiyu: 'Although we are both lu tho seventies wo nro ns vigorous ns wo wore thirty )oars ago." Foley Kidney I'llls stop sleep disturbing bladder woaknoiwos, backache, rheu matism ami aching Joints. I'attor son Drug Co. Adv. ItCAI. KSTATi: TltANSI'KltS. Issued b.l Ciook County Abstnut Co. Imperial Townslto Co. to Daisy S. C-oldon Us. 19. 11. 12, blk. an, Im perlal, $200. also lot !), blk. 3ii, and It. 1-1, blk. 10. Imperial. Hhlngoro Murasakl to K, .1. Merrill It. I, blk 1. Lurch add, llend. II. S. Clodfolter to K. U. Iloyd Us. 17, IK, blk. 17. Imperial. Ilond Park Co. to Iloy A. Ilntes, It. 7. blk. loo, 1st add, Ilond Park, $K,0. Kaiii to same It. II, blk 102, 1st mid llend Park, $1(10. Levi 0. WIohI to It. J. Coglcy It. 1 1, blk. .1. Wbwtorla. Walter S. Nlehol to Thomas V. Triplet! , .'is acres In It. !1, section fi-18-12. Imperial Townslto Co. to V. It. Kick 10 Its. In Imperial. Louisa McCallum to Huron Timber Co., no 11-10-12. Ilur-ild Ii. Stewart to V. h. Cobb ot al hw so 17-17-13. TUB IIK.NI) IIULLETIN, IJEXII, until the young shoots of the second crop nre started. Tho right time to cut nlfalfa, as proven by numerous carefully plan ned experiments, Is at the time Hint the buds or new shoots of alfalfa sturt at tho crown. This usually happens when tho field Is ono-elghlh to one-quarter In bloom. The crop should bo cut before these buds or shoots have grown long enough that they will he cut off by tho mower when harvesting the crop of hay. Many fields of nlfalfa have been In jured In this section by cutting at the wrong time. It will pay to wntch the growth carefully and cut the hay when tho best time arrives. Tho time to cut first year alfalfa, If there are many weeds In the field, Is when tho weeds begin to shade the alfalfa. If there are no weeds lu the now alfalfa, wo may follow tho same rules ns for tho older fields. Never cut now alfalfa too low. Cut nt least two Inches abovo tho ground, so that nono of the crowns will ho Injured by the mower nnd nit crowns will be shaded by tho stubble left. Ilobort M. Klder lo W. L. Cobb It, II, section 2-18-12. E. A. Stoats to Thos. h. Shevlln right of way deed for railroad. W. II. HtnntH to Thos. L. Shevlln right of wny deed for railroad. Ilond Company to Thos. U. Shevlln right of way deed for railroad. llend Compan to Thos. L. Shevlln right of way deed for railroad. These last four deeds grants right of way for n rnllrond In section 32-17-12, and In section 5-18-12. SENATOR ELMER J. BURKETT A CHAUTAUQUA ATTRAGTIOM i:io(iient l.ectiuei' Will bo Heard Hero Tulco During HIv Hay llnter- taliiuient Which llcglnn .Inly -. Bringing ono of tho most notablo messages of tho decado Senator HI mer J. llurkott, or Nobranka, Is to lecturo In this city during Chan tnuqun week. A champion of the truo American, he never fnllH to bring Ufo Into the community which Ih privileged to hear him speak. As sharp ns unexpected lightning, Is tho sudden thought of this lecturer. He deals with live facts. Not a slow moment Is over left to characterize his eloquence after his floodgates of Mazda Lamps Another Reduction in Price NEW PRICES: 20 WATT SIZE 30cts 40 WATT SIZE 30cts 60 WATT SIZE 40cts 100 WATT SIZE.... 70cts v The BEND WATER LIGHT POWER CO. ORE., WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1015. Senator Burkett of Nebraska I ' ' Photo IS by Harris & twin L'NATOIt IIUKKKTT Is one tion. He has been n member of the state legislature, wns elected to tho houHo of representntlvcs nt Washington four times nnd has served six years as United States senator. lie has fllled many notable Chautauqua engagements and Is now regnrded ns tho foremost lectuier among American orators. His coming lecture nt tho local Chautauqua will bo one of the great treatn of the week. thought nro opened. Hushing madly as tho torrent, yet ?df.iiy timnlMJTnn,fcMri ' i Ti?i'i r Ir L L imu They burn heir way it to tho minds u. wm ..a.w.tw.n ...... ...... .....k...'. upon their brain tho modern Ideas of Ufo and Its fulllllment. Their strength d :K.?"-,ViOTff son and automaticnlly stir them to nctlou. IIo talks In n manner under stood by tho ordinary nudlence. IIo Is acquainted with tho desires and wishes of tho American, nnd tnlkH accordingly. IIo hits with all his mental forco nnd strength nnd never misses. Audiences from all parts of A mer- $4 of the great "young" men of tho na lea hnvo sent letters of congratuln- tion to Senntor nurkctt. They have rocogiilxod hlfl sterling worth and nro Hiixlotw to listen to his admirable nddreMMt Mr JllBtIco ,,nrl!U of tho United States Supremo Court, nf- i ter hearing tho orator at tho Helnsco thow- p- theatre, Washington, declared that orful and Influential speeches of tho decado. Ills constitutional argument on tho subject of Postal Savings Hanks in the United States Senato Is n classic. Ho Is n spenker for momentous oc casions. His commanding nppear nnco makes him n leudor of men. Ho always bus something Important to C. V. SILV1S REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITV PROPERTY List Your Fnrins Por Solo or Exchange With Me. Property Handled for Nnn-Rcsldents. Timber Lands Nought nnd Sold. Office on Oregon St., Hend, Oregon The United Warehouse Company Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD TTe United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon say nnd gives It to his nudlence In .1 ....,.. n.. .Invnl.l nf n,f tnnl. ... 1 limit Ul uiiviiuaiuaiii. Lots closo In C0 to ?12G. Payments. J. A. Hastes. Adv. Ea Danger to Children. Serious Illness often results from lingering cougns mm colds. Th. hncklng nnd coughing and disturb sleep rack n child's body nnd poison. v-enken tho system, so thnt dlseaj ennnot bo thrown off. Foley's lloner aim im uuiui'uuuu iio3 euKcn COttglig .colds nnd croup for three general tlons; Bafo to uso nnd quick to act. f m rAH.....H.i i. -.I . There is no neitor medicine for croup, cougns, anu coius. I'niterson Drug Co. Adv. HOUSK VOll SAI.K. Seven room bouse with good ban,- ment and all modern conveniences la Hend. Address E. W. HIcliardson, La Pine, Oregon. i2tr "MONEY" Tho mint makes It nnd under the,.! terms of tho cuatixhataij MOltr- (h(iK COMI'AKV you can secure It it G per cent for any legal purpose on approved real cstnte. Tjrms easy,. tell us your wnnts and wo will co opernto with you. I'KTTV Ji COMl'AXV r.l.t Dcnbniii IlulldliiK Denver Coin. Guaranteed Used Atuomobiles Gn Easy Payments Send (or Lilt ol Fr'.ttt ud Specilicitiosi J.W.LEAVITT&C0. PORTLAND ! POLK'S- OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of cch Cltr. Town anil Village, Hiving detcrtptlvo ikotch ot each place, location, population, tele era Ph. ahlpplnr and banking points alio Claeilfled Directory, compiled by butlneia and profenlon. it. i. roue & ca, BKATTtB THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES 3 Guarnntccd Used Atuomobiles R