The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 26, 1915, Image 1

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    meMmemMLe! KHNSKtRr TBfTJNJtwW?!aiIHWMW7' ?&!& x
Vol. XIII.
XO. 12.
rwbijura:T,s. carmen. irI
Town Raises Over Seven Thousand
Dollars To Purchnso Itlvcr Front
Property Wanted by Company
Contracts Will Now Ho Let.
Citizens and business firms of
Bend, within tlio last 24 hours havo
subscribed $7,044 In ortlor to provide
The Shevlln-Hlxon Company with
property along the river front wanted
in connection with their mill opera
tions. The acquisition of this prop
erty removes tho last obstaclo to im
mediate progress with tho building
and contracts are to bo let at onco
and the work pushed as fiiBt ns pos
sible. Monday morning tho clearing of
tho mill slto was begun by Anno
Brothers, who havo tho contract for
the work. Tho first unit will Includo
fd acres to which more will bo ad
ded as necessity demands. For tho
prosent only a few men will bo em
ployed slnco tho actual construction
must await tho completion of tho
railway spnr nnd bridge over which
nil material will bo delivered on the
Tho franchlso for tho spur to tho
Oregon Trunk will bo finally passed
by tho city council on Saturday but
t Is posslblo that n crow will bo Ecnt
i ,1y the railroad before that tlmo, tho
4; -contract for tho spur calling for its
J construction within CO days. Deeds
1o T. h. Shevlln from W. II. Stoats
and Tho Bond Company covorlng tho
Tallroad right of way woro recorded
In Prlncvlllo on Friday. Transfers
to the Oregon Trunk will bo mado by
Air. Shovlln.
Company Incorporated.
Paul V, Eames, assistant secretary
of tho Shovlln, Carpenter & Clarko
Co., of Minneapolis, who arrlvod
nhout two wooks ago to assist in tho
dotnlls of final arrangements was In
Salem last wcok whore, It Is under
stood, ho filed tho Incorporation pa
pers of Tho Bhovlln-HUfpn Manufac
turing Co.
Mr. Kara os spent -flViesdax bore on
Ills way back to Minneapolis and dur
ing tho day authorized tho stutoment
that contracts for tho company s
mill machinery, logging cars and lo--comotlves
would be lot at once. Dion
-& Ilorstkotto of Minneapolis will
draw plans for tho saw mill and havo
the supervision of its erection. Work
on tho daiw will begin not later than
Monday, according to Mr. Earnes.
, It Is not tho company's purposo to
linvo any of Its property on tho west
sldo of tho rlvor used for building
purposes, tho acreago involved hav
ing been purchased solely for Its null,
yard and box factory, and to on&blo
It to protoct Itself against fire dan
ger. Arrangements have beon com
pleted to connect tho road way ovor
tho dam with a street leading Into
town, thoroby giving, access to the
Subscription Is Taken.
Tho subscription for tho purchase
of tho rlvor property wanted by tho
-company was taken following a
largely nttended council mooting at
.(Continued on last page.)
Even though you might never have
a fire or tliieves enter your home, a
paper mislaid isoften times lost just
as irretrievably as if it had been
burned or stolen.
When your valuable papers are in
our vault you KNOW where they
are and you KNOW they are 'safe.
You can lease a steel box in our
vault with a non-pickable Yale
lock big enough to contain, all
your private papers, for $2 a year
Can you afford to be without this
The Deschutes State
Commissioner, of General Idind Ofllce
Recommend Action on 11,000
Acres of Crook County Land.
(Spoclal to Tho Uulletin.)
SALEM, May 24. That tho com
missioner of the General Land Ofuco
of tho Department of tho Interior
lias recommended for patent oomo
11,000 acres of Crook county Irrl
gated land Is the welcome nows re
colvod by Secretary of State Olcott
from tho Washington offlco of Son
ator Harry Lane. Tho land Is em
braced In patent lists six and eight,
ono of which has been pending since
1908, the other slnco 1912.'
Of tho area which now shortly will
be patented moro than 5000 acres
lies within six miles of Hend, Imme
diately to the northeast, under list
number eight.' That embraces 4,509
acres which already havo beon sold,
and 800 acres unsold. A largo por
tion of tho acreago Is under cultiva
tion or Improved. Tho balance of tho
land under list 8, lies cast of Red
mond. This means that tho land ownors
who havo compiled with tho neces
sary requirements now will recoivo
tltlo to their tracts, and It will sim
plify greatly the making of transfers
and, especially, securing loans on tho
Innds. In the past It has been dif
ficult to rnlao money because lenders
hesitated to placo loans before tho
tltlo of tho acreage involved was dofl
nftoly cleared up. Tho granting of
tltlo Is expected to prove a consid
erable Btlmulus to development, ns
now money for improvement work,
will be moro easily secured.
