rtrnmiuaauBKiBUKusz -iiv. Jsmcou. jmitmetKmaiwamsaam-jv'nafeiimv! -tasjw THE I1KXD IIUMiKTIX, URN!), OHK., WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 11)15. I'AOE n. "fwn wykh i tflj'i.M 7l fc : BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. IIOIIEHT II. GOULD Civil ft Ilond Oregon Engineer W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. I) D X T I M T Ofllco Ovor PostoHlco Bend, ... Oregon nit. k. in: v xouitis I'lijNlcInn mid Surgeon Onico Sather Building microscopic and X-rny work Tel. Black 271 Hours: 10-12 a. m.; 2-4 p. m. 7-9 p. m. WILLAUD H. WIIITZ L A W Y i It Prlnovlllo, Oregon. C. S. BENSON A 1 1 o r n o y At L n w Bqnson Building, Wall Street Bond, Oregon. VEHNON A. FORBES Ii A w y i: u First National Bank Building Bond, :-: :-: Oregon GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil nnd Irrigation Engineer. U. S. Mineral Survojor. Room C First National Bank Building J. B. Boll A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO.MPAXY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. II. Hnncr Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insurnnco Roprcscntntlon boforo tho Des- ort Land Board and Stato Engineer ROBERT CECIL WYGANT Attorney nt Ijiivr Irrigation Masonic Wnter Bights Building Desort Land Salem, Engineering Law Oregon PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER AND CONTRAC TOR WORK GUARANTEED II. P. SMITH l?r&r .Trinor " zfVr.Trro.x WEAR get a pair of WORLD'S t Mraiir SHOES WE nlso havo tho agency for nai'-a-tan snoos ior mon aim boys. R. H. LOVEN i no Mioo Jiepair .tinii Bond Street Bend. Oro. ----- D RAYING Bend Hauling Co. It. N. I'ALMEHTO.V Wood for Sale Ofllco with R. P. Minter Otllce Mione llluck (It) Residence Black -122 PLOWING DOXE. J Roofing of sll kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. O'DONNELL i:ii ii UNION MARKET H. O. ELLIS Atturncynl-Ijjtw United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OIIEQON II. H. Do AUMOND LAWYER Oregon Street. Bond, Oregon DIt. J. II. CONNAltN DENTIST Ofllco In Sathor Building. Hourn 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays and ovontngs by Appointment. C. P. NISWONOEn, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Einlinliucr, Funeral Director, Phono. Lady Assistant. DR. R. D. STOWELL Niiprnpntlilc I'lijnlclmi Ofllco ovor Miller Lunil or Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to C Phoco Hod CI J. E. Engebrelson Plumbing and Heating Bend, Oregon 117 MINNESOTA STREET ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED jomiixo promitia doxe TO THE RESCUE W. will save your linen, but you must not wait much Urns stttlnif our rescus band at work LOW PRICES, UETTGR SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANINO "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" THE WHITE IS KING Tho BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. Tho latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful II, T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 519 Merchants National Bank Bldg San Francisco. California BROTHERS WHO fSpD Bl r.r B Professor Thomas Shaw Agricultural Expert (By I). C. Fi-ccmnn.) Prof. Thos. Shnw, who Is to lecture before, tho granges of Crook county next week and who lias accepted an Invltntlon to dellvqr a special nddrcss bufoio the Bend Commercial Club Wednesday eenlng, Juno 2, has had a most, interesting career. He occu pies an unlquo position as a precep tor In matters agricultural, rts well as homo 11 to on tho tnrm. Versatllo Is a word that can bo rightfully applied to Dr. Shaw. Ho Is a farmer, teacher, text-book auth or, lecturer, essayist, and expert judgo of livestock. His knowlodgo of chemistry extends far enough to nnnlyzo so and diagnose thorn so simply tha i ordinary tiller of tho soil can gi them and apply rem edies with!' . a comprehension and his ability x rocuro. Dr. Shaw , lo a living by farming 2G years