List number olght Includes land In
tho following sections: T. 17, 8. It.
12 E: Sections 17. 18, 19, 20 nnd 30;
T. 17 S. It. 12 E.: Sections 23, 24,
25, 2C nnd 30.
T. L. Jolly, editor of tho Crescent
Nows, arrived In town on a business
trip Monday afternoon, leaving on
his return yestordny. Mr. Jolly re
ported that tho road on tho south
sldo of Lavn Dutto was in better
shape than any other Bcctlon botwoon
Bend and Crescent. All tho rocks
havo beon romoved and tho scraper
has filled In tho ruts. Mr. Jolly said
that the officials who woro respons
ible for tho work should bo congrat
A booklet of ovor 125 pages con
taining vlows of tho dlfforont school
houses in the county arid many
scenes showing its divorso occupa
tions an(L,lntero8ts has lust beon Is-1
euod by tho county through'tho ofllco'j
of County Superintendent Myers, ru
plls in tho schools are to bo glvon
copies and thoy are on solo to tho
general public at 25 cents each.
Memorial Day to Ho Observed by
' Serviced in Local Churches.
Memorial Day In Bend will bo ob
served this year on both Sunday,
May 30 and Monday, May 31: On
Sunday special services will bo con
ducted at tho Presbyterian church as
announced elsewhere- In this paper,
whllo on Monday morning thoro will
bo services at tho UaptUit church at
tended by membors of tho G. A. U.
Preceding tho Monday services tho
band and the old soldiers will meet In
front of tho council room on Wall
street to march to tho church. Vot
orans from Tumalo will Join tho Bend
mon In tho parado, and any members
of tho Sons of VotoranB or of tno
Spanish volunteers aro Invited to
take part also.
Desert Land Hoard to Inspect Tiuunlo
Project on Juno 2.T To Ho Entct
tnljicd In llcnil Governor Will
1 Go to KlnimitH From Hero.
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
SALEM , May 25. On Friday,
Juno 26, tho Tumalo project and
Bend will becomo tho temporary cap
ital of Oregon, for most of tho im
portant stato officials will bo there.
Today tho Desert Land Board enter
ed an ordor for official Inspection of
tho Tumalo Project, and tho officials
will loavo hero Thursday night and
bo In Bend Friday morning.
Oovornor Wlthycombo on this trip
will pay hlB first ofllclal visit to Cen
tral Orogon. With him will bo State
Treasurer Kay, Secretary of Stato Ol
cott, Attorney Genera: Brown, and
Stato Englneor Lowls. Tho Gover
nor's Secretary, O. P. Putnam, will
accompany tho party. A tcntntlvo
Invitation has been accepted from
Manager Wallnco of tho project for
lunch at Tumalo, and It is understood
there will bo a bniniuot at Bend In
tho evening,
From Bend, Governor Wlthycombo
will go south to Klamath Falls tho
following morning, nB a guest of
Itopresontntlvo Wcsloy O. Smith. It
Is understood othor membors of tho
board will return to Salom on tho
Friday night train.
Othor business transacted by the
Desert Land Board at today's meet
ing Included ordering an oxtonBlve In
spection of tho Morson project at La
Pino at onco. J. L. McCalltater was
solcctod for tho work. Tho contract
between tho Stato and Fodoral gov
ernment expires October first and tho
results of this examination will prob
ably determine futuro action.
A. 8. Nlchol Does Not Survive Opera
tion for Appendicitis in Portland.
(Tho Orogonian.)
Archto S. Nlchol, nn englneor, who
waB In charge of tho construction of
the Tumalo dam on tho Tumalo pro
Joct, which was built by tho Stato of
Oregon during 1913 and 1914, died
Thursday morning nt St. Vlncont's
Hospital aB tho result of an operation
for appendicitis. Previously to tho
Tumalo project ho had boon employ
ed on tho Umntllla project by the
United States Reclamation Service.
Mr. Nlchol was about 30 years old
and was grnduatcod from nn oastcrn
university, but had spent tho last 3
or 10 years in the west.
Ho was a mombor of tho Bond
ILodgo of Masons. Tho funeral ar
rangements aro in tho hands of local
Masons, who will conduct tho ser
vices from tho Holman parlors Sat
urday afternoon. Mr. Nlchol loaves
a widow, one son 7 years old and a
mother In Pennsylvania.
Grass Catchers
Hose and Nozzles
Deep Well Supplies
Farming Implements
Bend Hardware Co.
The Company that put the "Wniir" In Hnrdwaro
Bill TO
High School Uveitises to He Held To
morrow Eenlng at Presbyterian
Church Lloyd Kclley to Deliver
Orntlon-Hovcu Pupils In Class
Tho graduating exorcises of tho
senior class of tho Bend high school
will bo held nt tho Presbyterian
church tomorrow night nt 8 o'clock.
Tho address to tho class will bo glvon
by President J. H. Ackorman of tho
Orogon State Normal School at Mon
mouth. Tho orntlon will bo delivered
by Lloyd Kolloy on tho subject, "Sec
tionalism In the United States."
Tho program- for tho evening Is as
Piano solo Ruth Cnldwoll
"Vnlso Cnprlco" Nowland
Oration Lloyd Kolloy
"Sectionalism In tho United States"
Violin Solo Ilobort Inncs
"Sorenado" Ernst.
Chorus Girls' Olco Club
n. "A Fairyland Waltz" Voazlo.
b. "Moonlight Meadows" Czlbulkn.
Address Prof. J. II. Ackorman
Chorus Girls' Qlco Club
"Lullaby" BrahmB.
Presentation of Diplomas
Mr. C. M. McKay
Bonodictlon Audlonco Standing
At tho Presbyterian church Sunday
ovonlng Rov. E. G. Judd pronchod
tho sermon to tho members of tho
class and tholr friends. In spite of
tho stormy weather a largo audlonco
wns prosont.
The graduates aro: I.oRoy School
or Fox, Hazel Ordolla Thorson, Ar
thur O. Van do Vort, Lloyd II. Kol
ley, Ilobort Kearney Inties, Iluth
Florenco Caldwell. Hugh MacKayo
Thompson. Mrs. V. A. Forbes nnd
MIsb Oraco Vandovort aro giving a
dnnner party for tho seniors tonight
at tho homo of Mrs. Forbes In Wies
Through n mlsunda rstnndlng
among tho organizers of tho Bond
ball team tho meeting which was to
havo boon hold on Friday night nt
tho Commorclal Club rooms did not
materialize. Howovor on Sunday at
two o'clock all playors and othora in
terested In tho forming of tho tonm,
nro requcstod to moot at tho Com
mercial Club rooms to elect a mana
ger and captain and attond to othor
natters. After tho meeting thoso
who expect to try out for tho team
will go to tho ball grounds and hold
tho first prnctlco of tho year.
Tho Oregoninn notes Mint Goorgo
Palmer Putnam, owner of Tho Bond
Bulletin and now secretary to Gov
ernor Wlthycombo, wns honorod nt
Eugono last wcok by being made
Mionornry mombor of Sigma Delta
Chi, tho national Journalistic frater
nity. Putnam wns tho only ono of
tho six nowspnper mon taken In who
was not n gradunto of tho Unlvorslty
of Oregon.
Redmond and Prinevllle Papers
Claim l'lrst Place for Homo Teams
Other Places In Dispute.
Who won tho county track and
field meet hold In Redmond on Sat
urday, May 157 This slmplo ques
tion, which any spectator at tho meet
should havo beon nblo to answer ns
soon us tho last event was run off,
seems to be about to tnko its place
with tho historic Interrogations con
cerning tho ago of Ann and ns to tho
tho nnmo of tho IndlvldunI who laid
hands on Billy Pnttorson.
In Its Issue following tho moot Tho
Bullotln, on good authority, reported
that tho county high school of Prlnc
vlllo wns tho winner of tho most
points, with Redmond socond nnd
Bend third. In vlow of whnt follow
ed In othor county papers victory
might as well havo been claimed for
tho homo tonm as to havo placod It
in a modest third placo, but truth
seemed moro desirable.
This feeling, howovor, neoms not
to bo gonornl for on Thursday tho
Redmond Spokesman appeared clnlnv
Ing first plnco for Redmond, second
for Prlncvlllo and third for Mndrns.
In tho Redmond account Bond wns
given fourth plnco nnd Culver fifth
This did not BUlt tho Culvor Trlbuno
so when It reported tho moot It gnvo
Prlnovlllo first, Redmond Bccond nnd
Culvor third.
Othor papers did not ontor tho con
test with tho snnio degree of activity
ns thoso of Redmond nnd Culvor, tho
Madras Ploneor making no mention
of tho winner of tho meet nnd tho
Crook County Journnl reporting on
ly that tho county high school wns
tho wln-ier. In this tho Prlnovlllo
Nows followed suit.
Tho question now romnlns, "Who
won tho meot?"
Committee Making All Preparations
for a Successful Chautauqua Hero.
Plans for tho Bend Chnutaunua to
bo hold horo for six days boglnnlng
July 2 aro being worked out nnd
thoro Is now ovory Indication that
tho ovont will bo moat successful.
Tho local committee is holding fro
quent mootlngB nnd making nil pre
liminary arrangomonts to lighten tho
work of preparing for tho affair.