boforo his special abilities were requisitioned by tho agricultural colleges. For flvo years ho was pro fessor of agrlculturo at the Ontario Experiment Form, Guelph, Ontario, PROFESSOR Cnnnda, nnd following that, for 12 years ho was professor of animal husbandry nt tho Untvorslty of Min nesota. Ho has been employed the past six yearB by tho Northern Pa clllc and Great Northern Railways holding tho position of agricultural export nnd conducting crop demon strations In areas along these linos, extending from tho Red River Valloy to tho Cascndo moumnlns. How, with nil his other activities and editorial duties us contributor to leading farm Joumnls, ho linn been ablo to wrlto books Is almost boyond tho understanding of tho nvnrage porson. Ono has to know tho profos sor olosoly and havo traveled with him to bo nblo fully to npprcclnto his ludufatlgublo energy nnd Indus try. In order to nccotnplluh whnt ho lins accomplished It Is onl necessary to say that ho Invariably rises between fi and G o'clock In tho morning nnd ono of his methods of relaxation Is to write a chaptor for a book, or an essay for a periodical before break fast. Whether roughing It In plo- i..ni ItnMlnrilAntit rf i.inallnn ...... twwn- ments In tho cities, tho doctor alwnH and ovorywhoro Is a strenuously , busy man. SMnEK2,W? & SJOSaSJSx BBBBBBBB'BBBBBBBav IfUwjKuVXSSSwii IILhB' -MaaBBBaWWaaBBBBBaB AM1 ' S Every Convenience of Gas A Oodf oil stove lights like gas, reg ulates like gas, cooks like gas. And it does away with the dirt, delay and waste heat of a wood or coal range. New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove For Beit Rttultt Uie Paarl Oil Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts perfectly. Does every thing your wood or coal ratine will do. No odor. Does not taint the food, Does not overheat the kitchen. Several styles and sizes. Ask your dealer. See Exhibit, Palace of Manufactures, Panama Pacific Exposition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaJitornU) Utnd "Tho worst, most criminal wnsto In tho world," ho remarks, "Is wasto of time. Time Is nil that Is nllowed man In this world rend the greatest waste Is doing nothing, or worse than nothing." Tho doctor admits two vices. Ono Is drinking tea nntl tho ntlinr In writ ing books. He Is as great a student ns lin in a producor of reading matter. He Is thoroughly Informed on all sorts of Interesting topics. Ho Is n moral philosopher, as well ns an authority on practical things, and ho Is com piling n number of moral essays which ho Intonds putting Into book form. Dr. Shaw Is ono of tho most enrnest and convincing speakers before tho public today. Ho Is ono of tho strongest nnd most consistent advo cates of country llfo nnd Its advan tages as comnnred with cltv llfn fnr tho Individual. Ho holds that, with tho modern advantages enjoyed to day 111 nvnn rnmntn rnrnl illutrlMu country llfo Is more beneficial and' THOMAS SHAW returns moro tot ho Individual who would enjoy llfo fully thun tho city. In reply to tho (UcstIon ns to why country llfo Is bottor, Dr. Shaw said; "On tho farm you nro suro of n living. "On tho farm Is tho best wny to provide for tho future "On tho farm, with ronsonnblo In dustry, thoro Is no oxcuso for doing without many of tho Utlln conven iences which would plnco tho country homo on n par with tho city house for comfort. "On tho fnrm Is tho bast rofugo for you in time, of iincu'inlntles and panics nnd freedom from the, tnxntlon nnd regulation of tho city. "On tho farm Is tho propor place to solvn tho problem of tho high cost of living do with loss, or, do with out.-' Clean up and paint up. wards. Adv. Soo Ed SIGNS FOR SALE. "Por Rent." "Kor Snln." "Mni to Let", "IlniiM'lt'iii(c Rooms," "No Admittance," ".o Smoking," etc., etc., Placards printed In largo typo on heavy IiiInIoI board, 1.1 rcnti eni.li, less In iimitlllcN, MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND, May 20. The receipts for tho week have been: Cattlo 941, calves -H, hogs 11770. Bheop 31Sfi. Tho cnttlo run was light this week and tho offerings wore mostly of tho lightweight well finish ed class. Hay feds brought n good quarter moro than wns paid Inst week. Pulp feds sold for S.20, the top prlco for tho season llrj feds $7.(55 to $7.90; cows 0 to $0.50. Prices wont up another notch In tho hog division. Choice light hogs sold for $8.25 down 10 cents near the close of tho week. Demand good and market strong. Tho recolptH In tho sheep ccctlon continue to bo lliiernl. Lambs did not bring ns good prices as wore paid tho previous weok, drop. ping rrom ss.ou to ss.ao for llrst class stuff. Samo lambs sold off cars to $8. GO. Ewes nro uotcd at $r.2G to $5.75; yearlings $7 to $7.25. Our ".Illiiey" Offer Tills nnd fie. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip. Fraternal Societies I. O. O. 1 Ilcnd Lodgo No. 218. Rcgulnr mooting every Mon day night nt 8 o'clock In Sath or'8 Hall. Visiting brotliou cordially wclcomo. L. II. GLESS, N. G. GEO. P. GOVE, Socrctnry. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It Is n fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It Is comfortable, couuuodlntiH, clenn- ROOMS PROM no CENTS UP Tho vwuits of all nro satlslled well at THE WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL --"- Headquarters for Cnmnierclnl Men Electric Lighted Throughout THE BEND HOTEL HUGH O'KANE, MANACtmi BEND, OREGON Good Rooms Free bus to nnd from trains iSMERirr DOM'T ARREST THE U. k iuhi MMOC OUOOtL (rlMMIC DIDrfT MEAM10 3Tr.M.-HEj f . I MIGHT TA.WE1 C THC OCPUTy JHCRII-P DOCSNT BELIEVE IN TAftlHa CHAUCCS)1 TT'S different, its better and you will like it better. Use up half a pouch of "Right-Cut" nnd you'll know you've got the Real Tobacco Chew. It gives you the fine, rich, satisfying taste of real tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough. And the taste comes naturally, because 'Right-Cut" is a ready chew. All you have to do is to tuck away a small chew and enjoy it right from the start. Y5b tobacco taite comet, how it utltfic without drindinit, how much leu you havo to spit, how lew chews ou luke to he tobacco satisfied. That ' why It Is Tht Ktal Titutta Ckiw. Dial's why it costs less In tho end. It Ii rc.Jy chew, cut 6n tail .horl thrcj io ih.t wi won't h.v. lo fnad oa II Hllh uur Ucib, Uriniliul .a wdiiury t.ujicj lutiMca lo.kcs you .pit too mudi. Tb. l.il. of part, rich lK.cci ).. not net J la h. cvfiJ up Miih wilum .ml Usoritc. Miiitcs box ll. s.ll trnuf oul lb. nth lub.ccu lint lu "Idibi-Cul." One email chew takes the place of two biy chews of the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY BO Union Square, Now York (buy from dealer orseno io5Tampstous3 oncloso with flvo cents to Foloy & Co , Chicago, 111., writing your na im nnd address rleaily. You will rc celvo In return a trial pnekngo eon-, tnlnlng Foley's Honey nnd Tar Com. pound, for coughs, colds nnd croup, Foloy Kidney rills, nnd Foley Cath artic Tablets. Pattcmcn Drug Co, - Adv. POffrLAMP, OXC6W ROSE FESTIVAL ,11'Xi: I). 10-11. The City will Im full of pleamiie n'ohi'i-i. Kcmtiu jour looms iimr, Till In tltu most cointnodloiiN lintel In Portland. Special entertain, nifiit provided for kupMm. RATES TO YOU fit) ItooniM .... ,$ on 1110 Rooms Midi Imtll. .SI..10 100 Rooms with bath. .$2.00 U00 Largo nutnlilo moms, ,,",l 1!.00 I.Miii perxni In KKHII, IS t. 0(1 additional - -- ----- Special Attention to Trnuslcnt Travel Good Meals All nrrnngenicnts msdo for persons desiring to go south nnd east of hero f .. TVo a very (mall cliew-leu than one-quarter flio eld tlze, It will be more tuliilyinj tlian umiiiillilul of ordinary tobacco, Jmt nibble on it unlit you find the strength chew that mitt )ou, Tuck it away. Then let it rcil. See how ciuilv and cvenlv llm rt-al t K s ONE CENT A WORD IS ALL A LITTLE WANT AD WILL COST YOU. l 3