It Is oxpoctod that largo numhora
will nttend tho Chnutaunua from tho
neighboring towns, dologntlons nl-
olrcady bolng assured from Prlno
vlllo. Sisters, iLa Pino, Tumalo and
Terrebonne An offort Is bolng mndo
to obtain Bpeclnl rates on both rail
roads for tho wook nnd possibly tho
rates will oxtend to points outslilo of
Central Oregon, thus giving pooplo
Interested In tho dnvolopmont work
born n chnnco to como horo nt tho
R. T, Murphy, representing tho
Chnutnuqun nmnngemont, spent Mon
day In Bond going ovor mattors with
tho committee and calling on tho
guarantors. Ho nlso gnvo talks to
clnxsoB nt tho high school and tlio
Reld school. Tlckotsfor tho Chau
tauqua will Iw on sale about n wcok
boforu tho event.
Still moro now mnchlnorv has beon
orderod for tho Now Bond Flour Mill,
this tlmo to mnko It poshIIiIo to add a
new lino to tho products of tho mill.
This lino Is pnu enko flour nnd tho
machinery for Its mnnufneturo In ox
poctod to bu Instnllod tho first of tho
njy tjw f xt
The First National Bank
U. C COK, President E. A. HATIIKK. Vloo. President
C. H. HUDSON, Cushler
Capital fully mild . - - t'Jft.OOO
Hurplu . mS.OOO
"" " ! ! 1 I f
Are you going
to the Fair?
If you are, obtain a supply of our
May bo cashod at Banks or Ho
tels without discount or identification.
V. C. C'ok E. A. Hatiikh ''. H. Hudson
O. M. I'ATTBIiaoN II. v
Rainbow Eggs From Odcll and Davis,
LuUe.s Brought in Yesterday
Moro to Como Later Lloyd Wil
son of HonUQvllle In Charge
Tho Bend stato fish hatchory Is
now In oporatlon. Tho hatchory Is
completed oxcopt for n fow finishing
touches nnd tho first oggs woro plac
ed In tho troughs yostorday morning.
In about four wcok a tho young tro'ut
will bo hatched and roady to bo mov
ed to tho pools In which tholr noxW
stngo of development will tuko plnco.
Tho hatchory Is slluntud nt tho up
por end of tho Slsomoro placo at a
point whoro tho old Irrigation ditch
Is best nvnllablo to supply water for
tho troughs In which tho eggs nro
hatched. Tlio ditch has boon clunnod
out for tho purposo and a wing dam
thrown out nt its upper end to turn
moro wntor In.
Tho hatchory Itself Is a long build
ing open on nit Bides with n roof to
provldo sholtor for tho egg troughs,
boncnth, Tho trout oggs nro hold In'
trays In theso troughs and frcah
water kept running over them from a
llumo from1 Mm ditch across ono side
of tho building.
Expert In Chnrgo.
Lloyd Wilson, on oxport from tho
stnto hntchory at Bonnovllln, nrrlvod
Saturday night to havo chnrgo of tho
egg hatching, nnd will remain until
tho fish nro rendy for relonso In tho
rlvor, Tho oggs now bolng hatchod.
150,000 In nil, Mr. Wilson brought In
from Davis and Odell lakes whoro
ogg collecting stntlons aro maintain
ed by tho state. A number moro
brought In by him havo boon sont to
Bonnovllle. Moro eggs will como In
lntor from theso lakes nnd also from
Cultns, tho tptnl capnolty of tho
local plant bolng 500,000.
According to present plans thoro
will bo a million and a half orkb
hatchod hero this year, tho plant tak
ing Its capacity of minnow trout this
spring nnd lator having shipments of
brook trout eggs fromt ho enct. Theso
fish, when released In tho lakes and
Btroams of Central Oregon, will bu
Insurance of good fishing for Homo
It Is Mm expectation of thoso in
chnrgo of tho hatchery to mnko it a
desirable placo to vIbU. Tho location
Is already endowed with uuuminl
natural beauty and with only Blight
oxtra work can bo mode a moBt nt
tractlvo spot.
Tho chief busliinss to coma baforn
tho Commercial Club on Snturday
wiib In connection with tho move
ment to provldo a rest room an re
ported olsowhoro In this papor. Oth
er buslnosH discussed wnit tlio propos
ed folr ground nnd tho coming city
election. Tho club declined to tnko
any nctlon on tho proposnl to rhnngo
tho nnmo of tho Mllllcan post oirtco.
Short talks wero mndo by It. '.,
Davis, of (list, mid by N. H. Elliott,
of Torrebonno. The nnxt lunchuon
will bo held nt the Pilot Butto.
' K